Lock It Up! Support Thread (Sisterlocs, Dreads, Freeform, Etc)

Welp, I called it. My Aunt has been quizzing me about my hair choice all year. I prefer “locs” or “sisterlocks” to “dreads” and I’ve told her that. Tonight’s family gathering for Christmas and my aunt starts asking questions about my hair.
Auntie: you have dreads now?
Me: no, sisterlocks.
Auntie: looks like tiny dreads to me.
Me: nope, tiny locs
Auntie: same thing :look:
Me: :rolleyes:
Auntie 1 hour later: oh I see....those are braids with curls on the end.
Me: :(

We have had this same conversation the last 3 times we’ve seen each other. It’s annoying because my mother has had her sisterlocks for 7 years, her daughter has been wearing her sisterlocks for the last 6 years. The first time I told my aunt about my sisterlocks she told me not to do it because my loose natural hair was so long and thick. That was 10 months ago. I’ve seen her for all the family gatherings since then. I really believe she is being annoying on purpose. Last time she said my coils looked like a Jheri curl. o_O

At this point it's clear the issue is with her not with you. I would just change the topic anytime she brings up anything hair related. It's clear you won't change her mind. You COULD tell her that you won't be discussing anything hair related with her or just do what I do and deflect and change the topic. Instead of trying to change her mind just accept that she is who she is and her issues are hers to deal with.
I attempted to start DS 1's locks earlier this morning. He let me spray his hair to moisten it but as soon as I tried to put the comb through to part the first row, all bets were off. I tried redirecting him to the table several times. Still a no go.

I will have to resort to plan B. If that doesn't work, then he will just be getting a haircut.
@prettywhitty this is the post I was referring to earlier. Did you see it?


I am also including this post because it is also relevant and the same question you asked not too long ago.

Ok that helps a lot! I’ve been watching several interlocking vids on YouTube. I liked what you said a few posts back about making sure your parts are precise when you retighten.
Within a month I have loads of new growth! And if I’m being completely honest I’m nervous to do it. But I’m too lazy to take these twists down. I have 191 of them and I find the part closest to the root is already locing some. I have some shrinkage and twists are swelling a bit.
If I do this I was going to use Aloe Vera gel for hold. Would that work well?
Ok that helps a lot! I’ve been watching several interlocking vids on YouTube. I liked what you said a few posts back about making sure your parts are precise when you retighten.
Within a month I have loads of new growth! And if I’m being completely honest I’m nervous to do it. But I’m too lazy to take these twists down. I have 191 of them and I find the part closest to the root is already locing some. I have some shrinkage and twists are swelling a bit.
If I do this I was going to use Aloe Vera gel for hold. Would that work well?

You don't need any product when interlocking. That's also one of the main reasons I chose it as my method of maintenance. I didn't want to use products and have to constantly worry about product build up.

To interlock, all you really need is the tool/tools you plan on using. I have seen several videos of women on YouTube using things like edge control or gel to style their locks if it warrants it, but I don't think either of them interlock to maintain. I could be wrong, though.

And yay for new growth!!! Don't be nervous; IMO it's overwhelming at first but once you get the hang of it, it's fine! And I did tell you that they would start locking fast. You must have thought I was joking. :lachen:

Just keep watching as many videos as you feel you need to, and once you think you're ready, go ahead and start retightening. You may find that you have to coax yourself into it. At least that's how I was the first time I retightened my SLs.

What helped me was to take it one lock at a time. Once I finished retightening one lock, it gave me the confidence to continue on to the next one and so on. Before I knew it, I had one row done, then I would section off another row and take a lock out of the row to retighten. So it helps to envision it in baby steps, because it's already overwhelming learning a new skill and then to add in the pressures of feeling like you have to get it perfect on your first try AND you have to retighten your whole head can be too much.

The other thing I will say is to try to do it when you have plenty of time and can finish most or all of it at one time. It's highly unlikely that you will finish all at one time, especially just learning. I said all that to say don't do it when you have somewhere to go or be at a certain time. If you don't finish, you can always disguise it with scarves or headwraps, etc.

For me, that's why I always work in even sections and rows when I retighten because that makes it easier to style if I don't finish all at one time and it's also easy to see where I need to pick back up.

Also, don't force yourself to finish or keep going when you're tired. Allow yourself to come to a stopping point and resume in a few hours or the next day. You will definitely make mistakes in that situation and you need the energy, mental clarity and focus. Celebrate your wins and what you accomplished, even if you only retightened one or two locks.

Remember that you are learning, and you will make mistakes and you might even second-guess yourself but it's all a part of learning. Trust yourself and your abilities and you'll be fine.

If you have any other questions I can answer, just let me know! I'm glad to help.
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I think I have hit an ugly wall. Today I did my usual get up, cover my hair in the shower, remove my shower cap and bonnet (slept in it as usual) and got the heck outta here to work. It was only when I took a good look in the mirror that I realized I looked like I should have worked from home today. It was fuzzy as the scalp and just overall unkempt looking. It was really bad. So bad I did a shampoo and retwist a week and 3 days early—I’m under my dryer right now. It really made me sad.
I think I have hit an ugly wall. Today I did my usual get up, cover my hair in the shower, remove my shower cap and bonnet (slept in it as usual) and got the heck outta here to work. It was only when I took a good look in the mirror that I realized I looked like I should have worked from home today. It was fuzzy as the scalp and just overall unkempt looking. It was really bad. So bad I did a shampoo and retwist a week and 3 days early—I’m under my dryer right now. It really made me sad.

Awwwwww.....I'm so sorry you weren't feeling at your best today. Tomorrow will be a better day. Before you put your bonnet on to go to bed, how do you prepare your hair? If you want your hair to lay down and appear neater with minimal frizz, you have to do a little more work at night. So if your hair is long enough, then put it in some low, loose ponytails and then tie a scarf around your hairline, making sure all of your hair is covered and the scarf is snug. Then put your bonnet on.

If your hair is not long enough, then use four loose ponytails, two on top and two on the bottom. If you don't want to sleep on ponytails or find that might be too uncomfortable, then use some hairpins to pin your locks down in a way that will allow them to stay stationary while you sleep, and put a scarf over that before you put the bonnet on. For extra security, if I were you I would tie another scarf around the bonnet that's on top. Bonnets are notorious for sliding off in the middle of the night. The scarves are also helping to smooth your hair and lay the frizz down while you sleep.

Since you keep your hair covered in the shower, your locks won't have time to frizz up again unless it is rainy and/or humid where you are in the morning. If you are able, wear all those things out of the house until you get to your job and then take your hair down and fluff it up or style it before you go in.

If you are not able, then just make the hair the last thing you do before you leave the house so your hair can stay as smooth as possible until you get to your destination.
Awwwwww.....I'm so sorry you weren't feeling at your best today. Tomorrow will be a better day. Before you put your bonnet on to go to bed, how do you prepare your hair? If you want your hair to lay down and appear neater with minimal frizz, you have to do a little more work at night. So if your hair is long enough, then put it in some low, loose ponytails and then tie a scarf around your hairline, making sure all of your hair is covered and the scarf is snug. Then put your bonnet on.

If your hair is not long enough, then use four loose ponytails, two on top and two on the bottom. If you don't want to sleep on ponytails or find that might be too uncomfortable, then use some hairpins to pin your locks down in a way that will allow them to stay stationary while you sleep, and put a scarf over that before you put the bonnet on. For extra security, if I were you I would tie another scarf around the bonnet that's on top. Bonnets are notorious for sliding off in the middle of the night. The scarves are also helping to smooth your hair and lay the frizz down while you sleep.

Since you keep your hair covered in the shower, your locks won't have time to frizz up again unless it is rainy and/or humid where you are in the morning. If you are able, wear all those things out of the house until you get to your job and then take your hair down and fluff it up or style it before you go in.

If you are not able, then just make the hair the last thing you do before you leave the house so your hair can stay as smooth as possible until you get to your destination.
Thanks @shortycocoa. Oddly enough, I decided to tie my hair down with a scarf and then cover with a bonnet and didntvsee your message until after. I was feeling kind of silly too until I read your message. I sleep like a wild woman so I have a satin pillowcase, too. Today was just a really bad hair day. You’re always so positive and encouraging. Thank you.
Thanks @shortycocoa. Oddly enough, I decided to tie my hair down with a scarf and then cover with a bonnet and didntvsee your message until after. I was feeling kind of silly too until I read your message. I sleep like a wild woman so I have a satin pillowcase, too. Today was just a really bad hair day. You’re always so positive and encouraging. Thank you.

Anytime! I don't want to get too ahead of myself, but it sounds like it worked...I'll wait for you to come back in and update us. Some days you're not going to feel great about your hair and you have owned that it was a bad hair day but please don't call yourself ugly. Don't be your worst enemy...there are so many people against us already. Make that bad hair day fly! We are "Cleva," remember? ;)

On Christmas Day I was attempting a new style and it was a mess...and I owned it and acknowledged that it was a mess, but you know what? I congratulated my effort, took it down and tried a different style and crushed it. :lachen: And in the meantime, I'll just keep practicing the initial style until I get it right. If it still doesn't come out the way I think it should, then and only then will I accept that my hair just doesn't want to do that.

Yesterday I also had a certain style in mind but it also came out totally different than what I envisioned and I LOVED it. I almost didn't want to take it down, but I did. I never sleep in styles, (except for the ponytails I put in and that doesn't really count) I don't know why. That might change later on, especially if I elevate to being able to do those highly elaborate styles I see on social media and YouTube, but for now I take all my simple styles down before bed.
My "Harpo, who dis woman!" post of the day....I came across her channel yesterday. These braidlocks were EVERYTHING!!!! I said were because she took them down after 7 months. But now she is on a second set of locks that she started with comb coils.

RitaMay The Stylist braidlocks:

She. did. that.!!!!

6 month update:

Second journey with comb coils:

6 month update:

I love seeing how different 2 sets of locks started in different ways look on the same person.
I got the ball rolling on DS 1's locks. I had to resort to my plan B and it's going well. He just would not let me get a comb in his hair to part it and do what I needed to do.

So I'm using a washcloth to start his locks via the towel rub method. It's already coming together. I'm excited.

I'm taking a break for a little while because he started to get ansty and uncooperative. I'll resume in a couple of hours.
So I had my first retightening on Saturday! I was only a month out and we had made the appointment the last time I went because I was going to get palm rolled but decided not to since I loved the interlocking so much. My next appointment is in 9 weeks. One thing she told me I have to work on is separating my locks better which I thought I was doing well but apparently not lol

I think I have hit an ugly wall. Today I did my usual get up, cover my hair in the shower, remove my shower cap and bonnet (slept in it as usual) and got the heck outta here to work. It was only when I took a good look in the mirror that I realized I looked like I should have worked from home today. It was fuzzy as the scalp and just overall unkempt looking. It was really bad. So bad I did a shampoo and retwist a week and 3 days early—I’m under my dryer right now. It really made me sad.

My loctician told me that using a shower cap can cause too much moisture, swelling and frizz. So I don't use one. I just use a regular hair scarf even in the shower.

Almond Eyes
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i picked out one of my locs and it took an hour. i was delusional thinking i, of all people, could take down my locs. NOT happening.:lol: and that tiny piece of loose hair hair reminded me why i locked in the first place. i still want to start over but for now i'm just going to nurse them back to health and hope the feeling passes.
Hey y'all!! Hope everyone had a good holiday! So I'm pleased with how my hair is progressing but I have to admit that the frizz is making me sad lol. I can't wait until it calms down or disappears completely!!! Right now I feel like I'm walking around looking like someone who hasn't brushed their hair in like 5 months :lachen: I think I'm lost mad at myself because I feel like I caused it with the early washing and all the head scratching. Will they work themselves out or be frizzy forever??!
Hey y'all!! Hope everyone had a good holiday! So I'm pleased with how my hair is progressing but I have to admit that the frizz is making me sad lol. I can't wait until it calms down or disappears completely!!! Right now I feel like I'm walking around looking like someone who hasn't brushed their hair in like 5 months :lachen: I think I'm lost mad at myself because I feel like I caused it with the early washing and all the head scratching. Will they work themselves out or be frizzy forever??!

RELAX...just trust the process. The frizziness will disappear after a while.:lol: I think a lot of loc newbies get a little antsy and frustrated in the beginning stages. I think they compare their locs to those that have already matured. Starter locs aren’t perfect but it’s pretty cool to see them transform. You’ll even have one or several that may stand up like Alfalfa from Little Rascals from time to time :look: but that doesn’t last long.

My advice: don’t worry about your locs being “perfect”, that will happen in due time. I wore a lot of head wraps and/or large, colorful earrings when my locs became unruly and rebellious.
Hi ladies,

I'm newish locs. Just past the 2 year mark this week and my hair is fully locked.

I have traditional locs eighth average thickness.

My main issue is how to style my hair in between retwists as my hair gets really fuzzy around the hair line.

My hair is still short (just past neck) and I retwist it once a week myself. It doesn't last long at all. It may last for 4 days before it gets frizzy .

I know I shouldn't do it so often, but I want it to somewhat neat.
Hi ladies! How's everyone been doing? I haven't been able to respond to a lot of posts over the holiday break, especially with DS 1 being out of school and other things we had going on but I'm back now. I attempted to quote a few posts earlier this week but it didn't go through for some reason so I'll try again now.

@FlawedBeauty, @simplycee, @FemmeCreole ya'll better show up and show out!!!! Ya'lls hair is looking good!

So I had my first retightening on Saturday! I was only a month out and we had made the appointment the last time I went because I was going to get palm rolled but decided not to since I loved the interlocking so much. My next appointment is in 9 weeks. One thing she told me I have to work on is separating my locks better which I thought I was doing well but apparently not lol


Look at all those frizzy curlies! Yaaaaaaaaassssss!!!!! I'm glad you're enjoying interlocking. @The bolded, this is something you definitely have to be very meticulous about. Especially when you are going longer periods between retightenings. It's very easy for hairs to merge with other locks and for your parts to get messy and a lot harder to fix or sort out at each retightening.

What a difference a year can make, left side was last New Year Eve and the right is this year!

Alright now! Look at all that growth and progress....it's all the way up from here. What length are you aspiring to?

I had my first re-tight appointment on the 3rd. I'm still enjoying my hair...no regrets.

Look at how fast that time went by!!!! It seemed like you had just told us about your install and now you already had your first retightening. The time will definitely fly by and before you know it, your locks will be finished cooking.
Hey y'all!! Hope everyone had a good holiday! So I'm pleased with how my hair is progressing but I have to admit that the frizz is making me sad lol. I can't wait until it calms down or disappears completely!!! Right now I feel like I'm walking around looking like someone who hasn't brushed their hair in like 5 months :lachen: I think I'm lost mad at myself because I feel like I caused it with the early washing and all the head scratching. Will they work themselves out or be frizzy forever??!

Girl you are too funny!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Don't let that frizz make you sad! Embrace it, sis! Make it fly!!! If your head is frizzy that means your locks are forming, so you're on the right track. You didn't "cause" it, it would have happened whether you did early and frequent washing, etc. but you just accelerated the locking process and there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. Remember what I told you before. Your hair is not supposed to stay neat without a lot of manipulation or be neat during the locking process. It's going to get messy and it has to get messy in order for your locks to form.

But the next time you come in this kitchen you about to catch this switch....:spank: I ain't playing wit chu! :lachen: CHILL. OUT. The best is yet to come. Your locks are a masterpiece in the making. :artist2: :sneakyhug:

I was looking at my hair in the mirror one day either last week or week before last and I told that frizz "yaaaaaaaaaassssss Bihh! Come through and do your JOB honey!" :lachen: I'm especially excited about the ones in the front with the looser curl pattern that are taking longer to lock and for the two-strand twist pattern to disappear but they are well on their way now, though.

@Platinum gave you some great advice and said a lot of what I was going to say so I will just co-sign. The frizz will calm down but we have the hair type that will always have some frizz, especially when the hair is wet. Remember what I said about that upthread; it's also a lot calmer when the hair is fully dry or if you tie it down to minimize the frizz.

Of course, the further away I am from a retightening my new growth and frizz is so disrespectful but I style my hair in more up styles and use scarves to lay it down some and I wear my buffs or my big headbands made for locks that I buy from eBay. And of course you know I always accessorize and make it even more fly with jewelry, earrings or my beads.

Morgan Alexis had a video she posted the other day that gave me life!!! I have done some variation of these styles before and I actually tried to do a few of these styles the other day the same way she did, but my hair isn't long enough for some of them but I still made my hair do what it do and it worked out. I do want to treat myself to some larger scarves or material so I can experiment with headwrap styles more. Now I'm kicking myself for throwing away all the material I had about 10 years ago. I'll post the video here if you haven't seen it yet.:

Hi ladies,

I'm newish locs. Just past the 2 year mark this week and my hair is fully locked.

I have traditional locs eighth average thickness.

My main issue is how to style my hair in between retwists as my hair gets really fuzzy around the hair line.

My hair is still short (just past neck) and I retwist it once a week myself. It doesn't last long at all. It may last for 4 days before it gets frizzy .

I know I shouldn't do it so often, but I want it to somewhat neat.

@NefertariBlu congrats on making it to 2 years! I can't wait to see what my hair will look like at that point. But for now I'm just chugging along and patiently waiting for my locks to finish cooking.

Are you sure you want to be retwisting your hair that much? That's so close together. Have you tried interlocking? It would definitely help your hair stay neater longer. But if you're not into interlocking or just don't prefer it as your method of maintenance I understand that, too. You should definitely use some of the tips we mentioned to style your hair in between to tame and disguise the frizz. I'm sure the video I posted has a cute style you can try, and since you're 2 years in I know those styles will be poppin with the length you have.

Good luck!
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I think I’m breaking all of the starter loc rules. I really can’t go more than two weeks between washes and I look crazy if I sleep with something on my head or should I say crazier. I sleep on a satin pillowcase and that is that. The good news is that my hair is loced at the bottom where it was coiled. They are not mature yet but they don’t come undone even with a thorough shampoo and condition. I LOVE my locs!
Hey ladies , I haven’t been in here in a minute. So I came to check in.

You ladies have been busy with your locks and they all look great. I like most locks from freeform to Sisterlocks. I’ve had my Sisterlocks for over 2 years now in July I’ll make 3 years and I still feel it was the best hair decision I ever made.

No shade to anyone I appreciate everybody’s decision of what they want to achieve with their hair but in browsing through the rest of the hair forum with the products & different challenges I appreciate my locks even more. No more looking for the holy grail of products to make my hair do what it was never gonna do. Not knocking it cause I was there too. Trying to make my 4c hair grow. Trying to make my 4c hair softer, more manageable. I used the horse products and The Keratin treatments. I still have a drawer full of expensive blow dryers & flat irons and steamers. Now I see it’s the fermented rice water.

My Sisterlocks have made me lazy with my hair . I barely do anything with it and I have to remember to wash it more regularly and sometimes mist it with the herbal moisturizer. I did tell myself yesterday that I’m going to curl it more often cause my locks are longer now at what I call an uncomfortable length because it’s starting to get caught up in things around my neck.

Oh, I don’t know how to do a link but my Niece has freeform locks. She’s traveling and in South Africa now but she has a YouTube channel discussing her travels and she just posted a video about her freeform locks . She is under The Queen PO.

@shortycocoa .. I checked out that vid you linked with your consultant flat ironing her Sisterlocks. She has patience . I couldn’t imagine doing that unless for a very special occasion. It looked very pretty though in the end. Did she say she’s retired now?
Hey ladies , I haven’t been in here in a minute. So I came to check in.

You ladies have been busy with your locks and they all look great. I like most locks from freeform to Sisterlocks. I’ve had my Sisterlocks for over 2 years now in July I’ll make 3 years and I still feel it was the best hair decision I ever made.

No shade to anyone I appreciate everybody’s decision of what they want to achieve with their hair but in browsing through the rest of the hair forum with the products & different challenges I appreciate my locks even more. No more looking for the holy grail of products to make my hair do what it was never gonna do. Not knocking it cause I was there too. Trying to make my 4c hair grow. Trying to make my 4c hair softer, more manageable. I used the horse products and The Keratin treatments. I still have a drawer full of expensive blow dryers & flat irons and steamers. Now I see it’s the fermented rice water.

My Sisterlocks have made me lazy with my hair . I barely do anything with it and I have to remember to wash it more regularly and sometimes mist it with the herbal moisturizer. I did tell myself yesterday that I’m going to curl it more often cause my locks are longer now at what I call an uncomfortable length because it’s starting to get caught up in things around my neck.

Oh, I don’t know how to do a link but my Niece has freeform locks. She’s traveling and in South Africa now but she has a YouTube channel discussing her travels and she just posted a video about her freeform locks . She is under The Queen PO.

@shortycocoa .. I checked out that vid you linked with your consultant flat ironing her Sisterlocks. She has patience . I couldn’t imagine doing that unless for a very special occasion. It looked very pretty though in the end. Did she say she’s retired now?

I know what you mean! I almost wanted to keep going a few more weeks and not retighten my locks last week. :lachen: But I'm glad I didn't....I had to put in work!

@ the bolded....I will have to check out her channel. I have been watching more freeform lock videos lately, especially since I started DS 1's locks. My consultant was retired at the time she did that video. She has since went back to doing Sisterlocks and natural hair, though.
Well I’m over here in shock that roots intermarry if ignored too long. :lachen:
I’ve actuall gone through and made a few twists smaller to ensure equal future locs throughout. I interlocked a few in the front, more for practice. I’ll sit and do more tomorrow. Interlocking makes this feel more real if that makes sense. I hope everyone is having a wonderful 2019 so far.