Hair Weave Killer
Your hair is looking good!!
Thank you! I've been having a rough couple of days. Yesterday I couldn't stop looking at my hair in the sunlight. I would have taken some pics, but I was in a Lyft and I didn't know how my driver would have felt about that or felt some type of way about me doing that.

Well, I couldn't do that either. I accidentally left my phone in the driver's car. (facepalm)....I was completely panic stricken after I realized it must have been in his car. But he did return it to me yesterday evening, and now all is well.

I didn't go outside today because I spent the better part of the morning and afternoon preparing my plant-based Thanksgiving dinner. I will try to go outside tomorrow and take some pics of my hair in direct sunlight.
No way really?!?! I had no idea that was her mom!!
Me neither....I was watching some of her videos the other day after I found out. I haven't even made it to her hair videos but I was admiring her locks in the lifestyle videos I saw.
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