Lock It Up! Support Thread (Sisterlocs, Dreads, Freeform, Etc)

My appointment has been set!!! I go in for my consult on 11/28 and then the loc session (I don't know what to call it, lol) the next day. I'm super excited and a little nervous. I hope I like the loctician. She was super booked. I washed my hair yesterday and put my hair in chunky twists w/ some KCNT conditioner; under a wig.

My mom REALLY does not want me to get locs; but I don't care! this is something I've wanted since I was 15 (I'm 35 now) and I was too chicken to get it then but I'm ready now
My appointment has been set!!! I go in for my consult on 11/28 and then the loc session (I don't know what to call it, lol) the next day. I'm super excited and a little nervous. I hope I like the loctician. She was super booked. I washed my hair yesterday and put my hair in chunky twists w/ some KCNT conditioner; under a wig.

My mom REALLY does not want me to get locs; but I don't care! this is something I've wanted since I was 15 (I'm 35 now) and I was too chicken to get it then but I'm ready now

Alright now! Have a good consultation and install. You don't have long to wait. Does the loctician have a website with a photo gallery or a portfolio that you can see before you go in? Any reviews you can read of her work from other clients? Her being super booked might be a good thing, but just make sure that she's not one of those locticians that are super booked and will rush through your head to make up time, bump you for other clients or give you subpar service just to clear her book for the day.

Don't worry about your mom. She will be ok. You have the right attitude....I'm glad you are finally able to get the locks you always wanted. Once you're on your journey, I wouldn't be surprised if she (or others in your circle) end up wanting locks after they see yours and see how your hair is flourishing with it.
Alright now! Have a good consultation and install. You don't have long to wait. Does the loctician have a website with a photo gallery or a portfolio that you can see before you go in? Any reviews you can read of her work from other clients? Her being super booked might be a good thing, but just make sure that she's not one of those locticians that are super booked and will rush through your head to make up time, bump you for other clients or give you subpar service just to clear her book for the day.

Don't worry about your mom. She will be ok. You have the right attitude....I'm glad you are finally able to get the locks you always wanted. Once you're on your journey, I wouldn't be surprised if she (or others in your circle) end up wanting locks after they see yours and see how your hair is flourishing with it.

I'll be honest, I never heard of the salon but I was looking for another salon than the one I had originally chosen. I was going to go to this place called duafe; which is very well known in philly, but it was just too far and I wasn't getting good vibes. So I just did a googled search and this one popped up. They have a IG account and I reviewed the loctician starting someone's locs and I liked what I saw.
I'll be honest, I never heard of the salon but I was looking for another salon than the one I had originally chosen. I was going to go to this place called duafe; which is very well known in philly, but it was just too far and I wasn't getting good vibes. So I just did a googled search and this one popped up. They have a IG account and I reviewed the loctician starting someone's locs and I liked what I saw.

Sounds good! Some of the best decisions are made from second choices other than what we intended our first choice to be. I hope you have a good experience there!
That's a cute name..... I didn't know that was her dog's name or that she even had a dog until I saw that video. :lachen:

I love seeing her progression, too.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: The dog is too cute! I always watch the video of her putting starter locs in the dog’s head every time I’m in a bad mood or having a bad day. It cheers me up every time.
Hey ladies....Happy Saturday! I got up early this morning and mixed up some more rosewater spray. I was running low. This time I adjusted the ingredients a little, so I'll see how I like it on my hair and DS 2's hair and compare notes.

I've been observing his hair this past week and it is coming along nicely. He has lots of frizz and puffiness at the top and in the front, and I have seen a couple more buds pop up. The other day I was looking at the calendar to figure out what I want his retightening schedule to be, and I'm still not sure. I retightened 3 weeks in at first, but that was only to secure them and I was late doing it at 2 weeks as I originally planned. I may let his hair go a while longer and retighten at 6 weeks, since I've decided to push mine out to 8 weeks now.

I have also determined that I am going to start DS 1's locks shortly after they get out for Christmas break. I have put it on the calendar as December 23-28 because I know I will probably end up having to do one section at a time.

I already visualized how I'm going to section his hair, but I'm not planning on doing his parts too small because I don't want him to end up with too many locks for me to maintain.

Due to his special needs and sensory issues, I am thinking free form or semi-free form will be best. I am starting his locks with DXLYN's son Zion's locks in mind, as far as parting and size.

If I am able to start and finish his hair on schedule, then we will have all started lock journeys in 2018. I was just thinking about that the other day, too.
Welp, I made it through week 2. Next week should fly by since it's a short work week with the holidays and all. I'm counting the days to my retwist because, giiiiiiirl...it looks like I have a twa with coils glued to it :lachen: I'm not concerned though because once it starts locing up it's going be the bomb.com lol

Yay!!! The rest of the month with fly by and you'll be getting that first retwist in no time. It does help that the holiday season has begun and weeks will go by faster.

I hollered @ 'twa with coils glued to it.' Girl you ain't know what to say. :lachen:

But it seems like your perception and perspective has shifted and that's a good thing. After that first retwist nobody will be able to tell you nothing! :lachen:
Yay!!! The rest of the month with fly by and you'll be getting that first retwist in no time. It does help that the holiday season has begun and weeks will go by faster.

I hollered @ 'twa with coils glued to it.' Girl you ain't know what to say. :lachen:

But it seems like your perception and perspective has shifted and that's a good thing. After that first retwist nobody will be able to tell you nothing! :lachen:
Damn right they not gonna be able to tell me nothin lol. Now I have to practice keeping my hands out of my head. I find myself constantly touching my hair.
Damn right they not gonna be able to tell me nothin lol. Now I have to practice keeping my hands out of my head. I find myself constantly touching my hair.

That's easier said than done! I can't keep my hands out of my hair, either. I usually have to force myself to stop....and then my hand creeps back in sometimes. I got it bad. :lachen:

I'm going to rinse my hair today and do a light water wash since I just retightened last week. I was going to wait a little longer but my hair is itchy and I want to stay on schedule.

My sister from another mister said she's coming in January so I can start her locks. She knows I started mine (we were actually both talking about it around the same time I went ahead and started mine, but she wasn't ready.) and that I started my baby's and plan to start my oldest's locks.

I think she is going to want coils so I have already started watching more YouTube videos on finger coils so I can get my weight up by the time she comes next month. But let me ask her first to make sure. I also don't want to waste my time. :look:
@RoundEyedGirl504 @KimPossibli @Arian @ChasingBliss @*Happily Me* @BrandNew @RockCreak @Ms.Alainious @Guapa1 @jennboo @Atdow71 @daaiyah @1BalancedBeauty @mallysmommy @Harina @Locedandloaded @MiamiChic @Oasis @kandiekj100 @melisandre @Rainbow Dash @Shinka @kulikuli @caltron @sunkissedskin @PrincessKia @ItsMeLilLucky

Hi ladies! What's going on with your locks? Any updates you'd like to share? @ckisland are you ready to join us? :poke"@prettybyrd did you start your locks or did you chicken out? What about you, @KinksAndInk? Have you reconsidered? @MeaWea did you take yours down or do you still have them?

This is a big thread and I was trying to go through the first few pages, so If I missed anyone, it was not intentional. If I didn't tag you, still come in and tell us what's been going on with your lock journeys!

Please also feel free to tag anyone I missed from this or the other lock threads.
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I've been letting mine semi freeform mostly, doing over the first couple rows for special events

I'm about to do my whole head today because my roots are getting a lil mad

Did a semi permanent black.

seeing a lil length and enjoying it

Nice! I'll bet your roots and your locks are nice and thick. How often do you maintain? Can you show us what the color looks like?
I was playing around with my hair before I tied it up for bed Friday night trying to execute a style idea I had in my head. I was going to try the style yesterday but it turned into this instead. I think it still came out cute.

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I'm going to miss my hair being at this stage/length. :cry:
oww your hair looks great! im really concerned about this bottom row at the nape. I don't think its going to lock up with coils. its literally really soft fine white folks hair back there. like i mentioned before the coils are completely gone except for lil curlys at the end. im thinking those might need to be interlocked or started with twists. we'll see what the loctician says when i go for my retwist.
oww your hair looks great! im really concerned about this bottom row at the nape. I don't think its going to lock up with coils. its literally really soft fine white folks hair back there. like i mentioned before the coils are completely gone except for lil curlys at the end. im thinking those might need to be interlocked or started with twists. we'll see what the loctician says when i go for my retwist.

Thanks girlie! It will lock, it will probably just take a longer time to do so. I think you should go ahead and ask her to retwist those and interlock the roots. That way, your hair will still look uniform. If you don't care about all of that and you think the twists will stay better on that part of your hair, then ask her to re-install those using twists. I would still ask her to interlock the roots with twists for extra security.

There was a YouTuber I watched a while back that would have varying types of locks in different sections of her hair. Let me see if I can find the video.
Still going strong! I’m really low maintenance these days. I’m trying to upload pictures but I keep getting an error message. I’ll update my Avi pic shortly so you ladies can see my current length ☺️

Hope everyone else is still enjoying the journey!
My retighten is slipping out like crazy in the back! I don’t know what is going on, but I’m just going to leave it alone, I’m super annoyed.
Still enjoying my sisterlocks. Love them more now at 8 months than I initially did. They’ve thickened up substantially and grown quite a bit.

Hiccups along the way....
Over the past 3 months I’ve slowly began braiding or using a really small crotchet hook to bring down the ones that were left with too much hair out. In either case they look beautiful so I’m not concerned about how they look now, just how they may loc (fat ends) over time so best to fix them while I can.

There’s been about 5 that had to be taken down completely and redone due to bunching. This appears to only happen where my hair is the softest and finest. I picked them slowly (took about 15 min each with minimal shedding) with a push pen then used my fingers to interlock the majority of the way before switching to the tool.

Pleasant surprises..
Where my hair had started to thin at the temples I now have baby locs! I’m so excited about this. I also have about 4 other new locs at my nape and the sides in the back.

Self maintenance isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I haven’t seen a consultant since my install and while I’ve been tempted to schedule an appointment it just seems easier to handle things on my own schedule. I’ve been doing retightenings every 8 weeks but am going to pull it back to 6 weeks because it’s growing really fast. I’m doing 2 full rotations for each loc at 8 weeks so it takes longer to do.

Only a few have fully loc’d. I’m guessing it’ll take about 2 years or so due to the initial length.
Three months since I decided to lock, I took down first set 5 weeks in. Completely DIY. Its a lesson in patience because nothing must happens, my hair grows slowly.
I am glad to have no need for products, I don't miss trying so many things trying to get what works.
I bought 250ml of jojoba oil which looks like it will last several years!! I use a shampoo, bought two- for dandruff and a clear shampoo. I spray rosewater and two drops of oil on my palms rubbed it in and tie my scarf.
Its simple and easy. I have to try to cover up at night to reduce lint.
Still going strong! I’m really low maintenance these days. I’m trying to upload pictures but I keep getting an error message. I’ll update my Avi pic shortly so you ladies can see my current length ☺️

Hope everyone else is still enjoying the journey!

Your hair looks good!!!! I had a problem posting pics to the thread more than once. There were some pics that just wouldn't upload, for some reason, so I just left those out and quit trying.

Right before I posted those pics yesterday, I kept getting an error message and I realized my login session had expired. I attributed that to the reason I wasn't able to upload anything before. After that, all the pics except for one got posted.
My retighten is slipping out like crazy in the back! I don’t know what is going on, but I’m just going to leave it alone, I’m super annoyed.

Oh no!!!! I'm sorry to hear that, especially since you just got a fresh retightening. What do you think is causing it? Could your consultant have changed interlocking patterns recently, unbeknownst to you?
Still enjoying my sisterlocks. Love them more now at 8 months than I initially did. They’ve thickened up substantially and grown quite a bit.

Hiccups along the way....
Over the past 3 months I’ve slowly began braiding or using a really small crotchet hook to bring down the ones that were left with too much hair out. In either case they look beautiful so I’m not concerned about how they look now, just how they may loc (fat ends) over time so best to fix them while I can.

There’s been about 5 that had to be taken down completely and redone due to bunching. This appears to only happen where my hair is the softest and finest. I picked them slowly (took about 15 min each with minimal shedding) with a push pen then used my fingers to interlock the majority of the way before switching to the tool.

Pleasant surprises..
Where my hair had started to thin at the temples I now have baby locs! I’m so excited about this. I also have about 4 other new locs at my nape and the sides in the back.

Self maintenance isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I haven’t seen a consultant since my install and while I’ve been tempted to schedule an appointment it just seems easier to handle things on my own schedule. I’ve been doing retightenings every 8 weeks but am going to pull it back to 6 weeks because it’s growing really fast. I’m doing 2 full rotations for each loc at 8 weeks so it takes longer to do.

Only a few have fully loc’d. I’m guessing it’ll take about 2 years or so due to the initial length.

That's great news! I know you feel so accomplished with all these changes and progress. It must be nice to be able to handle your Sisterlocks on your own, too. 2 full rotations???? Let me find out! That's a lot of growth.... you better work!!!! :toocool:

Thanks for that update and thanks for telling us how you resolved bunching in your Sisterlocks. We were having a discussion about it in the thread, with no resolutions besides cutting.

Your explanation explains why my consultant told me it would be expensive to correct, but she didn't elaborate or say why.

I'm enjoying these updates.... I hope more ladies come in to post.