Lock It Up! Support Thread (Sisterlocs, Dreads, Freeform, Etc)

I forgot to update when I hit 4 years last week. I did a baking soda/acv rinse today bc I felt like my scalp was starting to get build up. After the rinse my scalp feels amazing and my hair feels so light

That salt and pepper section in the back cracks me up. I think I will let it grow out and see what it does. I only wish it was at my hairline instead of a random spot in the back of my head
I forgot to update when I hit 4 years last week. I did a baking soda/acv rinse today bc I felt like my scalp was starting to get build up. After the rinse my scalp feels amazing and my hair feels so light

That salt and pepper section in the back cracks me up. I think I will let it grow out and see what it does. I only wish it was at my hairline instead of a random spot in the back of my head

Congratulations to you! Those locks are beautiful and I like the shape they're growing in. Or did you have them cut into that shape? I don't want to assume...LOL.
is any one doing interlocing? (not sister locers)

I've done it on a handful of my locs and i'm between minds

my retwist ddon't hold so I have a puffy fro and then locked ends... interlocking seems like it would help but it would reduce the circumference of my locs significantly

is any one doing interlocing? (not sister locers)

I've done it on a handful of my locs and i'm between minds

my retwist ddon't hold so I have a puffy fro and then locked ends... interlocking seems like it would help but it would reduce the circumference of my locs significantly


I interlock to maintain my new growth, but I started with two strand twists.

I think your locks would only change drastically if you went a long time without a retwist. Is it your goal to have really thick locks?
is any one doing interlocing? (not sister locers)

I've done it on a handful of my locs and i'm between minds

my retwist ddon't hold so I have a puffy fro and then locked ends... interlocking seems like it would help but it would reduce the circumference of my locs significantly


I used to interlock. I'm going to try it again soon. My retwists won't hold up because I go to the gym more often than I used to.
@Foxglove Your hair is gorgeous!!!! I am too lazy to look upthread, but do you have Sister Locks? I am weighing options...

Thanks! Yes they are Sisterlocks. I started off with lofty intentions of maintaining them myself but I definitely go to my loctician now because she finishes my retis in 3 hours compared to a week when I do them myself
IMO the biggest factor are cost of install and deciding whether you want to do them yourself or rely on a loctician
I have thought of locking on and off for several years, even put in single braids a while ago and took them out within weeks
I started with braids a month ago, was thinking of latching for maintenance but now not sure ....I intend to maintain myself.
I got tired of upkeep of my hair, natural 10 ten years and the longest length was 6inches.... i also had few months of relaxing thrice and this time felt the same cycle coming around and decided to start locks. I wish it wasn't a decision out of frustration....doesn't mean I can't enjoy my journey. I will come back with updates from time to time.
Hi Locksisters! I'm just popping in to say that I took the sisterlocks training last month. It was so much information but so glad I was able to do it. I've started a small business that I will run out of my home and I have my first establishment Sept.21. I have to complete 3 establishments to submit work to become certified. If anyone has questions about anything such as what the consultation should entail please let me know. Fyi For consultations you should receive 8-12 test locks in the lower section behind your ear of the 4 different patterns to decide what is best for your hair and curl type.
I have thought of locking on and off for several years, even put in single braids a while ago and took them out within weeks
I started with braids a month ago, was thinking of latching for maintenance but now not sure ....I intend to maintain myself.
I got tired of upkeep of my hair, natural 10 ten years and the longest length was 6inches.... i also had few months of relaxing thrice and this time felt the same cycle coming around and decided to start locks. I wish it wasn't a decision out of frustration....doesn't mean I can't enjoy my journey. I will come back with updates from time to time.

Good luck on your new journey! Frustration doesn't last unless you allow it to. So push those negative thoughts out and flood your mind with positive emotions and images of a successful and peaceful journey. You got this!

140 braidlocks of different sizes and not particular grid. Lets see how this turns out.

I'm sure your starter locks look great!
That's how many twists I started with. Not sure how many I have now or how many I will end up with at my next retightening.

I plan on combining some of the ones that won't stay along my hairline. I'm not sure if I want to do it right now, (since it's been another five weeks since my last retightening) or if I want to wait a few more days and do it Sunday, at 6 weeks.

I figured it would be a good distraction from Hurricane Florence, especially if the power goes out.
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@shortycocoa thanks for the encouragement, I will try to enjoy this journey
I have a few relatively small braids..in the midst of medium sized one, resisting the urge to take them down and resize, its being only one month but I don't want to get too invested in keeping same sizes otherwise I may end up with my entire head back in an afro.
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Can put my hair in a ponytail now!

Yaaaaaaasssss!!!! Alright now! #progress #winning

Hi Locksisters! I'm just popping in to say that I took the sisterlocks training last month. It was so much information but so glad I was able to do it. I've started a small business that I will run out of my home and I have my first establishment Sept.21. I have to complete 3 establishments to submit work to become certified. If anyone has questions about anything such as what the consultation should entail please let me know. Fyi For consultations you should receive 8-12 test locks in the lower section behind your ear of the 4 different patterns to decide what is best for your hair and curl type.

Congratulations! That's what's up.

@The bolded: things sure have changed! 8-12 test locks seems like a lot. Back when I had my consultation my consultant put in 3 test locks. She explained that she picked the 3 sizes she installed based on my hair type, thickness and head shape.

And she said she didn't do micros. Or Sisterlocks on kids. I guess she was from the "ain't nobody got time for that" camp. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I thought it was beautiful when she posted on FB about doing her daughter's install, though. I think her daughter was 2 or 3 at the time. I was waiting on that post for years, because before she even had kids she said her daughter was going to have Sisterlocks like mommy, and she was going to be the one to do her daughter's install.
@shortycocoa thanks for the encouragement, I will try to enjoy this journey
I have a few relatively small braids..in the midst of medium sized one, resisting the urge to take them down and resize, its being only one month but I don't want to get too invested in keeping small size otherwise I may end up with my entire head back in an afro.

You might not have to take the smaller ones down. They should thicken up as your journey progresses and match the appearance of the larger ones. If you do decide to redo them, don't wait too long! It's easier to do it before your hair starts shedding, matting and meshing together to form your locks.
You might not have to take the smaller ones down. They should thicken up as your journey progresses and match the appearance of the larger ones. If you do decide to redo them, don't wait too long! It's easier to do it before your hair starts shedding, matting and meshing together to form your locks.
I edited my post, I meant there are very different sizes, I actually prefer the smaller ones. I know myself, if I start tempering with them now I will end up redoing my whole head then I may end up just leaving this lock journey completely. I installed small braids four months ago and ended up taking them out, I don't want to do that again.
I edited my post, I meant there are very different sizes, I actually prefer the smaller ones. I know myself, if I start tempering with them now I will end up redoing my whole head then I may end up just leaving this lock journey completely. I installed small braids four months ago and ended up taking them out, I don't want to do that again.

I see....well I hope you are able to stay the course this time! It can be frustrating to continuously take starter locks down and regroup. I went through that before when I thought I was ready to lock my hair in 2008 and definitely didn't want to do it again.
1 month in, I think this is the right time for me to lock. I was worried about the permanent style and getting bore, the last weeks have me eager to watch them grow and mature. I am more enthusiastic now.
Thanks to the ladies that have kept this thread active over the years, I started checking this thread two years but didn't feel ready to commit to the decision
A quick update:
I’ve been staying consistent with monthly aloe and pear cactus gel applications. My roots have definitely thickened up and tangle much easier. I rarely have to separate after washing now.


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A quick update:
I’ve been staying consistent with monthly aloe and pear cactus gel applications. My roots have definitely thickened up and tangle much easier. I rarely have to separate after washing now.

I love your avatar! Your roots are nice and thick. Do you just put the gel on your roots once a month, or do you use the gel to retwist? That's an interesting combination. I've never heard of it. I learn something new from ya'll every day. What are the other benefits of this gel?
Sunday will be 5 months locked for me. I started retightening my hair last Sunday. I finished on Tuesday. I'm still claiming two days since I got started so late Sunday that I only retightened 10 locks. :lachen:

It had been 6 weeks since my last retightening and I had a few things I needed to fix.:

1. I reattached part of a lock in the front that came out after I was separating my locks after my last wash.

2. I had to reattach one of my buds that came off of one of my favorite locks when I was retightening. That was caused by me pulling the lock too hard to get it through the base. I was so sad, because I felt like that little bud hanging off of the lock gave it personality.

I wasn't able to put either of those back onto the same locks it came off of, so I just chose two different locks that needed a little help to reattach them to.

3. All of the soft, fine loose hairs that keep unravelling along my hairline got combined with other neighboring locks. Whatever hairs that I couldn't combine with other locks ended up being left out to twist. I am happy with the results.

So now I need to recount to see how many locks I have. I still haven't done that yet, and I washed my hair this afternoon. Maybe I'll go ahead and do that tonight while I'm getting ready for bed.

4. I corrected slippage on a couple of locks.

I am really, really feeling my locks a lot more after this retightening. I also got better at using my coil-less safety pin on the fatter locks that don't fit through my plastic yarn needle. I'm really proud of myself!

My cowrie shell earrings came in the mail this week also. I finally decided to order some lock jewelry, too. The seller I purchased from on eBay sent me a message saying that she likes to give her customers an extra piece of lock jewelry when they order, so I had to go back and find a second item that I wanted.
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Need advice on a dilemma I’m facing with my loctitian.

@Foxglove @mz.rae. @Lynnerie @shortycocoa @Transformer And anyone else with an opinion.

I have a great loctitian whose a brand ambassador. I really like her she’s very personable, knowledgeable and has a great work ethic. Ok , so what’s the problem?

Well lately the last 3 months or so she has been trying to let trainees in her salon do my retights. I have nothing against trainees. Everyone has to learn somehow.
The first time she asked I told her I’m not superstitious but not everyone wants random people in their hair. I chose my consultant for a reason. I don’t know these people.

I have been with my consultant for over 2 years now. She installed my locks and has maintained them all this time. I even took the retight class from her. I’m in NY so all of these services here are most likely more expensive than most other places because of the high rent. For example, the retight class is 250. I paid 350.

When I made my appt back in August she asked me if one of her other people could do my retight I said no. These are not pro’s that have been doing locks. Not even certified and I didn’t see any of them listed as trainee on the consultant registry.

The morning of My last appt. this September she called me early that morning asking me if I could be a model for someone she’s considering hiring to work full time in the salon . She said my service would be free. I explained to her at that time that money was not my concern but my time is. She promised me that this new lady would finish me in the same time she does which is 3 hours. Even though I was skeptical I said ok.

I got to the shop at a little before 1pm which was my appt time. I was in her chair until 6pm when I just had to leave. That was 5 hours and my retight was still not done . She had the whole top of my head to do and when I say top I mean from about 1-2 rows above my ears and the whole top of my head . The lady was very nice and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings because like I said I know everyone has to start somewhere but I was in her chair so long I was getting bloated & gassy and I had also been invited to a dinner party at 7. If I would have stayed I would have been there another 3 hours. When I used to get my hair braided that’s how long I was sitting in the Braider chair 8-9 hours. That is one of the reasons I opted for Sisterlocks.i just couldn’t take those long sessions anymore.

My consultant to this day hasn’t called me to say sorry or to talk to me about what happened. Her assistant called to see when I can come in to let the lady finish my retight!!

With all of that said I feel my original consultant is trying to get rid of me for some reason. I’m easy going, I’m always on time for my appts. I felt we got along well and my cc is on file with her so she can charge me and she does ahead of time for my retights. Paid in full as soon as you make your appt.

I’m desperate because my locks are overdue for a retight my new growth is quite long. I tried to finish it on my own but I just don’t have the time or patience and some of the ones the other lady retightened are already loose and this was 1 1/2 wksago. I looked on the consultant registry and started calling around and I found another consultant that is very close to my house and is also a brand ambassador. I have to pay another consultation fee and I saw her work on her website which was excellent. If she seems ok when I go for my consult I will change to her. She told me she does all her own clients. I will talk to her in depth when I meet with her.

Do you ladies think I’m being short sighted to consider changing consultants?

Has this happened to any of the other Sisterlockers?

Thanks for reading all this. Opinions please!
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I guess y’all said “I ain’t reading all that!” . I understand.

In case anyone wants to know , I met with the new consultant that I was considering this morning. .

It’s a done deal she did some test locks on my new growth and agreed to take me on and I liked her calm spirit and also the fact that she is close to my house. It took me 10 minutes to drive to her house and she assured me that she’ll never push me off on someone else.
I guess y’all said “I ain’t reading all that!” . I understand.

In case anyone wants to know , I met with the new consultant that I was considering this morning. .

It’s a done deal she did some test locks on my new growth and agreed to take me on and I liked her calm spirit and also the fact that she is close to my house. It took me 10 minutes to drive to her house and she assured me that she’ll never push me off on someone else.
Lol you posted when everyone is at work girl! You did the right thing by going to someone else. Even if you did bring up your concerns to the other consultant I’m sure she would have a chip on her shoulder. It seems like she’s trying to phase out of doing hair all together. I hope you have a better experience with this consultant.
I guess y’all said “I ain’t reading all that!” . I understand.

In case anyone wants to know , I met with the new consultant that I was considering this morning. .

It’s a done deal she did some test locks on my new growth and agreed to take me on and I liked her calm spirit and also the fact that she is close to my house. It took me 10 minutes to drive to her house and she assured me that she’ll never push me off on someone else.
I agree I definitely would have went to someone else! I hate when I go to a salon and they start letting other people fool with my hair when I specifically want them. Your consultant should have respected your wishes. I do hope everything works out the new consultant.
Do you ladies think I’m being short sighted to consider changing consultants?

Has this happened to any of the other Sisterlockers?

Thanks for reading all this. Opinions please!

Nope she lied to you and was disrespectful of your time. If you hadn't already started looking I would have told you to start. I would eat the cost of the consultation fee it's worth it to get in with a consultant who is trustworthy
Need advice on a dilemma I’m facing with my loctitian.

@Foxglove @mz.rae. @Lynnerie @shortycocoa @Transformer And anyone else with an opinion.

I have a great loctitian whose a brand ambassador. I really like her she’s very personable, knowledgeable and has a great work ethic. Ok , so what’s the problem?

Well lately the last 3 months or so she has been trying to let trainees in her salon do my retights. I have nothing against trainees. Everyone has to learn somehow.
The first time she asked I told her I’m not superstitious but not everyone wants random people in their hair. I chose my consultant for a reason. I don’t know these people.

I have been with my consultant for over 2 years now. She installed my locks and has maintained them all this time. I even took the retight class from her. I’m in NY so all of these services here are most likely more expensive than most other places because of the high rent. For example, the retight class is 250. I paid 350.

When I made my appt back in August she asked me if one of her other people could do my retight I said no. These are not pro’s that have been doing locks. Not even certified and I didn’t see any of them listed as trainee on the consultant registry.

The morning of My last appt. this September she called me early that morning asking me if I could be a model for someone she’s considering hiring to work full time in the salon . She said my service would be free. I explained to her at that time that money was not my concern but my time is. She promised me that this new lady would finish me in the same time she does which is 3 hours. Even though I was skeptical I said ok.

I got to the shop at a little before 1pm which was my appt time. I was in her chair until 6pm when I just had to leave. That was 5 hours and my retight was still not done . She had the whole top of my head to do and when I say top I mean from about 1-2 rows above my ears and the whole top of my head . The lady was very nice and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings because like I said I know everyone has to start somewhere but I was in her chair so long I was getting bloated & gassy and I had also been invited to a dinner party at 7. If I would have stayed I would have been there another 3 hours. When I used to get my hair braided that’s how long I was sitting in the Braider chair 8-9 hours. That is one of the reasons I opted for Sisterlocks.i just couldn’t take those long sessions anymore.

My consultant to this day hasn’t called me to say sorry or to talk to me about what happened. Her assistant called to see when I can come in to let the lady finish my retight!!

With all of that said I feel my original consultant is trying to get rid of me for some reason. I’m easy going, I’m always on time for my appts. I felt we got along well and my cc is on file with her so she can charge me and she does ahead of time for my retights. Paid in full as soon as you make your appt.

I’m desperate because my locks are overdue for a retight my new growth is quite long. I tried to finish it on my own but I just don’t have the time or patience and some of the ones the other lady retightened are already loose and this was 1 1/2 wksago. I looked on the consultant registry and started calling around and I found another consultant that is very close to my house and is also a brand ambassador. I have to pay another consultation fee and I saw her work on her website which was excellent. If she seems ok when I go for my consult I will change to her. She told me she does all her own clients. I will talk to her in depth when I meet with her.

Do you ladies think I’m being short sighted to consider changing consultants?

Has this happened to any of the other Sisterlockers?

Thanks for reading all this. Opinions please!

I think it's time for you to consider another consultant....one who actually respects you as a client and your wishes and time.

That is ridiculous that she had someone else do your hair after you explained to her what your concerns were. At the very least, if you were getting passed off to someone else she should have been mature enough to explain why, the new person should have been providing the same level of service and expertise, and when it was evident that your retightening was not completed in one session your main consultant should have just finished the job--not have her assistant contact you to find out when you would be returning.

I would file a complaint against her through the proper channels and take my money elsewhere. You deserve more than this!

I guess y’all said “I ain’t reading all that!” . I understand.

In case anyone wants to know , I met with the new consultant that I was considering this morning. .

It’s a done deal she did some test locks on my new growth and agreed to take me on and I liked her calm spirit and also the fact that she is close to my house. It took me 10 minutes to drive to her house and she assured me that she’ll never push me off on someone else.

Sorry @msdeevee I am just now seeing this post. Been a hectic week over here. I'm glad you sought out a new consultant. It sounds like this one is a better fit and more professional. I hope you have a better experience going forward with her!