***LHCF Oscars***(Nominations)

naptrl said:
Best Advice you have received (From Who)
"Take those braids out and be free!" -jainygirl

Awwee thanks Naptrl :kiss:. I think your hair is loving all that freedom as well. It's absolutely thriving and beautiful :). -- jainygirl
sengschick said:
Best Advice you have received--- Tracy always saves the day for me, b/c she understands my Dominican hair :lol: and told me to buy Emergencee. I am forever thankful. Webby is a total gem. :Rose:

Hiza, Brownie, CH, Ms. Cleo, Tracy and both SG's (Southern and Super)

Who has given the board an outstanding contribution? --- If you have ever been to the health and fitness board u would see that Webby is over there healing ppl! She has an amazing sense of humanity, humor and humility. DSD always starts wonderful threads on the hair side and encourages us to no end. I'd give honorable mention to GMMP b/c she contributes so much on OT, bringing reason, frankness, realness and wisdom to every conversation she enters.

I want to personally and "publically" thank MrsLee, KAddy, Tai and Cleo for thinking of me when there are so many wonderful flowers here to choose from :kiss:

Seng - I am utterly speechless. Thank you :rosebud:
It's always blessing for me to be in the presence of class and grace :notworthy:
Thanks you guys!!! :kiss: Mrslee, Ms K, Mona, Simplycee, Megonw, Candibaby, Datjerseydyme, Audrachannell, Chaya, Imreadyforchange, Tai :kiss:

That was super sweet!! I have to do mine, but there are SOOOOOOO many nominations that I could make!!!

I just want to say that so many of you have served as my inspirations and have given some of the absolute best advice in all areas. Thanks to those who mentioned me, I'm glad I could be a help in any way.

Most recently Southerngirl's guide to self relaxing has meant alot to me. I feel I'm ready now.

And in the past, Supergirl's post on staying away from SHS was most thought provoking. I forget the title of the thread, but Super gives some good advice.

And man, there are soooooo many honies on here with some really beeeutiful hair. I can't even begin to name names. Much love though! Nice thread.
Best thread you have read?(Who was the starter)

AJamericanDiva's thread for discouraged 4a/b's

Best Advice you have received (From Who)

Dontspeakdefeat gives awesome advice and is spiritually inspiring

Member who has most Improved ( Added by Candice)

Not sure...TBD

Who is your Hair inspiration?

(GEEZUS CHRISTMAS! She has the most beautifullest hair ever, so long and shiny and healthy....if I ever meet you girl I'ma knock you out:hammer: and chop it off and have a lacefront wig made out of your hair ...j/k)


(I didn't think it could be done but she is living proof and gives me hope for this rough stuff growing out of my scalp LOL..Beautiful hair girl :D )

Who has given the board an outstanding contribution? (Reason)

Dontspeakdefeat, her how-to's and the way she encourages everyone is awesome..hell even her screenanme is positive! LOL:grin:

Your favourite Hair Relaxer?

Vitale Sensitive

Your favourite Hair product?( Just 1)

Kemi Oyl

What Celebrity Hair you would like to have/Achieve?

Really there aren't any..most of them rock weaves anyway. I'd much rather have hair like KitchenTician, AjamericanDiva, Dana03 (I think thats right) or CocoaButterfly ANYDAY.
Who is your Hair inspiration?

(GEEZUS CHRISTMAS! She has the most beautifullest hair ever, so long and shiny and healthy....if I ever meet you girl I'ma knock you out:hammer: and chop it off and have a lacefront wig made out of your hair ...j/k)

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Definitely gotta co-sign on that one!
jainygirl said:
Awwee thanks Naptrl :kiss:. I think your hair is loving all that freedom as well. It's absolutely thriving and beautiful :). -- jainygirl
I owe it to you!! The confidence you had when I saw you in Atlanta gave me just the strength I needed. I will never forget you for that...And looook at what I was hidin!!! I didn't even know MYSELF!!
dontspeakdefeat said:
Hey Paperdoll! :wave:

Before I read your post I was feeling not so good today! You have definitely helped uplift my spirit. Thanks so much!!

My pleasure! Feel better ! :D
naptrl said:
Who is your Hair inspiration?
BubblinBrownSuga, Nay, jainygirl, Caramel, DivaState, NGC

Thanks Honey Bunny! :littleang

delightfulflame said:
Who is your Hair inspiration? Micarae, Kha, Hairlove, Ayeshia, Kengne, MeccaMedina, PookeyLou, Jessy55, DivaState, NGC, BublnBrnSuga, mkstar

Thanks Lil' Sis! :kisses:

Ya'll make a sista blush (especially one that like to keep it on the low low :o

Best Thread:

Supergirl's SHS and trimming thread or any thread that has a bunch of regimes in it. That's how I designed mine.

Best Advice:

Whoever came up with only combing/brushing when hair is full of slip-like conditioner (and whoever initially recommended Back 2 Basics Coconut Mango conditioner). Also whoever started the Elucence kickoff.

Most Improved: WOW , hard to say, a lot of ladies have made progress towards their goals. I'll say DSD and Ayeshia - both for tremendous growth.


Oh Lordy! Waaayyy too many to list, but a few would include Iris, Nay, Oshuncurls, Supergirl, Unlvgirl, Chicoro, Southerngirl, Kitchen_tician

Outstanding Contribution:
Well outside of the moderators, I would definitely say DSD, handsdown. I don't even need to say why - she is awesome!

Favorite Relaxer:

When I was relaxing I used Motions. More than likely if I was relaxing now I would use Phyto.

Favorite Hair Product:
Elucence MB conditioner (no fair though - I would name 5 brands if I could - Elucence, Nexxus, Back 2 Basics, Hairobics, EO)

Celebrity hair: Sydney Tamiia Poitier, Amel Larrieux
NGC said:
Most Improved: WOW , hard to say, a lot of ladies have made progress towards their goals. I'll say DSD and Ayeshia - both for tremendous growth.

Outstanding Contribution:
Well outside of the moderators, I would definitely say DSD, handsdown. I don't even need to say why - she is awesome!

Awww! That is so sweet!! :kiss: Thanks.
kizzylonghair said:
Ladies, :) :0 :)

BUMPING to make sure everyone gets a chance to vote !!!!

Why? If I had to vote, too many ladies on here would qualify for these titles. :) Plus, the same ladies are just being used over and over. :look: And this thread makes me feel like my hair is crap. Anyway...

Favorite Product: Motions Salon Herbals Oil Sheen Spray

Celebrity Hair: Jada Pinkett
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Poohbear said:
Why? If I had to vote, too many ladies on here would qualify for these titles. :) Plus, the same ladies are just being used over and over. :look: And this thread makes me feel like my hair is crap!

Why do you feel this way Poohbear!! Your hair is awesome!
dontspeakdefeat said:
Why do you feel this way Poohbear!! Your hair is awesome!

Thanks DSD. But I feel that way because my hair isn't as long and beautiful like the rest of you ladies that have been mentioned. :)
Poohbear said:
Thanks DSD. But I feel that way because my hair isn't as long and beautiful like the rest of you ladies that have been mentioned. :)

Poohbear, I have been a member of this board for almost 2 years. I didn't always get recognition and the ohs and ahs that all the other ladies get. As my hair became healthier and started making progress people started to notice. This hair thing takes time. It will not happen overnight. Just keep taking care of your hair and it will thrive and reward you by becoming stronger and growing longer.

If you take a look at my pics and I know you have you will see that my starting point left something to be desired. My hair was short broken and it seemed like a hopeless case but guess what. I never speak defeat. Soon you will be a place wear you feel like your hair is just wear you want it and you will also reach your goals. Trust.

Good Luck to you and get rid of that negative attitude about your hair. You are too beautiful of a person for that....And your hair is beautiful too!!
dontspeakdefeat said:
Poohbear, I have been a member of this board for almost 2 years. I didn't always get recognition and the ohs and ahs that all the other ladies get. As my hair became healthier and started making progress people started to notice. This hair thing takes time. It will not happen overnight. Just keep taking care of your hair and it will thrive and reward you by becoming stronger and growing longer.

If you take a look at my pics and I know you have you will see that my starting point left something to be desired. My hair was short broken and it seemed like a hopeless case but guess what. I never speak defeat. Soon you will be a place wear you feel like your hair is just wear you want it and you will also reach your goals. Trust.

Good Luck to you and get rid of that negative attitude about your hair. You are too beautiful of a person for that....And your hair is beautiful too!!
Amen to that! :yep:
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....perhaps the results are being tallied up at this very moment in time....

*que up the award music*

The Winning Ceremony Is Coming!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I Forgot It Was Valentine Nite Last,
And Basically I Had To Take Care Of My Boo!
And Let Him Take Care Of Me

I know you've already probably posted the results but I thought that I would put in my two cents anyways since LHCF has been so good to me :kiss:

Best thread you have read?(Who was the starter) Newcomer's Guide (Dont Speak Defeat)

Best Advice you have received (From Who) Tie between Supergirl, AJ Diva and Dont Speak Defeat

Member who has most Improved ( Added by Candice) Dana

Who is your Hair inspiration? Supergirl and AJ Diva

Who has given the board an outstanding contribution? (Reason) Supergirl -- stay away from scissor happy stylists -- stopping trims and preserving my ends has been the number one reason that my hair has grown

Your favourite Hair Relaxer? Affirm -- its da bomb!

Your favourite Hair product?( Just 1) Coconut Oil

What Celebrity Hair you would like to have/Achieve? Actually, I think many of the people on LHCF have better REAL hair than most celebrities. A lot of celebrities do sisters a disservice by wearing wigs and promoting an unrealistic example for people. I understand that with all of the fuss that is done to model/actresses hair they would have no hair if they did not wear them, but still, I am not going to idolize a woman's hair when it may or may not or most likely is a weave.
tryn2growmyhair said:
I love you, DSD. Girl you are always so positive it, it is an inspiration. You have an attitude that is not only applicable to hair but to life.
:kiss: Thanks!! You are a sweetie. Thanks for the nominations too!

I completely forgot about this thread. Can't wait for the ceremony. It will be fun!
Thanks kizzylonghair for starting this thread! Now that I've been a member for a couple months I think I' ready for my nominations.

Best thread you have read?(Who was the starter)

I love funny stories and these made me fall out of my seat laughing
What funny things does your man do? - Buffalosoilder
Most embarrassing moments - Tonya

Best Advice you have received (From Who)
DSD for figuring out Surge was the culprit for my tangles/shedding

Member who has most Improved ( Added by Candice)
Instead of improved I'm thinking greatest growth in a short amount of time....Carlie, Ms_K, DSD

Who is your Hair inspiration?
So many.....AJamericanDiva, ArmyQT, DSD, SouthernGirl, Carlie. I could go on and on.

Who has given the board an outstanding contribution? (Reason)
DSD with her Newcomers Guide! and Pebbles with her constant words of encouragement.

Your favourite Hair Relaxer?
I'm thinking it will be PHYTO

Your favourite Hair product?
Still trying figure out what works for me but I love coconut oil!

What Celebrity Hair you would like to have/Achieve?
Gabrielle Union
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