***LHCF Oscars***(Nominations)

dontspeakdefeat said:
Poohbear, I have been a member of this board for almost 2 years. I didn't always get recognition and the ohs and ahs that all the other ladies get. As my hair became healthier and started making progress people started to notice. This hair thing takes time. It will not happen overnight. Just keep taking care of your hair and it will thrive and reward you by becoming stronger and growing longer.

If you take a look at my pics and I know you have you will see that my starting point left something to be desired. My hair was short broken and it seemed like a hopeless case but guess what. I never speak defeat. Soon you will be a place wear you feel like your hair is just wear you want it and you will also reach your goals. Trust.

Good Luck to you and get rid of that negative attitude about your hair. You are too beautiful of a person for that....And your hair is beautiful too!!

Hey Poohbear!
I have to agree with DSD. I started on this board in 2003. Trust me! Wasn't nobody even calling my name until about 2 relaxers ago... this is 2005. Hairgrowin' takes time! I never thought I'd even reach this point but thank the Lord that He's blessed me. Keep taking care of your hair and you'll see that your day will come. Fo' real! :kiss:
I'm all late. I just don't know how this thread got by me!!! First I wanna thank everyone who even mentioned me... best improved, inspiration and fave thread. Just the nomination alone is an honor. I don't know if it's too late to give my two cents, but here goes!!!

Best thread you have read?(Who was the starter)
Can't remember. Have to search my fave list....

Best Advice you have received (From Who)
Adrienne0914 (pretty much took me by the hand and walked me through the whole process!)

Member who has most Improved ( Added by Candice)
DSD, MsKenesha

Who is your Hair inspiration?
Adrienne0914, Supergirl, UNLV, sooooo many others!

Who has given the board an outstanding contribution? (Reason)
DSD with her Newcomers Guide!

Your favourite Hair Relaxer?
Affirm Lye Regular

Your favourite Hair product?

What Celebrity Hair you would like to have/Achieve?
Wanakee, Jada Pinkett Smith, Aaliyah, Naomi Campbell's long weaved length (mine being home grown, of course!)
BestThread- DSD fotoki and links

Best Advice- Kitchen_tican,Tracey, all about protein,color and moisture

Most Improved-DSD, Poohbear,Cocobutterflyy,Foxybronx

Hair Inspiration- SouthernGirl, Kitchen_tician,Lorriane

Outstanding Contribution- Delta QT,Wolftrap

Favorite hair product- CON- thanks Tai

Celebrity Hair- Kenya Moore, keisha pulliam,
mysweetevie said:
BestThread- DSD fotoki and links

Best Advice- Kitchen_tican,Tracey, all about protein,color and moisture

Most Improved-DSD, Poohbear,Cocobutterflyy,Foxybronx

Hair Inspiration- SouthernGirl, Kitchen_tician,Lorriane

Outstanding Contribution- Delta QT,Wolftrap

Favorite hair product- CON- thanks Tai

Celebrity Hair- Kenya Moore, keisha pulliam,

Thanks Girl I REALLY appreciate your shout out. Still thinking of what outstanding contributions little ol me have made. But hey if it makes someones day I'm happy :)
Poohbear said:
But I feel that way because my hair isn't as long and beautiful like the rest of you ladies that have been mentioned.

PB, girl, you need to stop it.
Your hair is beautiful!
Boadicea said:
PB, girl, you need to stop it.
Your hair is beautiful!

I like that smiley. Poohbear...your hair is beautiful honey!!! I also think that you have made a wonderful contribution to this board. I remember when you first joined..you were all over the threads :lol:
AJamericanDiva said:
I'm all late. I just don't know how this thread got by me!!! First I wanna thank everyone who even mentioned me... best improved, inspiration and fave thread. Just the nomination alone is an honor. I don't know if it's too late to give my two cents, but here goes!!!

Best thread you have read?(Who was the starter)
Can't remember. Have to search my fave list....

Best Advice you have received (From Who)
Adrienne0914 (pretty much took me by the hand and walked me through the whole process!)

Member who has most Improved ( Added by Candice)
DSD, MsKenesha

Who is your Hair inspiration?
Adrienne0914, Supergirl, UNLV, sooooo many others!

Who has given the board an outstanding contribution? (Reason)
DSD with her Newcomers Guide!

Your favourite Hair Relaxer?
Affirm Lye Regular

Your favourite Hair product?

What Celebrity Hair you would like to have/Achieve?
Wanakee, Jada Pinkett Smith, Aaliyah, Naomi Campbell's long weaved length (mine being home grown, of course!)
Thanks Diva!! :kiss: You are one of my hair idols!!
first, i'd like to thank everyone that nominated me. i say this all the time, but it's really true, "i never thought i'd see the day where i'd inspire anyone." for those just starting, i'm living proof that patience and consistency do pay off!! :yep:

Best thread you have read? (Who was the starter)
The Confessional (can't remember who started it, but it has provided many hours of laughter)

Best Advice you have received (From Who)
vitamin advice (Jade)

Member who has most Improved (Added by Candice)
AJDiva, Dontspeakdefeat, Skegeesmb, Anky, FoxyBronx (i know i'm forgetting some people... sorrrrr!)

Who is your Hair inspiration?
Allandra, Nay, Southergirl, Supergirl, Chicoro

Who has given the board an outstanding contribution? (Reason)
Dontspeakdefeat for all her info and how-to's

Your favourite Hair Relaxer?
Affirm Lye

Your favourite Hair product? (Just 1)
Elasta QP Recovery

What Celebrity Hair you would like to have/Achieve?
Amel Larrieux
dontspeakdefeat said:
Another hair idol giving me props! Wow! I am touched. Thanks Adrienne! :kiss:

Wow DSD...u rollin deep with the big tyme hair dawgs now shorty!!!! Mad props and what not! LOL. Don't forget about us lil people now!;)
Without repeating the same jazz, I'll just answer these three:

Your favourite Hair Relaxer?
Profectiv Anti-Breakage No-Lye Rehular

Your favourite Hair product? (Just 1)
Salerm Super Activo

What Celebrity Hair you would like to have/Achieve?
I LOVE Cléo de Mérode's braided buns.

I can't pick just a few of you ladies because you've all helped me so much in one was or another!
kizzylonghair said:
DSD and Ajamericandiva

The two biggest winners nad you didnt check the winners post til now


Well done


Thanks for compiling all the results Kizzlonghair... and thanks DSD for linking the results thread. Chasing this boy around the house is taking away from my board time. :cry:
AJamericanDiva said:
Thanks for compiling all the results Kizzlonghair... and thanks DSD for linking the results thread. Chasing this boy around the house is taking away from my board time. :cry:
Your welcome!

Yeah I haven't seen you as much lately. Now I know why! Take care of that precious little one. He is such a cutie pie!