Let's chat: The Older Man

I have never dated an older man nor have I ever been attracted to one.

For some reason I always end up with younger men.

Go figure.
Let's not forget medical history also....they're more likely to have high BP medication, diabetes medication, have seen everything and done it all therefore nothing is new.

I know this a thread for women who like older men...and I'm deeply prejudiced. My father was much older than my mom....no thanks.
not all true, my daddy will be 60 next yr and have none of this

and my friend is in his 40s and he has none of these as well
I prefer older men if intelligent and have something going for themselves don't see me as a threat...I can be very in your face and straight forward and I have noticed older men esp those of the vanilla persuasian like me alot...like respect me and aren't after hitting it like some of these other girls..Now I know that some chick on here said I had a size complex of some sort but Im just realistic..a young dude to me is not attactive and those few that are handsome can get the best in figure and all..but a older man late 30's early 40's will be more open minded and can really see a beauty compared to a 20 something thing who things all women should like a video vixen..and older men are more marriage minded...i may one day want to marry so at least I would possible be with some who can lead and allow me to take my Godly wife role..
My mother was 20 years younger than my dad. He died quite suddenly 15 years ago after a heart attack. He was quite fit, healthy and took great care of himself but I guess these things just are more common as people age and are preventable only up to a point.
Well, he left her a relatively young widow (40's). My mother had huge love and respect for my dad but I feel that there was a svengali element to it - he was the sophisticated, worldly successful older man she the innocent naive child. I think it was largely a relationship of equlas but she also deferred to him a lot becuase of the age/wisdom thing. Her father died when she was very young and I wonder now if her marrying a much older man was a way of gaining a father figure.
She certainly did not go through the process of nursing him maybe 'cos he was still only in his 60's when he died.
They had over 20 years of a a largely happy marriage and I know she misses him to this day.
I couldn't do it but understand the attraction.
One of my best friends dated an older man...to me he was OLD. He was about 17 years older than her which make him like twenty years older than me so you know he was extra old to me. I didn't get her attraction to him, I still don't, he was her sugar lump. I would say stuff like I would only bring through the basement and I would never bring him around my friend but she didn't care. Now they not together I call him "Soggy Face" we laugh about it now, but if they were together I don't think she would find it funny. Then again she was so in love with that old man....
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My dad is 7 years older than mom. I grew up thinking that I would marry and older man. Mom got married at 16 and dad was 23 at the time. They remained married for 40 years plus until dad passed.

When I was 18 my first boyfriend was an Older italian guy...he was 6 years older. My second serious relationship was when I was 24, the guy was 27 and a mess.

My final relationship was at 27 he was 23 and super smart. This guy went to Stanford got 2 bachelors in one sitting( in 3 years)...i like I did ( i went to another university).The relationship worked...no one ever understood me like he did. I broke up with shortly after but we remained close for the following 3 years.

I haven't dated anyone since. Today Im 32 single with no prospects...I can't help but wonder who I will end up with. I starting to wonder if I'm to old to date older...cause most guys older than me are already married, been married with kids. Then my age group most are married, been married or got some bagage.

Could it be that there are high chances that I will end up marrying a younger guy??? As in 25 to 29.I look younger than my age...people always assume that I'm barely out of my teens to early 20s as in 21 to 22.

Heck I wish I knew what the heck was going on in the love department. I'm starting to wonder if I can even attract a man anymore...confused.
See that is one thing about older men...I experienced the opposite with most of the older men I dealt with ...it seems that older man don't like the idea that Im established.However, my exes all gelt comfortable and happy about my successes and my intelligence..In fact, they encourage me to excel and do things to get ahead.

I prefer older men if intelligent and have something going for themselves don't see me as a threat...I can be very in your face and straight forward and I have noticed older men esp those of the vanilla persuasian like me alot...like respect me and aren't after hitting it like some of these other girls..Now I know that some chick on here said I had a size complex of some sort but Im just realistic..a young dude to me is not attactive and those few that are handsome can get the best in figure and all..but a older man late 30's early 40's will be more open minded and can really see a beauty compared to a 20 something thing who things all women should like a video vixen..and older men are more marriage minded...i may one day want to marry so at least I would possible be with some who can lead and allow me to take my Godly wife role..
Yes, but right now I don't have the life experience to be able to hang with one. I'm 23 so I'm looking at early-mid thirties. While most men in that age range know what they want and have "been there done that" I don't. I think when you are dealing with anyone man or woman that knows what they want they will have to have tons of patience to deal with someone like me who is going through a quarter life crisis.

I'm dealing w/ a gentleman now who's in his early 30s....and they do seem to be a little more long-suffering than those in their 20s--JMO.:look:
I just wanted to bump this thread. I see lots of older cuties, but they never approach. I may have to fix that.
On my 18th birthday, I went out on a date with a 32 year old man. It was exciting but didn't go anywhere. We only went on a few dates but kept in touch over the years. He knew I was young but thought I was in my early 20s.