I'm sorry this happened to you, but It's a great experience. One you've learnt from, I hope.
I know you don't like playing games, but there are certain rules EVERY girl should abide by.
1) Never call the man.
Teach them that if they want to speak to you, they need to call you. If you can't stop yourself from calling, delete the number.
2) Don't make yourself readily available. (especially the early days) Always accept the 2nd date, not the first. If its a LDR, accept the 2nd call. Never pick up on the first rings.
3) Never EVER let a man hear you cry or know he got to you. He's not worth your damn tears. If you have feelings you want to express, express them to your pillow. Be more thick skinned. And don't start with ''That hurt me'' say something like ''Your behaviour is unacceptable, I don't wish to speak to you tonight or the rest of the week.'' You don't want the guy to think you're vulnerable, he'll just use that to his advantage. Be assertive!
4) Don't do schedules anymore. Let things just happen. Let calls just happen. A sepecific time to talk can put a lot of men off. Especially young men. Men don't like talking much, they talk because that's what
we like doing. Let a man talk when he wants to talk. I know us ladies can have discussions for hours, not really knowing what we're discussing but that's not how men operate. Unless you're panting on the phone, stimulating his little man.. he's not having a great time. The first few months, let him innitiate the call. Atleast then you know he wants to talk, not talking because he feels like he has to.
5) Teach him what you will accept, and what you won't accept.
If he does something you don't approve of. It's not 'playing games' to give them the silent treatment. Actions speak 1,000 more than words. You telling him, won't change his behaviour. But you not speaking to him, definitely will. (If he cares for you)
I could go on, but reading from your story... those were the tips that came to my head.
I hope in future you don't invest so much early on in a relationship. 2 months is still very new. And for him to have already made you cry, worries me. Men will trample on if you let them. Learn to not 'love' easily. I know when we're younger, we are more eager to give our love away.
Hey listen to this song. One of my fav . The lyrics are very relevant --->
YouTube - Fairground Attraction - Perfect (Lyrics)
The song starts with ''life is too short to play silly games.'' I think to a degree everybody plays games. People always hold back their emotions. People think twice about what they're going to say. Little things like that is fine! Nobody likes to scare the other person off, or come across too strong. When we initially meet somebody, we meet their lawyer (who they're representing themselves to be) Now you seem like a real genuine girl. You need to get yourself a lawyer. Be assertive, show who you are, but not too much. Don't give everything away straight away, if he's the right guy you got your whole life to talk. I used to be really honest, straightforward, make myself emotionally available... I was very idealistic. But that's not how the world works. I was naive, to say the least. Quickly learn that men's words pretty much mean nothing, 90% of the time. ONLY look at his actions. When you started the thread initially, his actions were speaking volumes.
Please don't waste your time with him or men similar to him.
Always follow your head first, then your heart.
Your brain is in your head, not your heart!!!!