Not Answering Your Phone

If I'm calling someone and I know their there and I feel that they see I'm calling them and won't answer the phone , that's cool they don't have to worry about me calling them again.

I'm not much of a telephone person anyway, so these things don't bother me at all.

If I'm having company and the phone rings I will answer it and if it's not important I will just say I'm having company right now. I expect the same courtesy from someone else if I'm with you and you get a call. I expect you to answer it and say I'm with someone I'll call you back later.

If for some reason someone calls me and I don't answer the phone (in bathroom or otherwise occupied) and they don't leave a message, I assume it wasn't an important call.

I think it's a little weird when folks say" I hate talking to machines" I'd rather call once and leave a message than call someone over & over again and not get a response.

If I'm with the opposite sex at 3am and someone calls him and he doesn't answer the phone...well that's a whole nother conversation altogether.
I hate when folks call and leave me a voicemail saying "Call me back!"

NO! I won't call you back. State your purpose on the voicemail.

That's why my intro says to leave me a brief message stating WHY you calling me.
I am on the phone too at work. I don't have a lot of convos. I am bad too at falling asleep on the phone when talking late at night. I would rather fall asleep on the phone than to not talk. I was told falling asleep was not polite or cute.:lachen:

I almost did that one day...that's why I started the "I'll call when I can give the attention needed" thing. I would find my friends just talking away and I'm on the other end like, "mhmm....mhmmm...whaaaa...hmmmm":lachen: Either way people are gonna get mad. Mad if you don't answer the phone, or fall asleep on them. I figure, if my peeps are gonna be mad at me anyway I might as well save my daytime minutes in the process.:lachen:
I don't answer the phone when I have company. Matter of fact I have a strict no cell phone rule when I'm with friends and loved ones. No you will not hold a conversation with someone else during *my* time. All of my friends know to put it on silent. They can look at it occasionally to see if there's an emergency but other than that if they start chit chatting on the phone, I will get up and excuse myself from their presence. I think it's very rude :look:
...and anyone that does constantly text or pick up their phone, or check their phone, loses major points.

Its one thing to let someone know "I'm expecting a phone call that I may have to take" and its another thing to jump every time you think you hear a buzzing noise...

:yep::yep::yep: YES! ITA
I do what your friend does

Me too!

I hate when people don't answer the phone too. THen call you back seconds later. So irritating.

LOL I would really irritate you. Sometimes I'm screening my calls, sometimes I'm in the bathroom, sometimes I'm on the computer and can't get to the phone in time to answer it.

But why. What if someone is calling you with an important message.

I do that too. If it is important, I feel like they will leave a message.


I hate when folks call and leave me a voicemail saying "Call me back!"

NO! I won't call you back. State your purpose on the voicemail.

That's why my intro says to leave me a brief message stating WHY you calling me.
I ignore calls and It takes me weeks to listen to messages

I just dont wanna talk sometimes....If I have company Im not answering a phone call....Im busy

im not a phone person and just cant be bothered.....
i'm not a huge "phone" person. i've been known to hear the phone, watch it ring while the person calls back 2 or 3 times, and call them back 5 minutes later.
If it's not the time or place to carry on a conversation, I won't answer it. If it's a close friend- who I'll likely be engaging in private discussions with and I'm around aquaintences and others I'm not close to, I will not answer and I'll call her later.

I rarely just answer just to say "can't talk right now". I'd rather send a quick text to let the person know I got the call and will call them back (if I even do that).

1)Sometimes guys do this because they don't want their company to know who they're talking to and what they're talking about. (be careful with these types).

2)Other times guys do it because they know it's rude and poor ettiquette to talk on the phone in the company of others.

You can tell which type they are most times by seeing how they react to what you do. If they're offended you interrupted conversation to answer your phone- they're probably the #2 guys that don't answer out of respect/courtesy.

If they get annoyed and want to know "who was that" "why couldn't you answer it" "what are you trying to hide" LOL-- those are the sneaky lil devils (#1) that don't answer their phones for the same reason. :lol:

*these are generalizations of course, they don't always apply* However IME, they've been pretty accurate. :yep:

It depends.
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I almost never answer my phone - I don't care who is calling me. If you are in my caller ID, you MIGHT get a pick up on the first call, assuming I'm not involved in something else and actually feel like talking. If I don't recognize the number, I'm definitely not answering it.

Actually, I take that back. There is one person who always gets answered - DH - and he has his own ringtone, so I know it's him and don't altogether ignore it. Otherwise - whatever man, I'll talk to you when I feel like it.
Okay, ladies. A big pet peeve I have with men and people in general. I hate it when I call someone and they don't pick up the phone.
Shoot, I do that ALL the time. :grin: I got tired of charities hitting me up for money and folks in general calling me up talking about foolishness. If more people understood polite requests for them NOT to call for certain, plainly-stated reasons, they wouldn't get ignored. :look:

My family does it all the time. They hear the phone, see who it is and don't pick up. I have a friend. We come from two different schools of thought. If I have company, I will still answer the phone and just tell the caller I have company. Or I will be slick and have my phone on quiet or vibrate. My friend will choose not to answer the phone and will call back later.
I do both, it depends on who's calling and whom I'm entertaining. If my parents or my FIL/MIL call, I'm picking up the phone no matter what. If someone is calling and I know they want to talk about some foolishness...:look:

I had another male friend. I was spending the night at his house, someone called 3am in the morning. He didn't pick up the phone. I asked him why he didn't answer the phone. He was like I had company. I guess I always have somebody in my place or hanging out so I always just answer the phone.
I would have picked up the phone no matter what because no one ever calls at that time. However, if wasn't an emergency and someone wanted to talk about something they could have EASILY talked about 7 or 8 hours later, the conversation would be over.
I do that too. If it is important, I feel like they will leave a message.

Right. Though I have disabled my home voicemail and I dont check my cell phone voicemail at all.

I hate voicemail. All that work just to hear somone say "its me call me". **** I see the missed call, why u leaving messages? But that irk comes from when i use to have a beeper/pager. Remember that? It never made since when it gave you the option to send a page or leave a message and folks decided to leave a message saying "call me". Had to spend money in the pay phone just to hear some asss say "call me" when they could have simply paged and I could have called them directly. Wasting 2 damn quaters ( one to listen to the message, then the other to call them) Pissed me to no end.
Only my close friends and family have my number, so i answer especially if i'm with my BF. I wouldn't want him thinking it's another man calling me, so even if i say i'm busy, i'll answer. No one calls me at 3AM except my BF and i would have a serious issue if his phone rang at 3AM and he didn't take the call.
I hate when people answer the phone while I'm at their house. It's like they don't enjoy my company. It's rude. i try to keep my phone turned off
I answer my phone half the time. I have a household, hubby, 3 kids and one on the way. I don't have time to be chit chatting everyday. But I'll answer emails and such fairly quickly.

A few of my relatives like to call and say crazy stuff like, "what are you doing?" They're bored and want me to entertain them. Uh uh. You hear my kids screaming and hollering for food or attention in the background.
Everyone I know gets mad at me for not answering my phone sometimes Im busy and sometimes I dont feel like talking. Some people are slaves to their they have to jump whenever it rings. I dont know why people get mad just leave a message and I will call you back at my earliest convenience!!! LOL! and if its an emergency call 911. jk
I don't answer if I'm driving. Sometimes my phone will be upstairs and I'm downstairs and I won't hear it :ohwell:
Everyone I know gets mad at me for not answering my phone sometimes Im busy and sometimes I dont feel like talking. Some people are slaves to their they have to jump whenever it rings. I dont know why people get mad just leave a message and I will call you back at my earliest convenience!!! LOL! and if its an emergency call 911. jk

I hear you :yep:. I've had to say more than once "um, the phone, that I pay for, is for my convenience, not anyones else's." (note--this is for those family members that always call with something negative to say or just to "chat" (as in gossip or because they have NO life) and get mad when I don't pick up on the first ring.)

We have a home phone--which we never answer--it's strictly to have a landline (for emergencies). 98% of our voicemails on this phone are telemarketers, general household account stuff, and . . . annoying relatives we don't goive our cell numbers to :look:.

Oh--and ITA to the "call me back" voicemail/text message--so irritating!
I almost never answer my phone - I don't care who is calling me. If you are in my caller ID, you MIGHT get a pick up on the first call, assuming I'm not involved in something else and actually feel like talking. If I don't recognize the number, I'm definitely not answering it.

Actually, I take that back. There is one person who always gets answered - DH - and he has his own ringtone, so I know it's him and don't altogether ignore it. Otherwise - whatever man, I'll talk to you when I feel like it.

I get like that.

I'm in this phase right now that i don't feel like talking to folk. I didn't answer my phone all day yesterday. Saw it ring, looked at it and went right on back to doing what i was doing.

Sometimes you just don't feel like talking. And that's exactly what i say when they ask me why i didnt pick up or ask where i was.

"I was right here, i just didn't feel like talking.."

Everyone I know gets mad at me for not answering my phone sometimes Im busy and sometimes I dont feel like talking. Some people are slaves to their they have to jump whenever it rings. I dont know why people get mad just leave a message and I will call you back at my earliest convenience!!! LOL! and if its an emergency call 911. jk

co-signing alla yawl!!!!

Sometimes I just don't want to be bothered! Leave a message if it's important. If not, then I'll talk to you when I talk to you.

I have an aquaintance who gets mad if I don't pick up when she calls. Nine times outta ten, she don't want anything anyway---so I just let it ring!
I don't have time to sit on the phone listening to folks breathe or hemhaw about some insignificant crap....:rolleyes:
Okay, ladies. A big pet peeve I have with men and people in general. I hate it when I call someone and they don't pick up the phone. My family does it all the time. They hear the phone, see who it is and don't pick up. I have a friend. We come from two different schools of thought. If I have company, I will still answer the phone and just tell the caller I have company. Or I will be slick and have my phone on quiet or vibrate. My friend will choose not to answer the phone and will call back later.

I had another male friend. I was spending the night at his house, someone called 3am in the morning. He didn't pick up the phone. I asked him why he didn't answer the phone. He was like I had company. I guess I always have somebody in my place or hanging out so I always just answer the phone.

I was with you until the last part. I don't always pick up my phone either. :look: The bolded sounds suspicious to me. :nono:

If my phone rang at 3 AM, it would HAVE to be an emergency, and I would have answered.