Lawd Jesus, Im bout to give this man some RIGHT NOW!!!


New Member
So Ive been dating this guy for about a month. Things are great, so far.

There's a message board that he goes on which I also read sometimes. Or you can call it stalking him, whatever! lol

There was a thread posted which was about interracial dating and here's what he said:

"Let me start by saying that adults should date those with whom they feel most compatible.

Why I date Black women:

1. When I have children I want them to have more melanin, not less. Melanin is an asset, protecting against the sun.

2. African genetic heritage makes for a stronger PINEAL GLAND.. This is part of the limbic system which facilitates EMOTIONAL (spiritual) CONNECTEDNESS... that's why Blacks can dance so well and how we are able to communicate without talking (if you don't know what I'm talking about, spend more time around Blacks)

3. Brown skin is sexy in an almost primal way. You know the feeling you get when a brown girl takes her clothes off and you see ALL THAT BROWN SKIN... OMG... I live for that!

4. Black women have rhythm, which also makes for better love-making.

5. Black women are culturally compatible with me... So they can see my perspective more naturally. There are some things that ONLY A BLACK WOMAN CAN UNDERSTAND.

6. Black women are feared by other women. As a man its socially unacceptable for me to publicly check a white ***** flight attendant or inattentive waitress... In those situations its good to have a BLACK WOMAN next to me... The mere sight of my woman will command respect.... I speak from experience.

7. A Black couple is a powerful force... its like Voltron, we are greater than the sum of our parts when we connect... (look up Voltron if you're unfamiliar... my playas know what I'm talking about)

But, like I said... Do you.. This is just MY testimony!" about to give him some tonight! (Im really Just Joking)

But its really nice to see that there are brothas out there who still date black women. It's very rare in the part of Texas that im in. Ive seen 2 black couples this year. Im serious!
That is refreshing, even if it sounds somewhat racially superior.

I'm not sure I agree with all his "scientific points."

There are plenty of rhythm less black women.... and dancing does not mean you know how to .... color.
I'm reading this going "dayummm he's probably too young if he's dating her but where is his daddy?" JK That was nice, real nice.
So Ive been dating this guy for about a month. Things are great, so far.

There's a message board that he goes on which I also read sometimes. Or you can call it stalking him, whatever! lol

There was a thread posted which was about interracial dating and here's what he said:

"Let me start by saying that adults should date those with whom they feel most compatible.

Why I date Black women:

1. When I have children I want them to have more melanin, not less. Melanin is an asset, protecting against the sun.

2. African genetic heritage makes for a stronger PINEAL GLAND.. This is part of the limbic system which facilitates EMOTIONAL (spiritual) CONNECTEDNESS... that's why Blacks can dance so well and how we are able to communicate without talking (if you don't know what I'm talking about, spend more time around Blacks)

3. Brown skin is sexy in an almost primal way. You know the feeling you get when a brown girl takes her clothes off and you see ALL THAT BROWN SKIN... OMG... I live for that!

4. Black women have rhythm, which also makes for better love-making.

5. Black women are culturally compatible with me... So they can see my perspective more naturally. There are some things that ONLY A BLACK WOMAN CAN UNDERSTAND.

6. Black women are feared by other women. As a man its socially unacceptable for me to publicly check a white ***** flight attendant or inattentive waitress... In those situations its good to have a BLACK WOMAN next to me... The mere sight of my woman will command respect.... I speak from experience.

7. A Black couple is a powerful force... its like Voltron, we are greater than the sum of our parts when we connect... (look up Voltron if you're unfamiliar... my playas know what I'm talking about)

But, like I said... Do you.. This is just MY testimony!" about to give him some tonight! (Im really Just Joking)

But its really nice to see that there are brothas out there who still date black women. It's very rare in the part of Texas that im in. Ive seen 2 black couples this year. Im serious!

What area of Texas do you live in?
6. Black women are feared by other women. As a man its socially unacceptable for me to publicly check a white ***** flight attendant or inattentive waitress... In those situations its good to have a BLACK WOMAN next to me... The mere sight of my woman will command respect.... I speak from experience.

So, he was a black woman to keep him (and others) in check? :perplexed
a beautiful song about black women~
and championing the black union...heartfelt...
so I take {and appreciate} at face value
it's the spirit of the thing.....that is the loveliest
not really interested in scrutizining it for the #$%^&*...minutae

as one of those of the rhythmless..ha-ha
I appreciate being gifted with the benefit of the doubt...
you see ALL THAT BROWN SKIN... OMG... I live for that!
hands down... my favorite characteristic :) :) :)
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a beautiful song about black women~
and championing the black union...heartfelt...
so I take {and appreciate} at face value
it's the spirit of the thing.....that is the loveliest
not really interested in scrutizining it for the #$%^&*...minutae

as one of those of the rhythmless..ha-ha
I appreciate being gifted with the benefit of the doubt...

hands down... my favorite characteristic :) :) :)

i'm going to agree,
it was the spirit in which the whole thing was written..
it's great to have black women uplifted!
I think it was sweet. I'm not about to sit here and find a problem with what he said because there are too few brothers out there professing their love for bw's like this these days. I think it was sweet. Don't hurt him, OP. :yay:
I know a good man when I meet him.

He's a revolutionary type brotha so yeah...this is the way he thinks. I can see how some would get offended though.

But I, for one, am not.

O snap. He just got out the shower, gotta go!
I'm always happy to see black women uplifted. But why must we put others down, or base our reasoning's on stereotypes to uplift?
I'm always happy to see black women uplifted. But why must we put others down, or base our reasoning's on stereotypes to uplift?

I agree but I also realize that a lot of black women see truth and comfort where I may see stereotypes or be offended.. So while I don't always identify with narrow definitions of black identity, there are clearly many people who do..
I agree but I also realize that a lot of black women see truth and comfort where I may see stereotypes or be offended.. So while I don't always identify with narrow definitions of black identity, there are clearly many people who do..

Good post. I never thought about it like this.
I'm always happy to see black women uplifted. But why must we put others down, or base our reasoning's on stereotypes to uplift?
and that's takes time and unlearn certain things and
to embrace others...I think this introspective guy will :)
I would guess...because he was bold enough to make a statement like this publicly
along the way he will be open to learning...more.
.....& that will naturally shift his perception to the parts...that are not as evolved.....
sometimes it's how we learn...
making a big bold gesture of love
even if not perfectly...

I agree but I also realize that a lot of black women see truth and comfort where I may see stereotypes or be offended.. So while I don't always identify with narrow definitions of black identity, there are clearly many people who do..

{{ I'm not oblivious to the flaws..I just do not think they are germane to his essential exhuberant message of love for black love..women...union... is all...}}

Robert Redord said
you are only as good as you dare to be bad
this man's statement of love reminds me of that
That's what I need to applaud....

don't want to bump up..but
IF the post resonates or not... I think it somewhat
depends on who you are OR who you are NOT dating or involved or married to....
tho not everyone!

but I'd say....chances are
if one dates/marries strictly IR....that is... ONLY white men asian or latin or other ethnicty..
excluding black men....
that person more than likely is going to be highly critical with the details of the post
& disinterested in the message....and the man. {after all the message is counter IR..
the guy is not white} and so that person might be more inclined to attach a {negative} label to the man...and reject the post

whereas if one dates/marries black men or date black men as well as IR.....
chances are that person is more likely going to look at the whole of the message...
at what's he attempting...and bypass the nuance,because the intent
however so obviously trying hard and joyfully to be affirmative

and would be likely more accepting

I think there's probably more a dividing line along that premise :yep:
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Ugh I'm not impressed with this dude at all. Why do we need to put others down to uplift someone else? I don't mean to be a debbie downer but pay attention to this man's actions. Anyone can talk up a good game. Some of these so called revolutionary black men are the main ones who have dysfunctional behavior LOL.
Why is that some women get upset that brothas ain't dating black women, then when you have a brotha taking a stand and saying why he only wants to date us. Some Black women get upset behind his reasoning call it offensive, etc.? I dont' get it. Brothas are damned if they do date us and damned if they don't LOL.
just my opinion, stone me if you will...

sorry but this to me is garbage! these are his reasonings for dating black women?!?!?

*melanin :rolleyes:, whatever he was sayin in example 2 :rolleyes:, brown skin, having rythm :rolleyes: (i know a few dudes with hella rythm that can't fk for shyt), number 5 i can understand, so white bytches will be skurred when they go out :rolleyes:, and yea he feels like voltron...

so no where in there does he say that he dates black women because we are beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving, strong...i mean the list of adjectives can go on for miles...but these are his reasons?!?!

sorry but

NUGGA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: i could give a fudge either way whether someone is into black or white, but damn if u are all about dating in ur race can u please come up with some better in depth reasonin than that ****?!?! thanks!

So Ive been dating this guy for about a month. Things are great, so far.

There's a message board that he goes on which I also read sometimes. Or you can call it stalking him, whatever! lol

There was a thread posted which was about interracial dating and here's what he said:

"Let me start by saying that adults should date those with whom they feel most compatible.

Why I date Black women:

1. When I have children I want them to have more melanin, not less. Melanin is an asset, protecting against the sun.

2. African genetic heritage makes for a stronger PINEAL GLAND.. This is part of the limbic system which facilitates EMOTIONAL (spiritual) CONNECTEDNESS... that's why Blacks can dance so well and how we are able to communicate without talking (if you don't know what I'm talking about, spend more time around Blacks)

3. Brown skin is sexy in an almost primal way. You know the feeling you get when a brown girl takes her clothes off and you see ALL THAT BROWN SKIN... OMG... I live for that!

4. Black women have rhythm, which also makes for better love-making.

5. Black women are culturally compatible with me... So they can see my perspective more naturally. There are some things that ONLY A BLACK WOMAN CAN UNDERSTAND.

6. Black women are feared by other women. As a man its socially unacceptable for me to publicly check a white ***** flight attendant or inattentive waitress... In those situations its good to have a BLACK WOMAN next to me... The mere sight of my woman will command respect.... I speak from experience.

7. A Black couple is a powerful force... its like Voltron, we are greater than the sum of our parts when we connect... (look up Voltron if you're unfamiliar... my playas know what I'm talking about)

But, like I said... Do you.. This is just MY testimony!" about to give him some tonight! (Im really Just Joking)

But its really nice to see that there are brothas out there who still date black women. It's very rare in the part of Texas that im in. Ive seen 2 black couples this year. Im serious!
Why is that some women get upset that brothas ain't dating black women, then when you have a brotha taking a stand and saying why he only wants to date us. Some Black women get upset behind his reasoning call it offensive, etc.? I dont' get it. Brothas are damned if they do date us and damned if they don't LOL.

:look: Er, brothas are really not damned if they do imo. The tons of previous threads about adoring "black kangs" and black love prove that despite all the IR threads, imo. I recall someone attempting question the importance of black love and that thread went straight to hell and back :lachen:.

I think people found some comments within the list silly rather than the message itself. For example, saying we have a gland that makes us dance better and saying we're feared by others isn't that heart-warming. Imo, I don't think many posters took the idea of being feared by "white bytches" (based on skin tone) as positive. In fact, being painted as an ABW is a stereotype many hate to be associated with in the first place.

When I read OP, I thought it was cute OP liked what her BF said but I personally found a lot of his post trivial. Now, it has certainly brought a smile to my face to hear a black man say something like, "there is nothing like a black woman/i love bw" etc but this list was just meh to me. But if OP like its, that's good for her.
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just my opinion, stone me if you will...

sorry but this to me is garbage! these are his reasonings for dating black women?!?!?

*melanin :rolleyes:, whatever he was sayin in example 2 :rolleyes:, brown skin, having rythm :rolleyes: (i know a few dudes with hella rythm that can't fk for shyt), number 5 i can understand, so white bytches will be skurred when they go out :rolleyes:, and yea he feels like voltron...

so no where in there does he say that he dates black women because we are beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving, strong...i mean the list of adjectives can go on for miles...but these are his reasons?!?!

sorry but

NUGGA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: i could give a fudge either way whether someone is into black or white, but damn if u are all about dating in ur race can u please come up with some better in depth reasonin than that ****?!?! thanks!

Just had to say I couldn't have said it better myself. Maybe its an maturity thing, but I was less than impressed with his reasoning, but then again I think I may just be getting old.
:look: Er, brothas are really not damned if they do imo. The tons of previous threads about adoring "black kangs" and black love prove that despite all the IR threads, imo. I recall someone attempting question the importance of black love and that thread went straight to hell and back :lachen:.

I think people found some comments within the list silly rather than the message itself. For example, saying we have a gland that makes us dance better and saying we're feared by others isn't that heart-warming. Imo, I don't think many posters took the idea of being feared by "white bytches" (based on skin tone) as positive. In fact, being painted as an ABW is a stereotype many hate to be associated with in the first place.

When I read OP, I thought it was cute OP liked what her BF said but I personally found a lot of his post trivial. Now, it has certainly brought a smile to my face to hear a black man say something like, "there is nothing like a black woman/i love bw" etc but this list was just meh to me. But if OP like its, that's good for her.


I don't know this dude, and if the OP is happy and he's a good dude, then great for both of them.

But the part in bold is also how I feel. The list made me go :rolleyes:. I'm glad he loves black women and I hope that he's the type to truly show his love to the black women he's involved with. But making lists (especially based on stereotypes) doesn't tell me a darn thing about someone's true feelings about black women.

All I need is a simple, "Black women are the best/I love black women," and I'm good. ;)

Again, that's me. The OP is the one in the relationship with him.
THIS SHTYE sounds like all the other Stereotypical things that I hear about being a Black woman all the time. We gots RYTHUM be are good in Bed WE GOTS Rythums, We can Humbug at a moments notice WE GOTS RHYTHUM we can dance. We GOTS big Bootys.
