Ladies don't give up!!


New Member
Ladies don\'t give up!!

I don't know if there is anyone else feeling how I am, but occassionally I think that growing AA hair to great lengths is virtually impossible. Now I'm not knocking those women who were born with long hair and still have it, but sometimes it becomes unbelievable for someone ( like myself ) who wasn't born with long hair of any kind to all of a sudden find a way to obtain it!! And I was thinking about giving up, but then I thought about it. We as African Americans or any descent/race for that matter have the capabilities of growing hair just as long as anyone else. It is not that our hair isn't growing, but finding ways to keep it. And one thing that I say is don't try to obtain long hair for someone else's satifaction, but first want long hair for yourself. I think that if we think of it in that manner then we would appreciate it more.
Long hair is defined as: beautiful, sexy, mystique, appealing, and woman.
Whether curly, wavy, relaxed, texturized or natural, long hair is beautiful and to work hard at something so wonderful (such as this) and finally obtain is a blessing and a building block to character. And to end it I say: Don't give up!! It is the products, detailed regimens, the remedies, CO washes, reconstructors, good and bad times and most of all the support from forums like this that keep me going. And hopefully writing this will help someone like me continue the journey of long hair.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

thanks, that was really encouraging. i had long hair all my life except for the past year (SHS) and now it seems like it's impossible for me to get it back. sometimes i just wanna say 'bump it' and give up because it doesnt seem like i'll get there.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

Girl I understand. It just seems so hard, but when it happens then it is going to be so wonderful and refreshing.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

You are certainly right about that character building part. In the past month, I have learned so much about myself through learning to change my attitude towards my hair. I like the fact that I can experience total self-acceptance, because I now have a better understanding of not just myself, but my hair, too. If that makes any sense--I can literally love myself from head to toe--no ifs, ands or buts! This is the gift that I received from this board. I learned to love my hair. I love babying it, taking care of it and thinking positively about it all the time. I am not trying to be out there, but we all know how important hair (and our perception of it) is to us. Thanks for the encouragement!
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

It may be tough for many of us, but I really believe that it is possible for anyone. It is just about truly understanding our hair. And ITA w/u Ubavka... but I would like to add that in learning to really love my hair I think that I actually have a more positive outlook on life and I am a lot nicer to people too. I have more confidence!
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

Lovelylocs said:
It may be tough for many of us, but I really believe that it is possible for anyone. It is just about truly understanding our hair. And ITA w/u Ubavka... but I would like to add that in learning to really love my hair I think that I actually have a more positive outlook on life and I am a lot nicer to people too. I have more confidence!

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isnt it strange how hair can change you in a good way?
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

Don't feel vain at all. I believe that investing time in yourself and your appearance makes you feel better about yourself. And when you feel better about yourself that radiates to how you treat others. It's a win-win for everyone! Nothing vain about that...Just aesthetic harmony.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

Thanks for the words of encouragement. This is coming from someone that was once afraid (understatement, DEADLY terrified) of anyone seeing my hair due to my disappointment in how short, damaged, etc it was. I lived behind the comfort of a weave. The only time anyone would see my hair was if they just "happened" to pop up at my house during my shampooing sessions and that wasn't too often. I had childhood friends who couldn't stop me in a line-up if I wore my real hair out. This is what kept me from washing it enough during my years in college. My companion of two years has seen my real hair more in the last couple of months than he has in our entire relationship (including the year before when we were just friends). I won't give up. I NEVER had hair longer than mid-neck in the past and even then it was NEVER all healthy hair. I am willing to try all things that I never did in order to get reach goals I never dreamed of having. The hardest part was letting go of old habits. I now believe in myself and I have all confidence that in turn I will be rewarded.

Be Blessed.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

chellee said:
Thanks for the words of encouragement. This is coming from someone that was once afraid (understatement, DEADLY terrified) of anyone seeing my hair due to my disappointment in how short, damaged, etc it was. I lived behind the comfort of a weave. The only time anyone would see my hair was if they just "happened" to pop up at my house during my shampooing sessions and that wasn't too often. I had childhood friends who couldn't stop me in a line-up if I wore my real hair out. This is what kept me from washing it enough during my years in college. My companion of two years has seen my real hair more in the last couple of months than he has in our entire relationship (including the year before when we were just friends). I won't give up. I NEVER had hair longer than mid-neck in the past and even then it was NEVER all healthy hair. I am willing to try all things that I never did in order to get reach goals I never dreamed of having. The hardest part was letting go of old habits. I now believe in myself and I have all confidence that in turn I will be rewarded.

Be Blessed.

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did all of these people know that you had a weave or was it a secret? Did you feel like the longer hair gave u more attention b/c it was long or b/c u just look better with long hair?
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

did all of these people know that you had a weave or was it a secret? Did you feel like the longer hair gave u more attention b/c it was long or b/c u just look better with long hair?

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No, it was no secret. They knew I had a weave and if asked, I was honest about it. I looked at it more of a styling option, not necessarily something to be ashamed of (like wearing braids). I don't necessarily think that longer hair gave me any more attention at all. A number of my weave styles were shorter than my actual hair. I have even tried short braid out looking tracks cut to about 2-3 inches (those are my favorites!)

I started wearing weaves at a very young age due to poverty (in a sense). My mom never had enough money to take both my sister and I to the hairdresser regularly. It started with ponytails for years and eventually began wearing glued-in weaves, then sewn-in ones (trying to minimize damage and the messy removal of the glue) then a combination of the two as I started to get lazy again. I became so good, people were asking me to put there's in too. I even worked at a salon for a while (as a part-time shampoo assistant but some clients INSISTED that I do their weaves during off hours). Lacking the knowledge needed to grow my own hair, lacking the finances needed for periodic salon visits, weaves provided me with a visibly perfect alternative. People always commented on the fact that my hair always looked perfect. This became my downfall: my desire to have low maintenance, perfect-looking hair (short, long, curly or straight). I feared venturing into the world of bad hair days, humidity aftermaths, and/or spending hours under a hooded dryer to avoid direct heat. I looked good but I definitely paid a price for it. My hair made it to about shoulder length a few times but it was always dry and weak from lacking moisture. I did absolutely nothing to it while it was covered: shampoo + instant conditioner when I washed it, blow-dried it, and then weaved it right back up. I very rarely deep conditioned it. To make matters worse, I had the nerve to self-relax it periodically to make it more manageable for my cornrows. My hair grew solely to provide a foundation for those stupid weaves, nothing else. Let me add that I had a scalp condition during this time, also hindering healthy hair growth.

When most people see women who wear weaves 24-7 they assume that they are bald-headed. That was not the case with me. I was nowhere close to bald headed but I guess dry damaged hair is not that much better, huh? Like I mentioned earlier I enjoyed the versatility of weave styles and I simply feared only having two options: looking too plain-Jane or having to go to the salon or use heat all the time for a really nice style. Boy was I wrong. (By the way, I like the simple looks now)

I don't think the weaving process was my problem. I just never took care of the hair underneath it. I never thought I could grow long hair b/c no one around me ever had it. I had never learned how to.

Now that my hair is out from hibernation, I receive so many compliments on how pretty I am. This comes from people I have been around for years! I think it is because people can actually "see" me
. Plus, it's easy to look nice when you have perfect looking hair all the time if you know what I mean.

Already too long story short, I was in a different place at that time. I liked the fake-hair look and no one could tell me any different. I will now use my creative talent to grow a healthy head of hair I can be proud.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

I will stay encouraged!! My hair was never really that long and definitely never as long as I am trying to grow it (bra-strap). One way I am staying encouraged is by just seeing how much better my hair looks and feels and how much less hair I lose through combing. I look @ how much hair I lose now and can't believe I thought it was normal how much I was losing before. I also love how I don't have to brush never ending broken strands of hair off my shirt after styling. I haven't gained much length but knowing that my hair is changing keeps me somewhat encouraged that length will soon follow
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

Thanks for sharing your story, Chellee. It sounds like all those compliments you are now getting about your beauty from people who have been around you all along is because of the confidence you have wearing your own beautiful hair. Your beauty was there all along but I believe it really shows when we feel confident and pretty within.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

NYCQT16 said:
I will stay encouraged!! My hair was never really that long and definitely never as long as I am trying to grow it (bra-strap). One way I am staying encouraged is by just seeing how much better my hair looks and feels and how much less hair I lose through combing. I look @ how much hair I lose now and can't believe I thought it was normal how much I was losing before. I also love how I don't have to brush never ending broken strands of hair off my shirt after styling. I haven't gained much length but knowing that my hair is changing keeps me somewhat encouraged that length will soon follow

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That's the same way I thought. I would have so many strands of hair fall on my shirt, floor, bathtub after styling and I thought wasn't anything wrong. When I used to wash my hair and would have a lot of hair on my comb. I would also brush my hair while it was wet. I'm suprised I still had hair on my head. I used to wonder why my hair wouldn't grow long like it used to be when I was younger. Or when it did attempt to grow long it would break off. Between what I was doing and the many stupid hairdressers I had, that's why my hair wasn't healthy and growing long.
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

I SOOOOO Agree with you!!!!! Its true everyone!!! IT's true...Athough it took me longer to feel like my hair was growing ( "cause I trimmed every 7 weeks But I needed to remove the dry damaged hair) it does happen!!!! You may not notice but others will eventually saw " hey, your hair is......"

DON"T GIVE UP!!!!!!! Be gentle and kind and LOVE THAT Hair!
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

Isis said:
Thanks for sharing your story, Chellee. It sounds like all those compliments you are now getting about your beauty from people who have been around you all along is because of the confidence you have wearing your own beautiful hair. Your beauty was there all along but I believe it really shows when we feel confident and pretty within.

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You are so right, Isis. I feel so much better inside and I'm sure it shows. I can't wait to see the results of my efforts in the years to come . . .
Re: Ladies don\'t give up!!

chellee said:
Isis said:
Thanks for sharing your story, Chellee. It sounds like all those compliments you are now getting about your beauty from people who have been around you all along is because of the confidence you have wearing your own beautiful hair. Your beauty was there all along but I believe it really shows when we feel confident and pretty within.

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You are so right, Isis. I feel so much better inside and I'm sure it shows. I can't wait to see the results of my efforts in the years to come . . .

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Nice story Chellee
. Glad to hear that you've grown into your own hair. I'm sure both your hair and spirit are very beautiful.