What is your purpose for growing long hair?

Because Black hair is looked down on by other races and even people of our own race. I'm Nigerian and when people hear of Nigerians they think dark-skinned and i'm not and for hair they think Africans have the worse of it so I want to prove all those people wrong and to prove that Africans and all African-American can have that beautiful hair too...plus I love the way it looks
26INCHHAIR said:
Because Black hair is looked down on by other races and even people of our own race. I'm Nigerian and when people hear of Nigerians they think dark-skinned and i'm not and for hair they think Africans have the worse of it so I want to prove all those people wrong and to prove that Africans and all African-American can have that beautiful hair too...plus I love the way it looks

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That's exactly how I feel. To set an example that all hair can be long and beautiful
I LOVE long hair! My hair has always been shoulder length or a little bit beyond shoulder length. Now that I know how to take care of my hair, I want it to have healthy bra strap natural hair. Besides, I think I look better with longer hair.
You GO girl! @ 26INCHHAIR

I'm Nigerian too and I can't tell you how annoying it is when people say "you don't LOOK Nigerian".

I'm growing my hair long to show that Black hair has natural beauty. Also, as I'm growing I've noticed that with length the 'unruly naps' actually turn into cute lengthy curls--"tightly curled hair" as industry calls it. I'm loooovin my journey more and more each day!
I donno...because whenever I see another woman with long hair, I want it. I also think it'll complete my wardrobe (what's the point of wearing great clothes if your hair's a mess?) I've also intentionally had short hair for years and it got old soon enough. By the way TigerLily, i love your tree braids
I personally just find long healthy hair to be very beautiful, not saying that short hair isn't, because I've had both and long hair just seems to fit me better.
I'm curious to see if I will feel more beautiful. Plus I use to get made fun of when I was younger because I didn't know how to take care of my hair so it was very damaged.
I have a long face and and at least shoulder length hair looks best on me.

To prove that people with highly textured 4b hair like mine can grow it long if they want. My grandmother used to say I would never have any hair, cause it was so nappy (bb's), hard and short when I was a child. Now she always tells me, "I never would have thought you'd end up with a nice suit of hair like that."

Long hair is easier. It doesn't require curling every morning.
I have never had long hair, but I never took care of my hair either.. so I want to see if it will actually grow to it's potential.
I'm growing my hair long because a SHS chopped my hair off when it was ALREADY long.. I'm basically trying to get back where I was.
I've never had bra strap length hair. It's generally floating somewhere around my shoulders. Until joining LHCF, I never paid special attention to my split prone ends so they always ended up needing a trim and I also used heat weekly, which is too much for my fragile ends.
I just want to see if I can get there.
The longest my hair has ever been was about 2 0r 3 inches away from bra-strap and I loved it. I just like long hair...I think it's feminine and sexy and most women look good with it. Short hair is lovely too...but it just isn't for me. I felt that I looked prettier with longer hair. The difference in attention from both sexes is noticeable now that I am only at shoulder length
Can't wait to get back where I was and go longer...I willl NEVER cut my hair again!
1. to see if i can do it
2. always wanted long hair (never longer than shoulder length bob)
3. i love big hair
4. i want to represent for the grown & sexy naturals
katie said:
I never had long hair and would like to see what it is like.
And when I say I never had long hair I mean my hair has been at or above the nape of my neck my entire lifetime.I actually would consider shoulder length long hair.I wonder if it is even possible for me to grow hair past nape length.I am at nape length now.Is anyone in the same boat as me?

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Wow.This seems like ages ago.I can't believe I thought shoulder length was long.I have since passed shoulder length considerably.And I still don't think my hair is long
i want mine to be long because i dont have to deal with all the shrinkage.....when its short its shorter..lol...and if its longer i feel like i can do more with it
NapturalGlory said:
congratulations katie! i am so glad to hear you are reaching your goals!

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Yeah Falon...........I'm with you! The attention I get as a long-hair was much higher than at Shoulder length or shorter. I did ironically get a lot of attnetion back in '98 when I big chopped, but it's a lot more when it's long. The longest mine has ever been is 2 1/2 inches to brastrap. I've never been to brastrap before, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm natural now, but I think later I may (still not sure) texturize so I can wear it straight sometimes, rock a fro sometimes or rock a twist out look!!! I Love long hair and I love high versatility hair! Texturized I can still rock my Fro, albeit a looser one that blows in the wind...............OK.........I know that was goofy! :-)
(1)I have never tried to grow my hair out to its longest length, so I am quite curious to see what that actually is.
(2) I love how I look with longer hair and can only imagine that having it even longer will further enhance my beauty. (3) I love wearing buns and I want a really BIG one!
(4) I agree that it is an awesome personal challenge!
Good luck to all!
My hair used to be long when I was younger, and after bouncing around with length these past few years, I just want it to be really long again. I'm happy now though because it's much healthier, and since I know how to take care of it properly, it will grow to be much longer!
Good question!
Longer hair FOR ME is more versatile. I can do a lot with it in comparison to shorter hair. Honestly, though, I just want healthy hair but I know longer hair will come with it.
I never had long hair before because I didn't take care of it properly. I've done the short thang a couple of times (which I liked for a while), but then I hated the growing out stages. Now that I'm at medium length, I just wanna go long.
1. I've always wanted long hair. my hair has always been neck lenght and no longer.
2.It's fun AND easier to deal with!!!
3.I want to prove that our hair can be long and healthy!
<font color="blue"> You know how when you were little and you were taking your shirt off, but it somehow got stuck on your head inside out? Well, my sis &amp; I did that on purpose and walked around like that for hours because it resembled long hair. We always had short hair. Now that we figured out this *code*, we are growing our hair as long as we can. Since we've had short hair all of our lives, we want to grow &amp; maintain our hair because we KNOW how