Is hair length Hereditary???

Well, I have been wearing my hair in braids off and on for about two and half years now. I saw a little growth once during this period but it didn't last.
Ok, I bumped the thread back up in case you want to check out my soon to be haircare routine.
I like your regime mostly Natori and I just want to say that while I beleive the potential to grow hair EASILY may be hereditary - I don't the think the potential to grow long hair AT ALL is.

So I guess what I'm saying is that while those people you may know who do little or nothing and still have long hair may have a bit of a genetic edge ( so it's easier for them), I don't think it's determinative. I think you can still grow it long, I just think that you can help it along and see better results than you ever expected - or thought was possible based on genetics - using good hair care methods and employing a bit of patience.

I've seen women fly past me growth wise. My genetics are such that my hair grows pretty slowly. But that didn't stop me from getting to an inch above brastrap. I just waited it out, and took really good care of my hair, and my work paid off.

Don't get discouraged before you even start.
It's a long road, but you can do it.
Hi, Tracy! Thanks for the encouragement. I have very slow growing hair too so maybe that is genetically determined. How long did it take you to grow your hair to the length it is now?
I just want to thank everyone for their input. As far as my hair goes, it seem as though when it gets to a certain length it just stops (then I get tired of it and cut it). Its that length that its not long enough to wear it out. I never really measured it to see how much growth I get in a one month time but I will start now. To me my hair grows at an okay rate but at about 4 ~ 5 inches it just stops, then I get tired of it and cut it again.
I am really trying to get it to grow at least shoulder length. But I always get discouraged at about 4 ~ 5 inches and I cut it. What can a sister do?

I just started browsing the board about 2 weeks ago and I started a vitamin regime 1 week ago. Most of the time I wear my hair in protective style (braids).
My grandmother who is spanish had wavy hair down to her waist when she was younger. I noticed that me and my yonger cousins hair are very much alike 3c/4a very thick. And then my other cousin has the same hair type like in the curl pattern and stuff but hers is thinner and not as long as ours. I dont think it is that she cant grow long hair I think it is that because her hair is more fragile and dosnt retain length as easily and dosnt grow as fast. Genetics can detrime hair length depending on how well you care for it.
I have said this before: I come from a NO hair, bad-grade family. It was short because they didn't have time OR had too much time and KILLED the hair with heat. My hair is b/s. I think with care b/s is possible for any woman. Waist length and that long growing cycle may require some genetic help, but b/s I think is for every woman.
i'm not sure if it's heriditary, btu my mom had gorgeous long hair, and i did too ( i'm sure you've heard this is story too many times ) btu anyway put a perm in. whacked off all my hair went natural, wen back to the perm, btu its growing out. so i don't know
At lot of 4b hair is very fragile, so that it doesn't get to a long length. My mother and my daughter have the same length hair, which is just above bra length, I never had that length, my hair was always medium length, when relaxed just collar length. However when I had a curly perm, my hair grew past my shoulders a few inches above bra strap. My hair is naturally very fine and fragile, however since I started washing my hair or a more regular basis, I rinse my hair at least once or twice a day, I am amazed how fast and how much it has been able to retain length. I always had trouble with my hair, especially the back hair, I suffered from thin ends. Since I have stopped all forms of chemical treatments, except of course of colouring and I take my supplements, my hair is much thicker than it has ever has been, within two years and four months, it's now past shoulder length, stretched out. If someone had told me that my hair would be this long natural, I would have laughed in their face. So I think that although heredity may be a factor, but how you care for your hair, that makes the final difference and I think that Afro texturised hair, especially 4b, needs water, water, water.
I think so. I think the heredity thing is a HUGE myth told to black women. i'm sure that this myth doesnt exist for white women that may have fragile hair. nothings wrong with short hair, but why limit yourself.
LONG POST: Sometimes people confuse genetics and hereditary and hereditory potential: My thought ON THE "genetic statistics"is: We have been told a lot of "scientific" things....and nearly the whole world bought in to these "facts...about the size of our brains, our mental capacity...or potential or lack thereof) mathematics, science and our predisposition to "crime", immorality....and "suitability... and SHORT HARD FRAGILE hair....and black stylists often echo the same rhetoric....Now, I believe that the Word says "You will have what you say..." and "all things are possible..only believe"...I believe we should have what WE say...NOT WHAT THEY SAY!...I believe that some of the information that we are still limiting ourselves to is old outdated and "selective AND repetive"...have you noticed that because our type of hair was not deemed "correct or "straight enough" on our "inferior" selves...that we were consistently generationally inundated with "inferior products that did "nothing to bring out the beauty of our hair...and "science could never with all their wisdom get us beyond our "limitations" in the hair department. They really blessed us with wigs, weaves, braids, grease and mo grease, and radical relaxers until recently and have basically treated our hair like a JOKE! and stereotyped us and type cast us regarding our hair. (Have you heard about the "conk years"...the dripping jerries...and the packed poodles styles?)...and if we change up on them and start wearing longer healthier silking shiny swinging hair...we are trying to be something else and not being (?)...the designated stereotype...I really REFUSE to limit myself by their statistics...that were developed back when they were promoting all the other "limitations, restrictions and "reserved for .....only." What is changing all that?...NOT THE SCIENTISTS..nor the Genetic Prophets! NOT THE HAIR PRODUCT COMPANIES...Not the "Keepers of the Hair" ....Why are more and more black women "pushing through the BARRIERS of ..."genetics"? Have and of the genetic scientific people given permission for our hair to grow longer or is it doing so in spite of them?...did they discover something scientifically new?....NO!!! has been individuals from among ourselves that dared to defy the "rules, limitations and predictions...the PROGRAMMED THOUGHT based on the Genetics Theories! Did we make up that term or did others coin that phrase?...really think about all that "genetics" has meant for us as a people and what blindly believing in it has cost us!!! Most of us would never have graduated, gone to college and university and entered certain professions...based on the "rationale" of genetics...I do not confuse genetics with heredity...and I also make a difference between hereditary potential limited by hereditary practices and beliefs that can limit us. Be careful what you choose to believe about "genetics" will limit you, but rarely will it set you free!.... I think it was all part of brainwashing and if we and our parents and grand parents had not been kept in ignorance we would have kicked these barriers over a long time ago...Please...I really find the genetic statistics re: our kind of hair and what it is allowed to do... to be personally insulting and I am just not buying it. I am also tired of hearing the "tv hair stylists" and reading the the magazines and books...experts... repeatedly referring to and spouting this pre civil war stuff and ancient genetic philosophy like robots!...they know who they are!....they have been treating our hair based on these "statistics" and not on real knowledge and personal research and interest! Is there some secret law still on the law books that we are bound by...well then.....
Mahalialee, thank you for your insightful post! That's what I believe too - it's more in the care than anything else. Sure certain people have genetic advantages/disadvantages, but with good care all hairs should be able to reach at least BSL. I know women of color from all over the world with long hair. It will be more difficult the more you mistreat the hair. So it's all in what you do to your hair IMO. And what is the most important thing to do to your hair?? Answer: <font color="red"> Nothing! </font>
I think it is hereditary. My grandmother on my dad's side, who is black, has type 1 hair and could grow it long very easily but kept it short. I don't have the same texture as her but my hair has always been at brastrap length without effort, and when it broke off a little while ago, it grew back very quickly without me doing much. Whereas my mom never had long hair and neither did her mom, who also had straight hair.