Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

You can definitely overcome the bulb issue. I had issues with my bulbs and she wasn't sure I would recover. However after my follow up she was amazed at how my hair recovered. I wasn't. I knew it would work but she had never seem it before. So be encouraged. You can reverse whatever is happening.
I know you are not a fan of shampoo. How did you manage/overcome the bulb issue?
I know you are not a fan of shampoo. How did you manage/overcome the bulb issue?

True, I haven't had much success with shampoo but I do know that the scalp has to be clean. I just don't shampoo as often now. I shampoo maybe once a quarter versus once a week like I had been doing. But I use an arsenal of things for my scalp: water, acv, baking soda and mud. I also know that everyone's scalp is different. I had an analysis at the same time as tashboog. She had build up from mud, I think whereas I didn't.

As far as the bulb issue I washed twice a week and did a mudwash at least once a month but I also used my oil blend with essential oils. It was the oil blend that really started reversing my balding issue and it was the extra water during the week that made it more effective.

I don't think that everyone can or should give up shampoo. I also don't think people have to shampoo on the same schedule. But I also don't think that cowashing affects everyone the same either. I am not a fan of lumping things together based on limited information. Drives me crazy. Rant over :lol:
I got the cut today. I went to the Huetiful salon in Chicago. The steamer treatment was nice thought I'm not sure it helped my hair. Afterwards the stylist blow dried and flat ironed my hair and cut about 1 1/2 inches. I went from unevenly approaching SL to a blunt, healthy neck length. It feels so much better now though. She advised me to try Toppik (sp) for the spot where the alopecia is. I do plan o going back to keep with the trim schedule Komaza advised.

A few pictures of the finished style. She said to pin curl it. I will probably wash it next weekend, if the style survives that long.


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I got the cut today. I went to the Huetiful salon in Chicago. The steamer treatment was nice thought I'm not sure it helped my hair. Afterwards the stylist blow dried and flat ironed my hair and cut about 1 1/2 inches. I went from unevenly approaching SL to a blunt, healthy neck length. It feels so much better now though. She advised me to try Toppik (sp) for the spot where the alopecia is. I do plan o going back to keep with the trim schedule Komaza advised.

A few pictures of the finished style. She said to pin curl it. I will probably wash it next weekend, if the style survives that long.

Not to distract from the topic of the thread, but you should write a review of the salon in the salon section. I suggest this because I have been curious about them and would like an member's opinion before I put them on my to try list!
Has anyone had success with the Pona Hair and Scalp treatment for helping/eliminating Seborrheic Dermatitis, itchy scalp etc? The product was recommended to me by Jenn for my scalp issues, but I don't think I've see any reviews on here of people who have been helped by this product..r you out there? lol
Hey ladies, I posted this with my U1B1 ladies and I'm just sharing it here if you're interested....

Hey Ladies, I had my Komaza Analysis consult yesterday. I'm posted the deets on my blog. I'm not trying to get blog clicks but it's just that it's so much info that it would be easier to just view it there. The short & skinny: my porosity is TBD until more samples are received. More protein. More shampooing, less co-cleansing. Treat my hair like it's relaxed and not natural with using natural inspired techniques.
has anyone purchased recently??? I purchased it on sept 25th and never received anything via mail??? what is the deal? I am calling them tomorrow.
has anyone purchased recently??? I purchased it on sept 25th and never received anything via mail??? what is the deal? I am calling them tomorrow.

You don't receive anything. You download the questionnaire, fill it out, and then mail it with a sample of your freshly washed shed hair. When you ordered/on the product page, it gives you instructions on everything.
[USER=201322 said:
divachyk[/USER];20427603]blackeyes31626, basically a simple regi of pre-poo, shampoo, condition; apply leave ins; style. Moisturize a few times per week as needed.

Since it has been a few months, what did you finally settle on doing? Are you doing a simple regimen or did you find something else worked better for you?
I really want to do this, but have already spent my budgeted "hair money". If I ever get my cwk refund, I'll put it toward hair analysis.
faithVA, I am doing a simple regi still. Prepoo, cleanse, condition.

Warm heat seem to work better than moist heat (steaming) so I rarely steam any more.

I hate to admit this since I'm anti-protein but increasing protein usage has helped to reduce breakage and maintain moisture.

I shampoo weekly with sulfate free shampoo. Komaza recommended sulfate shampoo to remove buildup but I haven't found one that I like.

Shampooing more and increasing protein has alleviated the need to baggy as often because my hair is holding moisture.

I have some problem ends that Komaza advised to trim gradually.

The service was def worth my money and I had great success with using products from my stash. I recently purchased and incorporated their products in my regimen so I'm interested to see the impacts of their products to my hair. It's too early to tell though.
[USER=201322 said:
divachyk[/USER];20713009]faithVA, I am doing a simple regi still. Prepoo, cleanse, condition.

Warm heat seem to work better than moist heat (steaming) so I rarely steam any more.

I hate to admit this since I'm anti-protein but increasing protein usage has helped to reduce breakage and maintain moisture.

I shampoo weekly with sulfate free shampoo. Komaza recommended sulfate shampoo to remove buildup but I haven't found one that I like.

Shampooing more and increasing protein has alleviated the need to baggy as often because my hair is holding moisture.

I have some problem ends that Komaza advised to trim gradually.

The service was def worth my money and I had great success with using products from my stash. I recently purchased and incorporated their products in my regimen so I'm interested to see the impacts of their products to my hair. It's too early to tell though.

I'm glad it worked out for you. I remember you weren't sold when they first told you but I'm glad you gave it a chance.

I also found out that protein, at least keratin protein works well with my hair and makes it very happy.

Glad you are having happy hair days :yep:
and to incorporate protein treatments!!
I recently learned that on my own. I used to only do light protein treatments, infrequently. Then recommitted to the health of my hair and started using harder protein and adding it to leave ins and doing weekly treatments. My breakage has become so minimal.
I just ordered my analysis a few days ago. After reading this entire thread, I feel like this will be the thing that helps me up my hair game since I got a cut in January. She took off 3-4 inches of damaged hair. The lady that cut my hair said that I shouldn't need to trim till june, so we will see.
I will post my analysis results once I have them here.
I just ordered my analysis a few days ago. After reading this entire thread, I feel like this will be the thing that helps me up my hair game since I got a cut in January. She took off 3-4 inches of damaged hair. The lady that cut my hair said that I shouldn't need to trim till june, so we will see.
I will post my analysis results once I have them here.
I just read the entire thread as well and I will definitely be purchasing in 6 months -1 year. If my current braid regimen doesn't produce the results I'm looking for. But many of the things suggested in this thread I'm already doing. I use Njoy Oil on my scalp every other day. Use a tea tree based sulfate free shampoo for my scalp every 10 days while in braids. Moisturize with braid spray and infusium 23 every other day. And take all of the supplements recommended, Hairsentials, MSM, Biotin, Collagen, and Calcium + Vitamin D. I am going to push myself to be really consistent with this regimen for the next year and hopefully I'll see a drastic change.
I too sent in my hair samples last week. I had pre & post trimmed hair sent in. I also colored my hair and sent in those samples as well. We will see on the results. I am hoping for the best.
So I had my call with Jenn on Monday and I’m very pleased with the results. For the 4 weeks leading up to submitting my results I was trying out the water only hair washing method (using only a leave in daily, but otherwise ONLY water.) The day that I submitted, I washed with clay. I’d asked prior to if using clay to cleanse would be ok. She said I’d be the first, but she’d be up for checking out the sample and if she couldn’t see the cortex<?> she’d let me know so that I could submit another sample after doing a shampoo wash. Note: It took 4 weeks plus a day for my phone consultation since the wash. In that time I continued with the water only washing.

When I saw the images I was disheartened. There weren’t too many images of splits and damage, but a LOT of buildup and diminished root sheaths. All, I could think was, am I possibly going bald. I didn’t think so – there is an explanation for it – but still. Also, I’m really liking the water only and didn’t want to hear that I would have to leave it, though I’m not married to the method so I don’t mind changing.

I’m definitely glad that I got the phone consultation because some of her recommendations would not have been appropriate for me and so we were able to flush things out so that they would work. Also, the phone consultation is much more detailed than the report.

Hair Porosity: Normal- High in damaged area
Hair Texture: .049mm-.079mm fine/med
Hair Length: 11-12 inches

Observation: Breakage, mid shaft splits, split ends and diminishing root sheaths (early signs of thinning due to recent pregnancy). She did mention that mid shaft splits do occur because of the bends in our hair.

- Cut 1/2 inch, then ¼ inch every 12 weeks. Using an expensive and sharp pair of scissors.
- I need protein externally AND internally, especially since I’m breastfeeding. For the external protein, I should use it every two weeks for three months, then I can switch to monthly.
- She said my water was a bit low and made a recommendation, but when I told her what my height and weight was, she agreed that the amount that I was consuming was fine.
- I should include shampoo every one to two weeks. Do not cowash. I can pre poo with coconut oil if I feel like my shampoo is too harsh. Also, it’s not necessary to switch up my shampoos and that I shouldn’t be afraid of sulphate shampoos.
- She recommended Bountiful Mane Serum to help anchor the roots to my head and help strengthen them (to counter the pp shedding.)

She recommended a few vitamins/supplements to take after I’m done breastfeeding. Exercise, healthy foods, etc.

Overall, we concluded that I should go back to the regimen that I was doing prior to trying water only because she really liked it – basically clay washing with shampoo washes thrown in (I think that I will shampoo every 3 to 4 weeks instead of every 2), super low manipulation (two strand twists/washing in them/ then refreshing every other week), finger combing/detangling, broccoli seed oil to seal, my own moisturizer. I think that there was too much build up with water only and she suggested the shampoos to make sure that my scalp stayed healthy.

1 – Lifted cuticles and the skinny hair is breakage
2 – Mid shaft split
3 – Breakage. That part of the hair is light and then it gets darker. The light/dark show where I’m missing protein
4 – Complex knot with build up
7 – Diminishing root sheath/ build up
9 – Cuticles slightly lifted and look good
10 – Cuticles are dry and lifted

My referral code is: D2J3px


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