Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

Good news! Jennifer just calld to schedule my phone consultation :-) i will b back to share aftr wednesday
Im so excited... From mailg sample to phone consult took about a month
Haven't been in this thread in a while. Hate to hear that there were bad experiences and that they no longer have follow-ups. That's pretty much necessary.
I had my phone consult with Komaza yesterday Here goes-
I spoke to Renee for 1.5 hrs. We went ovr 14 slides of my hair and then talkd abt how i needed to chng my hair practices.
The good news was that my roots are "gorgeous" meang my hair is being fed properly and can grow to great lengths with proper care. Other good news was that i dont have to cut it short all at once to remove the damaged hair.
On to the bad news- the hair is dehydrated, she found splits, lifted cuticles and weak spots throughout and this has to be correctd immediately or else they will travel up to the root and cause hair loss. She prescribed the followg for the next 12 months: protein treatments every 6-8 wks, trim 1 inch before each protein treatmt, drink 64-90 oz of water daily, moisturize daily, seal w oil every othr day, shampoo and deep cond weekly, take MSM, complete B vitamin, and cysteine supplements.
Other info she told me: i have mostly high porosity strands but she did find some normal porosity, i am type 3c/4a, medium to thick strands
I have to admit i do hav bad hair practices- i do not moisturize and seal on a regular basis (maybe 2-3x month here and there, same for shampoo and deep cond maybe 2x/month, last trim was oct 2011, between washgs i braid it and leave it alone until the next wash unless i hav to go out (I'm a sahm, its winter, i wear hats a lot)
Overall i found it to b very helpful. Now i just hav to get myself into a consistent routine.
I had my phone consult with Komaza yesterday Here goes-
I spoke to Renee for 1.5 hrs. We went ovr 14 slides of my hair and then talkd abt how i needed to chng my hair practices.
The good news was that my roots are "gorgeous" meang my hair is being fed properly and can grow to great lengths with proper care. Other good news was that i dont have to cut it short all at once to remove the damaged hair.
On to the bad news- the hair is dehydrated, she found splits, lifted cuticles and weak spots throughout and this has to be correctd immediately or else they will travel up to the root and cause hair loss. She prescribed the followg for the next 12 months: protein treatments every 6-8 wks, trim 1 inch before each protein treatmt, drink 64-90 oz of water daily, moisturize daily, seal w oil every othr day, shampoo and deep cond weekly, take MSM, complete B vitamin, and cysteine supplements.
Other info she told me: i have mostly high porosity strands but she did find some normal porosity, i am type 3c/4a, medium to thick strands
I have to admit i do hav bad hair practices- i do not moisturize and seal on a regular basis (maybe 2-3x month here and there, same for shampoo and deep cond maybe 2x/month, last trim was oct 2011, between washgs i braid it and leave it alone until the next wash unless i hav to go out (I'm a sahm, its winter, i wear hats a lot)
Overall i found it to b very helpful. Now i just hav to get myself into a consistent routine.

Very cool. Now you have your routine all laid out for you. Will be looking forward to hearing about your hair in a few months. I am sure you will notice the difference.

What problems were you noticing with your hair before? biznesswmn
I didn't do my follow up consultation because I was procrastinating. It should have been in November :spank: But I have been learning my hair.

Since my hair was so severely damaged I didn't get the same consultation as everyone else. She couldn't tell anything about my hair because the protein was so damaged. Well my hair has been better since cutting it off and growing nicely. But I started to notice my ends were ugly. Last week I did my 1st protein treatment since 2011 :look: I used the ION Reconstructor. Now I finally know what my hair is supposed to look and feel like.

So hoping to show off a brand new head of hair in the next 3 to 6 months.
faithVA- the biggest problm i noticd was that my hair was always dry, no matter what i did it would always dry out by end of day or next day. If i put oil on it i would hav somthg like oily brillo. I can see the breakage in the crown area but i didnt know the hair was weak throughout. I thought the breakage was from too much heat. My mothr said my hair was breakg because of the stress of my fathrs passg last yr. renee said stress causes hair loss, not breakage.
Like you I am anxious to know what my hair is supposed to look and feel like. I hav been operatg in ignorance and it showd
faithVA- the biggest problm i noticd was that my hair was always dry, no matter what i did it would always dry out by end of day or next day. If i put oil on it i would hav somthg like oily brillo. I can see the breakage in the crown area but i didnt know the hair was weak throughout. I thought the breakage was from too much heat. My mothr said my hair was breakg because of the stress of my fathrs passg last yr. renee said stress causes hair loss, not breakage.
Like you I am anxious to know what my hair is supposed to look and feel like. I hav been operatg in ignorance and it showd

I am glad you caught it. Also glad you don't have to do a major cut.

:cheers: Here's to healthier hair.
@StarScream35 what is the curly analysis?


Pretty much the same thing but much cheaper. I got it done sometime in the early part of last year and posted my results. A few others said they were gonna try it but I never read their results so maybe they didn't post? The curly analysis doesn't give you the over the phone consultation or pictures but she gave a very descriptive narrative of your hair's condition. I remember my hair had normal porosity and was relaxer damaged............thank God I went natural. Here is the link...........

http://livecurlylivefree.com/hair analysis.htm
The curl analysis is an alternative. I think it probably fits what most people are looking for. I think the KomazaCare analysis works better for others. I have seen the analysis of both.

I think some people need the initial phone consultation and others don't.

I think the KomazaCare speaks to peoplel who have been struggling for a while. Based on what I saw from the Curl Analysis profile, I don't think it would have been enough information for my severe issue. I think there are ladies that did get the KomazaCare analysis that would have been fine with the Curl Analysis. I think that people who are just curious should probably go the way of the Curl Analysis.
How did I miss this thread? I wish I had done this a long time ago. How do you order? I'm confused by the website

Pretty much the same thing but much cheaper. I got it done sometime in the early part of last year and posted my results. A few others said they were gonna try it but I never read their results so maybe they didn't post? The curly analysis doesn't give you the over the phone consultation or pictures but she gave a very descriptive narrative of your hair's condition. I remember my hair had normal porosity and was relaxer damaged............thank God I went natural. Here is the link...........

http://livecurlylivefree.com/hair analysis.htm

Oh, yeah I remember there was a thread on that where people reported their results as well.

I don't think Komaza are accepting anymore orders. Maybe others can shed light on this? I told my girlfriend about it and she reported the same problem you are having. She said there was no way to place the hair analysis in your cart. She said she tried calling but only got a voice mail. I think these ladies are seriously swamped and will be for a while.

I don't think Komaza are accepting anymore orders. Maybe others can shed light on this? I told my girlfriend about it and she reported the same problem you are having. She said there was no way to place the hair analysis in your cart. She said she tried calling but only got a voice mail. I think these ladies are seriously swamped and will be for a while.

I think you are right. They tend to remove it from their website when they are swamped. Since a few people on here have sent in things and are awaiting consultations, they are trying to move through their backlog.

I don't think Komaza are accepting anymore orders. Maybe others can shed light on this? I told my girlfriend about it and she reported the same problem you are having. She said there was no way to place the hair analysis in your cart. She said she tried calling but only got a voice mail. I think these ladies are seriously swamped and will be for a while.

From Facebook:

Komaza Hair Care Hello Danielle, I apologize, the Hair Analysis is temporarily down until we are caught up which will be about 2 weeks.
February 9 at 4:00pm
I got my results this week-

My thoughts:

  • Jenn was my consultant and she was nice. She stated she would check in in 2-3 months to see how the changes were going
  • healthy hair, but suggested a 1 - 1.5" trim all over and putting coconut oil on the ends to seal them after the trim (I've actually cut my hair significantly since then and it has been behaving much better)
  • normal porosity
  • she liked what i was doing (regi, eating, supplements and exercise)
  • gave me three things I wasn't currently doing to improve my regimen: add protein (mild every 2 weeks or strong 1x month, acv rinses once a month and don't completely wet/drench my hair all the time (instead she suggests using a spray/leave-in instead of a WnG and/or diffusing to 70% dry if WnG.)

    She stated when wet the hair stays in an expanded state and it's not good for the cuticles to be lifted for long periods of time bc it takes my hair *all* day to dry from a morning WnG bc it's so dense. Made sense to me and this was probably the biggest takeaway I got that was specific to me for my $65:lol:)
  • I saw immediate results of not taking my time detangling - broomlike strands that had been snapped in the middle (I'll definitely be more careful here on out - a picture is worth a thousand words...:yep:)
  • Added a hair vitamin to my list of supplements to take specifically for my hair bc she noted some possible thinning based on my root bulbs (probably true bc both parents have hair thinning and I'm almost 44 although I haven't noticed thinning visibly yet)

  • filling out online forms and mailing in samples was too time consuming
  • wait for results & total process time (almost 2 months) was too long
  • consultation was only 30 min and she didn't give me much more that was specific to me than what others had already reported
  • imo the service is not worth $65 as i didn't get much specific information they are no longer doing the mail in hair sample 6 month/1 year follow-up as part of the initial service (additional follow-up sample + consultation = additional $35)
I just received an email stating that they want me to mail in new samples because they don't do "before and afters" only "the current state" of my hair. I posted a while ago that I was about to send my samples but I was really close to doing a few treatments on my hair. The treatments are temporary and have to be used when needed. I wasn't sure when I would get my results back and I didn't want to throw off the results. Like the Roux porosity control conditioner. I was worried that it would make my hair seem normal and they'd give me the results based on that.

So I asked what to do and was told to send in samples before and after my wash with Roux and after my flat iron so they could see if the Roux was good for my hair and if I had any heat damaged. Getting the samples ready took a long time, so did separating and labeling them as they asked. That was a waste of time :ohwell:

Oh well about the comparisons since it wasn't a part of their service (still, they offered), but I'm irritated that after all this time I'm told to do it all over again. :nono: Why not use the after, which would have been current state of my hair when I sent it in? I'm thinking they don't have them anymore :look: My samples were from late December and very early January. I guess a positive is that I'll be sending in a more current state of my hair; on the other hand if the wait is just as long as it was this time, it'll be just as outdated by the time they get back to me. I get that they're overwhelmed with orders but for the price this was a very long wait for nothing.
I just received an email stating that they want me to mail in new samples because they don't do "before and afters" only "the current state" of my hair. I posted a while ago that I was about to send my samples but I was really close to doing a few treatments on my hair. The treatments are temporary and have to be used when needed. I wasn't sure when I would get my results back and I didn't want to throw off the results. Like the Roux porosity control conditioner. I was worried that it would make my hair seem normal and they'd give me the results based on that.

So I asked what to do and was told to send in samples before and after my wash with Roux and after my flat iron so they could see if the Roux was good for my hair and if I had any heat damaged. Getting the samples ready took a long time, so did separating and labeling them as they asked. That was a waste of time :ohwell:

Oh well about the comparisons since it wasn't a part of their service (still, they offered), but I'm irritated that after all this time I'm told to do it all over again. :nono: Why not use the after, which would have been current state of my hair when I sent it in? I'm thinking they don't have them anymore :look: My samples were from late December and very early January. I guess a positive is that I'll be sending in a more current state of my hair; on the other hand if the wait is just as long as it was this time, it'll be just as outdated by the time they get back to me. I get that they're overwhelmed with orders but for the price this was a very long wait for nothing.

I'm getting my results soon, but this is how I feel. I sent my sample in over a month ago. By the time I get my results, it'd be outdated.
I'm getting my results soon, but this is how I feel. I sent my sample in over a month ago. By the time I get my results, it'd be outdated.

:yep: A lot can happen during the wait time. Since mailing in my sample I've held off on doing a few unimportant things (henna, flat iron) because they can permanently alter my hair and what it needs. I haven't done anything extreme to my hair, bit it's definitely not how it was in December and early January.

I was thinking about buying another analysis in the future as a follow-up, but I won't do that unless I see reviews that they've improved their time. I don't expect instant results, but wait time has been longer than promised.
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I read this whole entire thread (in like 3 weeks!) and even paid last night just so I can see the photos and be all up in here...haha.

Did anyone ever ask about washing with baking soda? I have stopped washing with it, but I so miss it. I'd love to do this, although I don't really have any issues. I'm reluctant to do the LiveCurlyLiveFree analysis simply because I know my hair properties and I have a good understanding of hair in general...I think the LiveFree one would be too generic for me. I wonder when they'll open it back up.

I also wonder if they mentioned anything about the medulla? It's what gives hair its thickness (coarseness) for those who us with coarse hair. I wonder if they say what kind of medulla one has (fragmented, complete, etc).
I read this whole entire thread (in like 3 weeks!) and even paid last night just so I can see the photos and be all up in here...haha.

Did anyone ever ask about washing with baking soda? I have stopped washing with it, but I so miss it. I'd love to do this, although I don't really have any issues. I'm reluctant to do the LiveCurlyLiveFree analysis simply because I know my hair properties and I have a good understanding of hair in general...I think the LiveFree one would be too generic for me. I wonder when they'll open it back up.

I also wonder if they mentioned anything about the medulla? It's what gives hair its thickness (coarseness) for those who us with coarse hair. I wonder if they say what kind of medulla one has (fragmented, complete, etc).

Hi Amarilles,

I don't recall if anyone asked about baking soda. Perhaps someone who has an upcoming call can ask.

If you aren't having problems I wouldn't recommend either service. I think this board provides sufficient information for at least 80% of the people on the board. I think those that aren't having problems and get the service are often disappointed because they don't get any new revelations. I think this service works best for people who have had ongoing issues that have not been remedy by the suggestions on this board, if that makes sense.

When I had my call I don't remember her mentioning a medulla, at least not with those terms.
I can see how one might be disappointed if they don't get any new revelations...heck but I'd pay it if they can give me photos of each strand I send in! Lol. It's kind of messed up but I would also like to ask them who they know and what they studied, I'd love work in a similar environment. Kinda wish I had gone for this analysis way back when I noticed it (I use Komaza products) but I didn't know it was so personalized and tailor to each individual.

The medulla isn't always present, only in coarse/thick hair. I don't know if it would show up in a microscope even, when it's present it's found at the very innermost layer of the hair strand, imagine a line that runs down through the middle of the strand. Thanks for your reply faithVA! :D I'll definitely post in here and use a code (do you have one?) if I order....IF they ever open it back up! Lol
The pictures were fascinating. They told me more than the words would have told me. I had destroyed protein, mid-shaft splits and damage at my follicle level and seeing those meant more than just hearing the words.

My code if you would like to use it is: G8KVMWHB.
I was having problems and I still got pretty generic info. My call was also less than 30 minutes. I did follow up to try to get more info, but you can only make someone do so much. I just expected more.
I just mailed off my hair sample for the Live Curly Live Free Analysis...I just want to verify my hair's porosity and ingredients to avoid.
I was having problems and I still got pretty generic info. My call was also less than 30 minutes. I did follow up to try to get more info, but you can only make someone do so much. I just expected more.
I don't think generic information is necessarily bad though, if you weren't doing it. If they say for example, "moisturize and seal everyday" and it's something one wasn't doing, it's generic but still helpful. Unless they suggested things you were already doing?
I can see how one might be disappointed if they don't get any new revelations...heck but I'd pay it if they can give me photos of each strand I send in! Lol. It's kind of messed up but I would also like to ask them who they know and what they studied, I'd love work in a similar environment.

Amarilles, If you look back at my first post after my first phone call, I asked them all about how they got in this field, training and the like, hope that helps :)
Just wantd to say that i notice a change in my hair aftr about two weeks on the komaza prgm. I havnt been very consistent and followg to the T but its bettr than what i was doing-basically nothg. They sent me a sample of the aloe my hair moisturzg spray and my hair is absorbg it! I can feel soft hair now, no longer like wet oily brillo :-) i am happy. Thanks to u all for your feedback and to the OP for posting about the service