Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

Maybe buying them a gift certificate would work better. But I guess you could buy the service, and then have the other person complete the paperwork. Once the paperwork goes in they could just communicate with that person.

Thank you, I was wondering what happens after checkout and I see it's filling out paperwork. I will look into the gift certificate options to make things easier.
I stalked this thread yesterday and just purchased it today! Did my questionnaire but it's still "pending"...what's up with that???
coyacoy ikr! I was going to wait to purchase it since I changed my regime (think I'm suffering from protein overload) but hey--THIS is the year I want to get my hair on track! What if it's not PO what if it's something else? Your story inspired me...I'm tired of wasting my money on products that end up not right for my hair...I'm tired of all the guessing...I want to KNOW. I've been in between SL and APL since I started my HHJ March of '10 and I really want to get this show on the road lol
coyacoy ikr! I was going to wait to purchase it since I changed my regime (think I'm suffering from protein overload) but hey--THIS is the year I want to get my hair on track! What if it's not PO what if it's something else? Your story inspired me...I'm tired of wasting my money on products that end up not right for my hair...I'm tired of all the guessing...I want to KNOW. I've been in between SL and APL since I started my HHJ March of '10 and I really want to get this show on the road lol

I hear ya gurl and kudos to you for taking the plunge!! I am still benefitting from my analysis because i had slacked off on using heavy protein regularly and my hair started breaking again! Major difference this time around is that i knew exactly what to do to address it and stop it in its tracks thanks to the analysis. Also helped me learn and understand exactly how important heavy protein is to my reggie!! Here's to you being on the path to hair health, efficiency in hair practices and cost containment re: future product purchases, lol! Can't tell you how much $$$ I've saved since i did this myhairgrowstoo :-)
I stalked this thread yesterday and just purchased it today! Did my questionnaire but it's still "pending"...what's up with that???


It takes a while (not sure if they're backed up) but they'll ship the stuff out. It took weeks for me. Keep in mind that I did it during the holiday season and it was also right after they had first started accepting purchases on it again, so it's possible they were a little backed up when I did my order and questionnaire.
I just hate waiting lol I really want to know what I can do for my hair


I hated the waiting! It didn't help that I kept seeing a lot of nice hair products but I held off on buying them because I want to wait for my analysis so I don't waste anymore money.

I placed my order on the 8th of December. I received my package on the 7th of January. :ohwell: Again, I ordered during the holiday season so they may have been backed up, so hopefully you receive your package much sooner. :)
I purchased the analysis last month, (my xmas gift to myself) mailed my sample right after New Years and I am still waiting as well. When i called a couple of days ago to check, she said they just received it and that i can expect to hear from them after ten days. I thought maybe they were backed up too but she casually mentioned that they weren't getting as many in, the way she expected. Who knows, i just hope they get back to me soon. Im holding out on doing things to my hair too, tryg to wait for the analysis
I bit my tongue for so long, but this service did not work for me.

1) I received my first phone call over an hour late.
2) I didn't receive my hair analysis in a timely manner. Purchased analysis on 7/18 and I finally received it on 9/24.
3) Contact had to be made via email twice before the hair analysis results and recommendations were received; and the majority of the contents of the hair analysis and recommendations were not discussed via the telephone conversation.
4) Two follow-up appointments that were made never happened. At that point, I was done.
I want to encourage people to be patient with this company. They are very helpful And more than that they care. however they are a small and newer business. I will explain more about just how much they helped me once I get my final analysis completed (very soon)

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I bit my tongue for so long, but this service did not work for me.

1) I received my first phone call over an hour late.
2) I didn't receive my hair analysis in a timely manner. Purchased analysis on 7/18 and I finally received it on 9/24.
3) Contact had to be made via email twice before the hair analysis results and recommendations were received; and the majority of the contents of the hair analysis and recommendations were not discussed via the telephone conversation.
4) Two follow-up appointments that were made never happened. At that point, I was done.

I think you should share if you had a bad experience. If we had known some of those that went before you, maybe have been able to help you out and get some answers. And it gives people real background so they can make an informed decision.
Just talked/emailed with Rene. They still are very swamped and they are trying to catch up. I did suggest that they try to add a step in their process to let people know of the delay even though I know that adds more time to their process.

They are trying to balance new analysis with follow ups and having difficulty forecasting. People like me who aren't keeping to the 3 month schedule are throwing their scheduling off :nono: So I told her I will send it in this week.

I really don't think they realized how popular this service was going to be :lol: It's a good thing it isn't better known. They would really be in trouble.
myhairgrowstoo - i say give it a week or so, then check in. Idk why mine took so long to get there. Im just glad they have it and i dont hav to start again and wait for snail mail again.
newbie here, i ordered my analysis on the 15 and i got their package a few days later, maybe 5, i mailed it back perhaps 2 days later.
im waiting for a response, but i'm scared...my hair is not in the best shape, i can say i have splits mid shaft and at the ends, even though i did trim like an inch total.
my hair was dry dry dry for years!! i finally found my holy grail and hopefully from now on i can grow grow grow with their help and a good product...
i will def come back and share my experience with you guys when i hear from them
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Just talked/emailed with Rene. They still are very swamped and they are trying to catch up. I did suggest that they try to add a step in their process to let people know of the delay even though I know that adds more time to their process.

They are trying to balance new analysis with follow ups and having difficulty forecasting. People like me who aren't keeping to the 3 month schedule are throwing their scheduling off :nono: So I told her I will send it in this week.

I really don't think they realized how popular this service was going to be :lol: It's a good thing it isn't better known. They would really be in trouble.

Yeah, I just sent mine in, too-- I'm sure we're throwing them off w/these off-schedule follow-ups. I don't want to keep them on the hook forever; also I've kept them busy w/my hair for sure :yep:
I mailed my sample on December 27th and just got my email to schedule our phone discussion about the results for next week.

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I went to their site to see my status, and it has shipped. I should receive the package in a few days. I'm going to tart collecting newly shed/broken hair tonight and until their package comes in. I'm also washing my hair tonight with my Kinky Curly products. I'm hoping I'm done with everything by this time next month.
Wait, I was never told anything about a follow-up during my consultation. Why?
@Ari8 Huh, lol? When did you do the consultation? The process is explained on their website, including the fact that they follow-up in 3 weeks by phone; then 3 months by sample. Also, when they send you the package, they send follow-up materials as well -- so you can send your 3mo sample in.
@Ari8 Huh, lol? When did you do the consultation? The process is explained on their website, including the fact that they follow-up in 3 weeks by phone; then 3 months by sample. Also, when they send you the package, they send follow-up materials as well -- so you can send your 3mo sample in.

They don't do this anymore. They did it for that first wave.
@Ari8 Huh, lol? When did you do the consultation? The process is explained on their website, including the fact that they follow-up in 3 weeks by phone; then 3 months by sample. Also, when they send you the package, they send follow-up materials as well -- so you can send your 3mo sample in.

I had my analysis done in early Dec. I never got a "follow-up" call and she never mentioned anything about following up either. Perhaps faithVA is right and they stopped doing this.

Ok, now that I'm thinking about this: I did get two envelopes and I believe the instructions stated that I was going to have a follow-up, but I ordered back in, like... July, lol. It took four months for me to send my stuff off, so maybe they had stopped doing that by the time I got my analysis.