Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

^^Yeah, I'm the same way. I have great ideas, just not sure how to get this started. But I will work on it.
My follow up was supposed to be in November. I didn't send my hair samples in until February. I think those of us who were supposed to have follow ups last year may have thrown them off a bit :spank: But I was being lazy. Anyway, I'm supposed to have my call Monday or Tuesday. She found some problems but I already knew that. But I do think I have most things under control now. We will see what she says.

After reading virtuenows analysis, I may just go ahead and pay to get an analysis every year to make sure my hair is on point. i would hate to think that my hair was doing wonderful and it's not. Having a healthy head of hair is worth $65 a year to me.
faithVA, I agree with you and will most likely get an analysis every year myself. I tried to purchase the analysis today and the site would not let me. I emailed the company and they said I will be able to purchase online on Tuesday.
Wow reading through this thread makes me not so confident my hair is that healthy anymore. I will be waiting in line tuesday for this. I recently BC, and now is a good time for me to do this instead of later when i have to get rid of over 5 inches of hair. Thank you for all of you who shared your experience, and those who stayed around for support.
Can someone please share a referral code? This journey is about to get serious:yep:
faithVA, I agree with you and will most likely get an analysis every year myself. I tried to purchase the analysis today and the site would not let me. I emailed the company and they said I will be able to purchase online on Tuesday.

I'm transitioning though, so I hope that's okay.
Wow reading through this thread makes me not so confident my hair is that healthy anymore. I will be waiting in line tuesday for this. I recently BC, and now is a good time for me to do this instead of later when i have to get rid of over 5 inches of hair. Thank you for all of you who shared your experience, and those who stayed around for support.
Can someone please share a referral code? This journey is about to get serious:yep:

Your hair may very well be healthy. There were a few women who went through the process and find that their hair was healthy. If you aren't seeing any bad signs it probably is healthy.

My referral code is I1K46l.
Oh is this your code, did it change from G8KVMWHB?

Yes. I know I gave you that code because that is the last one I had in my email. But when i went to check, something weird was going on with my account, so they had to reset my account today. :perplexed. So when I got the new account, I ended up getting a new referral code. I didn't get it until today around 5.
Speaking of referral codes, I tried putting yours in Faith and I don't think it worked. I spent so much time trying to register that I was annoyed and
didn't follow up to make sure. But in light of what I was talking about earlier, I would have liked for them to see/know where their business is coming from.

I don't think it will make a difference as far as the follow up is concerned, but I think it's important that everyone uses someone's referral code. I just would like it to be known that I didn't randomly find out about the service but that I heard about it from LHCF customers.

I'm probably being petty at this point, but that's what's on my mind lol. Sorry.
Speaking of referral codes, I tried putting yours in Faith and I don't think it worked. I spent so much time trying to register that I was annoyed and
didn't follow up to make sure. But in light of what I was talking about earlier, I would have liked for them to see/know where their business is coming from.

I don't think it will make a difference as far as the follow up is concerned, but I think it's important that everyone uses someone's referral code. I just would like it to be known that I didn't randomly find out about the service but that I heard about it from LHCF customers.

I'm probably being petty at this point, but that's what's on my mind lol. Sorry.

Thanks for trying to use it. Yeah, something strange was going on with my account.

If people don't have or use a referral code they could always put LHCF on their profile sheet.
They aren't accepting any new analysis purchases at this time. They currently have a backlog of analysis to do. I would check back in about 10 days.

Thank you, I finally got through to someone yesterday after I posted this. They said they are putting it back up on Monday so check back on Tuesday....
My follow up was supposed to be in November. I didn't send my hair samples in until February. I think those of us who were supposed to have follow ups last year may have thrown them off a bit :spank: But I was being lazy. Anyway, I'm supposed to have my call Monday or Tuesday. She found some problems but I already knew that. But I do think I have most things under control now. We will see what she says.

After reading virtuenows analysis, I may just go ahead and pay to get an analysis every year to make sure my hair is on point. i would hate to think that my hair was doing wonderful and it's not. Having a healthy head of hair is worth $65 a year to me.

Plus remember once u get the analysis the price for future ones drops down to $35! I plan to do it annually as well so i will know wuzzup!! ;-)
Plus remember once u get the analysis the price for future ones drops down to $35! I plan to do it annually as well so i will know wuzzup!! ;-)

Is that official? Have you seen that on their site? I will ask Rene when I speak to her.
Rene had first informed me via email then i did see it on the site before the most recent website changes (when they introduced the new aloe products) let me know if she says that has changed too....i certainly hope not!!
I keep saying I'm going to do this but the price tag holds me up every time even though I know it will probably be worth it. Does anyone know what they're charging for follow ups now that it's not included as a package?

I sent them two messages in the past and they didn't get back to me at all.

This time I sent them a salty message and they replied straight away. :lol:

Apparently they are now going to be taking international orders :dance7::dance7:
It's back on ladies. I have been seating in front of my computer refreshing the page since 6:30 this morning. I was so anxious and excited to hit submit i forgot to enter the referral code:lachen:. Now i am anxious to send my samples. I wanted to blowdry my hair this weekend, but i will wait to do anything new to my hair until my analysis is done.
For those who missed it, I posted an updated thread with my results and pictures here: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=675865. My referral code is: 8whcPv (use for your discount)

@virtuenow, Fabulous analysis. I can't wait to see your pictures. That made me rethink some things in my own regimen.

I didn't realize a ponytail holder would bend the ends.

Did you have to trim at all after your first analysis? I need to go back and re-read.

@faithVA Yes, I trimmed a lot. As far as the ponytail holder, you're supposed to move your bun around so that you don't cause too much tension in one spot. Jenn said that dip in my hair will eventually become a weak spot (or already is) and it will break off. She didn't see many of them so I just need to be more careful w/placement. She also liked the idea of using less tension w/pantyhose. I know you already use pantyhose b/c you turned me on to that idea.
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For those who missed it, I posted an updated thread with my results and pictures here: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=675865. My referral code is: 8whcPv (use for your discount)

@faithVA Yes, I trimmed a lot. As far as the ponytail holder, you're supposed to move your bun around so that you don't cause too much tension in one spot. Jenn said that dip in my hair will eventually become a weak spot (or already is) and it will break off. She didn't see many of them so I just need to be more careful w/placement. She also liked the idea of using less tension w/pantyhose. I know you already use pantyhose b/c you turned me on to that idea.

I did read your new thread. And I am so glad you felt like you could share it. It was eye opening and jaw dropping at the same time. I want to go back and re-read it. It is inspirational that you were able to get your hair back on track in such a short time.

I am starting to understand more and more about weak spots and weak hair.

I was using pantyhoses but now I use a shoe string because it seems to be less tension on my hair and my scalp. And it just seems plain easier :lol: But as my hair gets longer may definitely try the pantyhose again.