Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

So excited!

I ordered the analysis back in July and sent my samples in last week.:look: I received an email Wednesday that they've received my samples, so now I'm just waiting for the results. Yay!

My natural hair experience has been hellish. Prolific single strand knots, horrid splits (I found a strand that was split down the entire length the other day:nono:), matting, dryness, dullness, "rogue" hairs.... I can't believe I've managed to to retain any length (APL-BSL; my hair is pretty choppy). However, I'm expecting to lose at least 5-7 inches at this point.

I never wear my hair down because it looks SO bad. Few products/techniques keep my hair soft and well-defined, as my hair rejects practically everything (and gels always make my hair so crunchy and stiff, even flaxseed gel). I've wondered whether this was low porosity, but I'm not sure.

Depending on what she says, I may relax. My hair was healthier relaxed and I barely did anything to it.

Can't wait.:yep:
Looking forward to hearing results from you both!!

Here's a few updated pics....it's been a challenge to take a decent pic lately for some reason....my hair is completely healthy for the first time all year. Unfortunately I had to trim away all of the growth I did get for this year because of my previous struggles....looking forward to going into 2013 knowing what I know now about taking care of my hair properly



Collected my 3 month sample yesterday, going to mail it off today. I am a little late cause waited until after I relaxed and got a major ends trim (over an inch).
Does anyone know If they are caught up, I wold like to get an analysis done, but on the website you can't put in a request.
My 3 month follow up is coming up this week but since I'm in the thick of finals I'm going to wait until they're almost over to send in my samples, I'm excited. I'm also excited about everyone else's follow-up--it's like Christmas is coming early :).
My three month followed should have been the end of November, but I am going to wait until the new year. I am straighten my hair around the holidays and I will get a good trim then.
I'm so overdue with this update it's rediculous... like a month:lachen:

anyway, my followup was waaaay better than i expected! so much so she didn't think it was the same hair! i sent in a much bigger sample, and even then, the most she could find was a couple of pics showing that i needed to dust my ends-yes, just dust them. i was like "what?!!" 3 months ago i needed 3 inches cut off!

all the missing cuticle layers, mid-shaft splits, everything was gone. she did say that most of the damage was toward the end, and i did about a 1" cut/trim when i relaxed, but that's a huge difference.

the regimen i've been on has been working very well. nothing major, just alternating protein and moisture deep conditionings (aphogee 2 min & elasta dpr11), using more silk amino acids (elasta qp mango butter), hiding it... pretty much it.

oh! i've been eating more protein too, and rene said she could tell because the root balls on my shed hairs are fatter, so if i keep it up my hair will grow in thicker. yay!:grin:

it's feeling a lot smoother (my scarves aren't staying on so well at night), it stays softer longer, & i've actually reached moisture/protein balance! btw, i'm apl again! :woot:

if ya'll want some pics, lemme know so i can shrink them down. nothing to see really.
That is exciting me-T. I am glad you had such great success with you hair.

I hope all the udpates for you ladies are positive.
I'm so overdue with this update it's rediculous... like a month:lachen:

anyway, my followup was waaaay better than i expected! so much so she didn't think it was the same hair! i sent in a much bigger sample, and even then, the most she could find was a couple of pics showing that i needed to dust my ends-yes, just dust them. i was like "what?!!" 3 months ago i needed 3 inches cut off!

all the missing cuticle layers, mid-shaft splits, everything was gone. she did say that most of the damage was toward the end, and i did about a 1" cut/trim when i relaxed, but that's a huge difference.

the regimen i've been on has been working very well. nothing major, just alternating protein and moisture deep conditionings (aphogee 2 min & elasta dpr11), using more silk amino acids (elasta qp mango butter), hiding it... pretty much it.

oh! i've been eating more protein too, and rene said she could tell because the root balls on my shed hairs are fatter, so if i keep it up my hair will grow in thicker. yay!:grin:

it's feeling a lot smoother (my scarves aren't staying on so well at night), it stays softer longer, & i've actually reached moisture/protein balance! btw, i'm apl again! :woot:

if ya'll want some pics, lemme know so i can shrink them down. nothing to see really.

me-T;17418083 that is GREAT news!! Congrats!! Thx for sharing your update and i would love to see pics!
Received my results. Not really sure what to think.

- High porosity.

- Protein treatment every 1-2 months.

- Seal with a light oil, butter or cream (not sold on this).

- Apply leave-in in sections (somehow, she knew that I have A LOT of hair:lol:); 20x downward-stroke motion.

- After shampoo, use ACV, leave on for 3-5 minutes and rinse

- Trim 6-8 weeks

- Recommended Komaza products

Jenn said my hair was pretty healthy.:perplexed With all the matting, breaking and single strand knots I have? Ok... I guess the high porosity (and lack of protein) might explain my hair's general unruliness. She did say that I'm probably not using enough leave-in, but my hair becomes overmoisturized/coated pretty easily, so....

She was stumped when I told her about some of the rogue hairs (I thought I sent some?). What I mean by this: I DC'd last night and my hair didn't absorb anything. This morning, I notice several "kinked" strands sticking out. These strands were in the fine 3 range but had morphed into 5zzzzzz'ness and were coarse. I've started seeing these things since I've begun conditioning (rinsing out + DCing) more often. She said my hair may be swelling from moisture/water but wasn't sure. EDIT: Jenn also said that I may be upsetting my hair's pH.

Gonna send her more samples. I found a strand that was split down the entire length. Normally, she said, that's due to heat or physical damage (e.g., boar bristle), but that doesn't apply to me, so she wants to see what's up.

Sorry for the length!
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Received my results. Not really sure what to think.

- High porosity.

- Protein treatment every 1-2 months.

- Seal with a light oil, butter or cream (not sold on this).

- Apply leave-in in sections (somehow, she knew that I have A LOT of hair:lol:); 20x downward-stroke motion.

- After shampoo, use ACV, leave on for 3-5 minutes and rinse

- Trim 6-8 weeks

- Recommended Komaza products

Jenn said my hair was pretty healthy.:perplexed With all the matting, breaking and single strand knots I have? Ok... I guess the high porosity (and lack of protein) might explain my hair's general unruliness. She did say that I'm probably not using enough leave-in, but my hair becomes overmoisturized/coated pretty easily, so....

She was stumped when I told her about some of the rogue hairs (I thought I sent some?). What I mean by this: I DC'd last night and my hair didn't absorb anything. This morning, I notice several "kinked" strands sticking out. These strands were in the fine 3 range but had morphed into 5zzzzzz'ness and were coarse. I've started seeing these things since I've begun conditioning (rinsing out + DCing) more often. She said my hair may be swelling from moisture/water but wasn't sure. EDIT: Jenn also said that I may be upsetting my hair's pH.

Gonna send her more samples. I found a strand that was split down the entire length. Normally, she said, that's due to heat or physical damage (e.g., boar bristle), but that doesn't apply to me, so she wants to see what's up.

Sorry for the length!

Ari8..... i hope u get to the bottom of it! Thx for sharing ur results
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[USER=372777 said:
Ari8[/USER];17433791]Received my results. Not really sure what to think.

- High porosity.

- Protein treatment every 1-2 months.

- Seal with a light oil, butter or cream (not sold on this).

- Apply leave-in in sections (somehow, she knew that I have A LOT of hair:lol:); 20x downward-stroke motion.

- After shampoo, use ACV, leave on for 3-5 minutes and rinse

- Trim 6-8 weeks

- Recommended Komaza products

Jenn said my hair was pretty healthy.:perplexed With all the matting, breaking and single strand knots I have? Ok... I guess the high porosity (and lack of protein) might explain my hair's general unruliness. She did say that I'm probably not using enough leave-in, but my hair becomes overmoisturized/coated pretty easily, so....

She was stumped when I told her about some of the rogue hairs (I thought I sent some?). What I mean by this: I DC'd last night and my hair didn't absorb anything. This morning, I notice several "kinked" strands sticking out. These strands were in the fine 3 range but had morphed into 5zzzzzz'ness and were coarse. I've started seeing these things since I've begun conditioning (rinsing out + DCing) more often. She said my hair may be swelling from moisture/water but wasn't sure. EDIT: Jenn also said that I may be upsetting my hair's pH.

Gonna send her more samples. I found a strand that was split down the entire length. Normally, she said, that's due to heat or physical damage (e.g., boar bristle), but that doesn't apply to me, so she wants to see what's up.

Sorry for the length!

I would say start with the recommendations and then make adjustments as needed. It could definitely be that you aren't giving yourself enough protein which could lead to what seems to be other problems. Remember, they are just that "recommendations", which means they are a starting point. I think after you get your protein straight and close your cuticles properly you will be better able to decide what your hair needs.
Hmmm... I may finally have to try this. I passed on it before because of the price; however, when I consider the amount of money and time I waste trying to get my hair to act right, I would probably be saving money in the end. :yep: I couldn't decide on a birthday gift, so this may be one of them. :spinning:

I'm still reading through the thread, but did any long-term transitioning ladies send in a sample? Sometimes when I do have my hair acting right (rare), it's only the texlaxed hair or just the new growth; I can't find a balance between them. The only time there seems to be a balance is when I henna, yet that's due to the temporary curl loosening I get. I wonder if this service could help since I would like to transition for a very long time before I cut.

I learned that I have VERY high porosity hair - not on the lower side as I had previously believed.

I keep going back and forth on this issue. I thought I had low porosity hair, but now I'm thinking it may be high porosity and I just had some symptoms of low porosity hair due to other reasons.
classoohfive.....i think you hit the nail on the head re: price of the service and $$ spent on trying different products and techniques ....hair analysis service in the long run definitely pays for itself. I was doing some things that weren't right for my hair because i had the porosity wrong. I would have kept on spinning my wheels if i hadn't learned otherwise....let us know what u decide!! :-)

Since my post I've read a couple of more pages and that was enough for me to decide to do it. :lol: I spend too much time trying to figure out what my hair wants, and in the end it's only a matter of time before what I'm doing no longer works. Just the time I would save would be worth the money.

I was doing some things that weren't right for my hair because i had the porosity wrong. I would have kept on spinning my wheels if i hadn't learned otherwise....

I think this is my biggest issue. I can try every product in the world, but if I'm not using them the way my hair wants, they're not very useful. :yep: Some of the products I have work wonders on some days, and don't do anything on others (and yes, I've used clarifying shampoo :lol: ). I also used to think my hair hated protein, now it seems like Aphogee Two Step isn't enough. :whyme:

Thank you for trying out this service and sharing the information! I'm excited and scared to find out what I'll learn.
classoohfive, the biggest benefit of the service for me was that it has saved me time in the long run, I now only give my hair what it needs and I don't harass it with all the extra I was doing to it before. The most precious thing we have is time so I'm all for that :).
Hey there, I called last week to ask when the hair analysis would be available again and Jennifer told me it would be sometime around the end of the week (Friday the 7th) or this coming week. They are supposed to be launching a new website and sending an email blast to announce it. If you are on their emailing list you should get some more info soon
I hope it doesn't get backlogged again because i would love to get my hair analyzed. It seems like they've been down since forever
I placed my order today, here is my referal code: qPtF4j. If anyone wants to use to get a little discount.
I'm filling out my online questionnaire now (I forgot the mention, I used your code, coyacoy !). I don't have much of a regimen anymore since I'm always stuck trying to figure out what works, so I'm having trouble filling it out. My order still says pending so I have time to figure it out.

My code: vES8eN :)
I'm filling out my online questionnaire now (I forgot the mention, I used your code, @coyacoy !). I don't have much of a regimen anymore since I'm always stuck trying to figure out what works, so I'm having trouble filling it out. My order still says pending so I have time to figure it out.

My code: vES8eN :)

@classoohfive - thanks girlie!! :grin:

RE: your form - i would list exactly what you said and then attach extra paper if you need to in order to capture the differnt techniques and/or products you've been trying. the more accurate the info you provide them, the better analysis they can give you and will make for a really good discussion when they call you with the results. hth! look forward to hearing your results! :yep:
I think you're right. I'll try to be optimistic. And I think glycerin/excess moisture may the culprit behind the recent craziness. I actually observed how some of strands became extremely brittle/weird-squiggly again after applying a humectant-based gel I've been using.