Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

LaidBak said:
You can always email and ask them. I emailed them about the service before I was a customer and they answered right away.

Vanthie said:
Still no reply by email to my question that I sent 8/22

Are any other non customers receiving replies?

Ditto. I have not received a reply either.
I did find another website that offer hair analysis.... Livecurlylivefree.com.... Has anyone tried this?

There is a thread on this as well somewhere. It's not the same level of service. But it is probably a decent service for people who are curious about their hair but not having real problems with their hair.

With that analysis, you send in your hair and they send you back an analysis. It does not include the one on one time or the ability to ask questions. It would not have helped me because the details are fairly generic.
There is a thread on this as well somewhere. It's not the same level of service. But it is probably a decent service for people who are curious about their hair but not having real problems with their hair.

With that analysis, you send in your hair and they send you back an analysis. It does not include the one on one time or the ability to ask questions. It would not have helped me because the details are fairly generic.

Thank you faithVA. I will probably what a few weeks and try the other. Thank you.
Komaza Customer Service:

I encourage those of who want the analysis to wait patiently. I am aware that some of you, particularly those wanting to get the hair analysis, are unable to get a response from the Komaza team. Because they are a small company and they literally got inundated w/ analysis requests that they are doing the very best w/ the request already recieved. Hopefully, once they catch up, they will resume the analysis service.

My customer service experience w/ Komaza has been exceptional. When I had my initial consultation w/ Jenn we stayed on the phone for appx. 40-45 min. I never felt rushed. She answered all my questions. She explained everything. Unbeknowst to me, I had a 3 week follow up. Unfortunately, I was so busy w/ work the last few weeks that everytime I scheduled the follow up I miss the call and because of the time difference whenever I was available she's not. I thought Jenn had given up on me. Sh@!, I would have given up on me! But she didn't. She sent me an email offering the follow up via email which worked better for me.

Keep trying ladies its well worth the wait.
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virtuenow just wondering if you are feeling up to it to share your results?

the responses have been so helpful thank you ladies, even though I haven't done the service just knowing things the little things help and what I can try on my on hair
@virtuenow just wondering if you are feeling up to it to share your results?

the responses have been so helpful thank you ladies, even though I haven't done the service just knowing things the little things help and what I can try on my on hair

Because this is an ongoing process, I'm not yet ready to share. For the update- I will say this, Jenn and the team are working closely :yep: with me to try and figure out my problem. They didn't give up on me and I'm not giving up either. My analysis, so to speak, is not yet complete. I hope to share soon!
Ogoma, that's interesting that she couldnt tell you that viviscal is helping your hair. How long have you been taking it for? I'm in the middle of month one.
abcd09 said:
Ogoma wow, and it did nothing for you? Not even increased hair growth? :ohwell:

My hair growth was average before and is average now. I didn't get an inch a month :cry2:.

I think it can be useful depending on what is missing from your diet, but I eat quite a lot of fruits, veggies, shellfish, and grains so there may not be a lot of gaps for it to fill for me. I also take b-complex and MSM and have very yellow urine :lol:.

I can see how it can be useful for others so keep your fingers crossed.
My hair growth was average before and is average now. I didn't get an inch a month :cry2:.

I think it can be useful depending on what is missing from your diet, but I eat quite a lot of fruits, veggies, shellfish, and grains so there may not be a lot of gaps for it to fill for me. I also take b-complex and MSM and have very yellow urine :lol:.

I can see how it can be useful for others so keep your fingers crossed.
This why I want to try the analysis. I'm afraid of wasting 500 bucks on this vitamin lol. I figure I'll give it a go and see what happens. I'm also taking hairfinity (3rd bottle) havent noticed anything special yet. Thanks for answering my questions
I haven't done the 3 month follow up, but I did speak with Jenn via email. I told her that for most of my life I've never had hair in my nape. I now have some thanks to Nioxin and other dht blocking vitamins, but the hair (some of it) grows in and splits. My edges are very fine as well. Jenn said that it was probably something internal with me and suggested I try super green powder and iron. I take iron pills already because I'm not a big beef eater. I've always neglected the super green powders, but I just brought some from Trader Joe's and am determined to stick with it for six months. I'll keep you all posted.
I'm waiting to have my 3 month follow up call scheduled...received confirmation of receipt week before last...I think my call will take place this week
I haven't done the 3 month follow up, but I did speak with Jenn via email. I told her that for most of my life I've never had hair in my nape. I now have some thanks to Nioxin and other dht blocking vitamins, but the hair (some of it) grows in and splits. My edges are very fine as well. Jenn said that it was probably something internal with me and suggested I try super green powder and iron. I take iron pills already because I'm not a big beef eater. I've always neglected the super green powders, but I just brought some from Trader Joe's and am determined to stick with it for six months. I'll keep you all posted.

I hope the green powders are working for you yodie. I have been on them since August and I feel so much better. Not sure if it is improving my hair but it is improving something internally. Not sure which iron you are taking but Feosol just came out with a new one with fewer side effects. It's called Feosol complete. They should have it at CVS, Walgreen and maybe Target. Going to pick up a bottle today. I got my iron measures last week. I am at 7 and I think the desired range is 13 to 30 :nono:
I should have had my 3 month follow up by now but I am waiting for my hair to grow a bit longer. It should have been at the end of October. I think I will wait until January. I should have 5" by then.
I hope the green powders are working for you yodie. I have been on them since August and I feel so much better. Not sure if it is improving my hair but it is improving something internally. Not sure which iron you are taking but Feosol just came out with a new one with fewer side effects. It's called Feosol complete. They should have it at CVS, Walgreen and maybe Target. Going to pick up a bottle today. I got my iron measures last week. I am at 7 and I think the desired range is 13 to 30 :nono:

My energy feels better with the green powder. I take the one from Trader Joes. I feel like it helps me get through the day. I just started taking Mineral Rich, so I'm expecting great results as far as the strength of my hair.

I take Hemaplex Iron. It has 85 mg's of iron. I need all of that and then some. I like it. No constipation and I can tell when I don't take it.
i would like to do something like this, but i am too much of a chicken baby! i think i will just stay in the dark! :lol: very proud of you ladies for having the courage to find out your hair concerns.
I should have had my 3 month follow up by now but I am waiting for my hair to grow a bit longer. It should have been at the end of October. I think I will wait until January. I should have 5" by then.

i understand...i waited about a month passed my 3 mo f/up timeframe but because i wanted to give my hair a bit longer to be at what i think is its healthiest at least as of late :-)
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hey there hair divas!! just wanted to share that my 3 (well,more like 4 1/2) month follow up call is scheduled for tomorrow evening! I copied and pasted the email from Rene that gives me a quick summary of her findings! Woot!! :grin:


I would like to apologize for not being able to get back to you last week. As you know, Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, we ended up putting things on hold until we were able to reach as many customers as we could back east to be sure they were okay and to see if there was anything we could do for them.

I did finish your analysis and I must say, I am impressed. Your hair wasn't in bad shape before, however, it is in great shape now. Your ends still need to be cut but I didn't see the same type of damage before. I did see some damage but it was literally only 1/4 of an inch from the ends which is a normal trim. So once you get a trim you will have NO damage anywhere.

I did look at the hair in the plastic wrap and saw that there was only a little bit of damage at the end as well. I looked at all that hair but I didn't find anything but regular damage at the ends. Are you having issues with that hair?

I would like to know if you have time to talk tomorrow? Please let me know what day and time is good for you.



Re: the hair in the plastic wrap - nothing was up with that hair - I just meant to put my entire sample in the plastic wrap and forgot, lol - oops! :blush:

I can't wait to speak to her in more detail, but I was extremely pleased that she sent me the little summary above so that I am not as anxious about the call. I can't wait to share with her the changes I made to my reggie that I had suspected were working, but now I know!! :yep:

We should be hearing from some of the other ladies in the near future with their follow up results :spinning:
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hey there hair divas!! just wanted to share that my 3 (well,more like 4 1/2) month follow up call is scheduled for tomorrow evening! I copied and pasted the email from Rene that gives me a quick summary of her findings! Woot!! :grin:


I would like to apologize for not being able to get back to you last week. As you know, Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, we ended up putting things on hold until we were able to reach as many customers as we could back east to be sure they were okay and to see if there was anything we could do for them.

I did finish your analysis and I must say, I am impressed. Your hair wasn't in bad shape before, however, it is in great shape now. Your ends still need to be cut but I didn't see the same type of damage before. I did see some damage but it was literally only 1/4 of an inch from the ends which is a normal trim. So once you get a trim you will have NO damage anywhere.

I did look at the hair in the plastic wrap and saw that there was only a little bit of damage at the end as well. I looked at all that hair but I didn't find anything but regular damage at the ends. Are you having issues with that hair?

I would like to know if you have time to talk tomorrow? Please let me know what day and time is good for you.



Re: the hair in the plastic wrap - nothing was up with that hair - I just meant to put my entire sample in the plastic wrap and forgot, lol - oops! :blush:

I can't wait to speak to her in more detail, but I was extremely pleased that she sent me the little summary above so that I am not as anxious about the call. I can't wait to share with her the changes I made to my reggie that I had suspected were working, but now I know!! :yep:

We should be hearing from some of the other ladies in the near future with their follow up results :spinning:

Go with your pretty and healthy hair. We need an update picture. :yep:
hey there hair divas!! just wanted to share that my 3 (well,more like 4 1/2) month follow up call is scheduled for tomorrow evening! I copied and pasted the email from Rene that gives me a quick summary of her findings! Woot!! :grin:


I would like to apologize for not being able to get back to you last week. As you know, Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, we ended up putting things on hold until we were able to reach as many customers as we could back east to be sure they were okay and to see if there was anything we could do for them.

I did finish your analysis and I must say, I am impressed. Your hair wasn't in bad shape before, however, it is in great shape now. Your ends still need to be cut but I didn't see the same type of damage before. I did see some damage but it was literally only 1/4 of an inch from the ends which is a normal trim. So once you get a trim you will have NO damage anywhere.

I did look at the hair in the plastic wrap and saw that there was only a little bit of damage at the end as well. I looked at all that hair but I didn't find anything but regular damage at the ends. Are you having issues with that hair?

I would like to know if you have time to talk tomorrow? Please let me know what day and time is good for you.



Re: the hair in the plastic wrap - nothing was up with that hair - I just meant to put my entire sample in the plastic wrap and forgot, lol - oops! :blush:

I can't wait to speak to her in more detail, but I was extremely pleased that she sent me the little summary above so that I am not as anxious about the call. I can't wait to share with her the changes I made to my reggie that I had suspected were working, but now I know!! :yep:

We should be hearing from some of the other ladies in the near future with their follow up results :spinning:

That's excellent very happy for you:)