I've decided... to transition!


New Member
Hey, everyone :wave:. I just thought I'd share my decision with you guys since I know I can get all the advice and support I'll ever need here! I decided to go natural since my natural hair was so long and healthy although I didn't really try since I wasn't into haircare at the time.
My last relaxer was last September and I plan on transitioning without the BC, but small cuts until next June. I pretty much plan on wearing my hair in silky dreds, dred extensions, and flat ironed out until then. Actually, this's a dumb question but are twists a good transistiong style? What sizes can you make them and how do you do them? Educate me!
Anyway, if there's any good advice that I should know, please tell me or direct me! I'm just happy I've found such a great place to share info and help other people out with hair concerns. TIA, for reading!

Check out the Transitioning Support Thread, lots of good advice there.
Twists arent my forte, but I'm sure someone can help you with that.
Good Luck with your Transition. :)
Update: I feel so torn on this now, I'm not having trouble with my transistion since I'm in braids at the moment but I feel really lost as to what I want to do with my hair in the future. See, either I want to work on getting my relaxed hair into a very healthy state like it has been before at certain periods and start using Phyto OR I want to wear my natural hair straight and dyed. My hair now is currently dyed, but only a smallish portion. Ugh! I just feel so confused and I feel I need to make a decision by September to which route I want to take.... Someone please shed some light into their personal opinions of what I should do???
Well, if you want to wear your hair straight most of the time I would just get a relaxer. There have been women who have maintained long hair that is relaxed and dyed.
In the meantime I wouldn't worry too much about the future. Just keep taking care of your transitioning hair. You can always relax it later if that's what you decide you want to do.
Cool! Another transitioner!

Yes, twists are a good transitioning style as long as your hair can hold twist (where they won't unravel). You can make them any size you want. You just section off a small section of your hair (1" X 1") and divide that section into 2 sections and twist the two sections around each other.

The styles I liked the most when I transitioned was rollersets or blowdried straight. I also did buns, braidouts, and wore phony ponies and wigs from time to time which I didn't like that much.

Well, best wishes to you on your journey to natural hair.
as pooh said, blowdrying straight will be an option for me when i'm about 4 months post. i'm also going to add a semi permanent dye just to spice things up a bit! (my relaxer replacement lol).