I've decided to transition


New Member
Whew, it feels so good to say that! Tonight I was thinking about how fast my hair is growing. I have SOO much NG, and I'm only 2 1/2 weeks post. I've NEVER had this much NG right now. I was playing with it, and it's so strong and healthy. The waves are so defined and moisturized, I love it! I knew for a long time that I've wanted to go natural. I'm scared to tell my mom, though, because I doubt she'll support my decision. She only tells me I'm pretty when I get my hair done. I'm not going to do the BC, I'm going to gradually trim off the permed ends. I'm so excited!
Good luck with your transition. There are tons of posts here about transitioning and what's involved and they should be really helpful to you.
Thank you so much!! There's so much support! I'm really excited about transitioning. I have to find a way to break it to my mom, though, lol. I've been stalking all of the naturals fotkis. Thanks again for all of the support!
hold up - you decided after 2 1/2 weeks of NG to go natural??? U R DA BOMB!!!! I give you props. I myself contemplate this all the time even at 12 weeks post. Even now! lol I struggle with it tho so bad!!! That's why I give you dap!!!! Girl Congrats. Don't worry about mommy - she think your hair pretty now, wait til she see after it's all natural!!!! aunha- oh yea - oh yea (me singin)
nomoweavesfome said:
hold up - you decided after 2 1/2 weeks of NG to go natural??? U R DA BOMB!!!! I give you props. I myself contemplate this all the time even at 12 weeks post. Even now! lol I struggle with it tho so bad!!! That's why I give you dap!!!! Girl Congrats. Don't worry about mommy - she think your hair pretty now, wait til she see after it's all natural!!!! aunha- oh yea - oh yea (me singin)

:lachen: This post made my day! LOL, I've always loved my NG, and I never understood why I would perm it when I love it. Every month I'm going to cut off the permed hair until it's all natural. I wish I could be all natural now!:lol:
CONGRATS on your decision. You have alot of support here. There seems to be alot of transitioners these days so we can all help each other out.
You have beautiful hair.:eek: I feel the same about my hair too. I just wish I knew how to do some natural styles to kick my transition styles up a notch. I am now able to wash n go. I'm hoping this will help my ends and nape to grow as fast as the rest of my hair. My phony pony was 2 tight and that maybe what was slowing me down.
DDtexlaxd said:
You have beautiful hair.:eek: I feel the same about my hair too. I just wish I knew how to do some natural styles to kick my transition styles up a notch. I am now able to wash n go. I'm hoping this will help my ends and nape to grow as fast as the rest of my hair. My phony pony was 2 tight and that maybe what was slowing me down.

*looks around* Who, me?! THANKS!!! I love your hair, too! I suck at hair styling. I really want to learn how to do twists. Does daily washing help your hair grow faster? My relaxed hair is SOOO delicate, even touching it causes it to break. It has like 5 different textures, so it breaks easily. My NG is super strong, and it looked amazing when I was cowashing everyday, but my relaxed hair broke off from the manipulation. Thanks!
Ebonygurl00 said:
*looks around* Who, me?! THANKS!!! I love your hair, too! I suck at hair styling. I really want to learn how to do twists. Does daily washing help your hair grow faster? My relaxed hair is SOOO delicate, even touching it causes it to break. It has like 5 different textures, so it breaks easily. My NG is super strong, and it looked amazing when I was cowashing everyday, but my relaxed hair broke off from the manipulation. Thanks!

Good luck on your transition. Keep in mind that you will have to be very careful, since you know that your relaxed hair breaks easily. You might want to think about doing lots of protective styling and deep conditioning your relaxed hair with protein. Deep condition your natural hair with moisture. If your relaxed hair continues to have problems, and it starts to interfer with your natural hair's health, always remember that your relaxed hair is going to be cut off, but your natural hair will still be there.

During my transition, I did lots of buns and braidouts, and I trimed 1.5" of relaxed hair every other month.
Ebonygurl00 said:
*looks around* Who, me?! THANKS!!! I love your hair, too! I suck at hair styling. I really want to learn how to do twists. Does daily washing help your hair grow faster? My relaxed hair is SOOO delicate, even touching it causes it to break. It has like 5 different textures, so it breaks easily. My NG is super strong, and it looked amazing when I was cowashing everyday, but my relaxed hair broke off from the manipulation. Thanks!

I CW daily. I find that conditioning my hair makes it stronger. My hair likes a lot of conditioner.:D That also helps me to be able to finger comb my hair. I have to do this very gently though. I can't get my texlaxed hair strait, so I'm working it like it was texturized. I'll be getting some pics soon.
Ebony- I'm so proud of you!!!! I am sure you will completely transition in no time! You may have a friend coming along for the ride- I'm 7 weeks post and loving it!
Cheleigh said:
Good luck on your transition. Keep in mind that you will have to be very careful, since you know that your relaxed hair breaks easily. You might want to think about doing lots of protective styling and deep conditioning your relaxed hair with protein. Deep condition your natural hair with moisture. If your relaxed hair continues to have problems, and it starts to interfer with your natural hair's health, always remember that your relaxed hair is going to be cut off, but your natural hair will still be there.

During my transition, I did lots of buns and braidouts, and I trimed 1.5" of relaxed hair every other month.

Thanks for the info! I'll still bun it everday. How long did it take you to transition?