Its All About FISH!


New Member
I've been eating fish for the past month near enough everyday.. i've gained a lilly over a inch and a 1/4 this month and i'm sure its due to the addition of extra fish in my diet. tuna,haddock,cod,snapper,mackerel....ahh fish tastes so good, i'm so happy it works for the hair! Try adding it to your diet for a new growth is so soft..not to mention the extra BRAIN power i have! it goes straight to the head...i've sorted out more things with my career this month then i ever have in my life! :D :D

i wonder what fish contains thats so significant for hair growth (and this flawless skin i've adopted)..i kno fish is rich in omega 3 etc, but i take a supplement in this to research!
It contains sulfur, iodine, and selinium just to name a few things. My grandmother eats it almost everyday too (she catches them herself) She is almost 80 with beautiful skin and hair and still has a mental edge.
foxybrownsugar said:
It contains sulfur, iodine, and selinium just to name a few things. My grandmother eats it almost everyday too (she catches them herself) She is almost 80 with beautiful skin and hair and still has a mental edge.

wow! thanks for the info...she sounds very active for her age! people in the medditeranean eat tons and tons of fish, no wonder they live so long
I love fish!!! but the way my mum cooks it, is by frying it the Jamaican way, i know that's naughty i'll have to try some steam fish. ohh i just remembered we have a few tins of sardines in the kitchen cupboard..... off to the raid the cupboard
Does it matter how the fish is prepared? I was wondering if grilling or baking is better than frying.
Does it matter how the fish is prepared? I was wondering if grilling or baking is better than frying.
grilling and baking is better!! frying only destroys the natural properties
Ive always loved fish and can tell it makes a difference in my hair. I will adding fish to my diet at least 4 times a week. I am trying to stick to an eating regimne to go along with my workouts! Thanks for the good new candy c!
Girl it's that PROTEIN, I'm telling you. When I received my last touch up I started a high protein diet and was eating sardines and cheese eggs everyday at least once and by the 1st wk post I already had NG creeping in, and I know for sure I never see that NG until atleast my 3-4wk mark. In one can of the sardines I had was 22grams of protein from 4-5 little teeny tiny fish, and the least was 16grams. Girl by the 3rd wk, I was drinking extra protein shakes and glasses of milk because I couldn't look at another sardine, :lol: . I think I'll start back up again I have about 3mnths left to go until my 5mnth stretch is up, and I'm trying to see more than 2-2 1/2 in of extra hair, I want to see more like 3 1/2 -4in. ;) God willing.
yes it is a lean protein & best when baked or grilled. Dont forget to squeeze fresh lemon juice over it before eating. It tastes so good!
I love fish, grilled tasted best to me, but I also like it baked, broiled and fried.

White perch, sadines,catfish, cod, tuna, whitten, I love it all.
I love fish.

Just one word of caution: Mercury. If you eat too much fish (whatever that amount is), you could get mercury poisoning or something like that.
yeah im pretty sure fish can benefit you hair and skin as well. i got that from dr perricone who wrote a book on anti aging and acne and he advises to eat salmon at least 3 times a week. but you have to be careful of the mercury. that was a good article cichelle.
ITA on the fish being great for you: protein and Omega 3 fatty acids. (I take supplements) BUT watch the fish for high mercury content. It can have damaging effect for women in particular. Tell your doc how much and what kind of fish you are eating. Mercury poisoning is no joke.
I love fried catfish and fried tilapia!!! :lick: I guess I need to start eating it grilled or baked. Does it still taste good this way???
baked fish is one of my favorite standby/goto quick meals... i bake it with green peppers and onions... then i cook some lipton cajun dirty rice and the vegetable of the night and i have dinner.. hmmm.. now i need more fish in the freezer...
Wow, that is great to know! I love fish.... I have to make sure to pick some up when i go to the grocery store this weekend.
I am kinda embarrassed to say this but I try to avoid too much fish because I have read somewhere it makes you stink! Something about the oils from fish/seafood are released from your skin when you sweat making you stink. Don't know if it's true or not, but I eat fish in moderation anyways.
MizaniMami said:
I am kinda embarrassed to say this but I try to avoid too much fish because I have read somewhere it makes you stink! Something about the oils from fish/seafood are released from your skin when you sweat making you stink. Don't know if it's true or not, but I eat fish in moderation anyways.

I have always been told that women especially should not eat much fish because it will come out through your pores (people will smell it on you). My mom says that you have to eat certain kinds of fish for this to happen.
Hey! Good to see were all fish lovers ,but thats mercury thing sounds a lil scary, whats are the symptoms?

i've eaten baked haddock fillets about 4 times a week!! :eek:
fish with fresh squeezed lemons on sounds so tasty!

its the same with potatoes, when i was eating baked potatoes (with the skin) i got good growth..not as much as with fish though...we really are what we eat!!! :D

PS. the smelly thing...i think you may have a point, when i have my night time shower, i dont really add any deolderant cuz i'm going to bed, and i just think its a waste of product (and damaging) so i wait till my morning shower to do all the fancy stuff...i dont smell so sweet (i'm called Candy cos i smell good lol) when i wake i must say...but maybe thats just with everybody who doesn't wear deolderant b4 bed...its not pungent..just different than b4 :cool: lol
As I mentioned in another thread, a black woman I worked with had waist-length, relaxed, beautiful type 4 hair and I noticed she ate a can of salmon everyday at work for lunch - she stuck her fork in the can and ate. I asked her how she grew her hair so long and she said it was definitely the salmon.

More recently on Oprah, Dr. Perricone announced that wild salmon (not farm-raised) is the best fish of all fish one can eat for health and youthfulness. It does not have the mercury problem like a lot of other fish have. He says to eat wild salmon in every way (not fried) including canned wild salmon which should say so on the label.

BTW, nutritionists say that eating cilantro along with eating fish pulls the mercury right out of the body.

ETA: Most human-hair weaves come from women who eat fish (mainly seafood, which is different) as their main staple. Their hair is long, healthy and beautiful.
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karezone said:
I have always been told that women especially should not eat much fish because it will come out through your pores (people will smell it on you). My mom says that you have to eat certain kinds of fish for this to happen.

Yes, I've heard that it actually makes you smell like fish :eek: and that's not good at all :nono:. I don't really know how true it is though or if it's just an old wives' tale...*shrugs*.
MizaniMami said:
I am kinda embarrassed to say this but I try to avoid too much fish because I have read somewhere it makes you stink! Something about the oils from fish/seafood are released from your skin when you sweat making you stink. Don't know if it's true or not, but I eat fish in moderation anyways.

wow i never heard of this before. my mom eats a lot of fish and i never noticed her stinking.:lol:
Isis said:
BTW, nutritionists say that eating cilantro along with eating fish pulls the mercury right out of the body.

I've read that too...actually I read that one of the ways to detox the body from mercury is to take several different things or a combination of them. I think MSM, Chlorella, and Cilantro was high on the list. I also saved a recipe I found on the Curezone website for a "yummy mercury detox"'s actually some kind of sauce or condiment full of cilantro and other ingredients. I figured since I have silver/amalgam fillings I might need to do a detox one day.
Isis said:
As I mentioned in another thread, a black woman I worked with had waist-length, relaxed, beautiful type 4 hair and I noticed she ate a can of salmon everyday at work for lunch - she stuck her fork in the can and ate. I asked her how she grew her hair so long and she said it was definitely the salmon.

im a BIG fish lover... seafoods my thang!:D

but salmon always been on the bottom of my list- it seems that thats going to have to change (for my hairs sake lol)!!!
I go for sushi once a week at cook fish salmon at home 2 days a week. For me its just enough to make me not so sick of it. (I've done a fish diet for shows....after a while the thought of fish made me want to :barf: )

So I can't do it exclusively or even too many times in a row these days.
