Its All About FISH!

Poohbear said:

Does anyone eat fish 7 days a week?

I do! i eat fish fingers some days, tuna for breakfast the next, makerel the next day, then cod, then haddock..i alternate breakfast and dinner each day, its working great hair growing like craaaaaaaaazy.
i also forgot to mention. when iwas on holiday in jamaica, we had fish 3 times a day. breakfast, noon and lunch (snapper) my hair grew an inch over there and i was there for 2 weeks. i must say with the additon of co-washes and heat and diet its the perfect recipe.
Thanks Candy C!

I'm trying to cut down on eating red meat and start eating salmon every day. I'll be eating cooked salmon fillets from a frozen package and those Chicken of the Sea packages of pink salmon that are made ready to eat. ;)
I love fish! Tuna, catfish, perch and walleye are my faves. I have been slacking off on eating it for awhile, but I definitely think it helps the hair. For awhile I was eating tuna every other day, but then I kept reading reports that women who are preg. or trying to get preg., shouldn't eat as much because of the mercury?
That is pretty much all eat; fish (Tilapia and Tilapia w/ coconut lime, salmon and rockfish fillet), chicken and turkey. Every now and then usually the holiday's I will have pork (ham). I eat a lot of veggies and fruits and luv luv cucumbers as a snack as well. But I am going to have to try BlackBarbie's receipe.
jadedcynicism said:
so is this a challenge? :lol:

thankyou so much for reminding me of this...

i say we should deffa start a challenge...i have been slaccccking off fish for ages!

seen as its August 1st, shall we try it till the end of the year? or just for a month or 2?
If you start a challenge, I am IN. I recently decided to transition so I am hoping for all of the growth I can get. So what would the challenge be? To eat fish at least once a day for the rest of 2006?
MissPriss08 said:
If you start a challenge, I am IN. I recently decided to transition so I am hoping for all of the growth I can get. So what would the challenge be? To eat fish at least once a day for the rest of 2006?

basically yeh! heed all the warnings on the previous pages though about Mercury overdose, and i think if you change your fish every day (different types, not the same on monday and tuesday for example) then you will be cool.

its all about tuna mayo sandwiches/salmon and mackerel for me!
foxybrownsugar said:
N-actyl cysteine (NAC) is a sulfur supplement which boosts liver function will also take care of that nasty mercury. Cooking with onions and especially garlic are also immune boosters. Onions and garlic are high in sulfur.

Foxy you are an excellent source of info! i've actually started NAC today (for the growth properties) and if this stops the mercury then YAY! i'm gonna eat fish as often as i like! thanks!
It's the best source of protein (in my view), Omega's, iodine, selenium. I love fish. I, too, eat it just about everyday. Tuna salad, salmon, talapia, you name it. I love fish. In fact, I'm having it for lunch right now.

Also, I eat a good amount of eggs, but watch the cholesterol. Mine's pretty low, but I still need to be careful.

Excellent for hair growth, skin and nails...

wild salmon (not farm-raised)

"Canadian ladies" you can find wild salom on sale at most "Price Choppers" $5 for a bag with 3-4 pieces! " as she dashes off to fill her freezer":D
Isis said:
As I mentioned in another thread, a black woman I worked with had waist-length, relaxed, beautiful type 4 hair and I noticed she ate a can of salmon everyday at work for lunch - she stuck her fork in the can and ate. I asked her how she grew her hair so long and she said it was definitely the salmon.

More recently on Oprah, Dr. Perricone announced that wild salmon (not farm-raised) is the best fish of all fish one can eat for health and youthfulness. It does not have the mercury problem like a lot of other fish have. He says to eat wild salmon in every way (not fried) including canned wild salmon which should say so on the label.

BTW, nutritionists say that eating cilantro along with eating fish pulls the mercury right out of the body.

ETA: Most human-hair weaves come from women who eat fish (mainly seafood, which is different) as their main staple. Their hair is long, healthy and beautiful.

[SIZE=+1] Well that's good to know.....I eat wild alaskan salmon 4xs a week. [/size]
blackbarbie said:
-Can of Salmon
-Chopped Onion (about 1/4 cup)
-Chopped Bellpepper (about 1/4 cup)
-1 scrambled egg (helps to hold it together)
-Seasoned Salt
-Dried Bread Crumbs or just a little meal (you have to play this one by ear b/c once you mix everything, you just need enough meal to hold the patty together).........................(kind of like making meat loaf except you are using salmon and you are making individual patties and you are frying them up in a skillet)

Mix everything together (you can pick the little "bones" in the salmon out, but you really don't have to b/c it won't make a difference)......Make in the shape of a patty like a hamburger......Use a little olive oil in a nonstick skillet; just enough to coat the bottom of a nonstick skillet. Fry on each side....This tastes really good with rice and even better the next day between bread with mustard!!!

[SIZE=+1] :lick: Mmmmmm....we call these Salmom Croquettes. I make these a lot for my family. Been eating them since I was a kid. [/size]
Wow, man I do think its the fish thats helping. I started MTG a month ago but got lazy and took a break 2 weeks into it. But my mom hasnt been cooking lately and all Ive been eating is tuna sandwiches, tuna salad, plain tuna out of the can on crackers...

I really do think thats the truth, my NG thats come in during the past two weeks or so is SOOO shiny, and its really soft without any kind of products on it. I forgot the name and someone probably already posted it, but some kind of vitamins that come in fish is supposed to be really good for your hair. Not to mention the protein too
Does anyone know if there is a problem with farm raised fish (tilapia)? I've been eating this almost everyday along with the tuna, and whiting.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
Girl it's that PROTEIN, I'm telling you. When I received my last touch up I started a high protein diet and was eating sardines and cheese eggs everyday at least once and by the 1st wk post I already had NG creeping in, and I know for sure I never see that NG until atleast my 3-4wk mark. In one can of the sardines I had was 22grams of protein from 4-5 little teeny tiny fish, and the least was 16grams. Girl by the 3rd wk, I was drinking extra protein shakes and glasses of milk because I couldn't look at another sardine, :lol: . I think I'll start back up again I have about 3mnths left to go until my 5mnth stretch is up, and I'm trying to see more than 2-2 1/2 in of extra hair, I want to see more like 3 1/2 -4in. ;) God willing.

Yup! My mom was just telling me how in the Caribbean and other places the black people eat lots and lots of fish and when they come to America the diet tends to change. She says the fish makes your hair grows, gives you nice supple skin, wards off wrinkles and helps you keep that youthful edge as you get older. She also contributed it to other aspects of the diet including the yams and greens.

When I have a lot of protein my hair not only does my hair grow faster but it's stronger! I've been having a combo of roasted chicken, beans & yellow rice almost everyday at the Mexican-Chinese restaurant (don't ask) near my job. I've noticed my hair is growing much faster and thicker (chicken & beans = protein). I had my relaxer earlier today and the stylist almost lost her comb in my head. I think there's also a vitamin that provides protein, but I forgot the name, it's Amino something IIRC.

i'm back on the fish this winter

maximum growth maaaaan, no messing around now, i need to pump out some GROWTH!!!!!!!
yes it is a lean protein & best when baked or grilled. Dont forget to squeeze fresh lemon juice over it before eating. It tastes so good!

Yes! Especially salmon! I eat a lot of fish. I used to belong to a mosque and the common saying was "if you want your hair to grow, double up on the fish." I wonder if that's why my hair seems to not like a lot of protein in products.
Yes! Especially salmon! I eat a lot of fish. I used to belong to a mosque and the common saying was "if you want your hair to grow, double up on the fish." I wonder if that's why my hair seems to not like a lot of protein in products.


I'm down for the challenge whenever anyone is ready because ive started already

-sea kelp
-and LOTSA fish

thats me for the new year :grin:
ITA on the fish being great for you: protein and Omega 3 fatty acids. (I take supplements) BUT watch the fish for high mercury content. It can have damaging effect for women in particular. Tell your doc how much and what kind of fish you are eating. Mercury poisoning is no joke.

True. . . but it depends on the fish and WHERE the fish was picked up.

I hear that there are some organic fish or farm bred fish where they are not exposed to mercury from pollution, but I'm not sure about that. I think mercury applies to seafood in general.

The other great thing about fish for me is that its very very low in calories!
True. . . but it depends on the fish and WHERE the fish was picked up.

I hear that there are some organic fish or farm bred fish where they are not exposed to mercury from pollution, but I'm not sure about that. I think mercury applies to seafood in general.

The other great thing about fish for me is that its very very low in calories!

:yep: So true. You should only buy fish from a reputable fishmonger who can tell you where the fish came from, etc. I also stay away from scavenger fish, such as catfish, and fish who are relatively very large. A useful link for more information:
Evazhair - you're good! thanks for the info!!!!

oh man i could just eat a fish finger sandwich right now


i think i will!

i'm back on the fish this winter

maximum growth maaaaan, no messing around now, i need to pump out some GROWTH!!!!!!!

I feel you on the fish thing- right in our house we are digging- salmon,tilapia, red brim, croker (not sure if its spelt right) and mackerel.
loving fish right now.