Its All About FISH!

N-actyl cysteine (NAC) is a sulfur supplement which boosts liver function will also take care of that nasty mercury. Cooking with onions and especially garlic are also immune boosters. Onions and garlic are high in sulfur.
Ok Ok, you've convinced me. I'll buy some talaipa and put it on the George Foreman. I used to love fish but I don't trust seafood after that... well you know what happened to me.
I'm about to order some salmon from vital choice seafood. This site has TONS of info about fish, omega fatty acids, mercury and anything else that has to do with fish. They also sell a ton of other items. This company is recommended by many health professionals. I read some of their testimonials and I was sold. It is expensive though. Anyways check this out
I've been eating quite a bit of fish over the last few weeks, due to Lent. Maybe I should pump it up even more and see what progress I'll have!!

Thanks for this post!

and I love ALL fish---catfish, salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, grouper, tilapia, whiting!
Whoo!! I think this is something I can stick to!
i just had some baked cajun salmon today. OMG! SO GOOD!!
I also am going to start taking my omega 3 fatty acids that have been sitting on my shelf. not sure if that will have the same affect on hair as just going for the real deal. Is it the amount of protein in the fish or or will the omegas give you the same results I wonder?
I think its all the other goodies fish is packed with, lots of protein apparently.

i LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE PRAWN n MAYO sandwiches mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
What a great thread. :up: I noticed a difference in my skin and hair growth when I was taking Omega-3 pills (1200mg). I will def be eating more fish backed and grilled instead of fried. :yep:

Great hair Candy C :weird:
It's not so much as the "fish", as it is the "protein". Fish is a source of quality protein and that's where the growth comes from and yes the Omega-3 fatty acids are good for you, but the mercury poison is serious as well. For those of you that inquired about grilling and baking vs. frying, it's a personal choice, but grilling and baking are definitely healthier options.

As you all know (and other threads have been posted on it), other sources of protein include chicken, eggs, tofu, any kind of fish (canned or filet, almonds (watch the fat content in them though - very high), whey protein.

I think it's just amazing that we don't associate "fish" with being a source of protein I guess. One 4 oz. tilapia filet is only 100 calories and a whopping 23 grams of protein. Catfish is one of the "fattier" types of fish though. I do eat salmon but since it's so hard to really season it, don't eat the salmon steaks as much as I like eat it out of the can and make salmon patties with it.....
MonaRae said:

Could you please post your salmon pattie recipe?


-Can of Salmon
-Chopped Onion (about 1/4 cup)
-Chopped Bellpepper (about 1/4 cup)
-1 scrambled egg (helps to hold it together)
-Seasoned Salt
-Dried Bread Crumbs or just a little meal (you have to play this one by ear b/c once you mix everything, you just need enough meal to hold the patty together).........................(kind of like making meat loaf except you are using salmon and you are making individual patties and you are frying them up in a skillet)

Mix everything together (you can pick the little "bones" in the salmon out, but you really don't have to b/c it won't make a difference)......Make in the shape of a patty like a hamburger......Use a little olive oil in a nonstick skillet; just enough to coat the bottom of a nonstick skillet. Fry on each side....This tastes really good with rice and even better the next day between bread with mustard!!!
blackbarbie said:
-Can of Salmon
-Chopped Onion (about 1/4 cup)
-Chopped Bellpepper (about 1/4 cup)
-1 scrambled egg (helps to hold it together)
-Seasoned Salt
-Dried Bread Crumbs or just a little meal (you have to play this one by ear b/c once you mix everything, you just need enough meal to hold the patty together).........................(kind of like making meat loaf except you are using salmon and you are making individual patties and you are frying them up in a skillet)

Mix everything together (you can pick the little "bones" in the salmon out, but you really don't have to b/c it won't make a difference)......Make in the shape of a patty like a hamburger......Use a little olive oil in a nonstick skillet; just enough to coat the bottom of a nonstick skillet. Fry on each side....This tastes really good with rice and even better the next day between bread with mustard!!!

OOOOh sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing!
shawniegee said:
OOOOh sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, your regular ole fish and chicken for protein gets boring sometime, but this (salmon pattie), brown rice, and a green veggie or a salad makes a nice meal. (growing up, we always had salmon, rice and homemade biscuits as an early saturday morning breakfast....)
blackbarbie said:
-Can of Salmon
-Chopped Onion (about 1/4 cup)
-Chopped Bellpepper (about 1/4 cup)
-1 scrambled egg (helps to hold it together)
-Seasoned Salt
-Dried Bread Crumbs or just a little meal (you have to play this one by ear b/c once you mix everything, you just need enough meal to hold the patty together).........................(kind of like making meat loaf except you are using salmon and you are making individual patties and you are frying them up in a skillet)

Mix everything together (you can pick the little "bones" in the salmon out, but you really don't have to b/c it won't make a difference)......Make in the shape of a patty like a hamburger......Use a little olive oil in a nonstick skillet; just enough to coat the bottom of a nonstick skillet. Fry on each side....This tastes really good with rice and even better the next day between bread with mustard!!!
hmm soundz lovely, im going to try this next week.
i am a vegetarian so it really is all about fish for me, but i really do love tilapia and whiting as quick dinner meals and tuna for the daytime. Dining out I will try grilled or baked varieties of fish, last week I had catfish(delish!) i fry NOTHING, but growing up my mother used to fry tuna fish, west indians will make a dollar...
most Vegetarians i know have fast growing hair, as they stick to healthy foods all round. my old dance teacher had hair below her arse.

she used to eat nuts and seeds all day, and take supplements.
Candy_C said:
most Vegetarians i know have fast growing hair, as they stick to healthy foods all round. my old dance teacher had hair below her arse.

she used to eat nuts and seeds all day, and take supplements.

I have really been on a "lotsa fish" challenge unconsciously myself so I am hoping for some great results myself. I just got a personal trainer about 3 weeks ago and although I have always exercised, worked out and followed a healthy eating plan, now that I am actually paying someone to work my my butt to the max, I want to make sure my diet is clean as a whistle to get optimum results. Even though I mainly eat fish and chicken as meat sources, my body doesn't digest chicken as well, so I have been incorporating more fish in my diet, eating it at least 5 days out of a week. So, I am hoping to get great dividends as well when i finally relax!
your salmon pattie recipe is exactly like my G-ma's but she doesn't use green peppers.

I have started eating 4 oz of tuna every other day just to see if the Omega's and protein will help me any.
Lanelle said:
Yes, I've heard that it actually makes you smell like fish :eek: and that's not good at all :nono:. I don't really know how true it is though or if it's just an old wives' tale...*shrugs*.

Well, all this week I've been eating salmon once a day, either for lunch or breakfast ...and um, I want to confirm that I smell fishier :ohwell:, in the area said to smell like fish. :eek:. But I remember another thread that recommended pineapple juice to make that area sweet, I usually follow my salmon by drinking a small can.

And I feel much more alert this week. :) My mind is doing some amazing things at work. I have much more energy, too.

I ordered 24 little cans of wild red Alaskan salmon from has a pull tab and i eat it right from the can. (it also has been tested and meets environmental standards).
well im a Salmon LOVER..i eat a generous amount about 2x per week..have not seen anything yet tho...maybe i might try eating it more..
blackbarbie said:
Yeah, your regular ole fish and chicken for protein gets boring sometime, but this (salmon pattie), brown rice, and a green veggie or a salad makes a nice meal. (growing up, we always had salmon, rice and homemade biscuits as an early saturday morning breakfast....)
So did I, my dad use to make fried salmon, rice, applesauce and hot biscuits it was so good on saturday mornings, I grew up in Tennessee, must be a southern thing
Synthia said:
Well, all this week I've been eating salmon once a day, either for lunch or breakfast ...and um, I want to confirm that I smell fishier :ohwell:, in the area said to smell like fish. :eek:. But I remember another thread that recommended pineapple juice to make that area sweet, I usually follow my salmon by drinking a small can.

:sekret: same thing happened to me...didnt know about the pineapple juice. i will definitely try this