Is this married man a Kang?


New Member
My cousin and her husband have been married for several years. He does not help out around the house: inside or outside. He works full-time, comes home, sits on the couch and watches tv, plays with his cell phone and/or plays Madden every night and on his days off.
He doesn't do any cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, interact with the kids much either. He doesn't take out the garbage, clean the gutters, take care of the yard (he refuses pay a landscaper) or pick up after himself. He's not handy. He leaves piles of dirty and clean laundry as well as garbage on his side of the bedroom floor all the time. She is not allowed to touch or clean up his side of the room because it makes him very angry. He told my cousin it's because she doesn't know what is clean and what is not. :perplexed But she's tired of living in his filth.

He is, though, very playful with her and tells her he loves her all of the time but does not show the same attention/affection to her kids - which are his stepchildren. He's only interested in knowing their whereabouts when they are not home. He wants all the details. But when they are home, he doesn't have anything to do with them: doesn't spend time with them, talk to them, take them out for pizza, ice cream, to the mall, movies, play with them, etc.

Whenever she brings these things to his attention, he gets very defensive and a heated argument always follows. He tells her that he doesn't bring up the things he doesn't like about her, he just keeps his mouth closed because "it's no big deal" to him. He also tells her that he knows what needs to be done around the house and that he's a grown man, so she doesn't need to tell him what to do. He doesn't like or ever want her telling him what to do. Those are the two main responses she gets whenever she asks him to do something or reminds him to do something.

He gives her a hard time all the time, over every little thing. Basically, if it's not for his job, it's not getting done/taken care of. When she told him that's how she felt, his response was "My job pays me." WHAT?! :angry2:

She works outside of the home full-time. She does all the cooking, cleaning, shopping and takes care of the kids and everything that has to do with the home. Mind you, they both pay bills together with their income. But to hear him tell it, he pays all the bills and takes all the credit for what they have. :rolleyes:

Her husband doesn't have any friends, hobbies, or interests. He's not very social and doesn't keep in touch with his family.

My cousin is not happy at all in this marriage. She says since her husband is not out running the streets, beating, cheating on her, gambling, drinking, drugging, but works and pays the mortgage, she shouldn't complain. :rolleyes: I told her marriage is a partnership. He is not doing his part. I think he's a selfish, inconsiderate, jerk. I also think he's weird but that's another thread.

Their sex life is non-existant :sad:

Your thoughts? Is he a Kang? :look: :laugh: What is his problem? What should she do?

Where is @Zaynab? I need her expertise on this mess. :nono:
Umm, he wasn't doing all this before they married? Sounds like a Kang she married and thought would change into a King.
She said that all men are like that. :look: I told her that's not true.

He was. :look: It's just gotten worse the longer they've been married.

There you go.

You need to pay attention to these things before you say I do. I will tell any man I'm serious with if you aint gonna help with the chores and kids, then we can't do this. I guess at the time she didnt think it was a big deal.

Must be miserable living like that.

This reminds me of an old thread where people were saying even if their DH didnt help out with the kids they would still stay. To each their own I guess.
um if her kids are old enough to go out they just may be old enough to take care of some of the chores around the house


since he is paying all the bills perhaps she need to invest in a maid and leave her husbands side of the room
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There you go.

You need to pay attention to these things before you say I do. I will tell any man I'm serious with if you aint gonna help with the chores and kids, then we can't do this. I guess at the time she didnt think it was a big deal.

Must be miserable living like that.

This reminds me of an old thread where people were saying even if their DH didnt help out with the kids they would still stay. To each their own I guess.

1st bolded: I agree.

2nd bolded: She is miserable.
um if her kids are old enought to go out they just may be old enough to take care of some fo the chores around the house


since he is paying all the bill perhaps she need to invest in a made and leave her husbands side of the room

Her kids do have chores and keep up with them. But they shouldn't have do everything. It's home too, he should help out around the house or at the very least, pick up after himself and put a dirty dish he used in the dishwasher. Sheesh!
Going to work and paying some of the bills is not enough. He doesn't pay all of the bills. They both work and pay the bills together with their income.
He just sound lazy which I guess are the qualifications of a Kang

She said that all men are like that. :look: I told her that's not true.

Umm, he wasn't doing all this before they married? Sounds like a Kang she married and thought would change into a King.
He was. :look: It's just gotten worse the longer they've been married.
See... I hate when women do this. :rolleyes: I don't know about kangery, but he's definitely a selfish man. As far as what your cousin should do now:
...My cousin is not happy at all in this marriage. She says since her husband is not out running the streets, beating, cheating on her, gambling, drinking, drugging, but works and pays the mortgage, she shouldn't complain. :rolleyes: I told her marriage is a partnership. He is not doing his part. I think he's a selfish, inconsiderate, jerk. I also think he's weird but that's another thread.
It sounds like her mind is already made up.
^^^^ITA. I think the full time job and shared bill paying saves him from being a KANG, but he's very selfish. This definitely does not sound like a healthy relationship.
oh okay, I misread your post I thought he paid all the bills ...

untidyness really can't be hidden perhaps this was something that she should have noticed from the onset as well as how he interacts with her kids someone can only pretend for so long eventually the 'real' person will manifest himself/herself prior to marriage ...

Her kids do have chores and keep up with them. But they shouldn't have do everything. It's home too, he should help out around the house or at the very least, pick up after himself and put a dirty dish he used in the dishwasher. Sheesh!
Going to work and paying some of the bills is not enough. He doesn't pay all of the bills. They both work and pay the bills together with their income.
He's a Kang and he was one before she married him.

I couldn't live with his filthy behind...:nono:

As far as what she should do...IDK, he sounds so disgusting, lazy, unattentive, poor hygine, just plain ole yucky!!!
There you go.

You need to pay attention to these things before you say I do...

...I will tell any man I'm serious with if you aint gonna help with the chores and kids, then we can't do this. I guess at the time she didnt think it was a big deal...
:thankyou: Women (for the most part, IME) neglect to put this on their list of requirements for choosing a spouse and then :wallbash: :fistshake: :cry: when they don't have these qualities in a husband. Well, what did they expect? :look:
See... I hate when women do this. :rolleyes: I don't know about kangery, but he's definitely a selfish man. As far as what your cousin should do now: It sounds like her mind is already made up.

I don't know about kangery either but it sounds like it. I agree that he's definitely selfish.

She says that neither of them are going anywhere. I told her to KIM and focus her time and energy on other things then. Obviously, her happiness and having a peaceful home is not important to him. On the other hand, he is probably happy with the way things are because he gets away with a lot.

hopeful: I want to hear your thoughts.
@Mortons Chile you know Kang's usually have the $5 Footlong or something comparable.

sex and he is locatable.

@ThickHair @Windsy - Ya'll must've missed this part of my op:

their sex life is non-existant :nono:

She only gets gifts on their wedding anniversary. (He is very tight with money.) However, they do go away on vacation once a year. He certainly doesn't spoil her to make up for the areas he's lacking in.
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oh lawd she's putting up with all that and not get any :thud:

I would've thought this was GDS (Good Dick Syndrome) for sure....:nono:
He sounds like a Supersized Kang and a waste of flesh.

ETA: Was he always like this?
lol at Supersized Kang...he's certainly a different breed of Kang...I mean did he even read the Kang handbook...he's suppose to be appeasing her with the $5 footlong.
lol at Supersized Kang...he's certainly a different breed of Kang...I mean did he even read the Kang handbook...he's suppose to be appeasing her with the $5 footlong.
why waste the energy, if she's sticking around with all of that AND isn't getting the footlong dingalang, what's the point!
Oh yeah, we both work but he can't do anything. Well first I would order takeout 3 to 4 times a week, then I would stop cleaning, cooking, taking out the garbage and mow the lawn. When it gets a bit too much I'll hire someone to take care of them. Let's see how he likes them apples. He's one selfish dude and we would be arguing everyday because I would refuse to do it all on my own. There's no partnership if one one person is doing everything.
She might as well be single...IMO
and @ThickHair $5 footlong...:lachen:

That cracked me up too crlsweetie912 and ThickHair

He sounds like a Supersized Kang and a waste of flesh.

ETA: Was he always like this?

He was. Before they married, she did leave him because of these red flags and he begged her to come back, said he would change :rolleyes:. She went back and married him shortly thereafter. I told her not to do it. I don't think she loved him but was doing what she thought was the right thing to do at the time. i.e. security. :ohwell: