Is there anything you would not do intimately with your husband or SO?

Oh, and the sex with other people. OMG, I would be in jail for murder. I can't imagine watching DH get down w/ someone else. She better like choking, cause I'd wring her neck. mind just ain't that open. That would drive me bonkers.
I'm pretty much down for anything when it comes to coloring with my SO.

1. Animals
2. Golden showers/Chocolate Chunks/Throw up
3. 3rd Parties
4. ANYTHING illegal
5. No Violence (Aside from spanking and hair pulling)

Anything else is open for discussion, I feel like if my SO is willing/eager to please me I should be willing/eager to please him.
I am in pain laughing at this thread...

no fecal matter or urine or cherry pie or vomit
nothing illegal
other people

I'm open to pretty much everything else. Not to say that we've done it yet, but I'd consider most things before deciding yes or no.
I am in pain laughing at this thread...

no fecal matter or urine or cherry pie or vomit
nothing illegal
other people

I'm open to pretty much everything else. Not to say that we've done it yet, but I'd consider most things before deciding yes or no.

is cherry pie what i think it is???? lawd lol

ETA: I'm just waiting for someone to come in here and be like:

Nothing that involves drowning, jumping off a building, cyanide, or anything else resulting in death. Otherwise, I'm good :grin:

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is cherry pie what i think it is???? lawd lol

ETA: I'm just waiting for someone to come in here and be like:

Nothing that involves drowning, jumping off a building, cyanide, or anything else resulting in death. Otherwise, I'm good :grin:


Yep, it's Aunt Flo's special recipe... :lachen:
I’m sad that urine, fecal manner, and vomit has to be mentioned. I thought those things are just assumed....Folks are hella nasty these days.
I’m sad that urine, fecal manner, and vomit has to be mentioned. I thought those things are just assumed....Folks are hella nasty these days.

lol i no right. but hey. these things are in porn so.....idk y i know that :look:

ok, i need to go to bed now lol
:perplexed I read this whole thread and I finally figured out what "Golden Showers" means. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

That's just nasty!
I second and third much that has been said but it also includes

NO S/M, Dom/Sub, latex etc. Not my cup of tea :naughty:

and for those that are wondering about certain things (not so much the no child, no bodily fluids stuff) watch a few episodes of Real Sex on HBO. Some of them will leave you like :huh: Where did they come up with the idea for this
I'm pretty much open except for.......(here it comes)
  • tossing his salad or anything with his butt
  • animals, insects, marine life, or reptiles
  • minors or children
  • 3rd parties
Other than that I'm game:blush:
i still haven't turned in my v-card so plain ole hoo haa action seems like over the top once i get married. the stuff on this thread has me :blush:

now, i see why my pastor makes folks talk about EVERYTHING in pre marital counseling. :lachen: i guess i'm naive.
Um i do not like anything in the backdoor, so that would have to off limits.

NOthing illegal 'underage, animals, dead people, etc'

Nothing involving excrements and waste.

I'm not necessarily opposed to a 3rd party.

Oh and no extreme pain. A little spank is fine, but thats kinda where i draw the line. Unless I'm administering of course

How do you even "acquire" a dead person? This dude worked in a hospital so he had access to do his nastiness but how would you transport the deceased to another location and then return said deceased person to the morgue.

Jesus take the wheel!!!!

ETA: apparently folks who are interested in a lot of the stuff mentioned in this thread have a condition known as paraphilia. Did R. Kelley use an insanity defense by chance?
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