Is there anything you would not do intimately with your husband or SO?

What has the world come to when you have to stipulate that you don't want to be pee'd on? :nono: Some things should just be a given.

:rofl: I didn't even think of this. :rofl: My first and only thought was no other people, but from reading this thread, there are alot of other factors that I need to bring up, (or rather reject).

why are people mentioning feces/throwup!?!? are these things that are brought up as options in real life?!!

Fa real. Looks like we're too tame. :blush:

Nothing in the cornhole.
Nothing involving waste matter (liquid nor solid).
Nothing involving the animal kingdom.
Nothing involving extra folks.
Nothing involving the underage.
Nothing involving near strangulation.
No swallowing :look:

I co-sign this post, 'cept for the swallowing thing. :yep:
I would say no to the following

1. Violence
2. Animals
3. Plush Toys
4. threesomes, orgy, parties...etc.
5. tossing salad
6. toe sucking
7. waste from body
8. swallowing
9. i'll leave this blank in case I remember something else

In before lock :lachen:
My thread with a poll asking if you are ok with swinging got poofed as soon as I hit submit so if this one survives Imma feel some kinda way. :rolleyes:

Well, see, that was talking about bringing others into your marriage bed .... and that's not acceptable in Christianity.

Doing the chandelier swinging, fudge pouring, tongue stretching freakdance in the confines of your marriage, on the other hand, is a blessed thing. :yep:

:look: It makes a odd sort of sense. :lol:
Well, see, that was talking about bringing others into your marriage bed .... and that's not acceptable in Christianity.

Doing the chandelier swinging, fudge pouring, tongue stretching freakdance in the confines of your marriage, on the other hand, is a blessed thing. :yep:

:look: It makes a odd sort of sense. :lol:

I didnt ask if you do it, I was asking if you agree with it or not. Oh well. :ohwell: Lets just see if this one lasts. :rolleyes:
There will be nothing and I mean nothing in the exit. No other people, no type of excrements, violence or foreign objects inserted in body like cucumber and crap.
No waste matter
Nothing to do with the underaged

Tis all. I'm pretty open to other ideas aside from that.

ETA: and no animals :nono::nono:

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Well, I was gone answer then i started reading vomit, violence, animals and kids---damn. Some thangs should just be a given no, no.
If you consider 99% of the things mentioned here strict limits, me thinks not only is it for another thread, it may be for another board :lol:

When guys say they want a women who keeps it interesting/isn't boring in the bed, what are they referring to if most women don't do the above things? PM me if needed. :look:
No vomit
No kids
No Dookie
No animals

I probably wouldn't be interested in penetrating him either

I think everything else is cool and sounds like fun :)
When guys say they want a women who keeps it interesting/isn't boring in the bed, what are they referring to if most women don't do the above things? PM me if needed. :look:

My guess based on some of the more popular male sentiments:

Lots of energy
What What in da Butt
Didn't realize so many people don't swallow :look: ...just pretend its a vanilla milkshake

Oh, and my things I won't do..
-backdoor activities of any kind
-R. Kelly-esque activities
-anything violent or painful
-and all this vomit, animals, etc people are mentioning should be given, at least they are for me
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No peen in the booty but he can put his finger or tongue in there :look: He could probably convince me to put his peen in my butt, but he doesn't seem to have any interest in that . . .

I like to be choked a little sometimes but no punching in the face or anything :nono:
I'm pretty much open to anything that doesn't involve bringing another person into the bedroom. Glad DH and I seem to be on the same page with that. :yep:
nothing in the exit hole.

my challenge to a guy who wants the backdoor.... ask him if he wants a finger in his butt. he will likely say no. if that doesn't work, tell him that's what gay men do... ask if he's gay. you win.
nothing in the exit hole.

my challenge to a guy who wants the backdoor.... ask him if he wants a finger in his butt. he will likely say no. if that doesn't work, tell him that's what gay men do... ask if he's gay. you win.

Likings tuff back there has nothing to do w/ orientation, it has everything to do w/ sensation and what feels good.

I would just tell him that if he puts something in my behind, then I get to do it to him. And if that dont work....iono
Hmmm, I have heard lots of guys like a finger or two rummaging around every now and then, but they don't want you to mention it outside of the act.
All I have to say is that my FH and I are onboard in every way. Meaning he won't do anything I'm not interested in doing. AND furthermore I told him that if he has a problem with my requirements we don't have to get married. I'm of the belief that if you know what you're getting up front, don't be shocked later when it's enforced. I am not having sex until marriage but he KNOWS what I will and will not do, and also he knows I'm SERIOUS about it because everything I say I always back (in general). I am the type who actually says and does what I mean and have a strong will, so he knows what he's getting up front. So yes there are things I won't do (a ton) including the stuff most people mentioned and then some I won't go into more details because I don't think they're necessary but suffice it to say I don't have to worry about being pressured into anything nor will I be.
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I mean, I'm not judging, but how do you have sex after someone's peed or dookied on you? How do you keep from messing up your mattress? Mattresses is expensive. :look: