Is their a SL challenge for 2008?

Hi ladies :wave:... I'm checking in and keeping with my current regime for now

deep condition weekly
ocassional heat :look::look:
moisture moisture moisture

I will post updated pics after my next texlax 4/19/08

Good luck to everyone & Happy Hair Growing!
Hmm figured I might as well check in now too...I made shoulder length!! :grin: I reeaallly need a new camera ( my old one broke) but I'm trying to post pictures up soon!
Hmm figured I might as well check in now too...I made shoulder length!! :grin: I reeaallly need a new camera ( my old one broke) but I'm trying to post pictures up soon!


Here's what I have to say about that:



But remember:


SO hurry up and update, darnnit!!!!
soooo when do we all reveal? is it a certain month?

There isn't a certain month, this challenge is "active" from January 1, 2008 untill 11:59 p.m. (Standard Pacific, lol) December 31, 2008. So, anytime you make SL within those time constraints, then post it here and let us know!!
Can I please join, pretty please? I just cut of some damaged hair, and am now neck lenght.

Starting pics are here:

I wash and deep condition weekly. I use either CON shampoo(green label) or ORS aloe shampo. I DC with CON or Siliicon Mix, or cholesterol. I always add oils and honey to my DC's

I moisturize 1-2 times daily, and seal with oil at least once daily. I have started to use Castor oil to seal a few times a week as well as adding it to Deep Conditioning- hopefully it will help to thicken up my strands.
I always tie my hair up with a silk scarf at night for bed, either scarf or bonnet

I don't brush and mostly finger comb. After I wash I either air dry or sit under my dryer with rollers, I never use a handheld blow dryer ever.

I use a clarifying shampoo once a month.( Nexxus Aloe Rid)
Take a multivitamin
Take Flaxssed
Take a prescribed DHT blocker.
Touch up at 8-10 weeks.
hey guys i know its been a while since i posted on here. but i have my hair in braids and i am doing my own crown and glory challenge and using mtg so when i take these braids out in may hopefully i will be sl!:grin:
Still here!! I keep trimming,cause my ends are not like i want them to be,so i braided back up to stay with the crown & glory challenge,and to stop trimming.

I am soooo close to SL:grin:

But i'm not relaxing again until my one year LHCF anniversary:yep:

So hopefully if my ends are on point,i'll be a nice and healthy,full SL! IF NOT,THEN I'LL JUST KEEP TRIMMING(shrugs)

Wish me luck ladies!!And good luck to all of you guys too:yep:
I was about a half-inch from SL when I took my kinky twists, and then when it came time to shampoo, condition, and detangle...I lost SOOOO much hair!!! I actually cried because the kinky hair and gotten stuck in my hair and it had to be cut and ripped out! So, now my hair is significantly thinner and shorter; so there's my update.
Hello I'm new to all of this and I would love to join if its still open. I think it would be great to have a group of women to share the journey with. Im about to wash my hair and will post pictures up of my starting point.
Hello I'm new to all of this and I would love to join if its still open. I think it would be great to have a group of women to share the journey with. Im about to wash my hair and will post pictures up of my starting point.

Of course it's not too late, you're on the list and welcome; to both the challenge and the forum.
hi everyone
making great progress with the cathy howse challenge .


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hi again here is my progress... I have just passed NL working on SL now,,,,,,,current with 2 x washing a week ,,,today wash with pine tar shampoo. dc Aphogee balance moisterizer/ 20 minutes, Silicon Mix (Dominican Products) 5 minutes/ both heated cap/ rinse, airdry/ wrap in ponytail with olive oil/ care free moisturizer & wave Nouveau moisturizer......


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Hi everyone. Just checking in to let everyone know I'm still around. I'm 9 weeks post now and I'm going to stretch to 13 weeks. At that time I will post pics to see any progress. I'm still washing 2xs a week. Shampoo 1x/week and CW 1x/week. I DC each time and just have my hair pinned up all the time. I moisturize daily. Good luck to everyone!
Hey ladies, just a quick update:

I had a fiasco involving twists and a comb...and I have no hair now, on the bright side I'm hella dramatic, so I still do have hair, actually it's about NL at this point and creeping towards SL. I have a full weave in at this point and will take it out in a month to show my progess. Hope you guys are doing fine yourselves.
The picture is so large, but I had to show my update; I'm closing in on Collar Bone Length, I should be there by August.

I'm kinda late but I'm joining anyhow, haha. I'm trying to make shoulder length by the end of the year. I'm trying to get a decent digital camera so I can participate fully - anyone have any suggestions?

Below is a pic of my baby ponytail, haha, which is where I'm starting off. My hair is also natural - 3b/3c

I'm kinda late but I'm joining anyhow, haha. I'm trying to make shoulder length by the end of the year. I'm trying to get a decent digital camera so I can participate fully - anyone have any suggestions?

Below is a pic of my baby ponytail, haha, which is where I'm starting off. My hair is also natural - 3b/3c|0|8CA6E252A35F300're in...haha...btw, you can't see your picture, so we can't see you're starting point.

Hi everone just want to show you'all my progress:
NL/SL April 08....
This photo was taken Oct 06' I am still washing 2x and DC 2 x as well I want to reach SL by summer....


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    October 2006-permed spike with gel.jpg
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Hi everone just want to show you'all my progress:
NL/SL April 08....
This photo was taken Oct 06' I am still washing 2x and DC 2 x as well I want to reach SL by summer....

:dance7:Now that's what I am talking about. You are coming along very nicely. Your hair looks health and thick- yay!!!