Is their a SL challenge for 2008?

On the page where you post your message, there is a paperclip you click on to add an attachment. I put my sized down pic on my desktop and upload from there to the new post. You won't see the picture until you submit reply. HTH

thanks for this post!! i'd been trying to figure out how to upload pics (yeah, i'm a lil slow :look:) . i did exactly this and it worked. :grin:
Hey, ladies! Add me to the list! :grin: I'm already in the '07 challenge, but I think I'll be missing it by a few more months. I won't feel comfy claiming SL till early '08...Recent pic is my avatar...

I think I can claim SL now, so I'm gonna :grin: It's not full SL, but that's ok, I want to just focus on getting to APL. My sides will be SL when I reach APL I think. :) Not updating pics till Jan, though :look:
Count me in...I need some type of motivation to stick with this and I WANT Healthy hair so this will be my first Challenge. My hair is currently mid neck length. i will post pictures first week of January.

I will try to stay in protective styles(ie. braids, wigs, sewn in weaves)
Count me in...I need some type of motivation to stick with this and I WANT Healthy hair so this will be my first Challenge. My hair is currently mid neck length. i will post pictures first week of January.

I will try to stay in protective styles(ie. braids, wigs, sewn in weaves)

Of course!!! THis is my gitft to you: Your name on the list!:grin:
Glad there is one! I'm in.....

I'm giving myself until April. I have a wedding to attend in April and I really would like it shoulder length by then.

I'm still working on my regimen since I go to the hair salon weekly but here's what I think I'm gonna try:

pre-poos night before hair day
1/2 gallon of water daily (hope to work up to gallon by end of challenge)
vitamin regimen
MN mix at least 3x a week
Coconut-lime mix to stretch relaxers
Rollersets weekly (in the rollerset challenge)

Happy Growing!
Ok, count me in!! My hair journal is almost done...:rolleyes:

Hair Routine:
I'm currently wearing kinky/curly extensions as a hair growth aid.
  • Rebraid/retwist every eight weeks, clarify and deep condition
  • Co-Wash 2x per week (Mondays & Thursdays)
  • Daily Conditioning with Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner & My Honey Child Hair Activator
  • BT & Gro Aut daily on scalp
  • 4 x per week (full body dumbbell complexes + cardio)
  • 4 or more litres of water
  • Whole Food Vitamin Supplements (Garden of Life Perfect Food & Living Multi, probiotics)
  • 1-4 tablespoons of Coconut Oil (internally) and/or Flaxseed Oil
  • Reduced or eliminate white foods (white sugar & white flour), fried foods, processed foods, sodas, etc.
  • Complete a full body cleanse

So, I know there a few BSL challenges, and APL and even a large WL challenge (you grow ladies:grin:)...but are their any ladies still searching :sekret: for SL? and if so, are ya'll part of a challenge? I just want to know...

Well, there goes my answer for that! I don't think a challenge has to have five million people, so I'm happy with the 5 other women I have:circle:! So, I guess there should be some rules or something of that sort, so here they are:

Check in (with pictures please!:needpics:) in January and again at the end. If you want to do it more than that, please do!
You can use heat if you want, braids, protective styles, etc. I know we all take different paths to get to the same destination
Please, if at all possible, just jot down your regimen, because you never know what you can find out from other people's regimen.
One more thing, I Think we should all add one special thing to our regimens: like no (direct) heat, 2x DC, Regular oil rinses, etc.

And please, come in and check on the thread periodically, just for moral support:grouphug3:, I know when I'm growing my hair out, it can feel like it's never going to grow :pullhair:, but it is, it has, and it will...we're here to support eachother as well!

That's it....Grow ladies Grow!


New Fowers
Nubian Goddess
Artemis E.
Jaded Faerie
MamaBraided it
Ok, count me in!! My hair journal is almost done...:rolleyes:

Hair Routine:
I'm currently wearing kinky/curly extensions as a hair growth aid.
  • Rebraid/retwist every eight weeks, clarify and deep condition
  • Co-Wash 2x per week (Mondays & Thursdays)
  • Daily Conditioning with Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner & My Honey Child Hair Activator
  • BT & Gro Aut daily on scalp
  • 4 x per week (full body dumbbell complexes + cardio)
  • 4 or more litres of water
  • Whole Food Vitamin Supplements (Garden of Life Perfect Food & Living Multi, probiotics)
  • 1-4 tablespoons of Coconut Oil (internally) and/or Flaxseed Oil
  • Reduced or eliminate white foods (white sugar & white flour), fried foods, processed foods, sodas, etc.
  • Complete a full body cleanse

Glad there is one! I'm in.....

I'm giving myself until April. I have a wedding to attend in April and I really would like it shoulder length by then.

I'm still working on my regimen since I go to the hair salon weekly but here's what I think I'm gonna try:

pre-poos night before hair day
1/2 gallon of water daily (hope to work up to gallon by end of challenge)
vitamin regimen
MN mix at least 3x a week
Coconut-lime mix to stretch relaxers
Rollersets weekly (in the rollerset challenge)

Happy Growing!

I wanna join too!...I'm close but thats only in the back...I want the front to be closer than close too! :grin:

I want in too.........Am I too late?

You're never too late, the official challenge starts in about 5 days!! Welcome!
Latecomer here!

I just found this thread! SL is my 2008 Goal. I want to join too!

Currently my hair is layered at the crown but my back is at the base of my neck.
I'm going to post my starting pics as soon as I stop being lazy


ETA, I posted my pics in my album under "hair tings". Address and password are in my profile

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My start picture is in my fotki....

My regime....?

I really don't have one yet...I'm not sure what's healthy for my hair and which products are doing more harm than good.
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My start picture is in my signature...the one on the left is my hair wet(picture taken Christmas 2007)...the right is my hair after it air dried and i wrapped it (picture taken Dec 28, 2007 in Japan).

My regime....?

I really don't have one yet...I'm not sure what's healthy for my hair and which products are doing more harm than good.

You look like u will be there before june:grin:. you need what, about an inch or two? some people might would even claim it where you are now.
I'm gettin' my hair done today. I'm doing a prepoo as I type this, so the stylist should be "interested" to know why I have all this conditioner & coconut oil in my hair when I get there. LOL This is my 1st time letting this stylist do anything but a "dusting" to my hair. Anyway, I will ask her to take a couple pics for me to post in my siggy 2nite.
I'm a little past shoulder in the back but I want to grow out my bangs and my sides. The sides are collarbone and the bangs are to my bottom lip. And I have a little funky area in the crown.

I'm going to give myself to June for the bangs and the crown to reach shoulder length that will probably make the longer lengths in the back apl.:spinning:

I'll be back with a picture...Sometime this weekend.
Latecomer here!

I just found this thread! SL is my 2008 Goal. I want to join too!

Currently my hair is layered at the crown but my back is at the base of my neck.

I'd like to join too. :)

I want to join too!

I'm a little past shoulder in the back but I want to grow out my bangs and my sides. The sides are collarbone and the bangs are to my bottom lip. And I have a little funky area in the crown.

I'm going to give myself to June for the bangs and the crown to reach shoulder length that will probably make the longer lengths in the back apl.:spinning:

I'll be back with a picture...Sometime this weekend.

I want in! I am working on a regimen, I will post pics this weekend

Coolio peepz...Welcome, your names have been added to the list...:grin:
Count me in. This will be the only challenge I will do. I plan to be shoulder/collar bone lenght by dec 2008. I am currently in braids, 4 month post. I will remove my braids by february and start the journey then. Can't wait.
I am new to LHCF and have become completely addicted. Please add me to this challenge. I will post my details and starting pic as soon as I can figure the how to.:newbie:
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Count me in. This will be the only challenge I will do. I plan to be shoulder/collar bone lenght by dec 2008. I am currently in braids, 4 month post. I will remove my braids by february and start the journey then. Can't wait.

I am new to LHCF and have become completely addicted. Please add me to this challenge. I will post my details and starting pic as soon as I can figure the how to.:newbie:

Ya'll are in...HHG
Happy New Years to all!! :grin: I just got a fotki so I will be updating my journey to shoulder length hair for January through May 2008 on a monthly basis. I know that I am close already but it's normally at this stage that my hair goes in reverse and starts breaking off. My hair is wet in the picture so it looks like I'm close but once it dries its still about 1 inch off... Plus I have shorter hair in the middle back part of my hair from wearing buns to much (without proper moisture and from that metal clip inside the bun) I know it's my fault but I take it as a lesson leasrned. Hopefully I can move pass this and head toward APL but I don't want to get my hopes up shoulder length is my sort term goal for I don't rally have a regime
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Okay I'm in. I'll post pictures as soon as the geek squad gives me my computer back. Probably a week or two.

I think I'm at collar right now because when I move my head it rubs against the collar of my shirt.:yep:
Okay I'm in. I'll post pictures as soon as the geek squad gives me my computer back. Probably a week or two.

I think I'm at collar right now because when I move my head it rubs against the collar of my shirt.:yep:'re on the list.