Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here...


Well-Known Member
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here? How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:
I dunno- I never noticed much of a problem. I think all types of hair on this board gets attention. It's just a matter of searching a pinpointing those with hair similar to yours. Oddly enough although my hair is very tightly coiled/kinky, I have taken note and applied some other ladies tips and products with hair that isn't like my own (whether relaxed/3b,3c etc) and it has worked.

ETA-I have seen plenty of ladies in the past with tightly coiled hair that give info or have fotki site-which can provide even more info on their regimens.
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Hi Ajargon02 :wave:

Yes, I've noticied the same thing.

It must be something in the water. LOL.

Its turning everyone into curly 3c's :alcoholic
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

geesh, i haven't noticed this at all :ohwell: (not to say it's not happening)
Isn't that what Nappturality is for?:)

I'm only half joking. There are a lot of kinky/coily/nappy haired folks on this site (I'm one of them) and the mission of this site is to grow long hair (or healthy long hair rather). I think that long haired women get the most props on this site, as they should, given the POV of the site.

I do think that short kinky/nappy/coily hair gets the least love here generally, but maybe that's to be expected too.

I have noticed a few people who dislike "their" nappy/kinky/coily hair, insomuch that they complain when they see naps in their own hair. But what percentage of those folks don't like their naps because it's oppositional to what they're trying to achieve (straight hair, for example) versus not liking their kinky hair period, I cannot say.

And I think that a lot of the kinky/nappy/coilies who are on here are also on other natural hair sites, so maybe they don't post about their own hair related issues here as much?
I haven't noticed that at all. Whenever I've asked questions about natural hair care I received nothing but love and encouragement.:)
C'mon sista, alot of people don't like naps period. So why would they show love to the extra nappies? NP loves our wooly heads ;)
Cheleigh said:
Isn't that what Nappturality is for?:)

I'm only half joking. There are a lot of kinky/coily/nappy haired folks on this site (I'm one of them) and the mission of this site is to grow long hair (or healthy long hair rather). I think that long haired women get the most props on this site, as they should, given the POV of the site.

I do think that short kinky/nappy/coily hair gets the least love here generally, but maybe that's to be expected too.

I have noticed a few people who dislike "their" nappy/kinky/coily hair, insomuch that they complain when they see naps in their own hair. But what percentage of those folks don't like their naps because it's oppositional to what they're trying to achieve (straight hair, for example) versus not liking their kinky hair period, I cannot say.

And I think that a lot of the kinky/nappy/coilies who are on here are also on other natural hair sites, so maybe they don't post about their own hair related issues here as much?

Good post ;)
I think it's due to the fact that going natural has reintroduced alot of us to our true God given locks, and many are realizing that their hair has a curl pattern that they never knew or experienced. For some of us, this pattern is a looser curl than we thought we'd ever have. Some of us have kinky/ tight coils or "naps" (I don't mind this word- not to offend) which yet and still are springy and great.

I don't like to classify hair types into 3 and 4. I will do it occasionally so that others can understand that my hair and that of let's say, my child's, is different. Many of us on here have lovely Afro-mix hair, which to me is kinky/coily. And we're proud of it. My girls Poohbear, Country Girl, and kristina are my natural inspirations, and they have gorgeous, lush afro hair doesn't happen to frame their face in loose, silky type 3 corkscrews. ;)

There are a few of us that may cling to that 3c category. 3c is really the hardest to understand for me, for 3c and 4a are almost interchangable. But I'm happy with my hair, and I'm a sistah just like any of the rest of us, 2's, 3's,4's, or whateva.
ajargon02 said:
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here? How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:

I know for a fact, that there are many many naturals on this board, some of whom give excellent information that even a relaxed head like me find helpful in managing my new growth (nappy roots, natural hair, etc.).

So I'm not sure I understand why you're not seeing "acceptance" for nappy, frizzy hair when there's nothing but good info and suggestions on dealing with new growth (aka nappy hair), frizzy hair, etc. I mean, there are TONS of 4bs all ova this board, including myself. . .

Two GORGEOUS LHCF naturals that immediately come to mind are Poohbear and Ekomba (many others . . . )
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I dont notice it, but then again, I'm not really looking for it. I see a lot of self proclaimed 4bs (and yes, I, too, agree the typing system is flawed) with gorgeous hair who get props. Why would people not want to accept their hair type (whatever that may be) when doing so would help them to learn better techniques and products, ultimately resulting in healthier, longer hair? I think that the overwhelming majority does.
I haven't noticed, but then again I'm not the most observant person.:ohwell: I have really nappy hair, i'm not ashamed of it- that's just what my hair is, matter-of-fact. When someone asks me if my hair is relaxed i usually come out and tell them that my hair is just as nappy as the next person's.:lol: They tend to doubt me however, because of the length of my hair. The'll usually try to add a stupid comment like "you must have indian in your family" which is statement that I hate.:mad: The majority of black americans do indeed have native american blood floating around in their gene pool somewhere, but it doesn't mean that i would have that type of hair. The stuff that comes out of my head is that good ol' "North Carolina cotton".:lol: Zzzzzzz's all the way.
thanks for all your replies. I just kinda wanted to see what others were feeling. I am FULLY aware :) that this is a "long hair site" but that can be achieved w/ any hair type, permed/kinky/nappy, as long as you have good hair care, and your genetics will allow it. I know that there are sites that promote no chemicals, and they have all kinds of nappy love. I guess the reason why i said something was that I have been a member/lurker for a few years, and intitially I noticed that there was a lot of "love" equally across the board,and that's what drew me to join. Over the past yr, yr in a half, it just seemed like the scales tipped more so in one direction, like it lost some of the balance. Which that's to be expected. I am just knit picking. I still love ya'll and of course if I didn't like the site, I wouldn't be here! :) Thanks for all your replies!
btw: thanks for not attacking! You know sometimes people can get really heated about minor things. I really appreciate you all saying what you had to say, and not being nasty about it. :grin:
mahoganee said:
I haven't noticed that at all. Whenever I've asked questions about natural hair care I received nothing but love and encouragement.:)

:yep: same here, i'm a natural 4b!
I've noticed what you're talking about just a little bit but not a whole lot. The only thing I've seen is ladies here admiring curly looser hair textures, nothing wrong with that... I haven't seen people say tight nappy hair is ugly or bad. While there may be ladies who unconsciously think nappy hair texture is ugly or bad, I haven't really seen it expressed out in the open. So I really don't see it as a huge problem, especially since most of the women here have relaxed hair.

Plus, if you love your nappy frizzy hair, who cares what other people think about it, and who cares how others may admire other textures that aren't like yours. I have nappy frizzy hair and love it. I find all natural hair textures (naturally straight, wavy, curly, or kinky) equally beautiful. Whether someone thinks differently, that's them, so-be-it.

To answer your question about how come more of the nappy headed sisters don't come out of the closet and share their tips... not everyone is boastful or outgoing about sharing tips. You're not gonna have everyone with nice healthy natural hair come out and share their tips. Some do, some don't. But if you wanna know, you gotta do the fishing and searching. Plus, I have found lots of tips on this forum from nappy haired sistas from using the search engine and reading posts in threads pertaining to natural hair and private messaging nappy headed sistas (curly and kinky) who I've seen with beautiful nappy hair. So if you see a nappy headed sista that you feel is treating her hair like gold, send her a PM.

If you really like to know how to treat your nappy frizzy hair like gold, here's some of the best tips I've ever received...leave your hair alone and avoid anything that may cause breakage or damage to your hair. That's basically it. How often you wash, condition, moisturize, etc is all subjective and depends on your hair needs. ;)

Hope that helps.
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

I have not noticed that. In fact, there have been times here that I have noticed the complete opposite.
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

I always thought the love was spread equally, maybe I just haven't noticed.

I have APL relaxed hair, and I have to say some of the most beautiful heads I've seen on this board are what you call "the nappy, kinky, coily" type.

SO1913, Naturaline, Ekomba (hope you all don't mind me calling you out! ;)) and so many others on this board have the hair of my DREAMS...after seeing how gorgeous their hair is I know someday I will be able to start my natural journey.

So even if it's not said all the time, believe me...the love is definately there.
I think the majority of this site is relaxed hair, so we see more of that than anything else. it all depends on who asks the questions and who responds.
I was inspired to go natural by so many 3b/3c's, 4a/4b heads on this board. I appreciate the fact that there are women who made a decision to experience the God-given hair that we were born with, whether it is 2a, 3c, 4b or zzzzz, we are all blessed. I'm a newly natural after having relaxed for so many years and I'm so excited about my new, natural hair...actually I look forward to it.

So I say...let's enjoy our hair experience, whatever it may be!!!!!!!
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

ajargon02 said:
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here? How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:
I really dont see that, Ajargon. Everyone pretty much accepts all hair types here. I have nappy hair and I'm accepted here. I have given and recieved much hair advise on this board form permis and nappies alike. I've seen many a thread on taming frizzes and these threads have many posts in them. I'm not quite sure what you are speaking about. Maybe you were having a bad day?
Nappy girl over here!!! I have naps, kinks and curls! I wore my hair in a wash and go today and I had naps and coils and curls all over the place. One thing I don't like about my hair is the frizziness it can get sometimes and I don't think that has anything do to with what type of hair you have. I just hate the frizzies :) In any event just wanted to say I'm nappy and proud of it!
i haven't seen any nappy hating on this board. I see alot of shout outs to the ladies who have healthy growing hair, period. Ekomba is a prime example of a sister who is doing wonders growing healthy, beautiful hair! I enjoy this site because of the variety of hair types that are displayed.
ajargon02 said:
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here? How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:

Girl, I thought I was the only one who noticed this. I don't buy into the hair type classification because to me it's still on that good hair/ bad hair tip IMO. It seems that no one wants to be a 4a/4b! Or if the are that they'd only admit to 4a.

I'm not sure why this is, but I refuse to utlize yet another classification that really means nothing! I am happy to have found LHCF, but I am always shocked at the hair type thing or whateva.
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

DSylla said:
geesh, i haven't noticed this at all :ohwell: (not to say it's not happening)

I haven't noticed this either.
i thought type 4 hair was considered "nappy" (even though i don't like that term). i thought most users here had type 4 hair. i might be wrong.
I have not noticed the problem on LHCF.

ajargon02 said:
and how "curly" so and so's hair is.

I think sometimes, naturals/nappturals/kinkies/coilies are too sensitive to the word curly. Curl is like a four letter word. If a person with curly hair receives compliments, it does not mean those giving the compliments hate their own hair (be it straight, curly, kinky, coily, etc.). Consider the big picture - it is just a description. Would the following phrases be just as offensive?

and how "thick" so and so's hair is....
and how "shiny" so and so's hair is....
and how "straight" so and so's hair is...

Not everyone uses the term nappy to refer to tightly curled hair. I do not think we will see many posts that say "and how nappy so and so's hair is" as a compliment. In fact, one might just use the term "curly" instead.

My hair does not fit into Andre's hair typing system, which is just a guide not a rule. :)