Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here...

Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

jasmine26 said:
i haven't seen any nappy hating on this board. I see alot of shout outs to the ladies who have healthy growing hair, period. Ekomba is a prime example of a sister who is doing wonders growing healthy, beautiful hair! I enjoy this site because of the variety of hair types that are displayed.
I agree.

I think the women here are pretty much accepting and supportive of every hair types.
FAMUDva said:
Girl, I thought I was the only one who noticed this. I don't buy into the hair type classification because to me it's still on that good hair/ bad hair tip IMO. It seems that no one wants to be a 4a/4b! Or if the are that they'd only admit to 4a.

I'm not sure why this is, but I refuse to utlize yet another classification that really means nothing! I am happy to have found LHCF, but I am always shocked at the hair type thing or whateva.
But see...there are many who say they are 4a/b and I don't think they are. I am like 4zz and I see others who say I'm 4b or 4a....and all I think is "girl, you're 3a/c.". I think it's all subjective since at this point we all CANNOT agree on this hair classification thing.
I think it is the opposite here. I almost hate to post this because I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but I almost RUN to posts from 3cs and above. To me their posts mean more to me.

I think anyone below 3c's are not really seen as "in the struggle" here. I think their product recs and such aren't really as accepted as much as a 4's are.

But that's my opnion, hope I didn't offend.
I don't think the hair classification thing is way to divide us or to make people try to grade their hair more toward the "curlies" instead of the "kinkies". I think it is a tool that helps women try to identify with others who have the same type of hair because their regimen will probably help someone else with the same type of hair. I don't think anyone would or should be classifying their hair as something that its not because they will miss out on vital information about their actual hair type. I appreciate the thread though because you had something on your mind and you put it out there. Frankly, I have always been SCURRED of my newgrowth. I didn't know any better. I come from a family filled with 1's, 2's, and 3's so a lil 4a gal like myself felt quite inferior. But when I found this site, I discovered that by taking care of my hair with better products, I actually love to touch my new growth as well as my relaxer which is why I'm trying relaxer stretches now.
I've never really noticed it. But, haven't been on the hair care side of LHCF in a long time.

But, I don't think admitting to having nappy hair is bad. IMO all textures are revered here.

I think as some people stretch relaxers and BC they are starting to realize that their hair is not as nappy as some of us were brought up to believe.

I also think that the typing system is flawed and that's because it's hard to place everyone in a 4a, 3b box. A lot of us on this board have mixed ancestory, and if you're AA, it's pretty much a given. So we have multiple textures of hair growing out of our heads some of it's nappy and some isn't so nappy.
If you go looking for something, you will find it. I have 4a/b hair. I see many naturals with 4 as their hair type. At this site we don't get militant if someone asks about curly hair. Some people don't always share their album. I have several pics that I haven't shown yet. I am working on it. :)
It's you. I don't notice that here. Stop worrying about who classifies themself as curly and focus on finding someone with hair like yours.

ajargon02 said:
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here? How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:
CurleeDST said:
It's you. I don't notice that here. Stop worrying about who classifies themself as curly and focus on finding someone with hair like yours.

I agree, It seemed like most of us are 4's to me.
Do you mean there are not enough people here who simply want to grow out their natural hair as it is (no search for straightened, curls or coils), and others who appreciate it?
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

FAMUDva said:
Girl, I thought I was the only one who noticed this. I don't buy into the hair type classification because to me it's still on that good hair/ bad hair tip IMO. It seems that no one wants to be a 4a/4b! Or if the are that they'd only admit to 4a.

I'm not sure why this is, but I refuse to utlize yet another classification that really means nothing! I am happy to have found LHCF, but I am always shocked at the hair type thing or whateva.
I beg to differ. Check my siggy out. I've always claimed my 4b hair and I ain't got no shame in doing so. ;)
CurleeDST said:
It's you. I don't notice that here. Stop worrying about who classifies themself as curly and focus on finding someone with hair like yours.
I agree with this.
I don't see anything like that happening, but then I wasn't really looking for it.
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

FAMUDva said:
Girl, I thought I was the only one who noticed this. I don't buy into the hair type classification because to me it's still on that good hair/ bad hair tip IMO. It seems that no one wants to be a 4a/4b! Or if the are that they'd only admit to 4a.

I'm not sure why this is, but I refuse to utlize yet another classification that really means nothing! I am happy to have found LHCF, but I am always shocked at the hair type thing or whateva.

my whole problem with the hair typing system is it's not thorough and the descriptions aint clear. sometimes my hair looks 3c, sometimes 4a, and sometimes 4b. The more heat damage or split ends I get, the more my hair type changes. I think the system was made for the snowflakes of the world and not 4 me.

ajargon02 said:
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here?How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:

My only advice is, if you want tips on how to treat your hair like gold, then start a thread entitled 4b's only, i need help on how to treat my hair like gold. :) I'm sure you will get some wonderful responses.

As far as nappies sharing all the tips they have, i have seen a few threads for nappies with nappy tips in them over 3 pages long. I was going to add to it, but all the tips i had were already in the thread.

all you have to do is do a search.

a lot of people dont want to make new threads with the same information and advice that was in a previous thread. but if you dont find what you were looking for, make a new thread.
I have 4B hair, and PROUD of it! If it weren't for LHCF I don't know if I could still feel the same way. The ladies on here have helped me realize my blessing.:)
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

It is not just you. I've noticed it quite a few times and was surprised, but when I spoke up it resulted in some bashing. I even gave examples but it hit some bad nerves. So I've chosen to start biting my tounge in most threads. People can deny it for the sake of being pc, but it's there. I'm more of a lurker now than a poster, for that reason among others. I applaud you for your willingness to adress the issue in a "nice way" Ajargon02!
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

Hmm, I've honestly never noticed this. Actually, it seems like the natural 4's get TONS of love! I was looking at my NG today, and I thought to myself, "Wow, my natural hair is BEAUTIFUL!" I would've never said that before finding LHCF. My point is that I find mostly love towards 4a/b hair on this board.
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

i havent really noticed it but maybe its cuz it doesnt apply to me. i personally think that since there are more 4a/bs on the board it wouldnt be an issue. well at least thats what i think since i know there doesnt seem to be many 3a/b/c ladies on ive looked.
I hope it isnt the case though
ajargon02 said:
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here? How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:

IMO the reason why you see love more for "curly so and so hair is because they are the one who post the most . In my sig i say i have 4a/b hair but I really don't know if that is my hair type. what I do know is i have hair on my head and that alone makes me very happy:) .

It don't bother me at all who get what love.

I just love looking at pics;) . I don't care how much, how long, relax or natural just show me pics.
MizaniMami said:
I think it is the opposite here. I almost hate to post this because I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but I almost RUN to posts from 3cs and above. To me their posts mean more to me.

I think anyone below 3c's are not really seen as "in the struggle" here. I think their product recs and such aren't really as accepted as much as a 4's are.

But that's my opnion, hope I didn't offend.

ITA: with you on this one.
IMHO: It's seems like it's viewed that 3c's and below don't have to do much to get there hair to grow so they are looked passed when it come to their struggles.

EVERYONE on LHCF will view the information and what they see on here in there on way.
MizaniMami said:
I think anyone below 3c's are not really seen as "in the struggle" here. I think their product recs and such aren't really as accepted as much as a 4's are.
I agree. I've actually read that on here, not in those words, but as if all hair types don't have problems dealing with their hair.

My girls with type 1 hair have as many difficulties (in their mind) as I do with my weird multiple textured, dry, frizzy, extra thick mass of hair.
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

ajargon02 said:
it's bad. I see a lot of talk of 3c this and that, and how "curly" so and so's hair is. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I like the board. It's just that I don't see very much love or acceptance for NAPPY,frizzy hair, or tips on how to treat it like gold. Is it wrong to have beautiful, nappy hair round here? How come more of these sisters don't come "out of the closet" per se, and share all the tips that they have, or am I just out of my mind on this one?:confused:

I haven't noticed this. Maybe you could provide some links to specific threads so those of us who haven't noticed it can get a better idea of what you're talking about?
blueabyss333 said:
I have 4B hair, and PROUD of it! If it weren't for LHCF I don't know if I could still feel the same way. The ladies on here have helped me realize my blessing.:)

I agree! I think I'm a 4A but I take all the advice I can get whether it be from 3C's or whatever. Can't really say I understand the reason for the hair typing system anyway.
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

MizaniMami said:
I agree, It seemed like most of us are 4's to me.

Yes. In fact, I think there was a poll a while back that demonstrated this.
I agree with the other posters that I haven't really noticed this issue because most people on this board are 3c and above regardless of natural or relaxed. So maybe it goes unsaid, because it's pretty much understood that everyone is trying to treat their hair like gold.

To me, "frizzy" hair is a sign that my hair needs treatment or care - not a hairtype. So I probably wouldn't be throwing a party when my hair is behaving that way. As far as "nappy" - I just don't use the word because it has different meanings to different people, and it doesn't really tell me anything. Shine, density, softness, smoothness,etc. are characteristics that are much more informative and carry more weight to me.
Wow, I am really suprised at the responses! I am really glad to see that people are sharing their thoughts! One thing though, to me, it just seemed like an undertone, that's all. With everything, you take the fish and leave the bone. To say, you take advice that works for you and leave everything else behind. As far as "tips" I have been natural for quite a while, so I've got my "routine" down:) I know what will/won't work for my hair. As for myself, I prefer not to use the hair typing system. I know that I have several textures in my hair, and they won't fit into a certain typing. For thoes that it works for, do what works for you, and don't change it. Nothing wrong w/ that at all :D I am a bit concerned that there's so many concerns about "hair typing". this thread isn't primarliy about that. As I initially mentioned, it just seemed like many have 3a/b/c or at the most 4a(not to say all have that listed) but like no one wanted to admit, wether permed or kinky, that they have anything but curls. That's what disturbed me. I have seen beautiful heads of hair here, and other places, and I just really didn't think it mattered what "type" you have. That's probably b/c I am not into the typing system. Anyway, I am really glad that so many of you are sharing how you feel about my question. I have read every post, and I appreciate each and every comment!;)
Faith said:
But see...there are many who say they are 4a/b and I don't think they are. I am like 4zz and I see others who say I'm 4b or 4a....and all I think is "girl, you're 3a/c.". I think it's all subjective since at this point we all CANNOT agree on this hair classification thing.

Girl, I TOTALLY agree with you. This was what I was trying to say, but didn't say it as well as you did. With the classification A LOT of folks want to be classified with a "better" (for lack of another word) grade than they have. I actually tried transitioning for 10 mons and went to get my hair pressed by a stylist from LHCF and she told me that I was mostly a 4a. Prior to that I had no idea nor did I care to dig to find out. I appreciated her letting me know. We also had this very same conversation about how some folks tend to classify on the "looser curl" side of the scale for whateva reason.

I'm proud of my THICK healthy hair. I just say the grade of my hair is "My Own" (MOa).;) And that's good enough for me.
I consider myself a 4b because it is the category that most closely APPROXIMATES my hair. It is just a shortcut, a quick, easily referenced why to describe my hair. Instead of saying "very curly, very coily, very fine, very dense, super thick, super nappy in the middle, looser curl on the sides, more nappy in the back", etc., I just say 4b and move on. IMO, hair typing is not a hard rule, but rather a TOOL, a guide, a rough estimation. Like any tool (or rule for that matter) I discard and use when reasonable, no big deal . . .

There is no real way to exactly categorize a head of hair, especially for people of African descent, it's just impossible (one look at my immediate family, mom, dad and siblings makes that abundantly clear!) and I, at least, use the 4b category to identify my hair as a general guideline to help others (and myself) understand my texture in general. I understand those who choose not to be "limited" by a hair type, but I understand and agree with those who use the system as a shortcut way to to describe their hair. Again, no big deal either way.

I personally find it helpful for someone to give a "hair type" when recommending products as I pay close attention to what other self-identified 4s have to say than say a 2; in the same way I pay close attention to what relaxed heads recommend since I'm relaxed. But I've pickup up great techniques, products recs and other tips from everyone, naturals, relaxed and 1s thru 4s.

I spend a lot of time on which is predominately caucasians and I get great air-drying, deep conditioning and protective styleing tips and products from there as well. The determining factor for me regarding technique is, does it make sense FOR ME? The determining factor for products is, what are the INGREDIENTS? Regardless of who's recommending, if a product is loaded with 'cones, I won't touch it and if a technique doesn't seem practical for me --say one that requires a lot of manipulation - I move on.

I know this tread isn't SUPPOSED to be about hair type, but when the title highlights the word NAPPY, then hair type naturally becomes part of the discussion because "nappy" may cover a lot of heads, from 2s to 4s, depending . . .
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A lot of reasons: LHCF, like everything, can be kinda cliquish. Not necessarily in a bad way. There's the Nexxus clique and the anti-nexxus clique, the keracare clique, the roller set clique and the challenges clique.

The problem is cliques have a negative connotation - they're simply groups of people who have shared interests, motivations, or in this case - hair types or product choices.

Part of the reason why you see soooo many 3C's is because hair-typing is nonsense, ONLY because I have yet to find someone who's ENTIRE HEAD OF HAIR is the SAME TEXTURE, without being chemically altered. Doesn't happen. I've got some 3C, some 4A, some 3A and some 4ZZZ.

For a while I claimed the 3C, until I realized, I'm probably more like a 4A-.

And some of it is that age old "good hair" mentality. While not coming out and saying "i've got good hair" some folks see the 3C texture as DESIRABLE and want their hair to be desirable, so they claim it.

Hey, we're all learning. :)
Re: Is it just me, or does it seem as if you admit to having really NAPPY hair here..

naturallady said:
I really dont see that, Ajargon. Everyone pretty much accepts all hair types here. I have nappy hair and I'm accepted here. I have given and recieved much hair advise on this board form permis and nappies alike. I've seen many a thread on taming frizzes and these threads have many posts in them. I'm not quite sure what you are speaking about. Maybe you were having a bad day?

That's how I see it. I will ADMIT that I have curly and nappy hair. I'm not ashamed of either and I've never felt a "tone" in this particular board in favor of one or another. The classification is more like a guide for some of us, not the end all hair type. And the only reason for using it as a guide is for product recs. If it wasn't for me looking at Black Cardinal's review (she's 4a) I would have never found Druide products which have played a big role in ending my PJ'ism (for now). :D
ajargon02 said:
Wow, I am really suprised at the responses! I am really glad to see that people are sharing their thoughts! One thing though, to me, it just seemed like an undertone, that's all. With everything, you take the fish and leave the bone. To say, you take advice that works for you and leave everything else behind. As far as "tips" I have been natural for quite a while, so I've got my "routine" down:) I know what will/won't work for my hair. As for myself, I prefer not to use the hair typing system. I know that I have several textures in my hair, and they won't fit into a certain typing. For thoes that it works for, do what works for you, and don't change it. Nothing wrong w/ that at all :D I am a bit concerned that there's so many concerns about "hair typing". this thread isn't primarliy about that. As I initially mentioned, it just seemed like many have 3a/b/c or at the most 4a(not to say all have that listed) but like no one wanted to admit, wether permed or kinky, that they have anything but curls. That's what disturbed me. I have seen beautiful heads of hair here, and other places, and I just really didn't think it mattered what "type" you have. That's probably b/c I am not into the typing system. Anyway, I am really glad that so many of you are sharing how you feel about my question. I have read every post, and I appreciate each and every comment!;)
I'm a bit confused. If you don't care about the typing system then who cares if people claim a certain type or not? :confused:
Also, technically even a 4a has curls...even a 4b to some extent has curls. If the hair is not bone straight naturally then techinically it's Semantics?
I personally don't care what type people claim. Who does it hurt? And like I said before some of the ones who are claiming 3b/c *I* thought were the typing thing is definitely NOT perfect.
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