Is he trying to tell me he's bisexual or gay?


Well-Known Member
This guy and I used to be intimate with each other. Then we broke up. We had not seen each other for almost a year and then ran into each other again about maybe five months ago or so. We became platonic friends, but I would be interested in being with him again if he wanted to. At least that was the case until tonight.

I just bought a new car and asked my friend if he wanted to go for a ride. He said sure. I then told him that I would come by around 10 p.m. to pick him up. I then texted him later to see if 10:30 was okay because I am running late. He then texted me back and said that he was with his sister and did not know when he would be home. I am thinking that he is referring to another woman other than his sister.

Finally, after not hearing from him for almost an hour, I text him and tell him that I am going to bed and will talk to him later. He then texts me back and says, "I am now at Greg's house. I will call you tomorrow."

I then text back, "Greg's house? Okay." He does not respond.

This is at 11:00 p.m. when these last text messages take place?

Am I overreacting or does this seem gay to you? Please give me your thoughts on this one. Maybe he is with a woman and used a guy's name instead. He could have said that he was with Bonquisha. I would have understood, because we are just friends. I don't know girls. Please help me out.
LOL. I have had my fair share with DL brothers, but his text doesnt "sound" gay to me. Has he given you any other clues?
No, he has not given me any other signs. But, I do live in Atlanta. Whew! I feel better now.

Oh no. Not the ATL:look: You aint tell me all that.:lachen: Let's just say I used to live there too. Well, I still dont think what he said sounds suspect. Just keep your eyes and ears open.
:ohwell: I don't understand how you make the leap from Greg to gay.........
Is it the time of night? Are people not allowed to hang out with their friends during certain hours????

If you told someone you were at Mary's house at 11:00pm would it be reaonable for them to think you're gay?????
Umm, there HAS to be something else... some other experiences from the past...some other clues or hints - other than this instance. No?
he does not value you enough to want to hang with you. that was rude how he stood you up! not acceptable at all!
No, that doesn't sound gay. But next time, don't send him so many text messages :nono: Let him do the chasing...

Like other posters said - he should be more attentive to get to ride in your new car :D
you're over-reacting. going over to the home of a friend of the same sex at 11pm is not a clear sign of his sexuality. if i were him, i wouldn't have responded to your, "greg?" text either since it's nothing to do with you. i think your feelings got hurt and now you're paranoid.

also, i don't think he stood you up; you had a meeting for 10pm but your plans changed. maybe he wasn't willing to wait until 10.30 to meet you. with that said, a man who is really interested in you would wait until 10.30pm. cut your losses and move on.
you're over-reacting. going over to the home of a friend of the same sex at 11pm is not a clear sign of his sexuality. if i were him, i wouldn't have responded to your, "greg?" text either since it's nothing to do with you. i think your feelings got hurt and now you're paranoid.

And that's it in a nutshell. Wow...that was quite a leap to "is he gay"?
I'm still trying to figure that out. :look:
You are finished now! you should not be doing anything for him now, not even as a friend, especially at night. You need to focus on you right now!
I think you're reading WAY too much into this. His text meant that he was staying at Greg's house, simple as that. Most likely one of his buds.
No, that doesn't sound gay. But next time, don't send him so many text messages :nono: Let him do the chasing...

Like other posters said - he should be more attentive to get to ride in your new car :D
I know, right? Today this guy was going to go out ice-skating with me and I told him to call me in the morning to wake me up. Well he never woke up and never called me..but i never texted him/called him about it because it was HIS fault.

But i forgave him after he called me to apologize :)