When you're trying to get over someone, what do you do?

yep, he came by after all that time. and he didnt care if i was with someone else because he knows that i still love him deep down. and always will.
i get the facebook thing. keeping the lines open but i've done that before and i'm still typing on this thread, alone, about my ex that keeps coming back but wont stay lol.
i can't say if he'll come back but i hope he does so that you will be happy
Awww:grouphug3:. I'm sorry that you're feeling such pain. I've played the same blame game and I've come to the conclusion that we both made mistakes so yours probably were no more detrimenttal than his. Men behave strangely sometimes. I just don't get why it's so hard for them to say they don't want to see someone anymore. It's so childish. I think part of it is them trying to hold on to you while they figure things out and find someone else. It's always worse when you're friends first, isn't it? I miss his friendship, our laughing, the great conversations. We've liked each other since high school ~ 9 yrs ago and after all this time and maturing (well, on my part at least) it just didn't work. I've always thought that I've had feelings for him for so long b/c we could make something special together. No one has ever made me feel as good to be with them as he did. Another part was that he liked me when I had no confidence. I was a hot mess in high school :grin: and now i'm just hot (well, if i say so myself:lachen:) and headed towards a successful career so when people like me now I always question their sincerity, which was the total opposite of what I did with him. The good thing about friends is that they don't have on the rose colored glasses that you do, so they usually assess the situation a little better. You should definitely enjoy your life; I can guarantee that you'll feel a lot better if you hang out with friends and try to take your mind off of him.

yeah you are a 100% right!
Men are just as hard to figure out as we are, but when you think you found Mr. Right (right now), you just mesh until something like this happens...I miss the times we shared also, good and bad and wish I could have it again but he was just a experience on my path to finding my real soulmate.
Like the saying goes, if you let him go and he comes back then it was meant to be (you know what I mean), but only time will tell but until then I am putting myself out there to enjoy the single life