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or is he a hopeless case?

Im 20 years old and ive been talking to this guy for about a month and a half now. here are times when he is very endearing and affectionate but often times I want to just shake this ish out of this kid and be like "what is your problem." The two times I’ve tried to suggest that we should just be friends, he some how pulls me back in and makes me feel bad for wanting to walk out on him.

The thing is that I know he’s been through a lot, negative family life, lack of love in the home, dad left and has been cheated on several times by ex’s. Although I know im not obligated to help him cope with his sad life or anything like that, I would feel bad just walking out on him especially since a lot of people have already done so and thats part of the root of his issues. And maybe its my female traits or my hope to become a psychologist that makes me believe I can impact this guy in a positive way. He’s very insecure and his views on the world are pretty negative and he constantly plays the victim role and the “its your fault” card. He’s not as affectionate as I would like in a partner but the random spurs of affection and the fact that I know where his inability to be emotionally available comes from, makes me want to give him a chance and makes me believe he can change.

His guard is usually up making it hard to create any real bond but the times when he lets it down are really enjoyable.

Anyway, im wondering if I should entertain this thing any longer. At the very least he occupies my boring summer and ive seen some real good movies free of charge lately lol. Im going back to school in about 1.5 month anyway but I really want to know just in case this occurs in future relationships as well.

Do you give men like this a chance/time to change or do you not give them a chance at all? They’ve been hurt and I know if I was hurt I would want someone to invest time and patience in me too. Is it ok to play the counselor role in a relationship to affect change and help someone be a better them or resolve internal issues?

I kind of don’t buy the whole “you cant change people”, I think people are very easily influenced and therefore possibly changed by others (of course if they are ready to be changed. )
I kind of don’t buy the whole “you cant change people”, I think people are very easily influenced and therefore possibly changed by others (of course if they are ready to be changed. )

Based on this ^ it seems like you already made up your mind...Good luck with that :look:.....
lol i wish i had made up my mind. i do think people are very easily influenced and therefore possibly changed by others but I'm really asking if its worth doing investing time in guys with issues.. or should i just find someone that comes problem free... is that even possible lol
Do you give men like this a chance/time to change or do you not give them a chance at all? They’ve been hurt and I know if I was hurt I would want someone to invest time and patience in me too. Is it ok to play the counselor role in a relationship to affect change and help someone be a better them or resolve internal issues?


I'm not a paid counselor or a therapist. If I play the counselor role with someone, I need to have a degree in the field and they need to be paying ME to help them be better and resolve internal issues.

You are 20 years old and don't need to be dealing with someone else's mess. I'm sure you are trying to get your life together as well, and you should be focusing on people who life YOU up and make your life better. Besides giving you some free movies, I'm sure this man is not spending 1/10 of the time you are thinking about how he can make your life better.

Plus, this is just someone you've been "talking" to. He is not your man. You are thinking of investing a whole lot of YOUR mental time and energy into a man who isn't your boyfriend.

Women need to be more selfish and stop focusing on others who aren't showing any effort to get themselves together. Don't be Captain Save-a-You Know What.
its not about "waiting" on him to change that is the major factor but deciding that how he is now is okay and that you can deal with him and love him regardless...

are u loving him to love him

or investing time and feelings in him in hopes he will change into who you want/think he should be or can be....

the biggest impact a person can make on another person that sparks themselves to change is authentic loving

simple yet so complex....
that means that where u are and who you are now is okay and thats it..not about where you can be, where you should be, how you should be, where you need to be etc...when people love others like that "surprisingly" people want to change to become more loving and open to love because true love can be felt at the deepest levels and its the most powerful force for change in an individual

on another note I understand where u are coming from when it feels like u have to 'abandon" somebody....there are so many ways to love a person without settling for what you personally don't want....just know that all you can control are your intentions behind your actions

deep down we all know if we are leaving to "punish" somebody or take our love away from them because they are not acting right...vs we are leaving for ourselves and wish nothing but love for the other person

and o can't help anybody who doesn't want to be helped...and you are not here to save anybody...if they want to come up they will ask then you assist..its not up to anybody to determine when somebody else needs to get it matter how bad we might want to jump in and save the day and make it all better for them....
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