Is DH your "best friend"?

Is DH your best friend?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 74.5%
  • No

    Votes: 12 25.5%

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Well-Known Member
This one's for the married ladies: A lot of married women say their husband is their "best friend". Are you one of those ladies? Why or why not? Keep in mind, I'm talking about whether you consider DH to be your best friend, not just whether both of you get along or enjoy spending time together....
I've been with this man since I was a teenager. He knows all of my secrets, likes, dislikes and vice versa. Sometimes when I'm in deep conversation with him.....I mistakenly say "girl you know"......... then we both start laughing.:lachen:

If I ever want someone to keep a secret.....he's the one. Plus......I'm his Bonnie and he's my Clyde. We ride or die. I know he has my back....and he definitely knows I have his.

We've been friends for 22yrs...married 20. :)
My DH and I have been through alot in the 3 years that we have been together. He has seen me at my worse and I have seen him and yet we are still together. There is no one on this Earth that I can go to flaws and all that I know will accept me and keep it real 100% of the time. When I have good news or the worse news ever he is the first one that I tell. I have 2 girl friends that are my best friend but he is my bestest and they accept that. They both have men in their lives one married and one engaged and I know that in best friends ranking I come 2nd to their men and I am cool with that
I've been with this man since I was a teenager. He knows all of my secrets, likes, dislikes and vice versa. Sometimes when I'm in deep conversation with him.....I mistakenly say "girl you know"......... then we both start laughing.:lachen:

If I ever want someone to keep a secret.....he's the one. Plus......I'm his Bonnie and he's my Clyde. We ride or die. I know he has my back....and he definitely knows I have his.

We've been friends for 22yrs...married 20. :)

Sooo sweet.
We became best friends because the closer we got, the less other people were trustworthy. We were kinda forced to be best friends. Now we wouldn't have it any other way. But when I say we're best friends I mean the same ish you talk to your gurls about, I talk to him about. The same things he says in the "locker room", he says to me. We are completely and totally honest and open with each other about everything!
He is. He knows things about me that neither my mom nor any friend dead or alive knows. I trust him completely.
No. I have a few close female friends on deck if I feel like sharing and caring.

I trust him, I just don't feel he needs to know every little nuance of my being. :ohwell:
Yes, DH is my best friend. I could tell him anything without worry of being judged or ridiculed. I tell him everything; well, mainly everything. :lachen:

And we do have a good time together. He's a great father and provider. He gets on my nerves sometimes, but he's a good man. :grin:
Yeah, my DH is my best friend too. Its cool to just be 'me'. Like, when I'm with him, I behave as though I would if nobody else was looking. He allows me to express my fears and concerns no matter how small, and I do the same...
Interesting responses. I kind of hesitate to say my DH is my best friend because I feel that the relationship that you have with your DH surpasses and is in a different category than a friendship.

Yes, of course we are friends and of course we tell each other everything but I love my female friends . Even though there is not one female (unfortunately) that I consider my BFF I long for that type of friend again .

As close as I may be to my DH , I feel that there are just somethings that we women go through that a man just can't relate to. Also when he's driving me crazy and I feel like pushing him down the steps (just kidding!!) I miss having a close friend to understand and empathize with me.
Yep, he's definitely my bestie/BFF. After the run we've had, shpft . . . Nothing can touch him.

How many "best buddies" are willing to put something down on the light bill? Exactly. :lachen:
He sure is. Our friendship far exceeds those that I have with my "other" friends. At the end of the day, he is the person that I know will be there regardless of the circumstance. Our friendship is THE one that we both work at everyday and have committed to making sure we grow closer each day as opposed to the normal "friends sometimes grown apart."

Besides, I wouldnt dare do some of the things we do with my friends....cant get any "bester" or closer than THAT! He has to be my best friend getting not only all but the best of everything I got.
He sure is. Our friendship far exceeds those that I have with my "other" friends. At the end of the day, he is the person that I know will be there regardless of the circumstance. Our friendship is THE one that we both work at everyday and have committed to making sure we grow closer each day as opposed to the normal "friends sometimes grown apart."

Besides, I wouldnt dare do some of the things we do with my friends....cant get any "bester" or closer than THAT! He has to be my best friend getting not only all but the best of everything I got.

This makes me realise why divorce is so hard on people...

not only are you losing a husband or wife, but in many cases, your best friend that knows the inside of you/has been with you through thick and thin....
Check the Screen Name. Nuff said! :lachen:

No, but really, seriously..... I have no other friend that will listen, agree, disagree, set me straight and be straight up with me like my Husband. That is why after being a bona fide Singleton I actually married him. (everyone was shocked, amazed, and surprised but when they see us in action, they understand)

I have two great girlfriends but not even they don't hold a candle to HerBestFriend.
I have to say "no". I sooo wish that my answer could be yes and that I could tell some wonderful story or cute little anecdote about our bond but it would only be wishful typing. Don't get me wrong we love and like each other a great deal, but I would not and could not call him my "best" friend. I take that title very seriously. Even the title "friend" is something not many have been called by me. I think you can know people and even enjoy their company and they not be considered real friends. So of course "best friend" is held to a higher standard. I believe that you should be best friends with your spouse but I just can't say that right now. My prayer is that one day that will be true.
nope. not even. and not because we can't be. it's mostly because i wouldn't hang out with him if i weren't "dating" or "married" to him. we really don't share many things in common, but it works nevertheless.
however, i'm happy with it and he is, too. maybe when we get older, we'll get closer to becoming best friends. but, in the meantime, i feel more comfortable sharing my interests with my friends and mother. he would NEVER want to listen to my rant about music, but i have friends that will. he would NEVER want to discuss carbon footprints and fine art with me, but my mother would.
My husband is my best friend, in fact we were friends first before we dated. . . he knows me better than anyone (besides my mama)- I love to just spend time with him, laugh with him, argue with him, and just be with him- he's the father of my children, the provider of my household and my rock. I have two really close girl friends, but they just can't compare.
I've been with this man since I was a teenager. He knows all of my secrets, likes, dislikes and vice versa. Sometimes when I'm in deep conversation with him.....I mistakenly say "girl you know"......... then we both start laughing.:lachen:

If I ever want someone to keep a secret.....he's the one. Plus......I'm his Bonnie and he's my Clyde. We ride or die. I know he has my back....and he definitely knows I have his.

We've been friends for 22yrs...married 20. :)

LOL! i thought i was the only one that did the whole '' GIRL..lemme tell u what happened '' thing with my hubby on accident. hilarious.. but, to answer the question. yes, he is.
He's not DH but the answer is NO because I have a bestfriend. SO and I are friends on an entirely different level.

No, I had best friends prior to meeting husband. We are close but he does not need to know everything about me. I enoy my time with best friends every so often and family time.
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