Is being single THAT bad?

Are you truly happy being alone?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 39 24.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 43 26.5%
  • Sometimes...

    Votes: 80 49.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm an only child and I enjoy having "me" time. In that way, I don't mind being single.

But many nights (I'm a night person) I sit up and wish I had someone to talk to, cuddle with, cook for, take walks with...etc. It feels good to be wanted and desired.

I'm just the type of person that accepts it and keeps it moving. I'll be single until I'm point in stressing about it.
The bolded is one of the few downsides to being a woman with lots of female friends. Now my girls are my girls and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world....BUT....I just find that women are notorious for making sure we all travel within the pack. So if they're married, they bug you about getting married and go on and on about how you're too picky. If they're forever single (or unhappily married) they dog out every man you bring around as not good enough. Of course I'm generalizing, but seriously we are our own worst enemy!

The only time I hear mess from men is from my friend's husbands and boyfriends. They're convinced that when their ladies go out with me I must be on the prowl and therefore exposing them to available men (i.e. cheating opportunities).

That's a good way of looking at it. Women do like to move along in groups, be it to the bathroom or to wife and motherhood. Heh. But yes, I find much stress about being a woman is mainly due to actions of women themselves.

That's strange about the married men. Are men generally that low in confidence?
That's a good way of looking at it. Women do like to move along in groups, be it to the bathroom or to wife and motherhood. Heh. But yes, I find much stress about being a woman is mainly due to actions of women themselves.

That's strange about the married men. Are men generally that low in confidence?

Girl I don't know but I've experienced it enough times to see a pattern. They seem to have less of an issue when their ladies going out with women who are also seriously encumbered. And if you knew me and my bookwormish ways you would laugh out loud. SO not on the prowl when I got out!

Another reason I have not been running to the altar: I'm amazed at how many of my friends are dealing with some possessive, controlling, husbands...I just couldn't hang with that.
The only time I hear mess from men is from my friend's husbands and boyfriends. They're convinced that when their ladies go out with me I must be on the prowl and therefore exposing them to available men (i.e. cheating opportunities).

I'm THAT friend. :rolleyes: :grin:

Their husbands think I'm a bad influence. And oddly enough, quite a few husbands get angry with me when the topic comes up and I say I'm happy being single. :look: They take it as affront to their manhood or something. lol
I hate being single. Absolutely hate it. I would just like to know that someone out there who I like as well thinks I'm attractive, likes me for me and would love to have me on his arm. It's quite depressing and downright embarrassing that at 21 I've never had a BF.
It's only bad if you don't want to be single.

I personally am done being single, I love men and I want to share my life with a man asap. :grin:
I voted no. I don't want to be single anymore. Back when I preferred to be single I was just unresponsive to guys who showed interest.
I've joined a few online dating sites and I'm doing pretty well with them so far. :yep:

You don't need all guys or men in general to like you. It only takes one. :)
It's only bad if you don't want to be single.

I personally am done being single, I love men and I want to share my life with a man asap. :grin:

I feel the exact way. I reached a point early this year where I stopped being content with being single. As others have pointed out I am looking to step over into the next phase of my life with being in a solid and healthy relationship.
I voted no. I don't want to be single anymore. Back when I preferred to be single I was just unresponsive to guys who showed interest.
I've joined a few online dating sites and I'm doing pretty well with them so far. :yep:

You don't need all guys or men in general to like you. It only takes one. :)

Which sites are you on? I've recently deleted my profile from Plenty of Fish---again. I don't know why but I keep attracting guys much older than me.

The last guy that I met online wrote on his profile that he was 36. That's a little too old for me but not too bad (beggars can't be choosers you know...). I had set my profile so that only those younger than 40 could contact me.

Well, we talked on the phone a few times. He then wanted to meet me and I was fine with this. Guess where he wanted to meeet me for the first time?! At a gas station on a highway that didn't have a lot of other businesses around (I think it's safer to meet someone in an area that's highly populated) at about 9:30 at NIGHT. This highway didn't even have street lights---it's quite dark at night and hard to see. I asked him his age that day while one the phone and he HESISTANTLY said that he was 40---it sound as if he was actually older but just made up an age; like the age 40 came to his head and he just blurted it out. I studied his picture on his profile a little more and he did look older. I told him that he stated he was 36 in his profile and I told him my age. I also mentioned that I didn't think it was safe to meet a a gas station that wasn't in a heavily populated area so late. I even suggested that we meet somewhere else such as the bookstore on another day when it was day light. That was the last time I heard from him.

Was I wrong for refusing to meet this guy and why do men keep lying to me about their age (this isn't the first time, I have more stories such as the guy that wrote that he was in his 40s in his profile but then told me that he was "50ish") and why can't I just attract someone around my age and why do I tend to attract weirdos and those that just want to have sex? And what's up with these guys texting me instead of calling? They never call but I get a lot of "Hey babe", "Hey sexi" messages from them and it's kind of creepy when a guy in his late 40s does this. Should I just ask them to call me or would that sound too desperate? Story of my life and it's getting so discouraging.

I'm not picky. My first date doesn't have to be at a fancy restaurant but the bookstore or even the freaking library would be great and during the day time with lots of people around. Shoot, I'll even meet at McDonlads for lunch.

Sorry everyone for venting. :lachen: This has been on my mind for quite a while. :nono: Like most of us in here perhaps, I have so many stories like this and it's starting to get really frustrating. Life's not that bad but I feel as if I'm missing something because I have no one to share it with. I can't accomplish something as simple as getting into a relationship. :wallbash: Even 13 and 14 year olds can form relationships and date steadily. I know women that married at 17. Then, there's me....
I hate being single. Absolutely hate it. I would just like to know that someone out there who I like as well thinks I'm attractive, likes me for me and would love to have me on his arm. It's quite depressing and downright embarrassing that at 21 I've never had a BF.


There's quite a few of us older than you in the same situation.
Lol, I created this thread so that I could find ways to be happy in my single state and not let it bother me and here I am talking about how much I hate it, lol! :lachen: :lachen:

Let me get back on topic. I've found that lately clothes shopping makes me happy. I just get a few cute shirts from a place like TJ Maxx every payday. Nothing major but it helps. What about everyone else? :grin:
Girl you are all up in my head. Being single is just like being married. Some days you thank your lucky stars that you are in the situation you're in and other days you wonder how in da h*ll did I end up here. :lol:

Some days you cry tears of sadness because you don't have someone to share your life with and other days your heart bursts with joy with the experiences, freedom, sense of pride and self that being single allows you to develop.

Life is life. Everything has it's good and bad sides. And while most of us single chicks would prefer cuddling up to an Idris Elba or Gerard Butler look alike then sleep alone (at least I would!) most of us aren't dropping tears in our beer or putting our lives on hold or adopting every stray cat in the neighborhood. What I try to do is enjoy where ever I am this. very. day. Because that's all I'm guaranteed. And when you put your attention on living what the day has brought you to its fullest, the rest has a way of working itself out.[/QUOTE]

Very well said! I'm single and sometimes it's bad and sometimes it's not. I'll be honest though, I'm ready to get out of this stage. I feel like I'm finally ready. :yep: But I do think what you said is so put your attention on today and living to the fullest and not worrying about tomorrow.
Lol, I created this thread so that I could find ways to be happy in my single state and not let it bother me and here I am talking about how much I hate it, lol! :lachen: :lachen:

Let me get back on topic. I've found that lately clothes shopping makes me happy. I just get a few cute shirts from a place like TJ Maxx every payday. Nothing major but it helps. What about everyone else? :grin:

Shopping made me happy but it was putting me into debt so I had to stop that. :lachen: :ohwell:

As pathetic as this sounds, I"m thinking about getting a puppy :look:.
I also mentioned that I didn't think it was safe to meet a a gas station that wasn't in a heavily populated area so late. I even suggested that we meet somewhere else such as the bookstore on another day when it was day light. That was the last time I heard from him.

Was I wrong for refusing to meet this guy

Are you SERIOUSLY asking this question????? :perplexed

I'm not picky. My first date doesn't have to be at a fancy restaurant but the bookstore or even the freaking library would be great and during the day time with lots of people around. Shoot, I'll even meet at McDonlads for lunch.

If the bolded is okay with you, I would humbly suggest that you learn to become picky because "not being picky" is really not going to work that well for you... your standards are frighteningly low...
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Well finally, a thread in which I can give a long response. lol.
I never really get to participate fully in this section because I've always been single, so I have little to share. Now I can share some things!

This thread is for those of us that are single. What do you do to remain happy and not worry so much about growing old alone and being lonely?

I'm a very busy UG student. Between a full course load, going out with friends during my very rare spare time, and sleeping, I have virtually no time to even daydream about meeting guys, much less dating and being in a relationship with one.
It's not a priority for me because right now, life revolves around "high GPA, building résumé, enjoying my 20's". A man would be added stress and obligations.
It's only now during the summer when I have much less to do, that I lurk in this section, mostly out of curiosity. I figure what I learn here will help in the future, when I am finally indeed ready to date.

Are you truly happy and single and truly don't mind being alone?

I'm happy with my life...for now. I don't know how I'll feel in a decade. I know for a FACT that I DO NOT want marriage, and I DO NOT want kids. But that's a very unique sentiment apparently, as I don't hear many women say this. Due to my desire to establish a successful and influential career, I can't see myself being a SAHM. Nothing wrong with it, but I'm in love with what I study (Political Science, International Relations) and I want to spend my life doing something in that area. Undistracted, unburdened by anything else. If I were to have kids, it would be all about them. I wouldn't juggle work and kids 50/50, that's not the ideal situation IMHO.
All this to really say...what my criteria would be for a potential partner in the future is a bit different. He has to be okay with being a LT bf, and not desire to have kids. This is much harder to find than you think as most people eventually want to reproduce.

If a woman is looking forward to creating a family, I can see why being single would be a problem for her. If she is just "feeling lonely", however, she needs to assess why she feels this way. And I think this is where I'll stop because my "experiences" do not go beyond this point. I don't feel lonely, my male friends are all the male energy I need, I have had an almost non-existent libido (maybe this helps? lol), I actually can't imagine sharing my bed lol I like to twist and 109x/hr, stretch, fart, I talk and giggle in my sleep, so I dunno. I guess I'll learn how to manage sleeping with a man when I cross that bridge.

You sound like me, except I am probably older than you (27). I never wanted a boyfriend in college, too much trouble. I also have never wanted kids and family. I do like companionship, however I like my space and my freedom.
Just quoting for emphasis.

Yeah, I'm not trying to be mean to Celina (I like her! :D) but I'm always stunned when I see things like this on a message board or in real life.

It's always something like, "So, I'm dating this guy who admitted that he's cheated on every previous girlfriend, that he's violent and that he can't promise me that he'll be faithful. I don't think I want to continue this relationship... am I wrong? Am I overreacting?"


Why is there even hesitation in some of these cases, ya know???? This is a freakin' no-brainer! :perplexed
Lol, I created this thread so that I could find ways to be happy in my single state and not let it bother me and here I am What about everyone else? :grin:

You should probably start a separate thread on this topic because some responders who were happily single in their 20s may not have been checking for a relationship anyway. They were busy with school, other activities, hanging with friends or dating casually. So it's easy to say they were content. Plus like someone said people come from different environments so the "norm" for where they are may be different from your norm.

You live in an environment where you perceive that most people are in relationships. You strongly desire a relationship so one of your questions is how (specifics) to become content when you don't have what you want. Also how to stay encouraged that what you desire will come.
You should probably start a separate thread on this topic because some responders who were happily single in their 20s may not have been checking for a relationship anyway. They were busy with school, other activities, hanging with friends or dating casually. So it's easy to say they were content. Plus like someone said people come from different environments so the "norm" for where they are may be differnt from your norm.

You live in an environment where you percieve that most people are in relationships. You strongly desire a relationship so one of your questions is how (specifics) to become content when you don't have what you want. Also how to stay encouraged that what you desire will come.

The bolded was me, 100%!

I didn't really start getting interested in a serious relationship (leading to marriage) until I was about 29.
The bolded was me, 100%!

I didn't really start getting interested in a serious relationship (leading to marriage) until I was about 29.

It was me also, so I don't think she can compare the experience. What I like about your progression to where you are now is that you on appearances anyway had a strong faith that you would find the person you were looking for. You had every expectation that things would move along in a certain way. But this was not blind expectation you did some self assessment, research, and made an empowered decision of how you were going to transition from your already full single life. So you were steering the ship not bobbing in the boat. I think this is the kind of advice that Celina needs.

So do what you can to enhance your life as it is. Have experiences that give you pleasure ( try new activities and do things that you enjoy)..... while still leaving time for a relationship to develop. Express gratitude for what you have to offer. Create standards. And explore multiple ways of connecting with men. And if you need to step back ( briefly) if things get frustrating.

Flowerhair also went through a conscious transition when she was ready to break out of the single life. Perhaps PM her to find out more detail about her approach.
I just wanted to say that you are not wrong for not meeting that creeper dude. lol. sounds like a set up for disaster!

it's very easy for men to lie about their age online. online match sites don't do background checks (as far as I know). you have to be careful and do things on your terms! he was a creeper....

as for the"hey sexi" emails, guys see online dating as a numbers game. they don't read your profile. they email as many cute girls as they can hoping that 1 out of 100 will bite. of course, not all of them are like that. it's just unfortunate that the creepers outnumber the decent guys actually looking for a real connection.

Which sites are you on? I've recently deleted my profile from Plenty of Fish---again. I don't know why but I keep attracting guys much older than me.

The last guy that I met online wrote on his profile that he was 36. That's a little too old for me but not too bad (beggars can't be choosers you know...). I had set my profile so that only those younger than 40 could contact me.

Well, we talked on the phone a few times. He then wanted to meet me and I was fine with this. Guess where he wanted to meeet me for the first time?! At a gas station on a highway that didn't have a lot of other businesses around (I think it's safer to meet someone in an area that's highly populated) at about 9:30 at NIGHT. This highway didn't even have street lights---it's quite dark at night and hard to see. I asked him his age that day while one the phone and he HESISTANTLY said that he was 40---it sound as if he was actually older but just made up an age; like the age 40 came to his head and he just blurted it out. I studied his picture on his profile a little more and he did look older. I told him that he stated he was 36 in his profile and I told him my age. I also mentioned that I didn't think it was safe to meet a a gas station that wasn't in a heavily populated area so late. I even suggested that we meet somewhere else such as the bookstore on another day when it was day light. That was the last time I heard from him.

Was I wrong for refusing to meet this guy and why do men keep lying to me about their age (this isn't the first time, I have more stories such as the guy that wrote that he was in his 40s in his profile but then told me that he was "50ish") and why can't I just attract someone around my age and why do I tend to attract weirdos and those that just want to have sex? And what's up with these guys texting me instead of calling? They never call but I get a lot of "Hey babe", "Hey sexi" messages from them and it's kind of creepy when a guy in his late 40s does this. Should I just ask them to call me or would that sound too desperate? Story of my life and it's getting so discouraging.

I'm not picky. My first date doesn't have to be at a fancy restaurant but the bookstore or even the freaking library would be great and during the day time with lots of people around. Shoot, I'll even meet at McDonlads for lunch.

Sorry everyone for venting. :lachen: This has been on my mind for quite a while. :nono: Like most of us in here perhaps, I have so many stories like this and it's starting to get really frustrating. Life's not that bad but I feel as if I'm missing something because I have no one to share it with. I can't accomplish something as simple as getting into a relationship. :wallbash: Even 13 and 14 year olds can form relationships and date steadily. I know women that married at 17. Then, there's me....
It was me also, so I don't think she can compare the experience. What I like about your progression to where you are now is that you on appearances anyway had a strong faith that you would find the person you were looking for. You had every expectation that things would move along in a certain way. But this was not blind expectation you did some self assessment, research, and made an empowered decision of how you were going to transition from your already full single life. So you were steering the ship not bobbing in the boat. I think this is the kind of advice that Celina needs.

The funny thing though is that I didn't always feel that way (in the bolded)! While I believed in general that I would find someone, as I got into my late 20s and saw people marrying left and right (while I wasn't able to find someone who wanted to do more than just date me), I did start to have moments where I thought that marriage might not be in the cards for me. Of course, this feeling was amplified by some folks who liked to spout the "church" cliche that some folks are "called" to marriage while some weren't, and that it was all supposedly about God's timing and all that.

That never sat well with me.

But, like you said, I did start doing exactly what you said to finally realize that I had control of my dating life and future and if I wanted to transition from a sassy single to being in a relationship, it was up to ME to do so! :)
It's only bad if you don't want to be single.

I personally am done being single, I love men and I want to share my life with a man asap. :grin:

Second...been single for almost a year. Ready to get back on the horse lol.

[And completely OT, but I was :blush::love::love::love: at your siggy.]
Yeah, I'm not trying to be mean to Celina (I like her! :D) but I'm always stunned when I see things like this on a message board or in real life.

It's always something like, "So, I'm dating this guy who admitted that he's cheated on every previous girlfriend, that he's violent and that he can't promise me that he'll be faithful. I don't think I want to continue this relationship... am I wrong? Am I overreacting?"


Why is there even hesitation in some of these cases, ya know???? This is a freakin' no-brainer! :perplexed

:lol: Girl you have me laughing out loud! I had a friend who asked me one time if she was wrong for shutting down this brother who was out on parole for manslaughter....For real? Like you need confirmation on that?

I think some times when you've done a long haul of singledom and don't see nary a man anywhere down the road, when one comes along who's even remotely interesting folks start that the best that's out there? OP said she's never had a serious boyfriend so I would imagine that's not an easy place to be.

Still. Girl McD's....remember those first dates are about setting expectations about how you want to be other words if you start with McD's it's a downward spiral from there. Plus that food will killya! Have you every notice that the half life of a Mickey D's french fry is like....forever? :lol:
i voted no by accident.... I <3 being single, if i get married, all well and good... but i love my independence, i feel i grow so much... And mad people love me so im not lonely... comming to terms with my singleness is the springboard of my immediate future... if i eventually ever get married, that person is going to be so happy i enjoyed my single time and didnt spend it crying and searching
Lol, I created this thread so that I could find ways to be happy in my single state and not let it bother me and here I am talking about how much I hate it, lol! :lachen: :lachen:

Let me get back on topic. I've found that lately clothes shopping makes me happy. I just get a few cute shirts from a place like TJ Maxx every payday. Nothing major but it helps. What about everyone else? :grin:
Maybe that's the point - why fake the funk? Why try and convince yourself you're happy about something (because people tell you that you should be) when you're not? Wanting to share your life with someone is not an assault on your independence.

Now you've got to start getting strategic. What kind of man do you want to meet? What kinds of things do you imagine that type of man likes to do? How can you start putting yourself in positions to be amongst the type of men you like to meet?

And most importantly, what is your bait?!?! Let's hook, line and sink him! :yep:
Which sites are you on? I've recently deleted my profile from Plenty of Fish---again. I don't know why but I keep attracting guys much older than me.

The last guy that I met online wrote on his profile that he was 36. That's a little too old for me but not too bad (beggars can't be choosers you know...). I had set my profile so that only those younger than 40 could contact me.

Well, we talked on the phone a few times. He then wanted to meet me and I was fine with this. Guess where he wanted to meeet me for the first time?! At a gas station on a highway that didn't have a lot of other businesses around (I think it's safer to meet someone in an area that's highly populated) at about 9:30 at NIGHT. This highway didn't even have street lights---it's quite dark at night and hard to see. I asked him his age that day while one the phone and he HESISTANTLY said that he was 40---it sound as if he was actually older but just made up an age; like the age 40 came to his head and he just blurted it out. I studied his picture on his profile a little more and he did look older. I told him that he stated he was 36 in his profile and I told him my age. I also mentioned that I didn't think it was safe to meet a a gas station that wasn't in a heavily populated area so late. I even suggested that we meet somewhere else such as the bookstore on another day when it was day light. That was the last time I heard from him.

Was I wrong for refusing to meet this guy and why do men keep lying to me about their age (this isn't the first time, I have more stories such as the guy that wrote that he was in his 40s in his profile but then told me that he was "50ish") and why can't I just attract someone around my age and why do I tend to attract weirdos and those that just want to have sex? And what's up with these guys texting me instead of calling? They never call but I get a lot of "Hey babe", "Hey sexi" messages from them and it's kind of creepy when a guy in his late 40s does this. Should I just ask them to call me or would that sound too desperate? Story of my life and it's getting so discouraging.

I'm not picky. My first date doesn't have to be at a fancy restaurant but the bookstore or even the freaking library would be great and during the day time with lots of people around. Shoot, I'll even meet at McDonlads for lunch.

Sorry everyone for venting. :lachen: This has been on my mind for quite a while. :nono: Like most of us in here perhaps, I have so many stories like this and it's starting to get really frustrating. Life's not that bad but I feel as if I'm missing something because I have no one to share it with. I can't accomplish something as simple as getting into a relationship. :wallbash: Even 13 and 14 year olds can form relationships and date steadily. I know women that married at 17. Then, there's me....
Why do you consider yourself a beggar? Why are you meeting a man for the first time, on the side of a highway?? And why are you not picky????

You fix a tire at a gas station on the side of the highway. meet a pusher at a gas station on the side of the highway. You do not arrange to meet a woman for the first time AT A GAS STATION on the side of the highway....especially not a woman you may consider dating!

Let go of that A-Man-Is-Better-Than-No-Man mentality!!! :spank:

Here's a suggestion - look at your PlentyOfFish profile and change it 180 degrees. The great thing about online dating is you can experiment, risk free. :yep: Trying changing the perception that your profile exudes and see if the men that message you change. And do you have things in your profile that men can ask you risk free questions about i.e. your favorite sport or sports team, somewhere in the world/country you'd like to go, a type of cuisine you'd like to try, some new activity you'd like to try or an activity that is unique to you that you would like to share with someone else? Now, if he sees you and finds you attractive he doesn't have to "holla" - he can take a risk free approach and respond to something in your profile "oh, I've been to ____ and let me tell you".

In her profile, my aunt claimed to be "new in town" and has men coming out the woodwork offering to introduce her to _____ restaurant or _____ park or ______ that they enjoy!
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At one point of my life being single was not bad at all even now I like being single but I don't want to get to comfortable because I am entering my 30s and I need to find a mate so I can start a family. If you have a great family and friends then being single is not that bad cause you are surrounded by love and that is always good.
Shopping made me happy but it was putting me into debt so I had to stop that. :lachen: :ohwell:

As pathetic as this sounds, I"m thinking about getting a puppy :look:.

I know, lol! I can only shop so much. Up until recently I was never into clothes so this is new for me, but I do love shopping for cute clothes now.

You should get a puppy. I have a dog and horse and I love them. Animals make me so happy. My little girl Sara is sitting next to me right now as I type. :)

Are you SERIOUSLY asking this question????? :perplexed

If the bolded is okay with you, I would humbly suggest that you learn to become picky because "not being picky" is really not going to work that well for you... your standards are frighteningly low...

Yeah, I'm not trying to be mean to Celina (I like her! :D) but I'm always stunned when I see things like this on a message board or in real life.

It's always something like, "So, I'm dating this guy who admitted that he's cheated on every previous girlfriend, that he's violent and that he can't promise me that he'll be faithful. I don't think I want to continue this relationship... am I wrong? Am I overreacting?"


Why is there even hesitation in some of these cases, ya know???? This is a freakin' no-brainer! :perplexed

Thanks. You're pretty kwel too. :grin:

I see what you're saying. I just want to be in relationship so badly. Sometimes I can really think with my heart. I have a logical rational side too, but sometimes my heart tries to take over.... I just couldn't help but wonder if I was wrong for not giving this man a chance and meeting him even though my initial reaction was no because I feared for my safety.

I just wanted to say that you are not wrong for not meeting that creeper dude. lol. sounds like a set up for disaster!

it's very easy for men to lie about their age online. online match sites don't do background checks (as far as I know). you have to be careful and do things on your terms! he was a creeper....

as for the"hey sexi" emails, guys see online dating as a numbers game. they don't read your profile. they email as many cute girls as they can hoping that 1 out of 100 will bite. of course, not all of them are like that. it's just unfortunate that the creepers outnumber the decent guys actually looking for a real connection.

Lol, I've met so many creepy old dudes, lol. Why are these old men so desperate to date younger women to the point of lying. I've experienced this a lot. I indicate in my profile that I am looking for someone in their mid 20s to early 30s but I still keep attracting creepy men in their late 40s and older. I've had 60 year olds email me and that's just gross. They are like my Dad's age. I'm an old man and creepo mangnet.

I meet a lot of guys that just want sex too. I dress modestly and carry myself like a lady so I just don't get it. A few months ago a guy at work (he was the son of one of my patients) asked me if I wanted his phone number or if I could give him mine so that if I get lonely at night I could give him a call. :nono:

I do attract men, but never the one's that want relationships. Oh, I have so many stories. I can go on and on. I once a had man in his mid to late 40s email me and ask me to send some "Nice, sexy" pictures to his email address. He wanted to meet me at a local pool for the first "date". He kept telling me to wear something "nice". He kept emphasing "nice" so I knew what that meant (very tight, revealing, nonexistent clothing). :nono: I have so many stories. I can fill up this entire page with them.

:lol: Girl you have me laughing out loud! I had a friend who asked me one time if she was wrong for shutting down this brother who was out on parole for manslaughter....For real? Like you need confirmation on that?

I think some times when you've done a long haul of singledom and don't see nary a man anywhere down the road, when one comes along who's even remotely interesting folks start that the best that's out there? OP said she's never had a serious boyfriend so I would imagine that's not an easy place to be.

Still. Girl McD's....remember those first dates are about setting expectations about how you want to be other words if you start with McD's it's a downward spiral from there. Plus that food will killya! Have you every notice that the half life of a Mickey D's french fry is like....forever? :lol:

This is kind of how I feel. I'm trying to remain as open as possible so that I won't miss my opportunity to get married. I don't want to be too picky because it's hard enough to find someone suitable.

:lachen: I know this is gross, but I like Mickey D's. I don't eat it more than once a week (I used to eat it almost everyday), but I like it. It's pure garbage, but I like it. :lick::lachen:

I agree with all of you that I should set higher expectations...