Being Lonely without love interest or being in a lonely marriage? What is worse?

Which is worse?

  • Being 100% single with no dating prospects and feeling alone

    Votes: 14 10.1%
  • Being married but still feeling alone due to cold relationship

    Votes: 80 57.6%
  • Both equally suck.

    Votes: 45 32.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I hate being alone. If I had a good friend support system is be okay. But knowing me, I'd be the type to be in a loveless relationship. Just because it's loveless doesn't mean it's bad. I know people who a remarried and have love for their spouse but not in love. Mostly these people are in their 60's. But they are still happy and have the companionship that they need.
I hate being alone. If I had a good friend support system is be okay. But knowing me, I'd be the type to be in a loveless relationship. Just because it's loveless doesn't mean it's bad. I know people who a remarried and have love for their spouse but not in love. Mostly these people are in their 60's. But they are still happy and have the companionship that they need.

that's not a loveless marriage then. There is still love and companionship there which is actually fulfilling.
Love is a primary driver for most humans, and to exist in a marriage or relationship where your 'partner' doesn't care about your very existence or even worse despises you is a whole different ball game.

your self esteem and life and general would crumble at that point.
sleeping next to a man who gives you the cold shoulder everynight, no affection, and saves his kind words and caring for other women out there?

I can only imagine.
that's not a life i would choose for myself.
If i'm going to feel lonely you better rest assure that it is going to by myself... Having no current prospects as a single woman can change. Having a husband and still feeling alone...what are you there for? I can't.
I think both are horrible but I think its worse to be alone with no potential prospects. No companionship no warmth no caring. With a loveless marriage at least someone is helping to pay the bills! I guess my response is kinda shallow.
being lonely in a relationship or marriage is like a prison sentence to me...and I would need to bust out!!!!:nono:

to know your with someone who is suppose to love you, be a companion, show interest, attention and a host of other things and that is not occurring is a horrible situation to be in, as a relationship is a union.

Being single is not a permanent lonely situation. Being married AND lonely is pretty permanent to me unless your spouse changes.
The only thing worse than feeling alone is feeling alone AND neglected.

So... if I had to, I would choose single for $500, Alex.
Just curious about 2 different scenarios that plagues a lot of women in this day and time. Being single without a reliable mate to date and also not having any children or being married but still feeling alone because you don't have a non-existence relationship based on predictability, child, but no effort to improve things, knowing the person will never change for the better or you are simply incompatible.
I have seen and known women in both circumstances.

A lonely marriage is worse..I ended my 9 year marriage, because of that plus other things. But I'd rather be by myself than in that situation again.
I'm sorry, but I'd rather be SINGLE and feeling lonely, as opposed to being MARRIED and feeling lonely because my husband is cold, distant, unloving, not really into me, etc.... :nono:

Give me SINGLE w/no prospects any day of the week!!!
Being lonely in a marriage is definitely worse.

That has got to be one of the worst feelings. Eating, sleeping, living with someone every single day yet feeling alone. I can't even imagine. I would rather actually *be* alone than to live like that.:nono: