I cannot speak for anyone else, but I know that the Inversion Method works for me and I don't remember to do it consistently. I have an extremely simple regimen and I have seen a tremendous amount of growth and thickness, since I joined this challenge last November. As a matter of fact, when I joined, I was experiencing excessive shedding. Now, it's a normal amount.
I shampoo with TreSemme or L'Oreal Keratin Shampoo 1-2x per month.
I also shampoo with V05 Clarifying Shampoo or Baby Shampoo 1x per month, if needed.
I condition with TreSemme Keratin Conditioner or if I have it on hand, TreSemme Naturals Conditioner.
When I remember, I apply Aloe Vera Gel to my wet hair to bring the pH back into balance.
I apply EVOO and seal with my homemade Shea Butter Creme Whip.
I twist or bun my hair (depending on what I feel like doing that day) and let it air dry.
A couple of weeks ago I tried the Cherry Lola Treatment with the yogurt, baking soda and Braggs Liquid Amino Acids. I really liked the results, but there are a lot of steps in between, so that is something I may only do once every 3-4 months.