Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

sheanu thank you dear. See you next week. A break is good sometimes, don't overwhelm yourself. I'll be right here when you get back.

Day 8 completed.
Hi ladies I took yesterday off because I was very ill but i'm fighting it, i'm doing much better today.

Day 10 completed today.
Forgot to post i completed day 10. Also forgot to invert the past couple days. Continuing on with day 11. I need to grow this hair like yesterday! Pleased with the thickness, now I need some length to go with it.
FollicleFanatic did inversion give you some of that thickness?

Girl inversion gave me all of the thickness! My aunt commented last night on how much thicker my hair is. Just gotta grow back my length.

I happened across a couple blogs on inversion and most of them poo-poo'd it, saying it was just for desperate ppl and it didn't work. I know it worked for me so whatever. When some things don't work I wonder if it's user error. Everything isn't for everyone, but I wonder if some ppl are just impatient, or hold their head to the side or something expecting it to work. For me 4 mins isn't long enough. 7 mins and my scalp get warm/tingly/itchy, so dang I know it's doing something!

Sorry for my tangent lol.
^^good point. At 4mins I'm just getting warmed up and I don't warm my oil. I will try longer and warming my oil this time.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but I know that the Inversion Method works for me and I don't remember to do it consistently. I have an extremely simple regimen and I have seen a tremendous amount of growth and thickness, since I joined this challenge last November. As a matter of fact, when I joined, I was experiencing excessive shedding. Now, it's a normal amount.

I shampoo with TreSemme or L'Oreal Keratin Shampoo 1-2x per month.
I also shampoo with V05 Clarifying Shampoo or Baby Shampoo 1x per month, if needed.
I condition with TreSemme Keratin Conditioner or if I have it on hand, TreSemme Naturals Conditioner.
When I remember, I apply Aloe Vera Gel to my wet hair to bring the pH back into balance.
I apply EVOO and seal with my homemade Shea Butter Creme Whip.
I twist or bun my hair (depending on what I feel like doing that day) and let it air dry.

A couple of weeks ago I tried the Cherry Lola Treatment with the yogurt, baking soda and Braggs Liquid Amino Acids. I really liked the results, but there are a lot of steps in between, so that is something I may only do once every 3-4 months.
Ladies, i wanted to share with y'all my 2mth progress since doing the inversion and MHM.


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Livestrong summarizes inversion pretty good. (I may have posted this link previously.) Many of the techniques described is what my Mom would tell us to do growing up. I hope to start up again in November. Give my shoulder a chance to heal.