Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

I've been so tired and achy they past few days its unreal. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should have a reveal at the end of the challenge or reveal in December with comparison shots. I'm 12 weeks post relaxer and won't be straightening again until my December relaxer.
I'm getting prepared for November's inversion. I plan on straightening my hair tonight and do complete measurements. Then on Sat I'm putting in some faux locs and will take them down in Dec. I'm trying to decide if I want to invert for the whole month of November or maybe for 2wks.
Hey Ladies, the final month of this challenge is upon is ALREADY! I can hardly believe its been a year since we've started this. I encourage you all to make the most of this month with consistency, daily massages, oiling, GHE, pop those vitamins just do whatever works for you and make this month count.

I'll be adding December to my inversion up until the day I relax as it will be my 3rd and final relaxer for the year. I will reveal my comparison shots and progress then. I hope everyone gets a full inch this month and I can't wait to see all the progress pics.

HHG Everyone.

Thanks for the reminder. I'm trying to hold my relaxer out as close to the end of the year as well. I will finish out inversion thru December as well; final length check pic next month.