Inversion Challenge 2017 & Beyond

Day 7 completed with massage, oil and vitamins. My ends were baggied for the entire day, since I didn't go anywhere. I'll take a picture tomorrow in the same shirt and of the same section of my hair to see if there is any progress.
Day 1 completed, massaged with oil, and inverted for 5 minutes. I took long because I have braids done with my hair so massaging makes it look unkempt.
Day 7 complete last night, no oil, massaged for 4 minutes. I have thick hair to begin with but noticed my hair has thickened up even more this month. I will do a proper length check in March. See you all next month! :clapping:
Day 1 of 7 completed. Put in XCEL 21, massaged for 2 minutes, inverted for 5 minutes.

This is session #3 or month #3 for me. I did my first inversion session in December 2016. Nobody currr but I am documenting here for the record for moi!
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Day #2 of 7

Applied XCEL inverted for 5 minutes. No massage. I'm going on pure faith with this. I don't see a difference in my hair. I will keep going, though.