Inversion Challenge 2017 & Beyond

Wow! Those are some fabulous results!!! Congratulations on taking an action based on faith! But you did it and look where it brought you. I was a skeptic myself. But after I saw @Aggie and her results I jumped in with both feet. I trust her information. Get that measuring tape out, Lady! That can be an important part of documenting and recording the hair journey.

Thank you! I will definitely be picking up some measuring tape before next month's session.
Day 1 of 7 for the month of January. Inverted while standing for 5 minutes. Massaged a little bit while inverted. Prefer to massage prior to inversion. No issues!
Day 3 of 7 for the month of January. Inverted while standing for 5 minutes. No massage before. No issues!
I didnt do Jan. I am determined to start for this month. I have a few questions because I don't think it worked for me before...
*Does this have to be done at night? Or can it be done any time of day? I have time during the day however I pass out at night. Does it have to be warm oil. Or just oil?
I totally forgot I joined this challenge and I put faux locs in on Dec. 28th so I don't have a starting point. I will begin inverting the first week in February since I missed all of January.
I didnt do Jan. I am determined to start for this month. I have a few questions because I don't think it worked for me before...
*Does this have to be done at night? Or can it be done any time of day? I have time during the day however I pass out at night. Does it have to be warm oil. Or just oil?

@NCHairDiva, I don't warm my oil unless I use coconut oil which is only on Friday when I am going to pre-poo overnight with it, other than that my oils are room temp. Inversions can be done anytime of day on the weekend I do them in the morning because I will forget at night and like you I typically pass out and it's a wrap. During the week I invert as soon as I get home from work 5:00 or 6:00 pm before the demands of motherhood and wifedom kick in.
Day 1 complete. Massaged in shower with shea moisture protein free conditioner. The tingling from this product is amazing so I decided to just go ahead and invert real quick, get that blood flow going!
Day 1 just completed, my hair is in pin curls so no massage but oiled last night. 5 minute inversion.
I started Day 1 of my inversion with a scalp massage and an Argan and castor oil mix. I took a picture of my starting point. I will post it at the end of the 7 days to see if there are any noticeable results.
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Day 2 done with a scalp massage, but no oil. I forgot to mention that I started taking hair, skin and nails vitamins again in yesterday's post.