Please say yes!

MACGlossChick said:
Aww.. this thread dashed my hopes:nono: I'm crushing hard on the Garda guy who I see maybe once a month for 2-5 minutes. But for those 2-5 minutes, I'm in heaven...:grin:

:lol: :lol:
and to me he did the most professional thing "call me if you need anything on my job"

this way he could not have been accused of hitting on her or whatever or possibly taking advantage of her situation you dont even know what his office policies are he could have be fired for even giving her a look

oh i get it so a man in a professional situation should put his profession on the line to try to get to know a women he sees come in and out his office ( sounds like a winner)

Danniegirl, you have come closest. It would be unethical for him to date people who come to his office.
Yes, yes and yes...

I was in our building parking lot (back in my stellar employment days).

I was walking to my car, a guy ran up towards me, trying to introduce himself. I gave him the if-you-dont-get-out-of-my-face-look; didnt deter him. I caved/gave him the number.

We dated off and on ~ coincidentally he was my best catch, in life...

So, yeah if they want you, they pursue you - simple as that :yep::yep::yep:

He's not married or in a relationship.
You asked. We answered. You've retorted and are content with with the responses that have him secretly in love with ya.

I hope it works out!
lady_godiva said:
Danniegirl, you have come closest. It would be unethical for him to date people who come to his office.

Sooooo why would you 'let him know you're interested'? :perplexed
Sooooo why would you 'let him know you're interested'? :perplexed
I'm crushing hard! Didn't you read my opening? :lol::lol:

It would be unethical for him to directly ask me out. He has done a lot of things to show interest as well as some other things that he has said. I think that he has left me every clue within the parameters of his profession without crossing any professional boundaries.
:giggle: I'm just trying to imagine the "look". The look is so funny.

I pictured Jerome's "playa" look.
I'm crushing hard! Didn't you read my opening? :lol::lol:

It would be unethical for him to directly ask me out. He has done a lot of things to show interest as well as some other things that he has said. I think that he has left me every clue within the parameters of his profession without crossing any professional boundaries.

So it would be unethical for him to ask you out, but it would be ethical for him to go out with you if you ask?

I strongly encourage you NOT to email him from Facebook if you are not a Facebook friend. That is really a stalker move.

Do you really want people's advice or do you just want people to tell you to go for it?
i'd just wait, time will reveal. if you have to work with/see him a somewhat regular amount, it'd be best for you to just chill out until he does something that is more indicative of his interest or you can figure out a casual way to gauge his interest.
also this is LHCF, where a man has to propose to you to prove his interest. and nothing counts until there is a wedding [not engagement] ring on your finger.

are you new?
Thank you so much for all of your responses. I really appreciate them. Some of them kept me from making a fool of myself. I feel strongly about this, but will pray for God to lead me in this and if it's His will it will all work out for the best.
^Simple suggestion to lunch to discuss "so and so" would have suffice.

If he wants to get with OP while still maintaining professionalism, he knows what to do

this sudden madness of women "helping" men play their roles is hilariously sad to me

Co-sign 100%.
All this 'but he he sorta kinda gave me a special look' or he smiled at me with that expression in his eyes', 'what could this or that mean' 'He held the door for me as I went out' and so on..
Might as well play a game of 'he likes me he likes me not'. Women too busy overanalyzing every irrelevant thing, men with their more direct style either going for what they really want, or not.

If he's interested he will do something concrete about it. End of story.
So he was waiting for you to approach him because it's unprofessional for him to approach you. Oh, I see what he did there.
lady_godiva said:

I am crushing hard on this guy who's office that I go to for business. He has flirted with me on and off, but nothing more. He did tell me to call him if I need anything, but he didn't give me a personal number. I would have to go through the office and don't want to do that. I went to this office today and he gave me the "look" as I was leaving. I soo want to approach him, but don't know how. Should I email him on Facebook (He's not a Facebook friend) or should I just wait until he does something. I really want to email him to subtlely let him know that I am interested. Should I? Help!

Sounds like he isnt available & thats whats holding him back. Now if you proceed & pursue him, he probably wont turn you down but you may find yourself in the middle of whatever his situation is.
lady_godiva said:
He's not married or in a relationship.

A man can have a live in woman & still "not be in a relationship"... ummm we broke up a while back & now we're just roommates until she gets the money together to move out & get her own place.... yada yada yada.

All you know for certain is his name, where he works & that you are attracted to him.