Interracial online dating question-


Well-Known Member

I received an email from a white guy online stating he was interested in me. We have been communicating via email and facebook. My first thought wasn't that I was really attracted to him, but rather that he would be a good fit for a friend of mine. I told him about her and I also sent him a picture (trying to be matchmaker). He said she looked fine, but he would still "hit on" me if I were out and about.

He says he has a certain type (darker skin, ethnic features) and I am a little wary cause he doesn't "look" like the type that is really into dating anyone other than women within his own race. Also, he has almost no black friends on facebook.

What do you guys think? Should I be concerned that he has some type of curiosity/fetish and that's all or that he is really interested in getting to know me better? After I tried to hook him up with my friend -and that didn't work- should I still pursue this or leave it be? Im lost with this one
Heh heh heh... this question is right up my alley! :lol:

Okay, so Mr. FH right? Grew up in a small town in the country with a black population of -1.

I'm his only black "friend" on Facebook (he has one Indian friend, yay!)

He's a blue-eyed blond. Like, he's really white. Couldn't tell you the name of an R&B group if you paid him $1 million. (Well, okay, that was true before he met me.)

Didn't. matter. one. bit. Come to find out, he really isn't into Facebook anyway and that's why his black friends (yes, he actually does have them) don't appear. They're probably still in the request queue that he hasn't checked since December. Or maybe not.

The point is, if anything, I've learned there is no "type" of white or other non-black man that likes black women. I think many black women get themselves in trouble this way, going for certain types that they think might be into black women, when often times, it's NOT the dude who grew up in Brooklyn listening to hip hop and having lots of black friends who is the dude most likely to ask you out.

Now... I'm not necessarily a fan of someone saying that they have certain "types" so early in the game when they're talking to a woman, but at the same time, I also think this is another area where black women are so quick to try to pin the "fetish" label on a white dude that they don't even give him a chance.

So, go out on a date with the boy. I always say that one date won't kill ya/hurt ya/etc. Then just go with the flow and see what happens. Obviously, he's interested in YOU. That's a good thing... don't rule him out based on perceptions, stereotypes and a bunch of other stuff that could be oh-so-wrong! :)
I agree with Bunny of course. There is no "look" of a certain white guy that dates black women. Every one of this is not going to wear baggy jeans and thug it out.

If he is into you, he is into you. Don't go hooking him up with a friend. He's made his choice. I don't think the darker skin thing would bother me. I like white men with brown hair and tan skin mostly(though I'll take a good looking one with any color hair). Everyone has a preference. Take a chance. You never know.
I'm sure you'll be able to tell whether he has a fetish or not after you continue communicating with him and/or dating him. If you get that feeling, run. Otherwise, don't assume that he has a fetish. He could be genuinely interested in you.
A majority of the yt men who show interest in me are the ones who listen to rock/country, went to private school, and are usually conservative. Sigh. So this isn't unusual.
I'm sure you'll be able to tell whether he has a fetish or not after you continue communicating with him and/or dating him. If you get that feeling, run. Otherwise, don't assume that he has a fetish. He could be genuinely interested in you.

Sidenote: How would one know if a white man has a fetish? Has this been discussed already in a thread that I missed? :perplexed
^^^ Why you gotta be sighin' tho' ?:lachen:

Some of the guys are cool and all, but I can't get past their conservative views:lol:. I'm sure others can, but I can't hang. I tried taking the 'don't discuss politics' approach, but that didn't work. My ex was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, country boy who loved Bush and black women :lol:. I think a black woman who is more conservative in her lifestyle would be a great fit for them, but I'm to much of a free spirit.

The liberal white boys around here tend to stick to their own, or Asian women. Reminds me of Justin Timberlake. Really makes you think. When I first started college, I was shocked at the type of WM/BW couples I came across. The guys were usually the WASPy, private high school wrestling team types. They were never my type.
Some of the guys are cool and all, but I can't get past their conservative views:lol:. I'm sure others can, but I can't hang. I tried taking the 'don't discuss politics' approach, but that didn't work. My ex was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, country boy who loved Bush and black women :lol:. I think a black woman who is more conservative in her lifestyle would be a great fit for them, but I'm to much of a free spirit.

The liberal white boys around here tend to stick to their own, or Asian women. Reminds me of Justin Timberlake. Really makes you think. When I first started college, I was shocked at the type of WM/BW couples I came across. The guys were usually the WASPy, private high school wrestling team types. They were never my type.

I feel like you're describing my life.

Did you date an ex of mine? Blond-haired, blue-eyed, NRA member, country boy, worshipped George W... and I was NOT the first black woman he dated. Huh?

FH is more liberal... but he's been known to vote for a Republican or two or three... :look: Then again, although I'm probably politically and socially liberal for others, I'm personally rather conservative to some extent, so I guess it works? :lol:

And yes... Justin Timberlake would be a PERFECT example of the "liberal white boy" who seems like he'd be down with a black woman, but dates the blondest white women out there... and maybe an Asian chick occassionally.
Sidenote: How would one know if a white man has a fetish? Has this been discussed already in a thread that I missed? :perplexed

It probably was! :lol:

The only white man that I really ever thought had a fetish was Bill Maher. And that's because of the specific type of black woman that he went for... and how those women said he treated them.

Other than that, the question remains... why is a preference considered a "fetish" when it comes to black women, but anything else (I like blondes, I like brunettes, etc.) is just "preference?"
Heh heh heh... this question is right up my alley! :lol:

Okay, so Mr. FH right? Grew up in a small town in the country with a black population of -1.


The point is, if anything, I've learned there is no "type" of white or other non-black man that likes black women. I think many black women get themselves in trouble this way, going for certain types that they think might be into black women, when often times, it's NOT the dude who grew up in Brooklyn listening to hip hop and having lots of black friends who is the dude most likely to ask you out.

So true! The bold: the same with my dh of 7 years :lol: . There is nothing in his background or appearance that would probably ever alert anyone relying on stereotypes that he finds black women attractive.
It probably was! :lol:

The only white man that I really ever thought had a fetish was Bill Maher. And that's because of the specific type of black woman that he went for... and how those women said he treated them.

Other than that, the question remains... why is a preference considered a "fetish" when it comes to black women, but anything else (I like blondes, I like brunettes, etc.) is just "preference?"

Dang--Ima be quoting you all day! :lol:

Bill Maher is . . .a special case indeed. I completely agree something is seriously off about him, though I usually enjoy his show on HBO.

But word to your whole post--there are white men who make no apologies about their preference for asian women. And while asian men might feel some kind of way about it (unless they exclusively date white women), the majority of asian women I've met don't seem to mind and white men are rarely given any grief about it. I think the hypersexualization of black women (and the mammy/whore thing) invites more scrutiny when people see a BW/WM couple. The motives of any white man who shows an interest in us will always be given extra attention. It's very effective for those who are intimidated by the idea that a black woman might just have as many options as anyone else. By treating every white man with a black woman on his arm like he can't possibly be interested in a real relationship, it puts the black woman firmly in her place.

As far how to spot a WM with a fetish? I'd like to think they would show themselves fairly quickly. They probably won't be able to help it. They simply will NOT stick around for a real relationship if their real intentions are purely about sex. Their compliments will probably be very appearance-driven/sexual, your conversations will probably be very surface level--why get personal or reveal anything real if you have some fantasy?
The point is, if anything, I've learned there is no "type" of white or other non-black man that likes black women. I think many black women get themselves in trouble this way, going for certain types that they think might be into black women, when often times, it's NOT the dude who grew up in Brooklyn listening to hip hop and having lots of black friends who is the dude most likely to ask you out.

This is sooooo true.

Case in point, I was once at an event where I met a REALLY hot White guy. My initial impression of him was that he wouldn't be the "type" that would be interested in a Black woman. Had that typical, "good looking young corporate" guy thing going. I also saw him talking to a lot of White women throughout the night.

To my shock, by the end of the evening, the two of us were canoodling like crazy. Turns out, he was hoping to get at me from the moment he saw me but wasn't sure if he could.

Don't judge a book by its cover...
Sidenote: How would one know if a white man has a fetish? Has this been discussed already in a thread that I missed? :perplexed
Good question. You know, I'm not sure if it's been discussed. I think it's obvious to me if one does. But that's just me. Maybe it's just instinctual IDK. Maybe we should have a thread and break it down.

I know this one guy I dated (blonde hair blue eyes) kept saying how he hated blondes especially and white women because they were so...normal. But black skin, now that's another thing. And I'm not one to listen to someone trash someone else just to build me up. He seemed like he was so fixated on me, and kept talking about my skin. Now I do have nice skin, but he was more on the color, and how it was sooo different from white women. And he'd keep on it and on it and on and on........:perplexed

UHm...that seems fetishy to me. I kicked him to the curb. But other white guys (I've dated all types as I'm not particular about race) have just acted like I'm a human, and that's what I want. We're humans. We might have differences, and though they may come up in a discussion it's just that a discussion. But to fixate on me like I'm an alien or something seems to me to be fetishy. And he'd stroke my hair and say it feels like cotton over and over:lachen:. This was an American guy and he was surrounded by people of all cultures so it's not like he'd never seen a black person before. I mean I grew up in Germany and they never treated me like a lab experiment like this guy.

Yes they'd say my skin and hair was beautiful and touch it, but then that was the end of that (I realize there weren't many of us there in my location of Germany so I get that I look different and it's okay to acknowledge that) and then it was on to what do I like to do, what kind of foods do I like to eat, and just general every day conversations. If I'm dating a white man I want him to treat me like I treat him. He can say I'm beautiful and my skin, but not in a weird fixated way, with eyes gleaming like he wants to dissect me in a lab.
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Dang--Ima be quoting you all day! :lol:

Bill Maher is . . .a special case indeed. I completely agree something is seriously off about him, though I usually enjoy his show on HBO.

But word to your whole post--there are white men who make no apologies about their preference for asian women. And while asian men might feel some kind of way about it (unless they exclusively date white women), the majority of asian women I've met don't seem to mind and white men are rarely given any grief about it. I think the hypersexualization of black women (and the mammy/whore thing) invites more scrutiny when people see a BW/WM couple. The motives of any white man who shows an interest in us will always be given extra attention. It's very effective for those who are intimidated by the idea that a black woman might just have as many options as anyone else. By treating every white man with a black woman on his arm like he can't possibly be interested in a real relationship, it puts the black woman firmly in her place.

As far how to spot a WM with a fetish? I'd like to think they would show themselves fairly quickly. They probably won't be able to help it. They simply will NOT stick around for a real relationship if their real intentions are purely about sex. Their compliments will probably be very appearance-driven/sexual, your conversations will probably be very surface level--why get personal or reveal anything real if you have some fantasy?

Reading this thread reminds me of a yt man I met about 3 years ago. After a couple of conversations he told me that he doesn't date women white women and his preference is black women, black African women. He mentioned that he went to West Africa a lot since he was a teenager with the dad, who was in the diamond business.

Well after a couple of dates I realised he wasn't for me at all. He didn't really seem to have plans/goals. He was 30 then and that just didn't make sense to me. Anyway I also got a feeling that he felt intimidated by me (education, career etc) and felt I was "African" enough for him (whatever that is)/too westernized I guess. This didn't sit well with me and I K.I.M.

Well tomorrow I am doing Happy Hour with a young yt man (yeah never thought I would say that, I think I am in denial about turning 28-haha) who I met at work. I sat next to him at work about a month ago and he started talking to me. At the end of the day he asked me my name and added me to his work IM. We chatted on and off and I finally agreed to do Happy Hour with him. He is your typical small town, mid-western (Wisconsin) corporate guy. If you saw him, you wouldn't think he would have taken and interest in me. This initially made me a little suspicious of his intentions..but hey a man on his career path is going places-so I am definitely adding him to me "professional network" :yep:
A date do not a relationship make. Go for the sake on enjoying a nice evening and see where things lead.

Who knows maybe you won't be into him because of something you found out not because of the color of his skin or eyes. You won't know until you know. :yep:

Now enjoy and please come back and tell us how the date was.
Some of the guys are cool and all, but I can't get past their conservative views:lol:. I'm sure others can, but I can't hang. I tried taking the 'don't discuss politics' approach, but that didn't work. My ex was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, country boy who loved Bush and black women :lol:. I think a black woman who is more conservative in her lifestyle would be a great fit for them, but I'm to much of a free spirit.

The liberal white boys around here tend to stick to their own, or Asian women. Reminds me of Justin Timberlake. Really makes you think. When I first started college, I was shocked at the type of WM/BW couples I came across. The guys were usually the WASPy, private high school wrestling team types. They were never my type.

It's so ironic how the liberal types are usually NOT the ones in interacial relationships or claim to be all for the swiel but wouldnt be caught dead in one themselves.


As far how to spot a WM with a fetish? I'd like to think they would show themselves fairly quickly. They probably won't be able to help it. They simply will NOT stick around for a real relationship if their real intentions are purely about sex. Their compliments will probably be very appearance-driven/sexual, your conversations will probably be very surface level--why get personal or reveal anything real if you have some fantasy?

Hmm how's that different from a white guy dating a Pamela Anderson though. I mean is a guy period only wants a woman for her body does that immediately equate fetish?

Ive always been interested in this "knowing when its a fetish and when it's not"..I dont think a dude probably just wnating a one night stand can equate fetish
Good question. You know, I'm not sure if it's been discussed. I think it's obvious to me if one does. But that's just me. Maybe it's just instinctual IDK. Maybe we should have a thread and break it down.

I know this one guy I dated (blonde hair blue eyes) kept saying how he hated blondes especially and white women because they were so...normal. But black skin, now that's another thing. And I'm not one to listen to someone trash someone else just to build me up. He seemed like he was so fixated on me, and kept talking about my skin. Now I do have nice skin, but he was more on the color, and how it was sooo different from white women. And he'd keep on it and on it and on and on........:perplexed

LOL dont know how too close for comfort this is for me :ohwell:
Yeah, I see your point. Unless the guy is completely upfront about his motives or fantasies one can't really know. I guess it's more a feeling?

It kind of reminds me of an article on years ago written by a black woman (Debra Dickerson?) called something like "I want you to want me." It was about the movie Wedding Crashers and how the two male leads, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, crashed nearly every type of ethnic (race, religion) wedding BUT black. The guys were equal opportunity "users" of the drunk female wedding guests--but none of the women were identifiably black. Anyway--the article was controversial because on the one hand, by obviously omitting black women, the movie isn't inclusive and on the other hand it's not exactly an honor to be included you know? I think the author's point was that black women wanted to be treated like any other woman--even if it's sexist? I don't know how I feel about it (and during the time I used to read Salon she was married to a WM).

Edited because I actually need to explain why I thought of the article ^ :lol:

So anyway--how do we know when we're being treated just like women (who lots of men merely want for sex) or being pursued for sex because we're black women? I don't know . . .

OMG, I HATE that article with a passion:lol:! I remember when it came out. Boy oh boy.:nono:
^ I recall it being a little . . .desperate, no? I am too scared to go and dig for it, though.

Found it bawhawhaw!:grin:

I was first in line for "Wedding Crashers" on opening night, hoping it would be as funny and sexy as it looked. It was. I laughed out loud and had enough naughty thoughts about surfer-dude Owen Wilson to make me squirm a tad in my seat. I'm dying to know what the deal is with that adorable crook-nose and, furthermore, hereby volunteer to faithfully brush those shaggy strands out of his eyes. When Vince Vaughn vulgarly announced himself a "cocksman" and bragged that he was 6-foot-5 -- I'd had no idea! -- there may even have been a slight arching of the back. The closest I've ever come to an interest in math is the few minutes I spent trying to triangulate how tall Owen must be when the two stood side by side. In particular, the highlight of the movie was the early and prolonged scenes of them partying down at a Benneton ad's confection of weddings set to "Shout" -- Hindu, Chinese, Jewish, Irish -- that will be wearing out the replay button on America's remotes when the DVD comes out.
But it was the montage of naked women cascading jubilantly into the rogues' beds, poufy bridesmaid dresses crumpled somewhere out of frame, that did the most for me. The sight of them -- alone, unarmed and unafraid, as one military motto goes -- was as deliciously sexy and just as much fun as the shenanigans at the weddings where Wilson and Vaughn wooed their willing prey. It was fitting, not to mention gutsy in these WWJD days, that this part continued to be set unapologetically to "Shout" and not some gauzy, romantic cop-out guck so we could forgive these sluts for schtupping a man they'd just met. "Crashers," at least in the beginning, wasn't about love. It was about making multi-orgasmic lemonade on love's fringes until it was your turn to star in a wedding.
That montage was a celebration of sex, carnality and the feminine ideal. It was a testament to the lion-tamer aspect of being a straight chick, that heady "bring a strong man to his knees" adrenaline rush that is one of the keys to understanding your power as a woman. At the same time it's a testament to the pleasures of surrender, that sweet, sweet payoff that can only come after a free-fall shuddering toward a landing site that has been promised but not verified, you tramp. That happy Vesuvius of perky breasts, firm thighs and concave tummies was a tribute to youth, to the search for adventure and to our enduring belief in romantic serendipity. It was a bungee jump with an elastic cord you're pretty sure is functional, but hey, if it's not, your wounds will heal. It was about optimism and thrill-seeking and I was proud of those sluts. They leapt before they looked and I don't want to know anyone who never has.
But, somehow, by the end of the parade of weddings crashed and women laid, I realized I was sad. It took me an entire martini to figure out why: The crashers seduced their way through every culture and every ethnicity but mine. Why don't Owen and Vince want to seduce me, too? Why don't they want to dance with my nana at a wedding?
It's confusing to me that in a nation, a world, where black culture so permeates, if not dominates, the entertainment industry that a major Hollywood release would throw up its hands and declare Negro culture impenetrable. There isn't a white boy in America who doesn't do a jerky cabbage patch when he's happy and pronounce himself "dissed" when angry, yet Hollywood can't break the code on LaQuisha and Raheem jumping the broom? Odd that "Shout," performed by black musicians, was chosen as the raucous anthem for an ode to collapsing racial and ethnic borders but excludes blacks, the lubricant by which this celebration of humanity, this transcendence of race, proceeds. More troubling, could it be that achieving racial harmony results from non-blacks banding together to exclude blacks? (If this seems extreme, check out David Roediger's excellent new work, "Working Toward Whiteness: How America's Immigrants Became White." He discusses the extent to which joining in pogroms against blacks helped the despised Southern and Eastern European immigrants "prove" their whiteness and become Americanized.) We can provide the soundtrack, we can entertain, but we cannot participate; where have we heard that before? Whites can dance the hora, they can play mah-jongg with Chinese grannies, they can go Bollywood with the Hindus, but they can't figure out the electric slide? (That's our wedding staple, by the way. I have yet to hear "Shout" at a black wedding.) I reject most conspiracy theories, really I do, but I suspect that black culture was, however subconsciously, deemed unworthy.
Please don't misunderstand. I hate those Negroes who would bean count for black faces in Antarctica so they can get airtime whining about "the lack of diversity" blah blah. Start a school! Take in some foster kids! Run for office! If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, cheap race-mongering is the last refuge of an idiot. "*****rdly," indeed. Anytime you want someone with a ghetto pass to tell them to shut up for you, give a sister a call. I'm talking about something else, something more than "gotcha, white folks," something y'all won't be able to dismiss as easily as all that. I'm talking about something that grieves black women, that breaks our hearts so much I have never had a conversation with another black woman about it.
Or, at least not one that dared venture further than "I bet he's got a white girl" as a gorgeous brother passed by. Our hearts are broken because we are unloved. More than that: Black women are unlovable, or so the world tells us every day. Most often, it's a sucker punch.
Minding my own business recently, I was reading my friend's excellent nonfiction book, "Random Family: Love, Sex and Trouble in the Bronx," which chronicles the intersected lives of a hardscrabble constellation of Latinas. In lamenting the loss of a lover to a rival, one woman was dumbfounded that anyone would prefer a woman "with hair like a black girl's" to her. I am ugly by definition. Usually, though, our degendering and masculinization is pretty easy to see coming. I watch the promos for my hero Chris Rock's new series about his Bed-Stuy adolescence and cringe when his "mother" traumatizes her son with bellowed, emasculating, dehumanizing threats like: "Boy, I will SLAP yo' name out the phone book, then call Ma Bell and tell her I did it." Hilarious, no? He looks about 10 as she terrorizes him with psychotic threats that would make Uday and Qusay proud. Who would want to bed that shrieking harridan? Who'd want to live next door to or hire such a *****? Bets are off on how far into the series it will be before this black harpy (how redundant) is swiveling her neck and reducing a good man to shreds with her razor tongue. I have a 4-year-old son and an almost 2-year-old daughter who would go into cardiac arrest if I spoke to them that way, even in jest. Forgive me, Chris, but your "mother" proves that Zora Neale Hurston nailed it when she noted that black women are "the mules of the world."
She was speaking of how hard most of our lives were in the 1920s and 1930s, she was talking about the patriarchy and misogyny within the black community that keeps so many of us mute chambermaids who are regularly beaten, but perhaps most important, she was talking about what that hardness did to us, or rather, to others in dealing with us. Our ability to survive atrocity, to make something from nothing, to bounce back day after day -- somehow, this makes the world see us as rhino-skinned, never soft. Quadruple-lunged, never asthmatic. Incapable of giggling, blushing or shutting the hell up. Sisters are essentialized as indefatigable, never in need of a door held open, a chair pulled out. A "how are you doing, really?" I have to believe that somewhere in there is also the belief that the niceties are wasted on us, coarse cows that we are. Bears are happy ****ting in the woods and "sistaz" ain't got no time for no nonsense like sweet talk, a man who rises when we do, or a lover to whisper naughty things to in the dark. And we don't need no stinking flowers either, or at least Jamie Foxx's hospitalized mother didn't; in "Collateral," she rejected them and belittled him for his foolishness. The bedraggled dandelions I got for Mother's Day this year will shrivel up and blow away before I'll part with them.
Owen, Vince: We long for those things. It's a misery to black woman why our strength, the strength that kept our people from extinction and which holds the community together yet, makes us seem manly somehow, as if no white woman has ever roughened her pink hands or survived rape for her family's sake. Or been a *****. Why is it so hard to fathom that we can raise our children alone (if need be, rarely by preference), work two jobs and still look good in a miniskirt. Still want to look good in a miniskirt. Sisters are simply not seen as either ladylike or, to put it bluntly, ****able. Rapeable, certainly, as the history of slavery and Jim Crow prove, just not ****able.
I realized this in the 1980s and '90s when, because of my career choices, I was usually the only woman and only black around. I'd say nothing as my office mates, the men I partied with and who backed me to the hilt professionally, would grouse about the lack of women. I was smarter and better-looking than they were. I was, to take a page from my plain-spoken Vince, hot. I wore uncomfortably tight clothing. Makeup and sheer pantyhose. Nail polish. Jane Fonda for daaaaays. My heels were so legendary, my nickname was Spike. Oh, Debra dressed shamefully in the summertime. But to most white men, to the men who occupied the world that my life choices drew me to, I was invisible. When I finally married at 40, it was to the first man who'd asked me out in five years. I had been holding out for a brother but, realizing that was even less likely to happen, finally let that go.
Even when I was a seven-months-pregnant behemoth, I was invisible as I hefted a load of packages to the post office at Christmastime, as I struggled with a pallet of sodas at Costco. I was even invisible in the Tiny Tim confines of the modern airplane. I could hear crickets as I struggled to get my bag into the overhead. Two seats away, an elderly white lady was swarmed by white men helping her with hers. They politely excused themselves as they tried to hurry past my bulk to her. It was all I could do not to cry. I did cry the time two white men "erased" me in a shoebox-size Dunkin Donuts in Logan Airport. One had filled the tiny room with his luggage, his restless kids and a complicated order. I waited politely in line behind him. As he was trying to get organized, he noticed the white man in line behind me and apologized profusely for holding him up. Then he waved him gallantly on to the cashier. White man No. 2 had to step over my luggage to reach the counter. However racist white men may be, a nice rack should be the great neutralizer in an encounter that will only last a minute. You have to give racism its props; it's the only force proven to trump what a hound dog the average man is.
In the '80s and '90s, I reacted to my sexual invisibility vis-à-vis white men with faux feminist sarcasm and wannabe black nationalist contempt. But I'm 46 now and far less full of bull****. I'm not angry. I'm hurt. It's not that I want white men to want me. I want all men to want me. I want to be seen as desirable, if I actually am. As available, if I actually am. As ****able, though you should be so lucky. But, because I'm black, I'm somehow seen as a gender crasher, an imposter fronting as a real woman. Liable to get the sexual bum's rush at any moment. No wonder so many of us are *****es. It protects us from rejection if we make it impossible to get anywhere near us in the first place.
Sitting there in the dark, halfway through the "Wedding Crashers" montage, I realized that I was jealous of those girls just setting out in life and thought I was getting over it. I had made the most of my youth; it was someone else's turn now. I went all Mother Earthy and wise and found myself watching them with something like a maternal respect and approval, like lagging back a pace so my daughter could take her first steps or cheering as she hit her first home run. I was passing the torch, one risk-taking hottie to another. Or so I thought. In the end, all I was allowed to do was watch how "real women" live. Every woman will be able to picture herself in that parade of female pleasure, female power and eternal youth. Every woman but the black ones.
A basically sweet, silly movie has me, late in life, reconsidering my impatience with nitnoy black separatism -- black dorms, Miss Black America pageants, "The Wiz." I still believe that true separatism is not a viable option for a group comprising only 13 percent of the population, but perhaps a psychological one may well be required to maintain our mental health. As with OJ and Michael Jackson, white folks have turned on me when I've been among the most "assimilated" of Negroes, and I went slinking back to the hood. I've been soothing myself, post-"Crashers," with marathon sessions of the Soul Food compilation. What a relief. What a refuge. In that parallel universe, that majority-black fantasy land, sisters can be mere women, just women, any woman. Ones with "hair like a black girl's" or ones with weaves. Light, bright, damn near white, chocolate and everything in between. Straight. Gay. Working-class and multimillionaire. Godless and God-fearing. *****y and sweet. All different, all little concerned with white folks, all getting laid since the brothers there (unlike in the real world) can't take their eyes off us.
For us mules of the world, it's too bad that world doesn't exist either.
Yea it was kinda sad. She talked about how none of her white male coworkers paid her any attention or something.


I remember that article too...and I felt a little :ohwell: about it. Mainly, because I could give two flying figs about who/what type of weddings those white dudes crashed in that movie. I haven't seen the movie and probably won't ever see it it's not the type of movie I'd watch. She has written quite a few articles over the years...didn't she have another *controversial* article or maybe it was a radio interview (well I say controversial because some people felt some kind of way about it)? I can't remember exactly what it was about....I think it was posted here and I remember people on this site quoting it saying that they felt *embarrassed* for her white husband. <---Paraphrased since I don't remember the exact article and why it was controversial or why some felt bad for the white husband. BUT I do remember her name coming up in a thread with a link and the *smh* that was posted after it, lol.
So anyway--how do we know when we're being treated just like women (who lots of men merely want for sex) or being pursued for sex because we're black women? I don't know . . .

Exactly. There lies the question. Anytime people say "oh he must have a fetish", I always wonder in what sense/how does wanting a black woman for sex any different than wanting any woman for

Although some of what luckiestdestiny mentioned makes sense somewhat but Im sure there's more to being a "black fetishist" than harping on the beauty of a person's skin compared to others.