Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st time

Not trying to hijack the thread or anything :look:


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We need to read more of these stories.

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Re: Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st t

Hated it! ....the whole story, that is.... :look:

Have y'all ever watched a show or movie, read a book, article, etc. that you wished you hadn't? Felt like you wasted your time? Felt like you'd rather done something else, ANYTHING else instead? Well this story is one of mine. :yep: :lol:
Re: Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st t

I'm kind of laughing and shaking my head at some of the responses to this thread. The baby before marriage? Sex on the third date? I'm a Christian and wouldn't do those things but I'll tell you what, there are some Puritanical ladies on this forum! :lol: What did she do that many of the folks lurking in this thread haven't done?

I liked that she said that she found herself no longer taking aspects of this person or that person and crafting the perfect man to compare her now-husband to. I like that they're best friends and that he asked her to marry him before they even knew that she was pregnant. To me, it is indeed a sweet and encouraging story. :yep:
Re: Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st t

What a pleasant surprise; they only feature us one at a time. And now there's two whole Black couples they're directing attention to! :lachen: :lachen: Thanks for posting this. I love the Weddings and Celebrations column of the NYT. :yep:

ETA: The second one has a video clip and it's hilarious and sweet! :lachen: :lachen: They're such a cute couple! :yep:
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Re: Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st t

I think the issue is if you want to raise your biological kids in a two parent married household, .... 39 years for the woman is not ideal time to get pregnant.

I love her dress.

It depends if you are concentrating on the word of man or the word of God. Miss Brown, who my mother knew got married at 39 and she had three children, she eventually divorced her husband after 15 years of marriage and she married another man, however she was living in Guyana, another woman got married at 43, had her first child at 45 and she went on to have four other children. It really depends how you are living your life. Ideally it would be nice to get married young, but everyone is different. A lot of people take drugs, drink heavily in their teens and 20s and what is that doing to your body, destroying your eggs. Another woman who was married for 20 years, she never had children, she divorced her husband, she married a man who was nine years younger, she adopted a baby boy and the following years she had a healthy baby boy, at the age of 47 and when she was 52 she had healthy twins a boy and a child.

If you go to places like Hawaii and Japan, the women eat a healthy diet and they are fertile up to when they are 60 years old and many have older births. The diets in Western Europe and America is not very good. So everyone is different.
Re: Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st t

My friends are around that age and they get married/divorced/hook up with a new man continuously...

Nothing new under the sun!!

Sex, love, attraction, marriages, babies...none of it stops just because you've turned 35! :yep:
Re: Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st t

Beautiful story.

I know that people find happiness a little later in life than others but the thought of being in the dating game another 10+ years sorely depresses me :look:

Amen! Dating is so whack...or I have bad luck. Either way, BOOOO, dating sucks! :nono:
Re: Inspiring Story for those who lost hope!! She is 39 and getting married for 1st t

It depends if you are concentrating on the word of man or the word of God. Miss Brown, who my mother knew got married at 39 and she had three children, she eventually divorced her husband after 15 years of marriage and she married another man, however she was living in Guyana, another woman got married at 43, had her first child at 45 and she went on to have four other children. It really depends how you are living your life. Ideally it would be nice to get married young, but everyone is different. A lot of people take drugs, drink heavily in their teens and 20s and what is that doing to your body, destroying your eggs. Another woman who was married for 20 years, she never had children, she divorced her husband, she married a man who was nine years younger, she adopted a baby boy and the following years she had a healthy baby boy, at the age of 47 and when she was 52 she had healthy twins a boy and a child.

If you go to places like Hawaii and Japan, the women eat a healthy diet and they are fertile up to when they are 60 years old and many have older births. The diets in Western Europe and America is not very good. So everyone is different.

Say what? Really??