Exclusivity - When/How Did You and SO Become Exclusive?

It was at the end of the second date. A little fast for me, but I'm totally into him. We did a lot of talking and emailing between date 1 and date 2. He just came out and asked. It was a bit odd but so cute.
Well when we met I knew I was leaving the state in a few months so we hadn't planned on being exclusive. About two months later when he found out I went out with another guy I could tell his feelings were hurt, but we already knew what the deal was.

Fast forward to a year later after I had already moved - we kept in touch and during a Christmas visit, the Justin Timberlake song "My Love" came on and he said "What is he saying? Don't give away what?" And I said "My love." And he said "Yeah, I don't want you to do that." And I said "I wouldn't if you were my MAN." And he said "Well, I am." And that was that. We did the LDR thing for another 5 months then I moved back.
My boyfriend and I talked, dated, hung out for about 3 weeks before he asked me to be his woman. I was somewhat shocked that he asked because I didn't think or expect it would turn into a relationship. Plus, I hardly showed him any attention as far as calling and/or texting and initiating dates and times to see each other. He was the one who approached me and pursued me from the start.
With one ex, he introduced me to his friends as his girlfriend about 2 months after we started dating, I was "WTF?"...I was definitely caught off guard because previous BF's had asked, ahead of time.

Last ex, he asked me the first date was I seeing other people and then in about 2 weeks, he was all nervous, and started out with, "I know I may not have a right to ask you this, but, I'm not dating other people and I don't really want you to date other people..." It was sweet.
We went on a few dates and decided not to date anyone else. Within three months he asked me officially to be his girlfriend in the form of a written poem after dinner and a movie.

Edited to add:

We are now engaged as of May 1 after 16 months of exclusivity.
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It was funny, because I never assumed anything during the three months that we were dating. I was still open to dating other people, had active online accounts, etc.

Meanwhile, he was calling his mama and daddy and telling them about the fact that he had a girlfriend.

So we talked a few times about where this was going in that third month, and he mentioned the above. I said, "Uh, you didn't tell ME that I was your girlfriend!"

He looked like :eek: and said, "Oh... yeah, I guess I should have done that, huh? Well, will you be my girlfriend?"

I said yes. :)