In 10 questions: How did you get your boyfriend or SO?


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,
For those who have/had serious long term relationships and regarding your longest and/or best relationship.

Not asking for any hopeful advice. I'm just curious. Please Just answer the questions. Thank you. :yep:

1. How did you meet him?

2. Who approached who first?

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?

9. How long did the relationship last?

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?

Thanks for your input! I won't be able to thank from my mobile.
The longest relationship I've ever been in was 2 years. But my current relationship is the best one I have ever been in so I answered questions for that.

1. How did you meet him? At his band's first show. My best friend's fiance is in the same band as him and I tagged along. He was in a long distance relationship at the time though.

2. Who approached who first? A few months later, my best friend dragged me out to another one of her fiance's shows. I had given up on dating by then and was just focusing on work and grad school applications. And of course, that was when my current boyfriend pursued me. After his band played I was watching the next band play and he kept whispering, "psst! psst!" When I turned and looked over he waved at me and we chatted the rest of the night.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? I was initially VERY attracted to him. Even when he had a girlfriend I felt some type of weird silent chemistry... like a magnetic pull towards him. It's hard to explain but I shrugged it off when my friend said he had a girlfriend.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? 2 or 3 months? I dunno. He thought we were boyfriend/girlfriend before I thought we were. We typically have good communication but since I didn't want to pressure him we never talked about it until people asked us.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? An exclusive monogamous relationship where the guy meets my parents.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? He and I took it REALLY SLOW. It was almost painfully slow. In fact, I kissed him first because I felt like he wouldn't! Also, I hung out with his family alot which is so refreshing.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? Not at all. I remember the first time we started kissing heavily... He picked me up off the couch and carried me to my bedroom. Once he put me on the bed I told him that I "wasn't ready" and he said he wasn't either. He wanted to wait as long as possible before having sex. He just moved me to the bedroom so my roommate wouldn't walk in on us being all over each other :lol: . It was almost 4 months into our relationship before we did anything sexual.

9. How long did the relationship last? We are still together (9 months so far)

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? We have a lot in common. Not only hobbies but the way our minds work--we understand each other. We are super laid back and don't get worked up over petty things. We always talk things out when something bothers us. I've never met anyone who completely understands and accepts me as I am.
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1. How did you meet him? I met him when I was in the ME in Qatar

2. Who approached who first? He approached me, I past him as I was going to the bathroom and he gave me the deer in the headlight look and waited until I came out

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? Initially I thought he was good looking, but he still had to grow on me over time I became very attracted to him

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? He wanted to be exclusive right away but I didn’t want to be with anyone at the time so it took him about 2 months to wear me down

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? At the time, it was someone I was committed to where we only see and deal with each other. Someone I could have fun and spend lots of time with, a friendship and someone I could be intimate with.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? He knew instantly that he wanted to be with me and he pursued me aggressively pulling out all the stops until he got me. He was consistent from introduction until he got me, never missed a beat…there weren’t any holes where I could use anything against him. It was very clear that he wanted me and bad. I guess the difference would be I could feel where other guys in the past may have wanted me but they weren’t as diligent as he was in the pursuit well they were but in different ways, but he was way more thorough

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? I think it was a strong sexual attraction for me, when we met I didn’t have much experience at all and I think he turned me out he was MUCH more experienced. It took about 4 months before it became sexual.

9. How long did the relationship last? 4 years

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? We broke up b/c he comes from a very dysfunctional family that he/we had constant drama with. It began to take a toll on him and impacted our relationship in a very negative way. He became very moody and mean. (not abusive at all but very difficult to get along with). We broke up almost a year ago and initially he made small advances to keep his foot in the door. I shut that completely down. Last week, he’s back begging me to take him back, texting me how much he misses me etc. It’s not happening.

1. How did you meet him?

We met at work. I had a summer internship at Target and he was/is a team member there. I was actually his superior and told him what to do everyday. :lol:

2. Who approached who first?

He did. I could tell he was kinda feeling me because he would always go out of his way to speak to me and compliment me on random stuff like when I wore my hair curly. I was told my a mutual co-worker that someone liked me but she wouldn't tell me who. Another co-worker and I figured out it was him and that co-worker told him. He took me aside and asked to take me out, and I said yes. :yep:

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?

I was not attracted to him at ALL! I thought he was gross. :perplexed But then he got a haircut and he looked nicer. Once I saw him out of his work uniform I thought he was really cute. I'm very attracted to him. he's so big and strong, with gorgeous hair and brown eyes and very nice lips. :grin:

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?

We moved pretty quickly. We "talked" for less than a week and he asked me to be his GF on our first date. I was REALLY feeling him so I said yes.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?

When you feel very strongly for someone and they feel the same and you've made a mutual decision to be exclusive.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?

He called me and talked to me and INITIATED ALL CONTACT. With other guys, if I didn't talk to him, we didn't talk period. :nono:

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?

We're not in a sexual relationship. We're waiting for marriage.

9. How long did the relationship last?

We're still together. :grin::grin::grin:

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?

I think it's because we see qualities in each other that we have never seen anyone else. I care for him and he cares for me. He wants to take care of me, and I want to take care of him. We fit well together. :)
Thanks for all the honest answers ladies. I am starting to like someone and it is obvious that I really need to cool my jets, as I see it took most of you months before you became sexually involved. I must find a hobby or start jogging to use up with energy.
Awww...this thread is so cute! :grin: :grin:

I'm loving the stories ladies! :yep: :up:

I'm noticing a pattern so far...but I'm not saying anything just in case someone else has an experience that dispels my "theory". :look: :giggle:
Hello ladies,
For those who have/had serious long term relationships and regarding your longest and/or best relationship.

Not asking for any hopeful advice. I'm just curious. Please Just answer the questions. Thank you. :yep:

1. How did you meet him?

2. Who approached who first?

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?

9. How long did the relationship last?

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?

Thanks for your input! I won't be able to thank from my mobile.

1. A friend and I were out having dinner and drinks to celebrate her new job. A pest came up to us and wouldn't leave us alone. My SO saw what was going on and came over to rescue us.

2. He approached me.

3. He grew on me.

4. I didn't consider us to be exclusive until after 3-4 months.

5. A man who I am exclusively involved with.

6.They made it very clear from the beginning that they were interested in an exclusive relationship and a future with me.

8. 4 months.

9. Still going and I hope it does forever.

10. We are madly in love and being very proactive about planning for our future together. Both immediate and long-term.
1. How did you meet him? We were introduced by a mutual friend in college. He had a book she needed for a class, but she was at work, so he brought it to my room instead.

2. Who approached who first? I emailed him just to open lines of communication. I had never seen him around campus before, very unusual, so I wanted to know who he was. All I said was, "What's good?" :lol:

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? We were both initially attracted to each other, but, funny story, when he came to bring the book, one of my exes was there, a white guy. Awkward. So, we didn't really kick it on that first meeting. :giggle:

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? We went from fwb to exclusive in a week.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? That's very complicated, lol. He has to be someone I would be friends with anyway, aside from the sex (which must be stellar). He has to respect me and the relationship and take us both very seriously. (but, by the time I met SO, I was 'dating for marriage' even though I didn't know the phrase= way more stringent qualifications)

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? My SO was, by far, the most serious man I ever dated. I mean, about important stuff, like family, God, his future... I respected his steadfastness. I also thought he was the one most likely to succeed in his goals. We rushed through the normal relationship steps, and yet, with him, they still retained their natural gravity, if that makes sense. For example, yeah, we started sleeping together quickly, but it still felt like a 'first time,' momentous- like. :yep:

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
Between my initial email and the night we got together, there was about 3 wks- 1 mo of emailing and talking on the phone. I knew him pretty well by the time I saw him again.

9. How long did the relationship last? We're still together, 11 years on Valentine's Day.

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? We put a lot of work into our relationship. I do all of the research, but he's always very receptive to whatever I think might help. Early on, we established that we wanted to get married and build our lives together. In that light, it's nothing to actually do the work to get there.
1. How did you meet him?

He was running laps with his step team. Him and a few of his friends stopped because they heard the music we were playing for a dance routine.

2. Who approached who first?

I approached him. His friends were trying to get our attention by stepping and being cocky. He was shy and wasnt cocky which surprised me because the step team here is bigger than the basketball and football team and all the girls swoon. That interested me.


He *tells* me that he had a crush on me and said Hi to me a few months earlier and I ignored him,:lachen: I have no recollection of this ever happening.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?

I was very attracted to him.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
10 days.:look:

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
Best friend + Mutually signs of affection. Exclusive.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?

:ohwell: cant really answer Ive never really casually dated someone, but he's different from past SO's. His parents are still married and he looks up to them. He has a Brady bunch family life which I never knew could exist. He doesn't drink or party.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?

No, We're are waiting.

9. How long did the relationship last?

As of September 20, 2011 its been 2 years 9 months and 3 days.

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?

We talk about everything basically and he's my best friend. Thats it. oh and compromise.

ETA: I should mention we live very close to each other.
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1. How did you meet him? We met on OKCupid.

2. Who approached who first? He was checking out my profile. I added him as a favorite and then he messaged me.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? I was attracted to him from the start, but the attraction grew stronger over time.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? VERY quick - we started seeing each other exclusively within one week of meeting each other.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? A man that you have chosen to date exclusively long term.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? He had no qualms about being open about his feelings. I never had to guess where I stood with him.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? None of your beeswax...tee hee :grin:

9. How long did the relationship last? We've been together for over nine months.

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? We're still together because we just "get" each other on a level that others don't. We crack each other up. We often think the same way. We resolve our arguments in a healthy, productive way. He's my soulmate :)
1. How did you meet him?
online. thru a mutual friend's page on myspace years ago

2. Who approached who first?
he came at me first.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
very attracted first

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
3 months. We started in aug....and by nov he asked for it to be official

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
someone who you are in a relationship with...mutually

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
good question.
there really wasn't much of a difference.Most of the guys i have dated were pretty respectful guys

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
well we talked everyday for 2-3 months via phone before we met in person. So when we met, it was pretty certain we wanted to be it all started pretty early:look:.

9. How long did the relationship last?
still going. long distance tho. Its tough...but still going

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
B/c its long distance, its not an easy question to answer. We both have an ultimate goal to be together, so that's what keeps it going
What are the patterns you guys see?

The patterns that I'm seeing is that most ladies have similar definition of what as boyfriend or so is. A mutually exclusive relationship. I've met grown butt women who know that the man they are in a situation with has another woman or other women yet they still think that's their boyfriend, their man. Everyone knows that are just a jump off but them. What women define as relationship is very important for facts.

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This is such a great thread and I'm already seeing some patterns..subbing.

What are the patterns you guys see?

The patterns that I'm seeing is that most ladies have similar definition of what as boyfriend or so is. A mutually exclusive relationship. I've met grown butt women who know that the man they are in a situation with has another woman or other women yet they still think that's their boyfriend, their man. Everyone knows that are just a jump off but them. What women define as relationship is very important for facts.

Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using HTC Sensation 4G

I'm also seeing a pattern of quickly becoming exclusive and an item, no hemming and hawing, no arm twisting. It looks like everyone became exclusive from a matter of days to 3 or 4 months tops. I'm too lazy to answer all of the questions, but I remember dh wanting to be exclusive within weeks of our first date. Men know very early on if you are the one.
What are the patterns you guys see?

Well, I can't speak for FemmeFatale, or anyone else on this board....but the patterns that I've been seeing so far are:

1) The time it took the couple to become "exclusive" was relatively small. None of this "waiting" and "guessing" game. :nono2: Even if the relationship started off as a fwb type deal, that typically didn't go on for months. Usually it was within weeks or a few months that the ladies here on this board became exclusive with their SO's. Not 6+ months or YEARS of being together but never ever claiming anything. :nono: A lot of women seem to think that men need a lot of time to decide whether or not he wants to be with you. I think it's quite the opposite. I think that most men pretty much know fairly early on whether or not they want to be w/you for the long-run, or if you're just a "good for now" girl. :ohwell:

2) I ALSO noticed that 9 times out of 10 (although there WERE some exceptions) MOST of the men approached the women FIRST. :yep: And the guys that were too shy or didn't approach first STILL admitted to having a crush on the woman beforehand, and had tried to "say hello" or do SOMETHING to signify interest. So again....the woman didn't have to "chase" the man down, or show SIGNIFICANT obvious signs of "interest" in order for the guy to start pursuing the woman.

I'm now seeing more and more that if a man wants you...he WANTS you! He'll do what it takes to get your attention, pursue you, and make you his "exclusive" gf. If a man is comfortable w/not having ALL of you to himself, then he's just not that interested. :ohwell:

These stories are so encouraging! :yay: :clap:
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1. How did you meet him? POF

2. Who approached who first? He emailed me first

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? Initially attracted

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? We decided to be exclusive the morning after our second date.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? A mutually exclusive partner

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? He didnt waste any time and he knew he wanted to be with me longterm from the get go.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? A little longer than I usually wait for. lol

9. How long did the relationship last? It's still going

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? We both knew what we want and have found it in each other

2.He *winked* me then emailed me both from the US based version and the German one (we had accounts on each one)

3.Initially attracted looking at his pics

4. We talked on the phone daily and emailed each other 2-3 times a day for weeks/months. We have been together since our first date there was never a question about seeing other people

5.Someone you are in a exclusive relationship with

6. I never approached a men so all my previous SO's approached me as well.
Other men before him had marriage in mind too so I'd have to say he treated me very respectfully from the beginning.He liked me for me, for my character that was nice.
Also he made me laugh and cared for my emotional well being

7.No seven?:lachen:

8. We did not waste much time

9.It's been exactly 8 yrs and one month now, married for almost 7 yrs

10. Still going
Well, I can't speak for @FemmeFatale, or anyone else on this board....but the patterns that I've been seeing so far are:

1) The time it took the couple to become "exclusive" was relatively small. None of this "waiting" and "guessing" game. :nono2: Even if the relationship started off as a fwb type deal, that typically didn't go on for months. Usually it was within weeks or a few months that the ladies here on this board became exclusive with their SO's. Not 6+ months or YEARS of being together but never ever claiming anything. :nono: A lot of women seem to think that men need a lot of time to decide whether or not he wants to be with you. I think it's quite the opposite. I think that most men pretty much know fairly early on whether or not they want to be w/you for the long-run, or if you're just a "good for now" girl. :ohwell:

2) I ALSO noticed that 9 times out of 10 (although there WERE some exceptions) MOST of the men approached the women FIRST. :yep: And the guys that were too shy or didn't approach first STILL admitted to having a crush on the woman beforehand, and had tried to "say hello" or do SOMETHING to signify interest. So again....the woman didn't have to "chase" the man down, or show SIGNIFICANT obvious signs of "interest" in order for the guy to start pursuing the woman.

I'm now seeing more and more that if a man wants you...he WANTS you! He'll do what it takes to get your attention, pursue you, and make you his "exclusive" gf. If a man is comfortable w/not having ALL of you to himself, then he's just not that interested. :ohwell:

These stories are so encouraging! :yay: :clap:

@Crystalicequeen123, I'm glad you're encouraged. :yep: This board can get very depressing at times if you're single so, you know, keep your head up and all that. Men aren't so complicated, imo, which is why I think women, left to our own devices, tend to analyze stuff to death and reach the exact wrong conclusions.

@ your #2, I hadn't really thought of it that way, but, yeah... I guess he was a little reserved. I wasn't deterred (I go for who I want, usu. through 'positioning'), but he likes to claim that he had seen me before, like, a year prior. To those who have recently bc'd: I had a twa at the time, that's how he remembered me. I think I mighta stood out. :look:
Well, I can't speak for FemmeFatale, or anyone else on this board....but the patterns that I've been seeing so far are:

1) The time it took the couple to become "exclusive" was relatively small. None of this "waiting" and "guessing" game. :nono2: Even if the relationship started off as a fwb type deal, that typically didn't go on for months. Usually it was within weeks or a few months that the ladies here on this board became exclusive with their SO's. Not 6+ months or YEARS of being together but never ever claiming anything. :nono: A lot of women seem to think that men need a lot of time to decide whether or not he wants to be with you. I think it's quite the opposite. I think that most men pretty much know fairly early on whether or not they want to be w/you for the long-run, or if you're just a "good for now" girl. :ohwell:

2) I ALSO noticed that 9 times out of 10 (although there WERE some exceptions) MOST of the men approached the women FIRST. :yep: And the guys that were too shy or didn't approach first STILL admitted to having a crush on the woman beforehand, and had tried to "say hello" or do SOMETHING to signify interest. So again....the woman didn't have to "chase" the man down, or show SIGNIFICANT obvious signs of "interest" in order for the guy to start pursuing the woman.

I'm now seeing more and more that if a man wants you...he WANTS you! He'll do what it takes to get your attention, pursue you, and make you his "exclusive" gf. If a man is comfortable w/not having ALL of you to himself, then he's just not that interested. :ohwell:

These stories are so encouraging! :yay: :clap:

This is exactly what I was referring to :yep:
Well, I can't speak for @FemmeFatale, or anyone else on this board....but the patterns that I've been seeing so far are:

1) The time it took the couple to become "exclusive" was relatively small. None of this "waiting" and "guessing" game. :nono2: Even if the relationship started off as a fwb type deal, that typically didn't go on for months. Usually it was within weeks or a few months that the ladies here on this board became exclusive with their SO's. Not 6+ months or YEARS of being together but never ever claiming anything. :nono: A lot of women seem to think that men need a lot of time to decide whether or not he wants to be with you. I think it's quite the opposite. I think that most men pretty much know fairly early on whether or not they want to be w/you for the long-run, or if you're just a "good for now" girl. :ohwell:

2) I ALSO noticed that 9 times out of 10 (although there WERE some exceptions) MOST of the men approached the women FIRST. :yep: And the guys that were too shy or didn't approach first STILL admitted to having a crush on the woman beforehand, and had tried to "say hello" or do SOMETHING to signify interest. So again....the woman didn't have to "chase" the man down, or show SIGNIFICANT obvious signs of "interest" in order for the guy to start pursuing the woman.

I'm now seeing more and more that if a man wants you...he WANTS you! He'll do what it takes to get your attention, pursue you, and make you his "exclusive" gf. If a man is comfortable w/not having ALL of you to himself, then he's just not that interested. :ohwell:

These stories are so encouraging! :yay: :clap:
I do see that now. I know with my guy, he said he knew he wanted me the moment he saw me. There was no thinking about it, he just knew. He was gonna do whatever it took to make me his.
1. How did you meet him? Myspace, lol

2. Who approached who first? He approached me. He saw that we attended the same college and could not believe we never ran into each other on campus. He offered to tutor me in pre-calculus, lol.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? I was attracted. He was smart and fine, lol.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? Maybe a month. We didn't casually date for very long. He was out of town when he initially began messaging me. We exchanged numbers and talked for about 2 weeks until he came back. We went on a few dates within a week since we both happened to have time off and we just clicked even more in person.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? Someone I am in an exclusive situation with.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? It is different when someone takes the time to figure you out. Or when you can tell they are actually listening to what you say. Sometimes I would say things offhandedly and he remembered months down the line.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? Yes ma'am. Maybe a month and a half in. I'm surprised we waited that long because we had googly eyes from the first date, lol.

9. How long did the relationship last? 2 years

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? I started to feel like he was putting everything before me. I also felt like he didn't make enough of an effort to include me in various activities he was engaged in. I went from seeing him daily to twice month because he was always "busy", and we went to the same school! So eventually I learned to just let him go. He's one of those that likes to keep coming back the last breakup was in October so it's for good, lol. I'm happier now and I think he is too.
1. How did you meet him? We met in undergrad...

2. Who approached who first? He approached me after we graduated.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? Although very attractive, I didn't view him as more than a friend. Yes, he grew on me.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? We dated seriously for a year but didn't have a title until a year later.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? A man who is truly a friend to me that can give me insight, love, spiritual support, and intimacy like no other.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? He was put in my life by God as my soulmate.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? 3 months before we got it in lol

9. How long did the relationship last? We're engaged :grin:

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? Because he is so patient with me and saw years ago that we could break the mold.
1. How did you meet him? Online..He found me on some website that I had made a profile on, yet didn't frequent.

2. Who approached who first?
He sent me an Instant message out of the blue, we chatted for a couple of weeks, exchanged numbers and blah blah blah..

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? YUP

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? 1yr

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? Exclusive one on one, honest and patient. Accepts me for who I am, my rights, my wrongs ups and downs. Simply put, a man I can call my best friend.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? 1. It was online...2. it wasn't all about sex... 3. he actually could talk like he had some common knowledge of life. 4. off bat, he was debating me about things..vs agreeing with every little thing.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? 6 months.. I was pushing for a year but she started talking 2 me and eventually took over the operation :look:

9. How long did the relationship last? Been together for 2 yrs now

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
We are still together, because we are still learning new things about each other. Plus, I don't think anyone else is equipped to handle each other the way we handle each other...
I'd like to add I didn't get him he got me that's how we both still feel.
Imo you should always see yourself as the prize