I'm tired of everyone thinking my hair is fake!


New Member
LOL...I SO enjoy having long hair but if I get one more person asking me if my hair is real..I'm going to scream!!

I was in the bathroom at my job the other day and this girl commented on how pretty my "weave" was...LOL....Ok it could have come across as being a rude statement but I dont think she meant to be rude at all,she just sincerely thought my hair was a weave. I do take it as a compliment that people think my hair is pretty enough to be a weave but at times I dont like knowing that everyone thinks my hair is not real.

I wear it straight,curly,in a pony tail,half up and half down...you would think they could see its real but they still dont get it.

I cut 8 inches off over the Summer because it was heading to waist length and I didnt like it that long. Since then,its grown about 3 inches and is getting long again....but its not like its SO long that one cant believe its mine...LOL....its close to bra strap.

Anyway...just needed to vent!


Please post pics. I didnt see any in your profile or do u have a Fotki? We all want see your fake hair. :grin:
I feel you. I was at the park the other day and this woman comes over to me and says "I love your hair. What kind is it?" I said it's mine and she apologizes and tells me its beautiful. I get that a lot especially after a trip from the salon. People just aren't used to seeing black women with long hair that is real. So, if all of us here keep on doing what we do, then maybe everyone else will eventually come around.
LOL...I SO enjoy having long hair but if I get one more person asking me if my hair is real..I'm going to scream!!

I was in the bathroom at my job the other day and this girl commented on how pretty my "weave" was...LOL....Ok it could have come across as being a rude statement but I dont think she meant to be rude at all,she just sincerely thought my hair was a weave.

I feel you. I was at the park the other day and this woman comes over to me and says "I love your hair. What kind is it?" I said it's mine and she apologizes and tells me its beautiful. I get that a lot especially after a trip from the salon. People just aren't used to seeing black women with long hair that is real. So, if all of us here keep on doing what we do, then maybe everyone else will eventually come around.

:lachen:at bolded! I can't wait to have this problem, TT and luvinwife, and when I do, I will be humbled when I remember that I laughed at the 2 of you!!!
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Uuuuum, can I have your problem? :lachen:.................

Seriously :look:
I can understand how you feel. I'm not too impressed when people ask if my hair is real or fake. But hey, if you look at the positive, you must be doing something right if it's long, thick and healthy and people actually comment on it.
I can't wait until someone thinks my hair is fake,, you must be doing something right girlie,, that was a compliment.

OT: Growinglong, you're definitely doing something right, too! Your hair is gorgeous! You've met your BSL goal, haven't you? Beautiful!!!
I feel you. I was at the park the other day and this woman comes over to me and says "I love your hair. What kind is it?" I said it's mine and she apologizes and tells me its beautiful. I get that a lot especially after a trip from the salon. People just aren't used to seeing black women with long hair that is real. So, if all of us here keep on doing what we do, then maybe everyone else will eventually come around.

I used to get that.
I am dark with different features. I've been called madras indian, and all sorts of other things. I enjoy it. It blows some people's minds to know that black women can have naturally long hair.

Now my hair is shoulder length and I keep it curly. A friend thought I had a curly weave in this weekend. It was too funny!

Luvinwife.. I looked at your AV twice.
That looks like a pic of me. From complex to hair.. well before my chop chop.

What is your hair care regimen and hair type?
*maybe I should PM*
I know what ya'll are saying about it being a compliment. But sometimes it's just so annoying! I was at work one day and a lady says to me "is that all your real hair?" My hair was in a braided ponytail, and over the summer it got kind of thin on the ends. Even with this, she asks me if my hair is real. I said yes, and then she has the nerve to say "oh, it looks like one of those fake ponytails". I just smiled and said "really?" and shrugged my shoulders.

The thing is, if it looked like a fake ponytail then why ask me if it was real? I figure it looked real to her, but she just had to ask. But my thing is, if it looks real then why can't it be real? :whyme:

Sorry! I also just had to vent.
I feel your pain Tee Tee....I don't think my hair looks like a weave either, but I still get the comments.

Some people take it as a compliment...I don't.:perplexed
I don't think it is that big of a deal. If people don't question your hair, they are probably questioning something else.

That's why I don't care what the average person walking around here cares about me, and especially my hair.

I tend to care more about what my friends and family think, but that's about it.
A Latin American girl on the job thought she was complimenting me on my "fake pony" and it is true the stereo type is still out there. After I told her thanks but this is my real hair, her response was "really?? I didn't know African American women could grow hair that long... but anyways it is very pretty. But it doesn't really bother me.

No, Moroni,, I am not BSL yet.. I consider my hair apl.. because I have a long torso.:ohwell:

I'm dying because you said you have a long torso:lachen: Like, that's the funniest thing ever! but really, the day I have the problem where people think I have a weave, I promise never to complain.:yep:
There is a popular myth that African American hair will not grow. :yep: That's why it’s prevalent to see beauty supply stores in African American neighborhoods saturated with floor to ceiling, wall to wall hair weaves, extensions, wigs, etc., especially in beauty supply stores owned by Asians. The majority of their customers are African Americans, so what else are they suppose to believe? We as a whole were never taught how to take care of our hair. Thank God for hair salons, because my hair would never receive compliments from friends, workmates, relatives and strangers.

The Asians that I work with and the ones in my beauty salon know that some of us don't need to add hair to our head to make it long. They are astonished to see our hair gradually grow to bra clasp or waist length. :perplexed I have even had my hair washed and detangled by my Vietnamese manicurist several times when my stylist gets backed up. So some of them know, but even Whites say the same thing: “African American hair just don’t grow.” This is what they were taught.

Some African American women don’t want to work with their hair. They want it to be black, straight and shiny like Asians' hair, so they demand their stylist that it’s dyed jet black and pressed extremely hard. It starts falling out in clots. :yep:

Then they want to be really creative with their hair, and their hair cannot handle the daily abuse, :nono: because it’s fragile. :wallbash: As I told my coworker: “We have to work with our hair, not work against it, and that’s where the problem lies.” Then they turn to wigs, weaves (which my stylist says that’s not good for the hair in the long run), braids, dyed, perm, etc.
When I went home to visit D's folks they thought my hair was a weave too. My hair aint even all that long either. I was around there :grin::grin:
I have natural hair and I get this ALL OF THE TIME! "Where did you get that puff?" Then when I say it's my hair they explain how they know I"m lying because my "gelled" down hair is wavy but the puff is so thick and nappy! EXCUSE ME!? Then when my hair is loose people think it's a wig, there's no way nappy hair can be so full, fierce and beautiful! Sheesh!
I remember a few years ago my stylist used to do my hair in a curly bob or twist out. I had so many women running up to me asking where I got that weave from. :grin:
ITA...Even my boyfriend noticed that people assume that I'm wearing an afro weave or a puff attachment. One day, after putting my hair in a high puff, a girl came up to me in the supermarket asking me what brand of hair I was wearing. When I told her it was my real hair, she apologized, but she still had that girl you lying face:lachen::lachen::wallbash:
I get it a lot too. I don't think anything off it because I usually wear a weave or wig. My hair is super thick so family, friends and strangers ask me all the time and say nope this is all mine :grin: I guess I could careless what anyone thought of my hair. Mine or not I'm gonna ROCK it!