I'm not ready for marriage...

Men only became full of excuses after women started allowing men to reap the benefits of marriage without committment. Although many won't admit it, the sexual revolution has done so much damage to us. :nono: If women universally stopped shacking up, sexing, sexting, accepting less that their birthright as daughters of the King, etc, men would shape right up.
Men only became full of excuses after women started allowing men to reap the benefits of marriage without committment. Although many won't admit it, the sexual revolution has done so much damage to us. :nono: If women universally stopped shacking up, sexing, sexting, accepting less that their birthright as daughters of the King, etc, men would shape right up.

Belle Du Jour...


It goes back to that ole saying: 'Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free.'
In actuality, there are few real men around, in the fullest sense of Christian manhood. There are many man-boys out there. That's why I'm resting in God for my husband. I couldn't find him myself if I tried, LOL. :look: It's very freeing realizing that it's pretty much up to God. :yep:
When you see a man go to early morning mass by himself, before work, that's a real man. And even then, he's going to make mistakes. What determines how real he is, is whether he gets back up onto the right path after a fall of any kind.

I'm waiting as well. There is someone but I'm going to wait. I think he has some things to work out first.
When you see a man go to early morning mass by himself, before work, that's a real man. And even then, he's going to make mistakes. What determines how real he is, is whether he gets back up onto the right path after a fall of any kind.

I'm waiting as well. There is someone but I'm going to wait. I think he has some things to work out first.

Yes! Holiness is SO attractive to me. :yep: A man who is on his knees in prayer?? That's the man I'm checking out, LOL. I feel very secure JB, because I know my Father is going to take care of me. God bless you as well.

At the end of his blog (article), there were three (3) comments in the comment section. I noticed that the comments were from women only and not men.

Yes I always notice that on his blog posts and even instagram posts most of the comments are women. It's odd because he definitely writes to men but maybe the women will share with the men in their lives.
Yes I always notice that on his blog posts and even instagram posts most of the comments are women. It's odd because he definitely writes to men but maybe the women will share with the men in their lives.

nlamr2013... I noticed on the blog's web page that they have an upcoming seminar for Men (only). I think that it's a 'man thing' where they will read a message (or a blog) but do not comment as it seems like they'll be committed to make the commitment to what they've read. :lol:

Actually, they think that writing comments on blogs such as this are not a man thing to do. :yep: We're supposed to 'know' that they read it and that's that.

Men! You can't help but love them. I mean it... :yep: They're truly helpless without us. Hence we respond to the blogs 'for them'. :look:
Congratulations :congrats: momi on your new home. I wish you abundant blessings and joy. :love2: The article is very good. I noticed the three comments came from ... :look: 'Women' :look:

Thanks Shimmie! We haven't closed yet but I'm still thanking The Lord for His faithfulness!

Only women? Hopefully they are passing it on to unmarried men that they know. I've shared it on my FB page but I really wanted to tag a few guys. Been on my timeline for 4 years and no engagement??? What's up with that? Lol
Men only became full of excuses after women started allowing men to reap the benefits of marriage without committment. Although many won't admit it, the sexual revolution has done so much damage to us. :nono: If women universally stopped shacking up, sexing, sexting, accepting less that their birthright as daughters of the King, etc, men would shape right up.

Case closed - grab your purse and go home because this is the truth ^^^^^^^^^^

The Lord gives us precepts and commandments for a reason. He knows how we are wired. People insist it's not that simple but it truly is. If men weren't getting regular sex, meals, and other wifely benefits they would be flying to the altar.
nlamr2013... I noticed on the blog's web page that they have an upcoming seminar for Men (only). I think that it's a 'man thing' where they will read a message (or a blog) but do not comment as it seems like they'll be committed to make the commitment to what they've read. :lol:

Actually, they think that writing comments on blogs such as this are not a man thing to do. :yep: We're supposed to 'know' that they read it and that's that.

Men! You can't help but love them. I mean it... :yep: They're truly helpless without us. Hence we respond to the blogs 'for them'. :look:

In actuality, there are few real men around, in the fullest sense of Christian manhood. There are many man-boys out there. That's why I'm resting in God for my husband. I couldn't find him myself if I tried, LOL. :look: It's very freeing realizing that it's pretty much up to God. :yep:

Yes!!!! The attacks on manhood and fatherhood:nono: The damages are evident.
Responsibility forces boys to become men. Our society allows men to avoid responsibility for extended periods....keeps them boys...
momi thanks for posting this article. I really wish I could just send it to my boyfriend but I know that won't go over well. But I'm glad I read it.

We were going to move in, but his sulking around made me call it off. I was mad for some time but now I'm really thankful. Truly thankful. Enough to post it online when I know the LHCFBI may come after me one day. But God just works! I mean he works and I'm so thankful. Also, I know sending it to him won't change his heart or him. If it's meant to be, it will be. I have some things to learn. God has made that clear and he has some work to do in me before I can be a wife. I also think the same for him. Only God can change his heart and show him what he needs to learn, including the things this article is talking about. So pray for us y'all. I do feel like he is the one but in so many ways we aren't ready. We need this 2 steps back so we can make it all the way forward.

Thanks Shimmie! We haven't closed yet but I'm still thanking The Lord for His faithfulness!

Only women? Hopefully they are passing it on to unmarried men that they know. I've shared it on my FB page but I really wanted to tag a few guys. Been on my timeline for 4 years and no engagement??? What's up with that? Lol

Thank you for this. I agree completely with the why buy the cow saying and I now agree to living the saying. But I also think our men used to be held accountable, to parents, church, community. Call them out.
momi thanks for posting this article. I really wish I could just send it to my boyfriend but I know that won't go over well. But I'm glad I read it. We were going to move in, but his sulking around made me call it off. I was mad for some time but now I'm really thankful. Truly thankful. Enough to post it online when I know the LHCFBI may come after me one day. But God just works! I mean he works and I'm so thankful. Also, I know sending it to him won't change his heart or him. If it's meant to be, it will be. I have some things to learn. God has made that clear and he has some work to do in me before I can be a wife. I also think the same for him. Only God can change his heart and show him what he needs to learn, including the things this article is talking about. So pray for us y'all. I do feel like he is the one but in so many ways we aren't ready. We need this 2 steps back so we can make it all the way forward. Thank you for this. I agree completely with the why buy the cow saying and I now agree to living the saying. But I also think our men used to be held accountable, to parents, church, community. Call them out.

LHCFBI - this is one for the books classic.

Allow The Lord to continue to work on your heart Sis - when the dust clears be open to what He is showing you. I think the majority of women have been where you are.

When I became serious about my walk with The Lord I had a "boyfriend" so we needed to have the "we ain't about to continue doing what we've been doing talk". It didn't go over well but I didn't care. I was at the point it was either "God or man". He made a weak effort to change but the more God worked on me the less appealing the guy was... Looking back - marrying him would been the worst mistake of my life. Not saying this will be your outcome - I'm just saying :-)