I'm convinced that I'll never be married...


Well-Known Member
I'm seriously convinced that I'll never be married. It sounds really drastic, because I'm only 23, but I truly beleive that it will never work out.

My grandmother was never married and died alone, and my mom is divorced and never remarried. She said that she feels like she was too hard on ppl in relationships and she doesn't want me to be the same way. She said that she thinks it's a cycle that she wants me to break because she doesn't want me to be alone like her and her mother.

It doesn't help that I'm in med school in OH and I've stopped doing my eyebrows to scare the guys away (that's how undesirable they are... :lol: No cute guys are in school) I've been here for a year and have gotten NO attention... No one has asked me for a number, a date, nothing. (And I think I'm somewhat cute...:perplexed ) Everyone here who is in a relationship brought her man with her (seriously). I'm really counting on not dating for AT LEAST 4 years. 26 is still young, right? :look:

I'm not saying that I need to be in relationship right now, but I'm just worried because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to be working my butt off to be successful if I'm the only one who will benefit from it.

Don't know what I expect you all to say, but this has been on my mind lately...
I think this is a concern for many women who are pursuing higher degrees. We want our education, but not at the sacrifice of a fulfilling love life. Sometimes we're chasing it so hard, that we miss the person who's supposed to run the race beside us. I'd say we need to always keep our eyes open, just in case the right one comes along. And girl, you are still young - you have ample time. And don't think that the fate of others will be yours as well. Turn those negative thoughts into positive :yep:
I think this is a concern for many women who are pursuing higher degrees. We want our education, but not at the sacrifice of a fulfilling love life. Sometimes we're chasing it so hard, that we miss the person who's supposed to run the race beside us. I'd say we need to always keep our eyes open, just in case the right one comes along. And girl, you are still young - you have ample time. And don't think that the fate of others will be yours as well. Turn those negative thoughts into positive :yep:
I agree.I sometimes feel like you op.I thought after I got my career that it would just happen and qualified eligible bachelors would be running.Five years later with a child oow,somedays its matters a great deal to me,other days,it is what it is.:ohwell:The good thing is,I still have my career because nowadays,even if you are married,they still can leave.:sad:Things do happen when you least expect it though.Its usually when you arent looking for anyone that he comes right along to sweep you off your feet.
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I'm seriously convinced that I'll never be married. It sounds really drastic, because I'm only 23, but I truly beleive that it will never work out.

My grandmother was never married and died alone, and my mom is divorced and never remarried. She said that she feels like she was too hard on ppl in relationships and she doesn't want me to be the same way. She said that she thinks it's a cycle that she wants me to break because she doesn't want me to be alone like her and her mother.

It doesn't help that I'm in med school in OH and I've stopped doing my eyebrows to scare the guys away (that's how undesirable they are... :lol: No cute guys are in school) I've been here for a year and have gotten NO attention... No one has asked me for a number, a date, nothing. (And I think I'm somewhat cute...:perplexed ) Everyone here who is in a relationship brought her man with her (seriously). I'm really counting on not dating for AT LEAST 4 years. 26 is still young, right? :look:

I'm not saying that I need to be in relationship right now, but I'm just worried because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to be working my butt off to be successful if I'm the only one who will benefit from it.

Don't know what I expect you all to say, but this has been on my mind lately...

I think you're beautiful dear. We all go through times of drought but there's a season for everything in life please believe. Its funny that we as humans tend to stumble(or fall) into a relationship(whether its a good friend or SO)when we least expect it. The majority of my family are poor and uneducated but I've come far in life. I also don't believe in generational curses but I do believe in God. Just keep your head up, do you, and know in your heart that the best things are yet to come.:)
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You have so much going for you ..young beautiful ambitious and a Doctor.... Please don't limit your future to what you see right now or don't see right now..... Because of someone else's experience, assume it's hereditary and based on that.... predict something you don't want. and at 23 with your whole wonderful life in front of you?

Ouch.. self-torture
speaking as an experienced masochist..

make a list of ten things you can do to pro-actively to open up your life to
dating possilbilities and when you've exhasted those
do ten more...Get a dating buddy..another single female for support and each of you check in with each other w/pro-active ideas

Affirm...an universalist prayer./customize
The mate I attract is loving kind generous healthy prosperous and compassionate. I,too offer these qualities and receive the blessing of a
joyous intimate marriage

yes ..keep your eyes OPEN..but don't forget your mind
and your heart :)
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I don't think this is a very uncommon thought. I certainly was convinced I'd never get married. Just when I was my most certain, I met someone and got married eight months later. We've been happily married almost ten years now. I know there are times when we can't imagine things being different, but life has so many blessings in store for you. You just never know...
I don't think this is a very uncommon thought. I certainly was convinced I'd never get married. Just when I was my most certain, I met someone and got married eight months later. We've been happily married almost ten years now. I know there are times when we can't imagine things being different, but life has so many blessings in store for you. You just never know...

Great advice ladies. Good illustration, Chicelle. I want your hair. Whip Effect great point regarding generational curses. Our minds can bring forth real scenarios. We do have to release those negative thoughts. My best years are still to come. I turn 33 today and if I can get past 12/21/2012 than I will have a long life ahead of me.
Aw, thanks, ladies... I will admit that I feel like I'm going through a lot right now, but it is really discouraging when everyone around is getting married or in a relationship and I can't even get someone to approach me when I think I'm at my cutest, and even if I could, I'd probably make up a hubby or something to get him out of my face.

Maybe it's just OH.... I went home last weekend and got 3 marriage proposals and 2 stalkers. :lachen:

And now I have to look out for the ones who hear "med school" and think "suga mama"...
I agree with what everyone else said. I believe God has someone out there for you, and you better incorporate some law of attraction into your life young lady! Heck, you may meet Mr. Right in OH and he may love your "bushy eyebrows":lol:
I'm seriously convinced that I'll never be married. It sounds really drastic, because I'm only 23, but I truly beleive that it will never work out.

My grandmother was never married and died alone, and my mom is divorced and never remarried. She said that she feels like she was too hard on ppl in relationships and she doesn't want me to be the same way. She said that she thinks it's a cycle that she wants me to break because she doesn't want me to be alone like her and her mother.

It doesn't help that I'm in med school in OH and I've stopped doing my eyebrows to scare the guys away (that's how undesirable they are... :lol: No cute guys are in school) I've been here for a year and have gotten NO attention... No one has asked me for a number, a date, nothing. (And I think I'm somewhat cute...:perplexed ) Everyone here who is in a relationship brought her man with her (seriously). I'm really counting on not dating for AT LEAST 4 years. 26 is still young, right? :look:

I'm not saying that I need to be in relationship right now, but I'm just worried because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to be working my butt off to be successful if I'm the only one who will benefit from it.

Don't know what I expect you all to say, but this has been on my mind lately...

OMG, welcome to my life. :perplexed I very, very, very rarely get approached my men, and if I do, then it's that fool in the club who's 40 years old with cornrows and a G-Unit velour sweatsuit. This is a true story. :look:

Having said that, you are still really young. You probably don't like to hear that because I :rolleyes: when people say it to me and I'm 27. Where do you live? Do you think it's a function of the immediate environment you're in? I can speak for myself and say that I'm still in the academic environment, surrounded by 18-21 year olds (which I will not date because they're too young and immature), there are nearly zero Black men in graduate school, and damn near zero Black professional crowd. I can go on and do "sometihng new" - and I've been open, but that hasn't worked out either - so I feel kinda stuck.

What does give me some hope is when I visit other places where there is a nice-sized Black professional crowd AND men actually seem interested and approach me.

It kinda sucks. I've resigned myself to not dating till I finish with school - and though I've tried EVERYTHING - going out, networking at professional events, online dating - there hasn't been a relationship to materialize in over 4 years. :perplexed

@ the bolded: I feel the exact same way too. Some men I've met seemed rather turned off by the fact that I was in school and educated and would rather date the chick that works at McDonald's but the MAIN reason I'm doing this is because of a family that I don't even have yet. At the end of the day, I want to have a family and children and be able to give them the best that life has to offer. It's a catch-22 that it seems like BECAUSE I'm driven towards education that I haven't been able to have the relationship/family that I want.

This is probably all depressing to you, but let me just say you are NOT alone.
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AAWWW I hope you find someone. You never know you might be in target and find someone. But you have to realize not every women is going to be walking down the hallway with books in their hand, have it knocked over by somebody and when they bend down and look up they see their husband looking right at them.:rolleyes: Keep on looking and dont give up. When I was younger I vowed to get married beore 28.:yep:
Aw, thanks, ladies... I will admit that I feel like I'm going through a lot right now, but it is really discouraging when everyone around is getting married or in a relationship and I can't even get someone to approach me when I think I'm at my cutest, and even if I could, I'd probably make up a hubby or something to get him out of my face.

Maybe it's just OH.... I went home last weekend and got 3 marriage proposals and 2 stalkers. :lachen:

And now I have to look out for the ones who hear "med school" and think "suga mama"...

GIRRRRRLLLLLLL........... OK, here's the problem right here. You live in OH? I live in Michigan. No wonder we have similar experiences. I'm convinced that the Midwest (aside from Chicago) is a Black hole for dating, especially for Black women. :look:
AAWWW I hope you find someone. You never know you might be in target and find someone. But you have to realize not every women is going to be walking down the hallway with books in their hand, have it knocked over by somebody and when they bend down and look up they see their husband looking right at them.:rolleyes: Keep on looking and dont give up. When I was younger I vowed to get married beore 28.:yep:

Did you meet your goal? I've pushed back my "want to get married date" till 30. Give a sistah some hope.

And I've been looking in Target too.... LOL.
Did you meet your goal? I've pushed back my "want to get married date" till 30. Give a sistah some hope.

And I've been looking in Target too.... LOL.
Well i'm only 21 now but I'm with someone who I want to marry and he wants to marry me. I pray for my relationship daily because I cant see myself with no one else.:nono: So I hope i'll be married by 24-25. I want to finish school first. lol you look in target lol thats too funny but girl you never know!!!!!
OMG, welcome to my life. :perplexed I very, very, very rarely get approached my men, and if I do, then it's that fool in the club who's 40 years old with cornrows and a G-Unit velour sweatsuit. This is a true story. :look:

Having said that, you are still really young. You probably don't like to hear that because I :rolleyes: when people say it to me and I'm 27. Where do you live? Do you think it's a function of the immediate environment you're in? I can speak for myself and say that I'm still in the academic environment, surrounded by 18-21 year olds (which I will not date because they're too young and immature), there are nearly zero Black men in graduate school, and damn near zero Black professional crowd. I can go on and do "sometihng new" - and I've been open, but that hasn't worked out either - so I feel kinda stuck.

What does give me some hope is when I visit other places where there is a nice-sized Black professional crowd AND men actually seem interested and approach me.

It kinda sucks. I've resigned myself to not dating till I finish with school - and though I've tried EVERYTHING - going out, networking at professional events, online dating - there hasn't been a relationship to materialize in over 4 years. :perplexed

@ the bolded: I feel the exact same way too. Some men I've met seemed rather turned off by the fact that I was in school and educated and would rather date the chick that works at McDonald's but the MAIN reason I'm doing this is because of a family that I don't even have yet. At the end of the day, I want to have a family and children and be able to give them the best that life has to offer. It's a catch-22 that it seems like BECAUSE I'm driven towards education that I haven't been able to have the relationship/family that I want.

This is probably all depressing to you, but let me just say you are NOT alone.

I am so feeling you on the bolded. How about a 35 YO potbelly dude with kids (more than one) and taco meat on his face who's "between jobs." :nono:

And I agree with you about the midwest... I'm not just in OH, but Toledo... what the heck is in Toledo??? :ohwell: As soon as I graduate, I'm getting the heck out of dodge... :cowgirl:

And early menopause runs in my family... I don't have as many childbearing years as everyone else if I have that gene. I don't to have kids with jacked up chromosomes...:perplexed
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I am so feeling you on the bolded. How about a 35 YO potbelly dude with kids (more than one) and taco meat on his face who's "between jobs." :nono:

And I agree with you about the midwest... I'm not just in OH, but Toledo... what the heck is in Toledo??? :ohwell: As soon as I graduate, I'm getting the heck out of dodge... :speeding:

And early menopause runs in my family... I don't have as many childbearing years as everyone else if I have that gene. I don't to have kids with jacked up chromosomes...:perplexed

:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded. Chile, I'm already counting down the days.

OT: You live in Toledo? I live near you. I'm in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It's like 30-45 mins away. So the selection of men don't get no better across state lines, huh? :nono:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded. Chile, I'm already counting down the days.

OT: You live in Toledo? I live near you. I'm in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It's like 30-45 mins away. So the selection of men don't get no better across state lines, huh? :nono:

Nope. :ohwell:

You're a GRITS girl, too?? Dang, maybe that's why we are having the same problems. I came from the south to the midwest to come to school. I can't wait to get back to 50 degree winters. :lol:
I'm seriously convinced that I'll never be married. It sounds really drastic, because I'm only 23, but I truly beleive that it will never work out.

My grandmother was never married and died alone, and my mom is divorced and never remarried. She said that she feels like she was too hard on ppl in relationships and she doesn't want me to be the same way. She said that she thinks it's a cycle that she wants me to break because she doesn't want me to be alone like her and her mother.

It doesn't help that I'm in med school in OH and I've stopped doing my eyebrows to scare the guys away (that's how undesirable they are... :lol: No cute guys are in school) I've been here for a year and have gotten NO attention... No one has asked me for a number, a date, nothing. (And I think I'm somewhat cute...:perplexed ) Everyone here who is in a relationship brought her man with her (seriously). I'm really counting on not dating for AT LEAST 4 years. 26 is still young, right? :look:

I'm not saying that I need to be in relationship right now, but I'm just worried because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to be working my butt off to be successful if I'm the only one who will benefit from it.

Don't know what I expect you all to say, but this has been on my mind lately...

All I have to say is IT happens when you least expect it. The more you LOOK for it the more fleeting it seems. I was married young but when I got my divorce I thought I'd NEVER meet anyone to love me and cherish me. I had all but given up after dating so many toads - warts and all...:nono:

After you a finished with school, things will be smoother. The fact that you are pursuing a higher degree really shouldn't be a downfall unless you are only willing to date guys with PH.D.'s and nothing else will do. Then...you're limiting your options a bit. I know a LOT of very successful intelligent professional MARRIED black women. Not saying, for the argumentative folks, that you can't have a man with a PH.D. :grin:

23 is VERY young even though I know it doesn't feel like it.

Don't be discouraged. God has a plan and maybe for the time being the plan is for you to focus on getting yourself and certain goals accomplished before that special intelligent foine man walks into your life to sweep you off of your pretty little feet.

Sometimes the perfect man can come into your life but if it's not the perfect time it still won't work out. :spinning:

Live your life and concentrate on doing you! That is when that special man will take notice. Men love a woman with her own interests and having goals and hobbies is very attractive!

Also, if they aren't biting then you may have to just go out and get what you want. ;) Sometimes it's okay for the woman to club a man over the head and drag him home to her lair.
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All I have to say is IT happens when you least expect it. The more you LOOK for it the more fleeting it seems. I was married young but when I got my divorce I thought I'd NEVER meet anyone to love me and cherish me. I had all but given up after dating so many toads - warts and all...:nono:

After you a finished with school, things will be smoother. The fact that you are pursuing a higher degree really shouldn't be a downfall unless you are only willing to date guys with PH.D.'s and nothing else will do. Then...you're limiting your options a bit. I know a LOT of very successful intelligent professional MARRIED black women. Not saying, for the argumentative folks, that you can't have a man with a PH.D. :grin:

23 is VERY young even though I know it doesn't feel like it.

Don't be discouraged. God has a plan and maybe for the time being the plan is for you to focus on getting yourself and certain goals accomplished before that special intelligent foine man walks into your life to sweep you off of your pretty little feet.

Sometimes the perfect man can come into your life but if it's not the perfect time it still won't work out. :spinning:

Live your life and concentrate on doing you! That is when that special man will take notice. Men love a woman with her own interests and having goals and hobbies is very attractive!

Hey Mrs. Adequate! :grin: These are GREAT points. In the meantime, I've taken the time to get out and try new activities that I never would have before, planned trips out of town with girlfriends, etc. I can't help but to think that these things should be nothing but an asset once Mr. Man finally comes along.

I also think a lot about meeting the perfect man at a not-so-perfect time. I guess time will only tell if that will work out.

@ at the bolded: You know, it's interesting... I don't have a problem dating a guy that is non-degreed, but a lot of them have problems dating me. I think it has to do with that whole men "needing to be the breadwinner" thing that I get discounted before they even get to know me. I have no other answer for it. :perplexed
Sometimes I feel this way too :ohwell: I just feel like if its meant to happen it will and if its not meant to happen then it won't. It can be depressing sometimes but I try not to let it get me down. As Tavis Smiley says "Keep the Faith", that's all we can do.
Hey Mrs. Adequate! :grin: These are GREAT points. In the meantime, I've taken the time to get out and try new activities that I never would have before, planned trips out of town with girlfriends, etc. I can't help but to think that these things should be nothing but an asset once Mr. Man finally comes along.

I also think a lot about meeting the perfect man at a not-so-perfect time. I guess time will only tell if that will work out.

@ at the bolded: You know, it's interesting... I don't have a problem dating a guy that is non-degreed, but a lot of them have problems dating me. I think it has to do with that whole men "needing to be the breadwinner" thing that I get discounted before they even get to know me. I have no other answer for it. :perplexed

Those men have inadequacy issues. I mean unless you are brow beating them with your degree they need to let it go or get to stepping. A man truly worth having won't put a glass ceiling on your goals. He will be happy for your happiness and applaud every success. Can you invision graduating and having a man in the audience just beaming with pride rather than one who secretly despises your intelligence. He'll be proud of you and brag about your achievements to his buddies. He'll recognize the gift of a rare focused and beautiful black woman and he'll thank God for it instead of feeling shamed that in his mind he doesn't measure up. So be THRILLED that they did you a favor and took their inept behinds elsewhere. :yep: God gave you your smarts and ambition for a reason. No man has a right to try and diminish God's gifts to you.
I'm seriously convinced that I'll never be married. It sounds really drastic, because I'm only 23, but I truly beleive that it will never work out.

My grandmother was never married and died alone, and my mom is divorced and never remarried. She said that she feels like she was too hard on ppl in relationships and she doesn't want me to be the same way. She said that she thinks it's a cycle that she wants me to break because she doesn't want me to be alone like her and her mother.

It doesn't help that I'm in med school in OH and I've stopped doing my eyebrows to scare the guys away (that's how undesirable they are... :lol: No cute guys are in school) I've been here for a year and have gotten NO attention... No one has asked me for a number, a date, nothing. (And I think I'm somewhat cute...:perplexed ) Everyone here who is in a relationship brought her man with her (seriously). I'm really counting on not dating for AT LEAST 4 years. 26 is still young, right? :look:

I'm not saying that I need to be in relationship right now, but I'm just worried because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to be working my butt off to be successful if I'm the only one who will benefit from it.

Don't know what I expect you all to say, but this has been on my mind lately...

Asubeauty, Cut it out. You will be found by your mate, you really will. Medical school is an "impossible dream" for many but you are making it happen..the impossible is not so with faith and belief in it happening. Positive thinking has great merits. I believe you'll be posting wedding photos in a few years.
Those men have inadequacy issues. I mean unless you are brow beating them with your degree they need to let it go or get to stepping. A man truly worth having won't put a glass ceiling on your goals. He will be happy for your happiness and applaud at your goals. He'll be proud of you and brag about your achievements to his buddies. He'll recognize the gift of a rare focused and beautiful black woman and he'll thank God for it instead of feeling shamed that in his mind he doesn't measure up. So be THRILLED that they did you a favor and took their inept behinds elsewhere. :yep:

I definitely don't browbeat folks with my degrees. Sometimes I try not to bring it up at all, except I don't like to lie when someone asks me what I do for a living. I've thought about that too. :look: But again, these are great points, very nicely said. :yep:
All I have to say is IT happens when you least expect it. The more you LOOK for it the more fleeting it seems. I was married young but when I got my divorce I thought I'd NEVER meet anyone to love me and cherish me. I had all but given up after dating so many toads - warts and all...:nono:

After you a finished with school, things will be smoother. The fact that you are pursuing a higher degree really shouldn't be a downfall unless you are only willing to date guys with PH.D.'s and nothing else will do. Then...you're limiting your options a bit. I know a LOT of very successful intelligent professional MARRIED black women. Not saying, for the argumentative folks, that you can't have a man with a PH.D. :grin:

23 is VERY young even though I know it doesn't feel like it.

Don't be discouraged. God has a plan and maybe for the time being the plan is for you to focus on getting yourself and certain goals accomplished before that special intelligent foine man walks into your life to sweep you off of your pretty little feet.

Sometimes the perfect man can come into your life but if it's not the perfect time it still won't work out. :spinning:

Live your life and concentrate on doing you! That is when that special man will take notice. Men love a woman with her own interests and having goals and hobbies is very attractive!

Also, if they aren't biting then you may have to just go out and get what you want. ;) Sometimes it's okay for the woman to club a man over the head and drag him home to her lair.

I would hope that my being in med school wouldn't be a factor in not getting a date... shoot, 2 of those marriage proposals last weekend came after I said "med school." :lachen:

I feel older now, though. I would like to date someone with a goal in life. I know 23 is young, which is why I would like to have someone who is working toward something. I don't think anyone should be just totally content with where they are in life when they are 23 years old.

It is also very discouraging that a lot of those professional black women who are married had someone before they started this journey. One of my close friends who is in a PhD program asked me if I had a boyfriend when I told her I was accepted to med school. When I told her no, she basically told me that I could just hang it up because there are no black men in med school (or none that you would want to date, anyway). I see what she is saying now.

It is also difficult because I really don't have time to do anything. I have to study so much that I don't get out much, so I don't meet that many ppl. All of the people I hang around are married, have children, or are from here and are already kind of dating so they spend a lot of time with their own families and friends. I am the only one here who is really alone. I didn't have anyone to bring with me. :sad: So it's not like I have a group of single friends or something.
*sigh* This sounds so much like me ... well apart from the medical school bit lol. I'm 22 and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get married and have 2.4 kids and a nice house and a career and a dog but I sooooooo cannot imagine it. I mean who will I find that I can love forever and that will love me forever? It sounds so ridiculous I know, but I just can't imagine it for the life of me. It's made worse by the fact that I don't get much love from the guys, only the ones I don't want that for some reason or another want me, I spose there's nothing majorly wrong with them I just don't feel like that for them ya know?

I know I know, I should be patient, and I am being patient, I put it out of my mind, I do me, I try and keep my shiz looking fly but to no avail. I've even younger than the OP lol ahhhh one day I spose it'll happen :D
Girl be glad you aren't in a relationship. Sometimes they are more trouble than they are worth. I've never been one to want to get married so I can't say I know what's that like. You are too young. Live it up you will find someone when you least expect it. That's the way it always happens for me. You won't die alone unless that's what you really want.
You are in med school??? Just give it some time..., you will have too many suiters to count. You have nothing to worry about.

I'm seriously convinced that I'll never be married. It sounds really drastic, because I'm only 23, but I truly beleive that it will never work out.

My grandmother was never married and died alone, and my mom is divorced and never remarried. She said that she feels like she was too hard on ppl in relationships and she doesn't want me to be the same way. She said that she thinks it's a cycle that she wants me to break because she doesn't want me to be alone like her and her mother.

It doesn't help that I'm in med school in OH and I've stopped doing my eyebrows to scare the guys away (that's how undesirable they are... :lol: No cute guys are in school) I've been here for a year and have gotten NO attention... No one has asked me for a number, a date, nothing. (And I think I'm somewhat cute...:perplexed ) Everyone here who is in a relationship brought her man with her (seriously). I'm really counting on not dating for AT LEAST 4 years. 26 is still young, right? :look:

I'm not saying that I need to be in relationship right now, but I'm just worried because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to be working my butt off to be successful if I'm the only one who will benefit from it.

Don't know what I expect you all to say, but this has been on my mind lately...
Aw, thanks, ladies... I will admit that I feel like I'm going through a lot right now, but it is really discouraging when everyone around is getting married or in a relationship and I can't even get someone to approach me when I think I'm at my cutest, and even if I could, I'd probably make up a hubby or something to get him out of my face.

Maybe it's just OH.... I went home last weekend and got 3 marriage proposals and 2 stalkers. :lachen:

And now I have to look out for the ones who hear "med school" and think "suga mama"...

I live in your hometown, and I meet great guys all the time. I am engaged and not looking for anyone else, but there are some great, educated men here. I think you should use this time to bocome comfortable with yourself and figure out what you really want from a mate, so that when you meet that great guy, you're ready.
You are in med school??? Just give it some time..., you will have too many suiters to count. You have nothing to worry about.
My friend said that every guy she talks to says he wants to get with a doctor... but she said that most of them are lazy and trifling too... :lachen:

I live in your hometown, and I meet great guys all the time. I am engaged and not looking for anyone else, but there are some great, educated men here. I think you should use this time to bocome comfortable with yourself and figure out what you really want from a mate, so that when you meet that great guy, you're ready.

Where are you from, DivaStyle?