If You Sucked In Bed...

I would want him to tell me so that I can become better. I won't hesitate to tell him :look:
How does a woman suck in bed?
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And like everyone else that posted before me I would want him to tell me. Its like how will you know if he says nothing. And that holds true with anything that needs to be changed. A closed mouth don't get fed.
How does a woman suck in bed?

when she doesn't lie there correctly :drunk:


I would want to know. Or I would be open to new suggestions, and I would make suggestions as well- not necessarily explicitly say that he's bad.
...Would you want your partner to tell you? If not what would you want him to do? Would you let him know if he sucked in bed?

Yes, but not in those exact words. I don't want him coming home talking about "babe, you suck in bed".

Show me what'cha like. Help me improve. "How about we try?" or "it really turns me on when you _____?" or "lets explore _____ together".

Make it interactive. Might as well practice what I'm learning. :giggle:
Wow, loaded title!:lachen:

Yes, I would want to know. It's a waste of time if it isn't pleasurable for both of us.
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...Would you want your partner to tell you? If not what would you want him to do? Would you let him know if he sucked in bed?

Yes I would want him to tell me :yep: but break it to me gently, don't just come out and say you suck in bed :lachen:. That goes both ways also, I'd break it to him gently if he was bad in bed.
I would hope that he told me what he liked and disliked and showed me how to do that...just like I would do with him :yep:

No need to say: "You suck in bed" :lachen:
I think that is the real test for eveyone who claims to have "good good, milkshake" lol and all the tacky catch phrases for being good in bed....if at least one of the 2 has it going on bad sex is impossible. To answer the question I would want to know (even though I think the displayed reaction or the lack thereof should be a good indicator)...

Off topic: That's what that Kelis song was about????!:shocked:

On topic: Yes I would like to know, it's important to discuss those things.
I think that is the real test for eveyone who claims to have "good good, milkshake" lol and all the tacky catch phrases for being good in bed....if at least one of the 2 has it going on bad sex is impossible. To answer the question I would want to know (even though I think the displayed reaction or the lack thereof should be a good indicator)...

Yes, but not in those exact words. I don't want him coming home talking about "babe, you suck in bed".

Show me what'cha like. Help me improve. "How about we try?" or "it really turns me on when you _____?" or "lets explore _____ together".

Make it interactive. Might as well practice what I'm learning. :giggle:

I agree with the both of you. I am going to keep this thread mature and clean, but overall, I think that many women might assume that just because they have a yoni, they don't need to learn what pleases their partners. Men can fake it like women too.

But on a bigger note, it's like, I've had experiences where I might have hinted that I wasn't satisfied, and I would be told, "You don't know what you're talking about, my ex liked it" or... simply that I am not "experienced enough" to enjoy it. Some people cannot handle when they aren't the bomb in bed. How are you supposed to know how to approach a lover and tell them how to improve? And could you really handle constructive criticism?

I only suck in bed on his birthday and special occasions...
Huh...what are we talking about? :look:

Girl bye~! :lachen:
How does a woman suck in bed?

You should know how to suck in bed by now. :giggle:


If you:
lie there like a dead starfish (unless he's into necrophilia);
have poor hygiene (unless he likes stale butt smell);
are no good at rapping into the mic - (unless he likes teeth & gagging noises)

You're bad in bed.

As long as you're enthusiastic, clean and willing to learn, few men will actually say you're bad in bed.

To answer the OP: I'd want to know, but I'd prefer he use more tact than "Hey! You suck in bed!" :rolleyes:
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My answer to both questions is most DEFINATELY. :yep: Life is too short to spend it having bad sex. ;)
I agree with the both of you. I am going to keep this thread mature and clean, but overall, I think that many women might assume that just because they have a yoni, they don't need to learn what pleases their partners. Men can fake it like women too.

But on a bigger note, it's like, I've had experiences where I might have hinted that I wasn't satisfied, and I would be told, "You don't know what you're talking about, my ex liked it" or... simply that I am not "experienced enough" to enjoy it. Some people cannot handle when they aren't the bomb in bed. How are you supposed to know how to approach a lover and tell them how to improve? And could you really handle constructive criticism?

...and just because a man "enjoys himself" doesn't necessarily mean it was on account of you (general).

The ability to approach a lover and tell them how to improve, and your lover knowing how to pass down "constructive" criticism is a true sign of intimacy. Because it's gone beyond getting one's rocks off, to actually learning to please and be pleased.

That's sexy! :yep::yep: